Bright Era

Chapter 1864: Inheritance, beginning (1)

Sold, the **** of souls, with a blue face, abandons Mu Wei and sets his sights on Lin Qi and Hu Xinzhu.

With a weird smile, Thord pointed to Lin Qi: "Then, Mu Wei, this is the one you picked? But I remember that the little clergy under your hand had been long ago. All the rewards go on, and now what is left are your sub-gods and important divine priesthoods, right?"

Mu Wei put her hands on her chest, her mouth curled, and another sturdy scream: "It's your shit?"

A fierce red light flashed across his pupils, and the Soul God Sold said in a dark voice: "Then, I am really curious. What are the origins of the two chosen people who inherited the priesthood? You will not Choosing two mortals at random will let them have the luck to become members of the noble Azerite clan, right?"

Lin Qi and Hu Xinzhu glanced at each other. This soul **** is provoking a thorn.

But to be honest, the church has always kept secret about the existence of the God of Soul. Even in the Western Continent, few people know whether the God of Soul really exists. This is a **** who is deliberately downplayed by the church, or the gods of the church. It can be seen that Solder must have something special, and the gods have taken some measures against him.

Moreover, if he dared to provoke Mu Wei in front of him, he could know that even if he was a little worse than Mu Wei, he was not far behind. If one can't handle it, he is even a figure of the main **** level, it is nothing that his reputation as a main **** is not obvious.

Mu Wei squeezed her fist and let out a'click', she provocatively hooked her finger at Solder: "What do you mean? Do you look down on my chosen one? Or, let you choose one. Those junk goods with crooked melons and jujubes, sign with the people I picked?"

Standing behind Thord were six mortals wearing neat robes and looking solemn and even a little trembling. Four men and two women, the oldest old man is gray-haired, with a rotten breath in his body, and his life expectancy is not long. The youngest girl looked like she was about fifteen or sixteen years old, but her eyes flickered, and it was obvious that she was born with extremely powerful soul talent.

Hearing Mu Wei’s provocation, these six people glanced at Lin Qi and Hu Xinzhu at the same time, and then the oldest old man suddenly fell to his knees on one knee: "The supreme soul master, my god, your believer, willing For your glory, fight them fairly!"

Lin Qi squinted his eyes, then smiled lightly. This old man has mastered some kind of real power, his strength is far superior to ordinary demigods, but that's all. He was probably a figure at the Yuanzong level of the church, who was considered extremely terrifying in the secular world, but in front of Lin Qi, that was definitely not enough.

Hu Xinzhu smiled and slapped the folding fan. He said lightly: "A fair fight? Interesting, interesting, Majesty Lin Qi, leave it to you!" He put away the folding fan with a'pop', and Hu Xinzhu used the fan to withstand Lin Qi. The shoulders pushed him forward, and then he took a few steps back naturally.

Looking at Hu Xinzhu helplessly, Lin Qi really had nothing to do with this old and young fox. With a soft cough, Lin Qi stepped forward two steps, and then slowly nodded to the old man: "Longshan Empire, Linzi Andelm Longshan, challenge you. For the glory of the war temple, for The glory of the goddess of war, old man, I will tear down your bones."

The soul **** Thord did not say a word, Mu Wei did not say a word, the two stared at each other with big eyes and small eyes, and the white-haired old man walked out tremblingly with a staff. Standing less than 20 meters away from Lin Qi, the old man said in a deep voice, "Emor World, the chief elder Az of the Soul Guild! Longshan Empire? I have heard the name of this little empire, although we have never I have been to the ground world, but we are no strangers to the information of the ground world!"

Emore World? Is one of the three abyssal worlds controlled by the church? Soul Guild? This is obviously a force formed by the believers of the God of Soul. It seems that the God of Soul has not built any temples in the ground world, but in the three abyssal worlds, he still has a lot of believers.

Nodded towards Az, Lin Qi clenched his fists. There was only a muffled sound, and violent wind elements gathered in Lin Qi from all directions. His body was entangled by a black hurricane, and he kept making harsh ‘swish’ sounds.

"Huh? Very good comprehension of the laws of the wind system!" Soul God Sold smiled contemptuously: "Among mortals, isn't it a strong one? But that's all! Az, you You can do it!"

