Bright Era

Chapter 1829: Plotting the gods (2)

"Accept the wrath of my Dawn Protoss. Those who dare to defile Dawn’s glory will be turned into ashes by the flames of light. I am Dawn’s Wrath. I am the most powerful God of War under the great Dawn. I am invincible. ..."

The Dawn's Fury that exuded the terrible power and pressure all over his body suddenly closed his mouth. He turned his head to look around in amazement, and then looked down at Xie Lisi: "What is the broken place here? This is... Damn it," Shattered Spider Xie Lisi! You stupid bugs, you betrayers who have forgotten the tragic history of your race, you inexplicable group of mindless trash!"

Xie Lisi was trembling with anger. She stared at Dawn Fury, and suddenly laughed mockingly: "Aha, look, who is this? Isn't this the famously timid Dawn Fury? Isn't this the Dawn Wrath who kicked his "most beloved goddess" out to protect himself from the knife? Isn't this the Dawn Wrath who relied on the sister who sacrificed herself and then sat in a high position?"

"You, timid, fearless, shameless, vanity, nasty, mean, sinister and cowardly scum spokesperson among all male creatures in the universe, you dare to invade my territory? Dawn's Fury Amulele, do you think I'm Xie Lisi is a bully "Xie Lisi's pupils turned into a weird bleak green color, and her chest made an extremely angry sizzle.

Dawn's Fury Amulele looked at Xie Lisi with a serious face. He was silent for a while, and then angrily roared at'Wan En Longshan': "Humble human beings, believers who crawl under my feet, why should I summon the great Amu Lailai? Why are you calling me here?"

Laihan who followed closely let out a crazy long howl, his fingers tightened, and the black crystal ball in his palm shattered. Suddenly a pungent stench came from the void, and the white divine light was infested by a large amount of green poisonous mist. Accompanied by the screaming sound, a black and green complex divine formation suddenly formed on the top of everyone.

In a short time, a body length of tens of meters, the upper body is a beautiful woman with six arms, and the lower body is a ferocious black poisonous python, the **** swims out of the **** array like a violent wind. As soon as she walked out of the sacred formation, she fiercely raised the six cold-light four-color black-green long swords in her hand: "Who dares to wake up the great poisonous blade Abilly? Who is it? Who is it?"

The powerful divine powers released by the three gods collided and rubbed each other, causing a dull thunderous roar in the air. 'Wanen Longshan' and'Laihan' glanced at each other, and then they vomited blood and fell to the ground at the same time. At the moment they fell into the swamp,'Wanen Longshan' pointed at Xie Lisi hoarsely and screamed: "Evil Woman, am I your enemy?"

With this scream of his, a magic ring he wore on his finger suddenly started, and a golden thunderball with a diameter of more than 100 meters roared out. During the flight, this one exuding a huge magical aura The thunderball compressed rapidly, and in the blink of an eye, it compressed into an electric short arrow that was not as long as an arm and the thickness of a little finger. It brought a very thin golden light and shot it at Xie Lisi carefully.

Xie Lisi's face changed suddenly, she let out a sharp scream, and then the mud and rotting water in the entire spider swamp fluctuated violently, dozens of huge pieces composed of rotten, highly toxic mud and water. The long dragon sprang up from the swamp with a long roar. These big creatures with a diameter of more than Li Xu brought a terrifying aura and smashed their heads at Amulele and Abeli.

After this blow, Xie Lisi's mouth sprayed out a white light, and a thin white spider silk hit the electric arrow sent by'Wan En Longshan', blasting it into countless pieces of electric light. Falling down. Xie Lisi screamed in anger and anger: "You are too bullying! We have been hiding here for many years and haven't gone out, but you still hit the door? Xie Lisi will not let you go!"

A wave of evil spirits of divine power roared and spread in all directions, and the sharp chirping of countless poisonous spiders suddenly came from the spider swamp. Xie Lisi's body trembled violently, and behind her appeared numerous dense pink cobwebs. The overwhelming cobwebs flew out from all directions, and smashed at Amulele and Abili.

Amulele looked at Xie Lisi hesitantly and was silent for a while. He suddenly turned and left: "This is a misunderstanding!"

Poison blade Abili glanced at Xie Lisi with a crazy look, and then she let out a stern scream. The six-handed long knife tore open the void, bringing up a large piece of light, which would contaminate the soul of the person who saw it. The light of the black and green blade, as if madly killing Amulele: "Amulele! You despicable and shameless bastard, I remember you! You killed my biological sister back then!"

