Bright Era

Chapter 1823: Violent suppression (1)

Everyone was horrified, and all members of the royal family drew their weapons and aimed at Lin Qi.

Wang Ba looked at Lin Qi with an incredible gaze. He firmly grasped the half of Tu Jun's axe with both hands, and the blood continuously flowed down his torn palm. Tu Jun's axe split his chest, revealing a half arc-shaped axe blade from behind him. The big axe split the king's trachea and shattered his lungs, making him unable to speak at all.

Formidable power rushed through Wang Ba's body, and he tried his best to mobilize his strength, trying to force Tu Junaxe out of his body, and then quickly repair his damaged body. But Lin Qi looked at Wang Ba with gloomy eyes, and didn't hesitate to inject a trace of source power into Tu Junaxe.

It was very different from all fighting spirits and magical powers, but it seemed that after the source of all the laws and mysteries was injected into the Tu Jun axe, this huge giant axe survived. Countless lifelike and vivid tiger heads emerged from the axe face of Tu Junaxe, madly devouring the flesh and blood of the king and the energy in his body.

It was as if a bottomless black hole appeared in Wang Ba's body, Wang Ba's tall body suddenly collapsed, his skin became dry and the divine light in his eyes became dimmed. Wang Ba looked at Lin Qi in horror. He firmly grasped Tu Jun's axe in both hands, and his throat kept making chuckles caused by intense muscle friction.

Wang Ba’s gaze became very weird. His gaze was full of unbelievable doubt, full of all kinds of doubts, full of despair, and a trace of hope that he might not have noticed, but Lin Qi clearly saw the fear and fear in his eyes. Begging.

He was begging Lin Qi to spare his life, begging Lin Qi not to kill him in such a rough way!

Lin Qi looked at Wang Ba with cold eyes, and slowly smiled word by word: "Desperate? Feared? Want to ask me to bypass you? But didn't you just be arrogant and domineering? Don't you think it's easy for me to be a junior Bullying? Aren’t you still working hard to plant the blame on me?”

After a few'chuckles', Lin Qi's face became extremely weird, and a burst of black divine light surged from Tu Jun’s axe. Wang Ba’s strength had reached the power of the god’s rank, and he was caught in the black whirlpool. Swallowed cleanly. Tu Jun axe let out a joyous roar, and the axe's face burst into light, obviously his power has increased a lot.

Lin Qi looked at the royal family members around him coldly, and shook his head gently.

With both hands on the handle of Tu Jun's axe, Lin Qi's body turned like a whirlwind, and the royal family members who had become dumbfounded by the demise of the king's tyrant let out a miserable cry at the same time. The barbarian whirlwind that Lin Qi learned from the barbarians' heritage treasures easily tore their bodies apart. The black storm swallowed their bodies and swallowed their flesh and soul cleanly.

When the black whirlwind stopped, the hundreds of royal family members who surrounded Lin Qi disappeared without a trace at the same time.

There were a few crisp sounds of'ticacaka', and the donkey whose neck was broken into seven or eight knots by the king's tyrant moved his body. His neck slowly returned to its original shape like building blocks. Then he jumped up, angry. Yang Tian cursed: "One generation is not as good as one generation! These grandchildren, the grandchildren born are inferior to grandchildren! A group of gray grandchildren, why this heart is getting worse and worse?"

The two rabbits were chewing carrots slowly. They didn't say a word, but there was a trace of sneer and disdain in their scarlet eyes. The three-legged toad lying on the **** scalp held up a glass of spirits calmly, and then poured it into his stomach with a ‘gudong’.

Lin Qisen looked coldly at the elves who were **** hands, jokingly counting the semi-sacred artifacts and sacred artifacts robbed from the chiefs and elders of the Black Spirits, smiling wildly like bandits and bandits. He raised the Tu Jun axe in his hand, and then swiped it down fiercely.

A black waterfall of light gushed forward, and tens of thousands of palm-sized axe lights flooded the stunned elven elders. Their bodies were swallowed, their souls were swallowed, and their lives and the imprint of their existence were completely hit by Tu Jun’s axe. Annihilation, all their energy has become Tu Junaxe tonic.

The **** mist spread from the Lixue Tiger Soul Armor, and soon flooded the entire battlefield. Lin Qi mumbled: "I don't care how much ambition you have, and I don't care how strong your desires are, but you don't You should provoke me! You shouldn't use such shameless means to plant me up! You shouldn't overlook me with that kind of superior attitude!"

"What do you think you are?"

The several lion clan members who had held Wang Zong abandoned Wang Zong. They looked at Lin Qi approaching in horror, and they retreated step by step. When Wang Ba provoke Lin Qi just now, when Wang Ba ordered to kill all the Black Spirits present, these royal family members were arrogant and domineering. They thought they were the real masters, the real gods!