Aziz bowed deeply to Thord, then he straightened up, and the silver-gray circles in his two eyes, the deadly waves spread out, slowly wrapping Lin Qi In it. Aziz said in a low voice: "Mr. Lin Qi, please be careful. This is my curse of a puppet. You don't want to become a puppet controlled by me at will?"

These waves entangled Lin Qi's body, and Lin Qi felt that a thin rope trapped his body. Then his body was numb for a while, as if a strange force was about to invade his body. In addition, continuous ripples appeared on his soul. Obviously, an invisible force was attacking his soul.

Believers of Thord, the **** of souls, what attack methods they can use other than soul attacks?

Smiling and shook his head, Lin Qi suddenly yelled. A roar of the beast came from Lin Qi's chest, and the black hurricane turned into countless wind blades shooting out towards the surroundings, and the silver-gray water waves were suddenly torn to pieces. The face of Soul God Thord changed slightly. Before he could speak, Lin Qi had already swooped in front of Aziz.

The stunned Aziz looked at Lin Qi rushing in front of him in panic, but with the fragility of his aging body, facing Lin Qi who was close at hand, he had no power to counteract. Lin Qi clenched his fists, then slammed a fist on Az's belly and hit his stomach heavily.

Aziz opened his mouth, and then squirted out everything in his stomach with a "wow" sound. The yellow bile mixed with blood continued to spurt out. Aziz wailed in pain, and knelt as soon as his weak knees fell. On the ground, she curled up like a cooked prawn, her body twitching without rhythm from time to time.

Shaking his fist vigorously, Lin Qi smiled and nodded to Sold, the **** of soul, whose face was so hard to see, "The power of this puppet curse is really good, but my fist seems to work better! Honorable The God of Soul, your believer, should not have died yet."

Following Lin Qi’s words, the power of the storm that Lin Qi blasted into Aziz’s body exploded at the same time, and the sound of dense bone cracks continued to be heard. Az’s body twitched violently, and the bones in his body Every inch of it broke, his whole body kept bursting into small blood, that is, after a few breaths, he was lying in a pool of blood.

"Very good! Very good! Mu Wei, you have chosen a very good Chosen!" Soul God Sold looked at Mu Wei expressionlessly: "Very in line with the style of your Temple of War, another one. I only know idiots who use violence!"

Mu Wei raised her head proudly: "If you are not convinced, you can try my fist! Sold, can you make a bet? Lin Qi alone can knock all the remaining five picks of yours down. ! A thousand pieces of faith, do you dare to bet with me?"

The soul **** Thord's eyes flickered for a while, and then he sneered a few times, and grabbed Aziz who was lying in a pool of blood. He took out a bottle of fist-sized potion, and carefully dropped half a drop on Az's body. The dark green potion dripped on Az's body, and quickly turned into a green mist to envelop Azs.

In just a blink of an eye, Aziz's injury recovered as before, and what surprised Lin Qi was that Aziz's originally aging and haggard body actually regained youth quickly at this moment like a step back in time. His head quickly gave birth to new hair that was more than half a foot long, and his golden hair set off his middle-aged face, who had recovered to his forties, and Aziz was still a little handsome.

"Really generous!" Mu Wei applauded vigorously: "Really generous! This is the mother liquid of life taken out from the core of the tree of life? Ah, yeah, this drop is worth ten pieces of faith. You are actually a **** Half a drop was wasted on the waste that the elector nearly killed with a punch?"

Shaking her head gently, Mu Wei squinted her eyes and glanced suspiciously at Solder: "It is said that you have a leg with the goddess of life, originally I didn't believe it, now I believe it! Solder, you really Hooked up with that old woman? Ah, yeah, don’t forget, in terms of blood relationship and generation, she is your distant aunt and grandmother!"

Solde turned black with anger, he pointed at Mu Wei fiercely, and gritted his teeth and said: "Mu Wei, if not, it's not that group of **** who are preparing to start a new war, I won't let you go. If you dare to talk nonsense!"

The sound of low footsteps came from far away. A man born about the same as a dwarf, but much taller than Lin Qi, wearing a heavy armor, carrying a mace in his left hand and a large sawtooth axe in his right hand. The gods strode over. This guy has black hair on his face, and his hair is as thick as a black beard. Compared with his rough face, his eyes are so delicate and delicate. (To be continued. If you like this work, you are welcome to come to the starting point ( to vote for recommendations and monthly tickets. Your support is my biggest motivation.)

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