Bright Era

Chapter 1880: Uninvited Guest (4)

Walking into the tavern was a tall, handsome, white-haired man with a straight waist. This man looks like he is about 30 or 40 years old, with a little wrinkles on his forehead, a little bag under his eyes, gray hair with his pale face, and his pair of dark gray eyes. Kind of extremely uncomfortable feeling.

It's the kind of uncomfortable feeling that makes people feel awkward without knowing where it came from. It made the drinkers in the tavern stop at the same time. No one dared to take one more step towards him. It seemed that a little closer to him would happen. Life is the same.

With a brilliant smile, the new white-haired man yawned gently to everyone: "I am the poet dragon traveling alone, ah, unfortunately, I wanted to go to the forest to find the figure of the legendary elf, but I was This heavy snow almost died in the forest. Fortunately, I walked out, hoping that I can temporarily find a place to stay in this beautiful town!"

Lin Qi looked at this guy who claimed to be a poet traveling alone, "Dragon" with great interest? In the Western Continent, a lonely word for "dragon" is used as a name. Anyone knows it is a pseudonym. Especially looking at this guy's demeanor, if he is a general of a country, no one will doubt, except that he doesn't get along with the poet.

Moreover, this guy was filled with an inhuman aura, and without using the power of the soul, Lin Qi could see that this guy was an undead, and he was an undead of extremely high grade and surprisingly powerful.

The death skeleton Kul Kulun laughed'chickingly'. He slowly turned around and nodded slowly: "Everyone knows that the elves will only appear in the elves. If any stupid elven tribe dares Set up camp in the forests of the Western Continent, and within two days they will all become slaves!"

Kurkulun sighed and hooked his finger towards Long: "I feel a very interesting breath from you. Come, let me take a closer look at you, looking for the fairy poet in this blizzard season? This excuse is really stupid!"

Long smiled and yawned to Kurkulun: "You have an aggressive tone, but I asked myself did not offend you?"

Kurkulun laughed. He shook his head vigorously, and then sighed heavily: "Oh, you didn't offend me, of course, you didn't offend me, but I have to deal with you. Does it matter? It’s like there was an equally unlucky guy here just now, he actually wants to buy me souvenirs!"

"Well, he claims to be the emperor of the Longshan Empire, and you are a wandering poet!"

"It couldn't be more appropriate. Let me turn you into beautiful undead at the same time. Then, um, there is a beautiful and lovely lady next to the Emperor, it is really fun. These young and beautiful stupid women, they treat themselves She must be very important to her appearance, right? If I turn her into a rotten zombie, will she cry with fright?"

Kurkulun kept making unpleasant grinning laughs. He leaned forward and backward with laughter, and then slowly took off his cloak.

What appeared in front of Lin Qi and the others was a monster with the name Death Skeleton. He looks like a skeleton frame, nothing more than a thin layer of skin covering his bones, but this dry, almost translucent skin does not play any beautifying effect, but makes him look more The hideous and disgusting.

Under the light of the oil lamp in the tavern, the thin layer of skin on Kurkulun's body seemed to be continuously secreted by oil. The gray oil that seemed to be constantly squirming, made people feel creepy.

Sha Xinyue frowned in disgust. She lowered her voice and murmured angrily: "I really saw the dead! Okay, I admit, this is indeed seeing the dead! But here is so close to the church’s holy mountain. , Dare an undead appear here?"

Kurkulun hurriedly turned around and smiled at Sha Xinyue: "Oh, no, no, my dear lady, I am not an ordinary undead! Don't compare me with those lowly things, I am a noble man who understands Life is fun, and as much as possible in the killing and death to find joy and meaning in life... the gods of the undead!"

The tavernkeeper ‘Gudong’ sat on the ground, and after Kurkulun took off his cloak, he finally recovered from the horror of seeing Kurkurun’s hideous face. Then he suddenly heard Kur Kulen say that he was a god. The tavernkeeper was just sitting on the ground in fright, and he hadn't passed out of fright. This was already an excellent performance of his psychological quality.

The other drinkers shuddered in terror, but did not even dare to say a word, and each of them shrank towards the corner in fright. Hundreds of sturdy men squeezed together tightly, shivering like a group of quail blown by the cold wind.

The face of the dragon who had just walked in changed slightly. He glanced at Kurkulun indifferently, and muttered to himself softly: "A **** of the undead system? It's strange, you seem to come here intentionally, what are you waiting for? "

Kurkulun stood up and pressed Hu Xinzhu with an understatement. As he shot, he giggled and laughed: "Yes, I am here to wait for you specially! The highest veteran of the Abyss of the Undead, the only will of the Abyss of the Undead, the position in the abyss of the powerful Undead is equal to the dragon witch Wang, please give me all the things you carry with you!"

