Bright Era

Chapter 1868: Violent breakthrough (1)

The growth rate of the source force is very slow, the growth rate of the origin is very slow, and the chaotic mist released from the origin spreads more slowly. Everything was because Lin Qi was too slow to absorb the free power from the outside world, which directly caused his strength to increase not fast enough.

Origin does not only need to absorb elemental energy such as ordinary earth, water, fire and wind, but also a special kind of energy that drifts in the void and is called the power of origin by the osmanthus tree. And this kind of original power is much thinner than ordinary elemental energy, and it is extremely difficult for Lin Qi to obtain enough original power with the power of one person.

However, a large part of the energy hoarded in this mother's nest is the original force. In addition to providing reinforcements to the colonial forward base of Osmanthus, Brood has the peculiar effect of serving as a logistic base to supplement the energy consumption of ‘adults’ such as imperial officers, imperial generals, and help them practice quickly!

This mother's nest was originally designed by the osmanthus tree and their makers, so all the functions here are actually only the ‘human’ who has practiced the same exercises as Lin Qi to get the greatest benefit and gain the greatest benefit.

When Aziz inherited the priesthood, the golden beam of light injected into his eyebrows after the transformation and purification of the gods was not as thick as his fist, but when Lin Qi started, the entire temple of inheritance shook violently, a golden torrent with a diameter of tens of meters. , Instantly flooded his body.

The two clergy crystals dissolve quickly, and countless laws and profound meanings continue to merge with Lin Qi’s soul. A trace of pure soul origin power is injected into Lin Qi’s spirit sea, absorbed by Lin Qi’s soul, and quickly grows his soul. .

The power of these souls is extremely large, extremely pure, and even many times more refined than Lin Qi's current soul. Lin Qi's soul greedily swallows the power of these souls, increasing it with a terrifying speed. The sweet-scented osmanthus tree and the Heavenly Mountain took their shots at the same time, and all kinds of strange lights enveloped Lin Qi's spirit, completely concealing his spirit.

The priesthood of Scarlet Fury Anuta recorded a large number of sword fighting skills. This powerful god's mastery of sword skills has reached a terrifying state. Although Lin Qi is good at using heavy axes, after absorbing the skills of these sword skills, Lin Qi only feels that his eyes are suddenly enlightened, and his experience with heavy axes is also rapidly climbing, and soon reached a level close to Tao.

The reason why Scarlet Wrath Anuta was able to use a sharp sword to gain a reputation in the battle of Gods is more that she has mastered the principle of "Aurora". The aurora, the beautiful and unpredictable aurora, contains the aurora of incomparable electromagnetic power. Anuta can incarnate the aurora, making her enemies unable to figure out where her figure is.

Her speed is extremely fast. She can move back and forth at the speed of light on the battlefield. Her sword light is a real sword light. Many enemies facing her have yet to see where her sword is. His neck was cut by the terrifying sharp sword light.

And the strong electromagnetic power hidden in her sword light can control the weapons and armor of all enemies around her. Anuta's speed is extremely fast, and her enemy is like an ordinary under the influence of electromagnetic power. People carrying hundreds of kilograms of sandbags, their speed becomes extremely slow, and all their movements are pulled and deformed by external forces from time to time. They can only be ghosts if they can avoid Anuta's attacks.

With exquisite sword skills, terrifying aurora power, and a firm will to fight, Anuta is qualified to become the most important deputy **** next to Mu Wei, goddess of war. Although Anuta was besieged by hundreds of apocalyptic knights because of Mu Wei's fault, Anuta also killed most of the apocalyptic knights who were similar in strength to her in that battle. This shows that she How terrible it is.

Lin Qi took a deep breath, and every time he breathed, his origin swallowed up a large amount of the original power that had been hoarded by the brood over the years. Thumbs thick and thin, like a stream of mercury, burst out from the origin. Lin Qi's body made a roar of ‘Papa Papa,’ his body trembled violently, and his body was undergoing earth-shaking changes.

One inch of the body is shattered, then regenerated according to some wonderful structure, then shattered again, and reborn again.

In such tempering, Lin Qi's body became stronger and stronger, and the power of his body became more and more terrifying. From the level of a three-star imperial officer, Lin Qi's physical strength gradually reached the threshold of a four-star imperial officer, and one foot had already stepped into the threshold.

Lin Qi has a clear intuition that once his physical strength breaks through to the four-star imperial officer, earth-shaking changes will occur in his body, and his strength will increase by at least ten times or more, or a hundred times? And the source power in his body has increased several times compared to when he started to absorb the energy of the brood just now, and it is soaring at a speed that makes him feel moved.

