Bright Era

Chapter 1828: Plot the gods (1)

The **** smell of the fierce battle during the day has not disappeared. Lin Qi is already riding a donkey, with two rabbits lying on the left and right on his shoulders, and a three-legged toad above his head. He has come to the Black Spirit Continent in such a strange shape. At the core.

Spider Swamp, this is a stretch of tens of thousands of miles, surrounded by mountains, most of the peaks are piled with snow from the mountainside line. The hillside facing the swamp is full of huge pine wood and bright ebony, and on the hillside facing the swamp, there are countless strange fruit trees growing.

Year after year, the fruits grown on these fruit trees that no one picks up fell on the ground and spoiled. After a long period of time, the syrup of the rotting leaves and fruits flowed down the hillside into the swamp below. .

This decaying and highly toxic environment has become the best paradise for spiders, snakes and other poisonous insects to multiply, and spiders are the main species here. Dense nests of spiders can be seen everywhere in the swamp. From time to time, huge spiders can be seen jumping around in the swamp, catching the unlucky prey that graze and drink by the pool.

This is the residence of the spider demon girl Xie Lisi.

Lin Qi's mental power quickly enveloped the entire spider swamp, and then he couldn't help but shook his head. In such a harsh environment, there are actually a large number of Black Spirit tribes living in this swamp. And what surprised Lin Qi was that the average strength of these black spirits was several levels stronger than that of the black spirit tribes outside. For example, Lin Qi felt comparable to the king among the black spirit tribes closest to him. The powerful existence of the tyrant.

"My big breasts!" The donkey's pink eyes flashed with tears of excitement, and a line of saliva ticked from the corner of his mouth.

"This boring one!" The two rabbits looked at the donkey with disdain, isn't it just a big breast? Although the big breasted Cherise's **** are really magnificent, what is it for the knowledgeable rabbits?

Lin Qi waved his hand and stopped the quarrel of several guys. He said in a low voice: "Remember one thing, no one can escape. We must let this scene be performed according to our script, otherwise, the happiness of the donkey. It’s gone, and my plan has failed."

Shrugging his shoulders, Lin Qi smiled disapprovingly: "Of course, even if the plan fails, there is no harm to me, but donkey!"

The donkey's eyes showed a firm light: "I will do my best and trust my strength! For the big breasted girl." After hesitating, a blush appeared on the donkey's face, and he was a little knotted. Baba muttered: "Well, for my love! I have retained love for ten thousand years! My first kiss has been lost, so..."

The three-legged toad laughed at the donkey courageously: "First kiss? I think your first night is about to be lost!"

The donkey lowered his head shyly, and then sighed bitterly. Lin Qi's downplayed finger almost crushed the three-legged toad into a thin piece of paper. Then he carefully took out a bottle of secret medicine and put the potion on himself and the donkey and others. Spilled some.

The breath of several people immediately became extremely obscure, and no breath leaked out, and at the same time they were filled with a smell that was exactly the same as the rotten mud of the big swamp. Lin Qi used his mental power to scan around him for a while, very good, he did not feel the existence of himself, the donkey and others.

The three-legged toad grinned and swept his long tongue on Lin Qi's hair, and proudly boasted: "Don't worry, this is the concealed potion prepared by the great Quiet Yutoad himself, no matter how powerful it is. It’s impossible for the gods of God to find us while the effects of the medicine are still working! If it weren’t too difficult to prepare this kind of medicine, we could at least kill three times the main **** back then!"

Stretching out his fingers and pressing the three-legged toad, Lin Qi narrowed his eyes and sent a signal to the sweet-scented osmanthus tree.

In the main hall of the Hall of Doomsday Apocalypse, in a huge oval transparent cabin, the body of a Lehan is quietly suspended in a pale green solution. Lin Qi didn't know how the Temple of Doomsday Apocalypse did it, but he just collected a little blood from Laihan and gave it to the sweet-scented osmanthus tree, and then they tossed out this one, which was exactly the same as Laihan, with a normal breath. Unparalleled body.

With a wave of his finger, this Leihan's body appeared in front of Lin Qi. A dragon soul just created by Dragon Cliff controls the movement of this body, wearing a set of top-level sacrificial armor that Lin Qi gave him. The imposter Laihan moved his neck and joints of hands and feet, and took a black crystal ball from Lin Qi's hand.

Not long after, an old man who was born exactly like Wan En Longshan appeared in front of Lin Qi.

