Bright Era

Chapter 1865: Inheritance, beginning (2)

Lin Qi wanted to laugh when he saw this guy. The big face and small eyes of the horrible **** who exuded horror all over his body seemed to have two small black beans inlaid on an ostrich egg. Lin Qi felt surprised. This guy is so surprised. With a pair of small eyes, can he see clearly what is in front of him?

Behind this god, there are nearly a thousand heavy armored guards who are sparsely formed, walking in various postures, crooked and distorted. These guys have no formation at all. A few guys even clamored loudly there with their shoulders and backs. Lin Qi felt that these guys were more like bandits!

But these people also exude a murderous aura. There is no doubt that they are a group of elites who have experienced many battles.

Like the few chosen people behind the soul **** Thord, this huge body, strong and heavy like an iron ingot, was followed by a few sturdy big men with a restrained look. It was a real sturdy man, their size was comparable to that of a barbarian, their muscles were no different from those of the orcs, and each of them was born fierce and evil, and the evil spirits on their bodies were extremely strong.

A long distance away, this **** who was born like a human boar yelled: "Hahaha, if Mu Wei continues to talk nonsense, what can you do to her? Solder, Solder, long time no see , It’s really been a long time since I saw you! Hahaha, do you know how much I miss you?"

The mace and the big axe in his hand slammed restlessly on the ground, causing sparks to splash on the ground, the dull impact shook people's eardrums, and the ground was faintly trembling. This rude and violent **** strode to Mu Wei's side, then grinned and laughed at Mu Wei a few times: "Hahaha, Mu Wei, are you having fun outside? I heard that you are in that abyssal demon. Did the dragon suffer a bit?"

Mu Wei's face suddenly went black, her body floated, and then she flew a kick and violently kicked the big face covered with black hairs: "Mudell, believe it or not, I took your mouth and teeth. Pull it off? Stop talking nonsense and break Thord's thigh for me!"

Taking a few steps back nervously, Thord, the **** of souls, roared angrily: "Mudell, **** of war! Don't think that your power is stronger than me, you can do whatever you want! I warn you, if you..."

The heavy mace brought a beam of blood and struck Thord's forehead. The grinning laughter of the **** of war shook people's hearts and souls: "Break your legs! Thord, hehe! I remember I broke your leg once?"

Several flexible purple rays shot out from Solder's fingertips, like waves of water slamming against the mace of the **** of war. He heard the intensive bursting sound constantly, these rays of light shattered one by one, and Thord's face was ugly, and he retreated several steps embarrassedly.

The **** of war tilted his neck, his cervical vertebrae made a series of dull crackling noises, and he muttered in a low voice: "Hey, don't play these kid tricks! Sold, let me give you an axe! If you can't die If so, I will let you hook up with the lady of the goddess of pleasure for a few days!"

The spirit of the soul turned blue with anger, he glanced at the big axe in the hands of the **** of war, and then at Mu Wei who was eager to try, ready to attack from the side, and then glanced at the **** of war that had already begun. In the battle formation, the guards who were ready to attack, he snorted, turned and walked towards the pyramid-shaped temple.

"For the benefit of the Axul Protoss, it’s better not to have conflicts between us. Mudel, Mu Wei, I remember today’s things, sooner or later, I will make you look good! Hum, okay Protect your chosen ones, if they become my believers one day, it will be so interesting!"

The God of War took a sigh of relief, and then turned to look at Mu Wei angrily: "Do me a favor, hook up the goddess of life from her temple, and then I will **** her! This **** it! Soul God, I must let him hear the groaning of the goddess of life under my body!"

The corner of Lin Qi's mouth twitched, and the folding fan in Hu Xinzhu's hand fell to the ground at no time. What a sturdy god, is the real name of the **** of war Mudel? This **** of war, who looks the same as a wild boar, is so powerful that he can say in front of so many people that he wants to **** the goddess of life. If this is to let those gods of war and life The believers heard that God knows if there will be a war between the two temples!

And his real name is Mudel? It sounds like he has some kind of relationship with Mu Wei? In other words, the two main gods of the Temple of War, in fact, their relationship is not as bad as the outside legend?

Mu Wei tilted her mouth, and then slammed her foot on the face bone of the **** of war: "Shut up, aren't you ashamed? There is a way to kill the sinister guy of the **** of soul, don't Mention that old woman in front of me!"

