Bright Era

Chapter 1824: Violent suppression (2)

"Munch! Destroy the undead fleet! Kill everyone on it, but all the ships must be captured by me intact!" Lin Qi's voice resounded through the void, and there were ten thousand tiny reds on his fingers. Spots of light shot from his fingertips.

These light spots rushed into the sky, and then the ear-splitting dragon roars sounded, and the light spots expanded rapidly. Soon there were 10,000 heads and huge bodies, and the weakest flame dragons reached the mid-level demigod. The flames happily turned into a cloud of fire and rushed towards the sea off Black Pearl Harbor.

Blackbeard Munch, who just hid in Black Pearl Harbor, was stunned. Then he looked up and saw the terrifying giant dragon exuding a terrifying mighty dragon. He screamed up to the sky three times, and then violently pulled out a handle. Machete: "Brothers, let's go! This battle, we are set to win! Hahaha, ten thousand dragons? Damn it, sir, I am proud today!"

Ten thousand flame dragons to help out? The pirates under Munch screamed harshly at the same time, and each one became excited as if all blood had been replaced by rooster blood. There are 10,000 dragons to help out. If they can still lose this battle, they will have no face to see Lin Qi and Munch and just wipe their necks.

"Your force is very powerful!" Lin Qi looked at the dumbfounded members of the Wang Family, Yin Family, and Nangong Family, and shook his head contemptuously: "But I want you to know what is called terror and what is called despair! When you act wantonly, you must understand one thing, in this world, no one can truly run wild."

When he said these words, Lin Qi really felt his heart.

The ancestors of the once incomparably tyrannical mankind created the terrifying existence of the Metaverse, and they all perished completely! Although the sweet-scented osmanthus tree didn't tell Lin Qi how all this happened, one can imagine what a terrible war it was. But such a powerful existence has disappeared. How can these people who dominate the society have such a strong confidence to dominate everything?

"Perhaps, it is really the guilt in the blood, which has made them forget it!" Lin Qi sneered. He looked at the 100,000 black centaurs that had slowly formed an attack formation, and then stood in front of the city gate. The raging dwarf tarantula cavalry raised his right fist: "Dwarves, do you remember how noble your blood is? The descendants of the ancient giants, would you be afraid of these four-hoofed animals?"

The dwarves who had been sitting on the tarantula's back and drank several bags of barley laughed wildly. They raised the shield and big hammer in their hands, and yelled without a word. As the roughest and most savage branch of the dwarf tribe, the curses of these raging dwarves are very distinctive, ugly, and very dirty, basically reaching the realm of all market slang.

Lin Qi laughed'haha'. He pointed to the black centaur that was waiting for the battle and shouted sharply: "Then, knock them out! Kill one, reward one hundred gold coins, and reward a barrel of spirits, if you kill it. Many, I can also find you a little titan girl!"

The eyes of the dwarves are shining, and gold coins and spirits are fine, but the little Titan woman? My God, as a dwarf, if you can hook up with a woman from the little Titan tribe, that would be the work of Guangzong Yaozu! Even if those women are more than twice as taller than themselves, this does not prevent them from having children!

The faces of the dwarves turned red and began to urge their mounts, and yelled and charged towards the black centaur.

Lin Qi laughed loudly. With a wave of his finger, thousands of silver light spots shot out. Soon these silver light spots fell on the ground, and the mythril puppet warrior produced by the Silver Iris family silently followed Stood up on the ground. These Mithril warriors, with an average height of about 2.5 meters, swung their extremely sharp giant swords, and rushed to the forefront of the dwarves like a gust of wind.

The dwarves are angrily cursing the ancestors of these mithril warriors, these **** mithril bumps, they will take away their credit! If too much credit is robbed, how can they hook up the little Titan girl Lin Qi promised!

So these dwarves threw out the big hammers in their hands, tens of thousands of huge hammers, the lightest hammers of more than a thousand catties, with all kinds of flashing vindictive rays, like a terrifying meteor shower blasting into the centaur. In the camp. It was still several miles away, and these violent dwarves launched the powerful, large-scale attacks they were best at.

The centaur, who was waiting for them, never dreamed that these dwarves would be so violent. The heavy dwarven warhammer whizzed and flew, and the dense camp made it impossible for them to dodge. The terrifying warhammer hit their bodies and shattered their bodies.

