Bright Era

Chapter 1879: Uninvited Guest (3)

Hu Xinzhu and Sha Xinyue were holding wine glasses and drinking with disapproval, only Lin Qi looked back at the man in surprise. Akalas, this is a dwarf city-state established in the early days of the dark calendar. The ale brewed there was extremely famous in the Western Continent at that time; and Shirna was a city-state famous for agriculture at that time. They used malt instead of yeast. Noodles, baked hard bread has a unique flavor.

Those two city-states only existed for less than two decades before they were destroyed in other places. The names of these two local specialties have also been completely annihilated in the long history. If Lin Qi hadn't studied the dark history of the Western Continent with the old man when he was in the Black Abyss God Prison, he would not have known these two rare things.

The new guest murmured: "No? Maybe, indeed, it's been too long. Of course, after all, mortals."

Shaking his head, the man sighed: "Then, if you have something to eat or drink, pick a good one and give me some."

With a flick of his finger, a little golden light came out and landed firmly in front of the tavernkeeper. Lin Qi glanced at the golden light, which was an ancient gold coin with a diameter of two inches and a surprising volume. On the front is the sun pattern, and on the back is a group of thorns flowers. This is a gold coin minted by a large tribe of the ‘Sun Thorns’ tribe in the middle and late periods of the destruction calendar before the dark calendar.

The craftsmanship of the destruction period was very rough and rough, but the people of that period were simple and simple, so this gold coin was almost half a catty heavier, which was about two hundred and fifty grams. However, ordinary gold coins are now popular in mainland China, which is about six grams.

The tavernkeeper had already narrowed his eyes into a line with a smile, and today there are two groups of high rollers. Although the latter guest felt a little dangerous and uncomfortable, he was very generous in his actions no matter what. A guest who is willing to throw out gold coins is a guest that all shop owners will welcome, isn't it?

Lin Qi tilted his body and looked at this man. The newcomer slowly walked to the counter. Before the tavernkeeper could ask a regular customer to give up a position, the man had already grabbed the lumberjack. On the shoulders, lifted him up lightly, and then threw him a dozen meters away.

"Stupid Ant, don't you know how to give me a seat?" The new visitor snorted low, and then quietly sat beside Hu Xinzhu. Hu Xinzhu's brows wrinkled, and this person exuded an uncomfortable chill, and even felt a little uncomfortable because Hu Xinzhu had just inherited the priesthood and became extremely powerful.

"It's terrible weather, huh?" Lin Qi leaned his right elbow on the counter and spoke to the man: "This spooky weather is really terrible. Are you alone, traveling or business?"

Without taking off the hood, the new guest picked up the glass from the boss and took a sip of horseradish, and muttered coldly: "It's been a long time since I went out and walked around. So, I went out and looked around and looked around, and everything became ill. It's the same."

The tavernkeeper brought a plate of barbecue to the man with a straight face, and then stopped a few impulsive loggers who wanted to come up and distinguish the man with his eyes. Although I don’t know the origin of this new guy, but with the knowledge of the tavern owner for so many years, at least hundreds of fights between mercenaries have erupted in his tavern, but none of those mercenaries have been given to the tavern owner. Such a dangerous feeling.

In an understatement, he grabbed a lumberjack weighing nearly two hundred catties and threw him ten meters away without the slightest resistance. This person who was covered in a black cloak was obviously not easy to provoke. In such a remote town, where even a status fighter can't find it, any strong man who passes by has the power to destroy the town, and the tavern owner does not want to cause trouble to his hometown.

The thrown lumberjack grinned and rubbed his shoulders, while several of his companions stared at the man in black angrily. Had it not been for the tavernkeeper to stop them, these grumpy loggers would have rushed in.

Standing aside and muttering in a low voice, these loggers walked out of the tavern at the same time.

The proprietor of the tavern looked at the loggers walking out the door a little worriedly, and then sighed silently.

Lin Qi smiled and glanced at the tavernkeeper, then raised his glass: "So, how about a drink! How many years have you been out of the house, the sun thorn big gold coin, this is a rare collection in the circle of nobles!" Do you still have such gold coins? For each one, I can offer a high price of 100,000 gold coins! I am very interested in these ancient and rare gold coins."

"Huh?" The man raised his head, turned his head and glanced at Lin Qi: "Ah, you also know the Sunthorn Tribe? It is a very beautiful valley. The girls from the Sunthorn Tribe are very beautiful, but some girls are because of them. They are beautiful and too proud, so they brought them a disaster! This is an unfortunate story."

