Bright Era

Chapter 1867: Inheritance, beginning (4)

Mu Wei slapped Az's face with a slap: "Lin Qi is my person, you are a new god, how dare you speak this way to my people?"

A slap slapped Aziz flying hundreds of meters away, until half of Aziz's face collapsed. Then Mu Wei sneered and shook his head to the darkened soul god: "There is nothing else here. The gods are present! The Temple of Inheritance can perfectly cut off the prying eyes of the gods. If the two of us kill you here, who would know that we did it?"

The face of the soul **** changed slightly, and he took two steps back subconsciously.

Mu Wei nodded with satisfaction: "That's right, don't think about provoking the Temple of War. I know you want to join forces with the Goddess of Life to replace our Temple of War in the Azerite clan, but this is not intended. You can do it if you want! To replace us, this requires absolute strength!"

With a vicious look at Soul God, Mu Wei shook her small fist: "My fist and Mudel's axe are strength! You who are weak in body and can't even carry a mountain, the best Don't be presumptuous in front of us!"

Soul God Thord took a deep breath, and then forced a smile: "Then, Mu Wei, let me meet your chosen one! This Majesty Lin Qi from the Longshan Empire on the ground , I don’t know which **** you want him to inherit? Well, I’m very curious, really, Mu Wei, you are one of the most important gods of the Azhul Protoss. Your shot will not Too stingy?"

Mu Wei's face twitched, then gave Lin Qi a tangled look.

The priesthood she decided to bestow on Lin Qi was her priesthood of the God Roaring Thunder, but it was only the priesthood of a middle-ranking god. In the face of the priesthood of the Nightmare God that the Soul God took out, this seemed a bit insufficient.

But Mu Wei still retains the priesthood of the upper gods, she already has other candidates. For example, the former emperor of the Great Yan Dynasty, Yan Chimei, who made Mu Wei very fond of Yan Chimei, and Yan Chimei's current husband, the protector prince of the Great Yan Dynasty, led the coalition army and the dragon army and the army of nomads. Dragon city.

Lin Qi is different. Mu Wei, the new emperor of the Longshan Empire who has just ascended the throne, has no impression of him. If it weren't for the millions of troops armed by the Longshan Empire, if it wasn't for the Longshan Empire to be his place of faith, Mu Wei would never give Lin Qi the priesthood of Roaring Thunder.

Even if it weren’t for Hu Xinzhu to express that he had a certain friendship with Lin Qi, and felt that Lin Qi could perfectly realize some of Mu Wei’s strategic intentions in the ground world, Mu Wei even wanted to kill Lin Qi and get Alda to be ousted. The guy became the emperor of the Longshan Empire again.

But now, Sold, the **** of souls, is holding the handle. If Sold finds that what Mu Wei has taken out is just a trivial middle god, there is no brilliance on Mu Wei's face.

There was silence for a while, and Mu Wei sneered sternly: "Solder, I, Mu Wei, when have you been stingy?"

Striding to the center of the temple, Mu Wei chanted a long series of complex spells, a large array of gods flickered in front of her, and then Mu Wei's small hands quickly slid on those tiny gods that were no more than thumbs. After pressing them in a specific order, a thick, low, but emotionless voice rang out in the void.

Two divine lights appeared in the sky above the main hall. Mu Wei stepped back and waved to Lin Qi: "Lin Qi, come here to inherit your priesthood. My favorite deputy god, the upper goddess Scarlet The priesthood of Anura of Wrath, and the priesthood of the fiercest, most loyal, and most fearless **** Roaring Thunder under my command!"

Staring at Lin Qi fiercely, Mu Wei said in a dark voice: "Don't lose to that Aziz, if you can't inherit the power of these two priests perfectly, I will let you know what is the anger of the goddess of war! "

Lin Qi glanced at Mu Wei helplessly, and then couldn't help but feel a hint of surprise in his heart.

The high-ranking goddess Scarlet Wrath Anuta, this is a very famous goddess beside Mu Wei, goddess of war. The deputy gods around the goddess of war, and all the close deputy gods, are all beautiful goddesses, and Anuta is the best choice in terms of beauty and strength.

Armed with a round shield and a short spear, Anuta, who has strong combat power, played more of the role of Mu Wei’s guard leader in the God of War series. She was accompanied by Mu Wei all year round, only when the war goddess participated in the war. At that time, Anuta's stunning scarlet dance appeared on the battlefield-it was the blood of the enemy sprayed out and dyed the entire sky and the earth red. It was a dance of death.

Later, of course, the church's classics will not be so publicized, and Mu Wei herself will not say such a shameful thing, but according to the shattered memory of the gathering of Heavenly Mountain and the Temple of Doomsday Apocalypse, Scarlet Fury Anuta, she It was because of Mu Wei's stupid decision that he was sent into the ambush of the Knights of the Apocalypse. Hundreds of powerful apocalyptic knights rallied and attacked, before Mu Wei's reinforcements arrived, and beat Anutan to pieces.