They can arbitrarily deprive others of their wealth, plunder their lives, and dominate their destiny.

All this is because they have power, they have powerful power, and they have enough power to support them unscrupulously. But when they discovered that Lin Qi had more powerful power than them and possessed the power to dominate their lives, they were timid, they cowered, and they regretted - why did they provoke such a terrible monster?

"I don't know why the Twelve Ancient Races exist! I don't know the origin of the Twelve Ancient Races! But I think that the ancestors of all races don't want to see so many scum in their descendants! So, After you have done these things, I have an excuse to kill you!" Lin Qi approached step by step, approaching the stunned Yin Family and Wang Family members who were standing still and unable to move.

Several Yin family necromancers guarding Yin Wuxia raised their staff at the same time, and thousands of Yin family necromancers chanted complicated spells at the same time. The warriors of the royal family under Wang Zong, the 100,000 black centaur warriors, the clan members of the Nangong family and the floating castle, all eyes locked Lin Qi.

The tribe of Nangong family was the first to take action. There was a loud bang from a huge Primordial Magic Catapult on the floating castle, and a magic projectile with a diameter of 100 meters lased out, in the process of flying. , This magic bullet quickly compressed to less than the size of a human head, and its power was about the same as a random blow by a lower-level god, and it instantly arrived in front of Lin Qi with a harsh howling sound.

The pinnacle creation of the ancient goblin civilization can deliver a blow that is no different from the gods!

Lin Qi heartily sighed the greatness of the ancient goblin civilization, and then in the sight of so many unbelievable shocked eyes, he casually stretched out his left hand and grasped the magic bullet from the laser shot. The magic bullets that seemed to be real were rapidly rotating and rubbing in Lin Qi's palm, making piercing ‘cackling’ noises, bursting out dazzling sparks.

The Lixue Tiger Soul Armor let out a soft whisper of satisfaction, a strong suction gushing from Lin Qi's palm, and the magic bullet was suddenly sucked in. Lin Qi clearly perceives that this powerful magical power uses his body as a channel, part of it is swallowed by the origin in Lin Qi's body, and then most of the remaining magical energy is stored in the tiger head relief on the chest of Lixue Tiger Soul Armor on.

The energy reserves of the fierce tiger Xiaoyuechong have grown by a large amount, and the Lixue Tiger Soul Armor let out a grunt of satisfaction.

Lin Qi approached step by step, and he slowly laughed: "Now, it's my turn to learn how to talk. You start to fear, you start to despair, your life is now mine. Well, not just your life, your equipment, and your soul, I have accepted them all!"

A royal family roared hoarsely: "Do you know who we are?"

Lin Qi glanced at the royal family members coldly, and returned what Wang Ba had just said without changing a single word: "I don't care if you are a direct family member of the lion family, and I don't care who your direct ancestor is. , I only know that your life and equipment are mine!"

"Look at the magic equipment on your body, there are a lot of holy artifacts! These things on your body, it is a waste! With your weak power, you can't use the full power of these equipment at all, you should give it to me Well, my subordinates can fully utilize the power of these equipment!" Lin Qi slowly approached step by step with an evil smile on his face.

The blood mist rose from the **** tiger soul armor, and every step of Lin Qi left a faint **** footprint on the ground.

"Heaven Mountain, block the space around here, I can't let anyone escape." Lin Qi said calmly: "To do it, just make a fortune! With my current strength, I actually don't need to care about these guys too much. ,is not it?"

Heavenly Mountain laughed'hehe', and his laughter was full of joy: "For these fallen people who have been tempted by the sin in the blood and have embarked on the path of sin, destroy their bodies and purify their souls. It is the only choice. Dear Master Lin Qi, your order is our highest standard!"

A deep roar sounded from the void, and twelve extremely thin white lights suddenly stretched out from under Lin Qi's feet. These white lights quickly extended to the distance, and quickly extended thousands of miles away. Then a thin white light curtain rose slowly from a distance, and soon a huge enchantment completely sealed the void in a radius of two thousand miles.

Dozens of large and small temples on the Heavenly Mountain spewed dazzling white light at the same time, and there was a roar of huge energy flowing inside the Heavenly Mountain. This Divine Light Enchantment, which is completely independently supported by Heavenly Mountain, is perfect enough to defend against the full attack of upper and lower gods. Of course, because the damage suffered by Heavenly Mountain has not healed, this enchantment cannot withstand a stronger attack. (To be continued. If you like this work, you are welcome to come to the starting point ( to vote for recommendations and monthly tickets. Your support is my biggest motivation.)

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