In the priesthood of Roaring Thunder, there are also a large amount of law and experience pouring into Lin Qi's spirit sea. How to train soldiers, how to manage military discipline, how to lead the war, how to train qualified generals, all made Lin Qi sigh with emotion. This roaring thunder is indeed the goddess of the goddess of war who knows best how to lead soldiers to fight. All the power he holds is about this aspect.

In the law of Roaring Thunder, there are a lot of the use of magical auras useful for group combat. The morale-increasing'sweet light', the stamina-enhancing'high war song', the lethality-increasing'crazy howl', etc., and even the rapid recovery of soldiers' injuries, so that severely wounded and dying soldiers can burn vitality quickly in a short time The restoration of the'war restoration technique'!

Unlike the life recovery technique mastered by the priests of the Temple of Life, the war recovery technique is extremely overbearing. He relies on the life of burning soldiers to recover his injuries. Soldiers who could live for two hundred years, even if their heads are severely injured, as long as they are applied The war recovery technique can be restored in a very short time as before, restoring all combat effectiveness. But his life span of 200 years is estimated to be less than 50 years.

But on the battlefield, such a domineering and even cruel magical technique is extremely valuable. Anyway, the soldiers who were subjected to this magical technique were seriously wounded and dying. Instead of letting them lie there waiting to die, it would be more cost-effective to burn their vitality and let them continue fighting.

And the combat skills mastered by the Roaring Thunder really made Lin Qi overjoyed. This famous God of War in the War God System, the weapon he used was a heavy axe. His use of the big axe has reached a state of superb skill, and various subtle techniques made Lin Qi almost laugh.

With the experience inheritance of Scarlet Fury and Roaring Thunder, Lin Qi has literally reached the level of Grand Master in his martial arts. Even among the gods of the church, no **** dared to say that his sword skills were stronger than Scarlet Fury. Except for Mudel, the **** of war, no **** dared to say that his tomahawk skills were a little higher than that of Roaring Thunder.

The volume of the two clergy crystals shrank rapidly, Lin Qi's body sprayed a faint golden light, and there was a halo of scarlet blood in it. The huge divine might reverberated in the hall, except for Mu Wei, the **** of war, and the **** of soul. Still standing still, everyone else was forced to retreat by Lin Qi's gods, and finally had to stick to the wall of the Temple of Inheritance to barely stand firm.

"Really, I picked up a big deal!" Mu Wei widened her eyes and laughed overjoyed: "Solder, thank you so much. If it weren't for what you just said, I would definitely not Anusi was given to him by the priesthood. But now it seems that I took advantage!"

The face of Soul God Thord became extremely ugly. He stared at Lin Qi, who was submerged in golden light like a tide, and was speechless for a long while. There is no doubt that an absolutely powerful upper **** is about to be born. Seeing how fast he can absorb two clergy crystals at the same time, Thorder does not doubt whether he will waste the inheritance in the clergy crystals.

This guy named Lin Qi is so perverted. He actually absorbs the priestly crystals of two gods at the same time, and there is no tendency for him to be crushed by indigestion.

But Scarlet Fury and Roaring Thunder! These two terrifying war gods, the personal combat power of Scarlet Fury, are desperate, and the power of Roaring Thunder to command large-scale army operations is terrifying. The combination of the two, God knows what kind of one will be created. Freak!

And what is even more frightening is that Lin Qi actually drew a golden torrent of several tens of meters into himself! Compare it with the power of the brood that was triggered when Aziz, the nightmare god, inherited the priesthood. It is not an order of magnitude at all, and the difference between the two is more than a thousand times!

"This, damn, humble, human!" Soul God, Sold, now wants to strangle Lin Qi himself.

Mu Wei smiled and approached the God of Soul a few steps, and a spear shining with dazzling golden light appeared in her hand. After gesturing the spear to the soul god, Mu Wei squinted and laughed: "If my first **** Scarlet... Scarlet Leylin hurts a hair, I swear with my father's soul, I will kill you, and then kill all your gods."

The eager soul **** sighed silently, and then he showed a gentle smile: "Mu Wei, we are the gods of the Asher clan, how could I do such a thing? Congratulations, this is really true A powerful god, according to my judgment, he should be able to perfectly inherit all the principles and experience of the two gods, and gain all the power he deserves at once."

Mu Wei smiled reservedly, then glanced disdainfully at the nightmare **** Aziz who was threatened by Lin Qi's Haohao God and stood against the wall. (To be continued. If you like this work, you are welcome to come to the starting point ( to vote for recommendations and monthly tickets. Your support is my biggest motivation.)

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