With a cold snorted, Mu Wei turned to look at the sturdy men behind the God of War: "This is your Chosen? It's true again, a fool like you who has no brains, I I have completely despaired of your vision!"

With a grunt of dissatisfaction, the **** of war stared at Lin Qi firmly, and then glanced at Hu Xinzhu with disdain: "This is your chosen one? Why did you bring only one? Besides this, a muscular **** Chosen, why do you bring such a little white face? Humans are not qualified to step into the realm of God, look at his small arms and legs, I can crush him with one finger!"

Hu Xinzhu coughed awkwardly. He looked at the **** of war and laughed: "Respected gods, the true essence of war lies not in violence, but in the wisdom of war. Although I look thin and weak, in fact, I use everything. There are already millions of enemies who have been eliminated by this strategy. For example, the nomads in the Eastern Great Plains, they must have remembered my horror!"

The **** of war squinted his eyes, and his pitiful eyes were all drowned in the black hair on his face. With a sneer of heat, the **** of war shook his head: "Stupid humans, the essence of war, only I have the right to say this! War is total violence. Use your weapons to shred the enemy's body and fight. Smash their heads, rob their wealth, occupy their women, and make their children their slaves. This is war!"

With a weird grinning, the **** of war gently touched Hu Xinzhu’s shoulder with the mace on his hand: "I don’t expect you to become a qualified **** of war god! When you inherit the priesthood, I will Let my chosen one compete with you, if you lose, I will break your bones!"

While talking, the black pyramid-shaped hall suddenly trembled, and countless extremely thin golden threads in the void shot from all directions and quickly sank into the outer wall of the temple. A dull whistling sound came from the depths of the main hall, and a huge pressure made Hu Xinzhu and several other gods of war change their expressions and almost sat on the ground.

Lin Qi shook his body, and under the impact of this overwhelming and rolling divine might, he barely stood firm.

Mu Wei's eyes widened, and she sighed in surprise: "It's the guy named Az! You should have punched him to death just now. Unexpectedly, Sold found such a powerful pick, he Inherited seems to be the priesthood of the nightmare god!"

The God of War looked gloomy at the temple that was constantly emitting all kinds of strange lights, and then strode towards the entrance of the temple: "Hurry up and take a look, if this guy can really be perfect with the **** of nightmares. If the priesthood is merged, find a way to kill him! I hate the gods of the soul **** system, I really hate them!"

Mu Wei also strode over with an ugly expression, Lin Qi helped Hu Xinzhu up and followed Mu Wei's back. The guards of the gods of war grabbed the arms and legs of the chosen people who were sitting on the ground immovably, and set them up as if they were carrying the dead.

The entrance of the temple is very simple, it is a rectangular portal opened on the outer wall of the inclined temple. The entrance gate, which was less than ten meters wide, was more than two hundred meters high. Standing in front of such a temple gate, Lin Qi had the illusion that his soul was extremely suppressed and the space and time around him were distorted.

The enraged **** of war broke into the temple with a mace and a large axe, and a group of people rushed in, and soon came to the depths of the temple-here is a place I don’t know how high it is, full of A huge space with a strange light.

The air was shining beautifully, and countless circles and regular polygons were looming in the air. Countless lines of extremely thin gold threads gathered from all directions, and after being absorbed by those divine formations, they turned into a golden light of no more than an inch in diameter and whizzed down, into the eyebrows of Aziz standing in the middle of the temple.

Aziz has regained his youth. It seems that he is only seventeen or eighteen years old, and he is a handsome young man with blond hair and blue eyes. The robe on his body has disappeared without a trace, revealing a flawless, impeccable, like a perfect body crafted by a master sculptor.

The size of a human head, the color was pale black, and the outside was enveloped by smoke clouds, and the multi-faceted prismatic crystals that constantly heard the howling of ghosts and wolves were suspended on the top of Az's head, slowly releasing traces of black smoke invading the center of his eyebrows. There are a lot of black twisted divine texts and divine formations flashing under Az's skin, and the aura on his body has become larger and larger, which obviously has exceeded the level of the lower gods. (To be continued. If you like this work, you are welcome to come to the starting point ( to vote for recommendations and monthly tickets. Your support is my biggest motivation.)

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