Lin Qi's eyes became weird. He stood up and took a step forward. Before Kur Kulun's hand touched Hu Xinzhu's body, a faint colorful aurora flashed by his side. A heavy axe ripped the air quietly like a breeze, and neatly chopped off Kurkulun's arm against his shoulder.

Kurkulun's shoulders flew up, and the folding fan in Hu Xinzhu's hand shook slightly, and this arm was quietly shattered into countless tiny ghost fires.

Poor Kul Kulun didn’t even feel that his arm was cut off. He was still laughing loudly at the Dragon Witch King: "You should feel honored, Dragon Witch King! As an ordinary dragon lich, It is your honor to let me take action against you personally! Of course, he is even more honored to be slapped to death by me!

"As a human being, it is supreme to be able to die in the hands of gods...Ah!"

Kurkulun finally realized that something was wrong. He slapped it out. Hu Xinzhu should have been beaten to death by him. Then if he retracted his hand, he should be able to see his retracted arm. Why didn't he react at all?

So Kurkulun smiled triumphantly and glanced back, but what he saw was a scene where his arms slowly scattered into countless dots of light falling down. He saw his bare shoulders, his right hand was no longer known. Whereabouts.

"My hand! My... hand?" Kurkulun asked a question that made Sha Xinyue laugh with her belly.

Lin Qi and Hu Xinzhu looked at Kurkulun very seriously, and they both spoke at the same time: "I was taken away by the dog just now!"

Raised eyebrows in surprise, Lin Qi and Hu Xinzhu looked at each other, and then grinned at the same time: "Really, a big wild dog rushed past, unfortunately your hand was taken away by the dog!"

Kul Kulun did not take action, Lin Qi and the others did not use the power of the soul, and they still couldn't see the strength of Kur Kulun. But with his shot, Lin Qi immediately recognized that he was a lower-level and higher-level undead god! This guy is indeed a god-level existence, but the lower gods in the major gods appear more as servants!

A divine servant, being teased by two powerful upper-level gods, according to Kurkulun's own words, it is indeed an honor for him. But Kurkulun didn't think so. He stared at his bare shoulders, and then screamed hoarsely: "You all deserve to die! You all deserve to die ten thousand times!"

A white bone staff entangled by a gray-white ghost fire appeared out of nowhere on Kurkulun’s left hand. He held the staff firmly and screamed hoarsely: "No one dares to hurt the great Kurkurun, no one dares !"

Lin Qi shook his head, then slammed Kul Kulun's forehead with a punch. A surging divine power blasted into Kurkulun's head, knocking him fainted to the ground, and he easily carried Kurkulun in his hand. This undead **** dared to go to the Western Continent alone by himself. There is something strange in it. Lin Qi must investigate clearly what this guy is here for.

The Dragon Witch King's face changed, he glanced at Lin Qi, who knocked Kul Kulun to the ground with ease, and rushed out of the tavern into a gust of wind. Lin Qi laughed loudly: "Dear Dragon Witch King, please don't leave in a hurry. This is the Longshan Empire, my territory, as the master, I should treat you well!"

From the most mysterious and unpredictable powerhouse in the abyss of the undead, if Lin Qi doesn't figure out his ins and outs, Lin Qi is afraid that he will not sleep well in the future. An undead power, as long as they are given enough time and materials, they can create terrifying destruction. For example, if they spread a plague in the Longshan Empire, it would really be fatal.

So Lin Qi yelled, turning into a ray of aurora and flew out with a colorful halo.

Sha Xinyue also jumped up, laughed loudly and pinched a seal: "Then, you guys have a good sleep, and then forget about today!"

The blue-white moonlight enveloped the entire tavern, and Sha Xinyue's magic arts quietly aroused. Everyone inside and outside the tavern, as well as the entire town, shook their bodies, and fell slowly to the ground, falling into a deep sleep. When they wake up, they will never remember what they saw or heard today.

As for the tavernkeeper, well, Sha Xinyue didn't know how he would understand the hundreds of big gold coins that suddenly appeared in his drawer!

Hu Xinzhu had already rushed out of the tavern, and Sha Xinyue rushed out immediately. The two brothers and sisters, incarnate in tandem, quickly followed the traces left by Lin Qi towards the depths of the forest. (To be continued. If you like this work, you are welcome to come to the starting point ( to vote for recommendations and monthly tickets. Your support is my biggest motivation.)

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