In the blink of an eye, at least 20,000 centaurs were killed or wounded in the horrible attack, and those injured centaur, the least injured were also broken arms and shattered shoulders. The Centaur camp was in chaos suddenly, and that was not all.

Enzo on the wall raised his right fist high, and then slammed down: "Orcs, let these four-hoofed animals feel the power of your big guy! Shoot, shoot them to me! Ha! Haha, whoever has shot the most four-hoofed animals, I can consider introducing him a girl with orc royal blood-of course, this has to be done by our boss!"

The 30,000 orc archers standing on the city wall went crazy. They raised their long bows, and the thick and special arrows aimed at the sky forty-five degrees, and then accompanied by the terrible'swish' breaking through the air, three Thousands of specially-made heavy arrows were thrown high into the sky. After a long flight, they soon came to the sky above the Centaur, and fell with a harsh howling.

The arrow rain storm swept across the centaur, and the large groups of densely standing centaurs were howling their bodies were ripped apart by these special piercing armor and demon-breaking heavy arrows. They fell to the ground and convulsed frantically. The blood soon became red. The ground.

The black goblins on the city wall don’t need Enzo’s order at all. They have seen the floating castle not pleasing to the eye. They quickly locked those weird magical weapons to the floating castle, and then accompanied by a piercing sound. The magic light group the size of a human head sprayed forward like a storm.

In this dense magical light group, there are dozens of water tanks thick and thin lightning flashing out.

The members of the Nangong clan on the floating castle were beaten into embarrassment. They had no time to control the magic weapon in their hands to fight back, and were beaten by the terrifying attacks of the black goblins. The magic enchantment on the floating castle was completely shattered in less than three breaths, and then all the weapons of the Nangong clan placed on the floating castle were shattered.

Suddenly a terrifying explosion sounded, and a huge gap had been broken in the floating castle, revealing the complex magic mechanism inside and a large shining magic array that was continuously ejecting sparks of various colors.

The floating castle dragged a long black smoke to the ground, and the direction it fell was exactly where the necromancers of the Yin family were located. The necromancers of the Yin family had not had time to release a large-scale undead curse that had been prepared, they were so scared that they fled from the magic circle and fled around.

With a loud noise, the floating castle smashed to the ground, and hundreds of necromancers were smashed to pieces by the heavy floating castle.

The half-dragon wizards suspended above the Black Pearl Harbor raised their staffs at the same time, and they uttered low spells, followed by waves of fire and rain covering the space where the Yin Necromancer was. Clouds of mushrooms rose into the sky, the earth turned into magma, and countless human head-sized lava masses were sprayed around. The necromancers of the Yin Clan hadn't recovered before they were completely wiped out in this dense magic blow.

Lin Qi looked at all this coldly, he saw the black centaur being easily torn into two pieces under the sharp sword of the mithril puppet, and he saw the screaming howling of the centaur fixed on the ground by heavy arrows. Screaming, he saw the desperate screams of the yin masters when the magic shield of the body was shattered.

He even saw the floating castle shattered by the bombardment of dense magic weapons. The Nangong tribesmen above struggled to escape in the dense attack, but soon they were also torn to pieces.

"Oh, isn't this what you want to see?" Lin Qi looked at the people from the royal family and the Yin family who looked like earth. These people should be the upper ones, and at least they are also deacons in their respective families. And seeing that they did not have the slightest psychological pressure to treat Wang Zong and Yin Wuxia like that, they knew that their seniority within the clan was not much smaller.

With a mocking smile, Lin Qi approached these people step by step. He gently shook his head: "I just want to resolve some of our differences in a more peaceful way, and get the most out of them. interest."

"I don't want to start a war, but it doesn't mean that I will be afraid of war!" Lin Qi looked at those two family members who stood still and did not dare to move: "But your choice disappointed me! Just like you always think of me. I don’t know that the sky is high and the earth is thick, and you dare to act against you! In fact, you are a bunch of idiots!"

The donkey shook his head gently: "These grandchildren are indeed a bunch of idiots! Ah, but I think I also have a direction towards idiots! Damn, why can't I forget those big breasts? Hey, rabbit , Mother spiders will really eat their mates?"

Xiao Hei stuffed a magic gem into his mouth, and then slowly nodded: "You can try, you can ask that Cherise, where is she going to start eating you? Well, compared to her body, Your body is so petite. One bite is enough?" (To be continued. If you like this work, you are welcome to come to the starting point ( to vote for recommendations and monthly tickets. Your support is my biggest motivation. .)

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