Lin Qi squinted his eyes. He took a sip of his wine and shook his head with a smile: "Oh, oh, this kind of weather, it's really meaningless to tell this kind of story. Do you still have the sun thorn coin in your hand? I want it. Buy a few."

The hotel owner on the side opened his eyes in astonishment. Lin Qi was willing to buy a gold coin with a peculiar pattern just now? Great goddess of wealth, is this the kindness you descended? One hundred thousand gold coins, if he had one hundred thousand gold coins, why would he still eat in this remote town?

He can go to a big city, such as Vias Port, buy a small piece of land, buy a small farm, and live the life of the legendary noble master comfortably! The tavern owner's eyes turned green, and he really wanted to make a deal with Lin Qi that would satisfy both parties.

The drinkers who were closer to Lin Qi also turned their heads. They looked at Lin Qi curiously, and then at the new guest who was covered in cloaks. Whether it was Lin Qi's question or the new guest's answer, it was filled with an unfriendly taste. Some cautious people have stood up and walked a few steps away, while more people are still looking at this side curiously.

The man stared at Lin Qi for a while, and then he laughed lowly: "Very, funny. Well, you want to buy the gold coins on me? That's a very valuable souvenir, unless I want to Spend it out, if it's an acquisition, you can't afford that price!"

Hu Xinzhu opened the folding fan with a snap, and patted the top of the man's head with the fan unceremoniously: "Hey, old man, don't say so badly! Do you know what this place is? This is the Longshan Empire. !"

The man was obviously stunned by Hu Xinzhu's fan, two green fires flashed in his eyes, and the heart-pounding chill radiated from the dense flames, staring at Hu Xinzhu in a daze. But Hu Xinzhu once again slammed a fan on his head, and then pointed at Lin Qi and shouted: "This is the Longshan Empire! Do you know whose site this is? It's my friend's site!"

"His territory?" The man sneered, "Is this empire? You mean, this empire belongs to him?"

The tavern owner and the drinkers looked at Hu Xinzhu with weird eyes. The Longshan Empire, the Longshan Empire, which occupies one-third of the western continent or even a larger portion of the western continent, could have gone to such a remote town in a big winter. A place for people who are not influential in the tavern? The lord of the Longshan Empire, the high emperor, should now be in his majestic palace, served by countless court ladies, taste the wines that noble lords are qualified to drink?

Hu Xinzhu proudly raised her head: "Yes, you are still smart! The one next to me is the new emperor of the Longshan Empire, Linzi Andelm Turing! Kneel him down and take everything on his body Take out all the gold coins, or you will be dead!"

Lin Qi coughed awkwardly. He looked at the weird expressions of those alcoholics, only to feel that there were countless needles piercing his body.

Sha Xinyue looked up at the sky helplessly, and then sighed heavily. She really didn't have the face to meet people. Her own brother, after becoming a god, said something like this kind of bandit and robber. The tutor of the Shahu family was completely destroyed by this bastard.

The man stared at Lin Qi stunnedly, the two green ghost fires in his eyes became more and more icy and bitter: "It seems to be true. You have a few very good grade magic devices. It seems that you Is it really the emperor of this empire? Then, it is too interesting. What I have done to the Sunthorn Tribe, I might as well do it here!"

'Jiejie' laughed a few times, and the man chanted in a low voice: "The wings of the **** of death cover the sky, and the song of the undead spreads everywhere. I am the singer of the undead, and I am the guide of death. The humble little bug that offends me Ah, remember my name, I am Kurkulun, the bone of death!"

With a ‘boom’, the door of the tavern was pushed open again before the death bone Kurkulun had finished speaking.

The alcoholics who were originally stiff and unable to move on the seat, and were firmly pressed on the seat by the terrible breath of death, woke up at the same time. They looked at Kul Kulun in horror, and then stood up to flee. At the moment Kul Kulun sang, they felt an invisible sickle placed on their necks. Their lives could be harvested at any time. The fear of death at any time made them afraid to stay here. Even a quarter of an hour.

But before they had time to rush to the door of the tavern, they stopped at the same time, standing still and dare not move.

A man in a black cloak appeared outside the door, but as soon as he entered the door, he took off his hood, and then exhaled heavily: "It's really a bad weather, isn't it? Boss, give it to me Whatever you want. The best wine here, the best meat, of course, if you don’t mind, you can introduce me to the two hottest girls!" (To be continued. If you like this work, welcome You come to the starting point ( to vote for recommended votes and monthly tickets. Your support is my greatest motivation.)

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