Also controlled by the Dragon Soul, Wanen Longshan, made by the Temple of Doomsday Apocalypse, bowed slightly and bowed to Lin Qi, then took a white crystal ball and put on a set of semi-sacred tools Lin Qi gave him Grade magic robe. Lin Qi looked at Wan En Longshan, who was shining with all kinds of high-end magic equipment, and sighed emotionally.

"Wan En Longshan, no longer exists. The Longshan family, the Longshan Empire, and the entire Western Continent are going in a brand new direction!" Lin Qi looked at the face in front of him that had become so familiar in the past few years. He shook his head lightly, and then nodded again.

"I can't judge what my behavior today will bring to this world! Perhaps, a new battle of gods?" Lin Qi sneered: "But they are already ready to move, I just add fire to them. That's it. If they can restrain their desires, then there won't be too much problem, if they can't control themselves, then let's fight the battle!"

Heavenly Mountain’s voice was calm: "A battle of gods only belongs to those gods. Believe me, this time the battle of gods will not cause too much damage to the world. Because those truly powerful gods have been killed by us long ago. Eight, what are the rest, ha ha!"

The laughter of Heavenly Mountain was full of ridicule and disdain. Lin Qi nodded, and then he pointed his hand, and the underground soil quickly rolled up, and he and the donkey slowly sank into the soil, and soon disappeared. Without a trace.

Various strange lights flashed faintly on the ground, and Heaven Mountain and Lingwen joined forces to plant countless spare magical formations in this swamp.

"Let's start!"'Laihan' smiled grimly at'Wanen Longshan'.

Born with kind eyebrows and kind eyes,'Wanen Longshan', who looked like a charitable elder, also grumbled his teeth and nodded slowly: "Go ahead! It is so pleasing to hear the mourning of the gods before they die. Things!"

The two smiled grimly, and then'Laihan' slapped a paw on the shoulder of Wanen Longshan, smashing half of his shoulder, blood and minced meat spurted far away,'Wanen •Longshan's let out a stern scream, and then fled to the depths of the spider swamp at the fastest speed. He brought up a faint flame, and kept dropping a large number of stumps and broken arms from the ring in his hand wherever he passed.

Look at the shapes of the broken limbs. Among them are human, centaur, dwarf, orc, as well as the limbs of various other weird monsters. 'Wan'en Longshan' threw these broken limbs everywhere, and the'Laihan' who followed him waved his hands, all magic attacks whizzed around like a tide, blowing up the nearby swamp. Smoke billowed and mud shot everywhere.

Numerous large and small poisonous spiders were awakened, and they rushed out of the mud in a panic, raised their heads and looked over here. But before they could see exactly what happened, countless fireballs, lightning, and ice storms fell down, tearing their bodies to pieces.

A few horrible green poisonous spiders ten meters away made a scream, high-pitched, sharp, and extremely rapid screams quickly spread to the distance, and into the depths of the swamp in the blink of an eye.

After just a few dozen breaths, an astonishing breath came from the depths of the spider swamp. The sky suddenly became bleak, billowing black clouds enveloped the sky, and Xie Lisi's furious voice floated in the wind: "Which **** wants to die? Oh, my cute little guys, who dares to do it to you? This is my site for Xie Lisi!"

A pink halo shot quickly from a distance. Sheris, who was exposed in her clothes, carried the pink whip and appeared in front of the swiftly fleeing'Wan En Longshan'. Eleven, a whip was flicked at'Wan En Longshan': "Damn, you white-skinned monkeys, what are you doing here? Aha, there is a furry beast?"

"Wan En Longshan" uttered a scream of "despair": "Great dawn, my god, is this my destined destiny?"

He took out the white crystal ball that Grisgow Dawn had given him, and then smashed him to pieces with a light slap. A tiny white light suddenly appeared in the sky, and then a huge white beam of light whizzed down from the sky. It was powerful and pure, and the divine light of the dawn, which did not allow any foreign energy to exist, was like a raging fire that enveloped a spider swamp a hundred miles away.

Countless large and small poisonous spiders flew out in the divine light of the morning light, and the spider demon Ji Xie Lisi screamed in astonishment. She raised her head angrily, and put away the whip that had just been drawn toward the'Wan En Longshan', and she became angry. Looking at the sky, a complex divine formation emitting a pale white light and constantly floating a large number of white petals.

"Here, how do you dare to harm our believers?" A **** about ten meters tall, surrounded by intense white flames, and the sparkling gods in his eyes slowly walked out of the gods. He held a shield in his left hand and a blazing white long sword in his right hand, looking up at the sky forty-five degrees with his face, muttering extremely holy and solemnly. (To be continued. If you like this work, you are welcome to come to the starting point ( to vote for recommendations and monthly tickets. Your support is my biggest motivation.)

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