Amulele, who was wholeheartedly preparing to retreat, never dreamed that Abilly would abandon Cherise who was launching an attack, and attacked herself wholeheartedly. Unprepared, he embarrassedly raised the shield of his left hand to face the light of the sword that came over the sky. Abilly had six arms, and she swung the sword to the extreme speed, and the dense light of the sword instantly enveloped Amulele's whole body.

'Puff chi' sounded endlessly, Amulele’s shield blocked more than 99% of the knives, but Abilee swung the knife so fast, at least more than 300 knives struck Amule. Lai's body. Some of the light from the sword was blocked by Amulele's burning white armor, and some light from the sword split his armor and penetrated into his body.

Originally, it felt spotless, like a group of clear rays of light, Amulele let out a miserable howl, and there were several more horrible green stains on his body. These bleak green traces spread rapidly to the surroundings, and the white divine flame burned the bleak green stains, making a sound of "chichi" constantly.

It was because of Abili's efforts to stop them, the sacred formation used by Amulelai and Abili to come to the Black Spirit Continent had been wrapped in dense spider webs. Xie Lisi let out a gloomy sneer, countless cobwebs worked hard together, and the two gods groaned overwhelmedly, which had been corroded by the poisonous cobwebs and turned into a stray light.

"Oh ha ha ha ha! Since it's here, don't go!" Xie Lisi shivered excitedly: "You two **** things, a timid, vicious and treacherous man, a slutty coquettish, crazy sexual woman , You just stay here to make a couple! I really want to eat your hearts, I really want to eat your hearts!"

The huge impact shook Lin Qi and the donkey, who were deep underground, with a sharp pain in their chests. Lin Qi's blood had already reached his throat, but he forcibly swallowed the blood back again. Dozens of mud and mud dragons have hit Amulele and Abeli’s bodies. These dragons driven by Xie Lisi's supernatural power are infinitely powerful, and the heavy impact has beaten Amulele and Abeli. The blood spurting, and at the same time the divine power on their bodies counterattacked independently, shaking all these dragons to pieces.

"Oh yeah, you are all vomiting blood!" Xie Lisi smiled at the two badly hurt gods, her face turned flush with excitement, and her two long legs were almost convulsive with excitement. A huge pink spider web with countless green cold light shrouded the two gods, and the air was filled with a poisonous smell.

The peaks and deep lakes in the spider swamp released pink light at the same time. As the hiding lair of the spider demon girl Sheris, she has been managed by Sheris for countless years. The underground here is densely covered with her spider silk, connecting all the mountains and hills, big rivers and lakes in series. With the help of these natural terrains, Xie Lisi built a huge seal enchantment within the spider swamp tens of thousands of miles around.

"Welcome to Xie Lisi's spider paradise!" Xie Lisi exclaimed happily, "You two stupid things, have you forgotten the most basic rules? Never enter another god's abode alone. This is The most basic safety rules!"

A pink spider phantom with a body length of 30,000 li slowly appeared high in the sky, and the huge spider sprayed out countless spider silks, which firmly wrapped the spider swamp in a radius of tens of thousands of miles. There are countless large and small pink spiders attached to those spider silks. These spiders, which are purely composed of Xie Lisi's supernatural power, make sharp calls from time to time. The looming divine writings on their bodies have formed a huge and incomparable seal.

The spider swamp has disappeared. At this moment, there is no spider swamp under the three gods. Instead, there is a giant spider web with a diameter of more than 30,000 miles. This huge red spider web slowly rotates, two huge Gravity imprisoned Amulele and Abilly.

Amulele, who was slashed with a sharp knife by Abilee, screamed angrily, and the divine body was also invaded by poison. He spit out the blood that choked into his throat because of the long mud dragon hit, pointed at Abilly and screamed in annoyance: "Stupid woman! Abilly! You idiots of the spirit and gods, can't you be smarter? ?"

Abeli ​​stared at Amulele, her scarlet eyes widened, and a long snake letter in her mouth kept spitting out: "Shut up, Amulele, you are not qualified to teach me! Back then, you took your Dawn's Fury Legion to escape from the battlefield. My sister and her subordinates were besieged and killed by the Yingzhou God Army. She was chopped into meat sauce alive! My biological sister was chopped into meat. Sauce!" (To be continued. If you like this work, you are welcome to come to the starting point ( to vote for recommendations and monthly tickets. Your support is my biggest motivation.)

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