Therefore Anuta has a unique position in Mu Wei's heart. She is Mu Wei's best comrade-in-arms, and the most loyal subordinate to Mu Wei. She has followed Mu Wei since she was a child and is the guard who accompanied Mu Wei to grow up. If it hadn't been for the soul **** Thord to become irritated this time, Mu Wei would not bear to take out the priesthood of Anuta to Lin Qi.

Of course, it can also be seen that Mu Wei's character really has a great weakness.

If you were replaced by an old and cunning guy like Lin Qi, let alone being provoked by the soul **** Thor, even if Thor pointed to his nose and scolded his mother, Lin Qi would never take such a precious priesthood. Coming out to give Lin Qi such a mortal that Mu Wei was the "first time I met".

What's even worse is that Lin Qi is not even a believer of Mu Wei, but Mu Wei, who was driven into a rage, just did it!

The big axe in the hands of the God of War ‘Dang Cang’ fell to the ground. He looked at Mu Wei in astonishment, and then shook his head in disbelief. The soul **** Thord also stayed in a daze, and then he showed a smirking smile: "Mu Wei, you are too generous and too confident of your God Chosen! But he can really bear both. Is the inheritance of a priesthood? Maybe you should think about it again?"

Mu Wei turned her head and gestured to the God of Soul with a dangerous gesture of cutting her neck: "Solder, if Lin Qi wasted a bit of Anuta's power, I will break his bones and make him wailing in pain. Ten thousand years! But you, hey!"

The soul **** Thord's face turned gloomy, and he slowly stepped back a few steps before returning to his guard group. He looked at Mu Wei and the God of War with a little helplessness, this pair of militant madmen, once they get angry, this is a headache for Thord!

As if seeing some of the thoughts of the God of Soul, the God of War smiled and picked up his big axe, swinging like a wild boar to the entrance of the hall, and then his body quickly swelled to a height of several hundred meters. The only entrance to this heritage temple is blocked.

The Soul God’s face turned pale for a while, and he suddenly regretted it a bit. Why would he provoked this pair when he was alone, because it was obviously not enough brains to use violence to solve problems as a bastard?

Lin Qi strode to the center of the temple, he smiled at Mu Wei, and then nodded confidently: "Trust me, dear goddess, I won't waste a bit of the power of the priesthood!"

Turning around, Lin Qi collapsed half of his face, and Azz, who was trying to repair his face with a sad face, hooked his fingers: "Az, the great nightmare god! Are you willing to accept my challenge? In my smooth inheritance After these two priests, can I challenge you? If you were still a man or a male creature, you would definitely not refuse, would you?"

Aziz's face became even more ugly. He glanced in awe at the dazzling red light, which obviously belonged to the priesthood of Scarlet Wrath Anuta, and he couldn't speak for a long while. If Lin Qi can perfectly inherit all the principles and meanings contained in this priesthood, and absorb enough divine power, then he is a high-ranking god!

A high-level high-level god, at least can crush the existence of ten high-level middle-level gods! Aziz doesn't have that hobby of being ravaged in vain.

Mu Wei on the side spoke. She gloated at Aziz with a face of earth, and said slowly: "If you don't want to be blocked by someone at the gate of your temple in the future, there are countless gods of the God of War come and beat you every day. , You'd better accept Lin Qi's challenge! Being beaten by him is just a beating, if it is blocked by the door, hey! Hey! Hey!"

The **** of war helped out: "You will be killed, believe it or not? It will be troublesome to kill Thor, the **** of souls, but if I kill you, it seems that I can't think of any bad results. Do you believe it or not?"

Soul God Thord made his lips tremble with anger, and he screamed hysterically: "Enough! Mudel! Mu Wei! How to say I am also a master god, you are too much! You too, too much! "

With a ‘hum’, a big axe flew over against the scalp of the God of Soul, almost without taking his head away. "Quack", the **** of war who threw out the axe casually, smiled and hooked his finger to the pale-faced Soul God: "Is not convinced? Come hit me, come hit me! There is a kind of you to slap me? Come to slap me Ah? By the way, you can find the goddess of life to beat me together! I haven't seen her for a long time, haven't you gotten her hands on her?"

The soul **** closed his eyes in despair, he was so painful that he wanted to cry!

Why did he choose to reward the priesthood for several of his chosen people today? Why are Mu Wei and Mudel, a pair of notorious villains in the Azul Protoss, come to the Temple of Inheritance today? What the **** is this?

Lin Qi glanced mercifully at Thord, who almost didn't cry, then gently shook his head.

A golden light fell from the sky, just covering Lin Qi's eyebrows. Two sacred spars slowly fell, a touch of blood and golden red light slowly poured into Lin Qi's eyebrows from the spar. The clothes on Lin Qi's body suddenly shattered completely. Lin Qi only felt that two violent powers poured into his body. He stretched out his hands subconsciously and let out a long and comfortable howl.

The energy at the center of the eyebrows rolled down like endless, and the origin in Lin Qi's body opened his mouth greedily.

There was a loud noise, and the entire Temple of Inheritance trembled violently. (To be continued. If you like this work, you are welcome to come to the starting point ( to vote for recommendations and monthly tickets. Your support is my biggest motivation.)

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