Bright Era

Chapter 1882: Unexpectedly (2)

"It's indeed a bit unfortunate!" Lin Qi looked at the Dragon Witch King warily: "What do you want to do when you come to the Earth World? Dragon Witch King, I know the horror of your undead clan powerhouse, so I can't tolerate your freedom on the surface world. Walk. Go back to the abyss of the undead, or be..."

Lin Qi's words were interrupted by dozens of black meteors coming in person. The black dragon-head skeleton the size of a water bucket opened its mouth, dozens of fist-sized fireballs rushed towards Lin Qi with a harsh ghost howl. These fireballs were more than ten meters away from Lin Qi’s body. Large black icy flakes have emerged around Lin Qi, freezing his body firmly in the void.

With such a terrible cold, even the cold that could freeze the void, Lin Qi couldn't help but widen his eyes in surprise, and then blasted forward with a hard punch. With a loud'boom', Lin Qi made a heavy punch like a slash, and a punch with infinite power smashed the ice flakes in front of him. Dozens of black bolide hit Lin Qi's fist. It turned into a weird black rune, silently infiltrating Lin Qi's body.

Lin Qi's body shook, and only felt a strange force penetrated into his body, numb, soft, slow, weak, petrified, poisonous, rot, plague, chaos, fear, blindness, etc., hundreds of let Lin Qi was so uncomfortable that he wanted to yell, but the terrible curse that he couldn't even scream came out at the same time. When Lin Qi turned into a limp and immobile zombie, he fell to the ground embarrassedly.

Hu Xin Bamboo Monster screamed, his folding fan swung forward fiercely, and suddenly a large number of water waves roared in the flat ground. These red spring water quickly evaporated into water vapor and then condensed into ice crystals. Pieces of ice crystals that looked like a bright mirror were ‘clicked’ together, and a small dimensional labyrinth appeared beside the Dragon Witch King. There were countless Dragon Witch King figures reflecting everywhere.

"Hey, old guy, try the war maze of my war fox, Hu Xinzhu!" Hu Xinzhu exclaimed triumphantly: "If you can't get out within a quarter of an hour, this maze will be shattered, and the void around you will also If you collapse, your body will be...I rely on!"

The arrogant Hu Xinzhu looked at the maze he created with divine power with a dull expression. The Dragon Witch King just stood at the core of the maze and threw the weird dragon skull out. The dragon skull the size of a water bucket brought a black flame. , Like a black comet, whizzing and smashing layers of ice crystals.

This labyrinth containing infinite mysteries and Hu Xinzhu's cognition of space, illusions and a large number of other laws and powers was actually shattered by the Dragon Witch King. Before Hu Xinzhu could react, the Dragon Witch King stretched out a finger and lightly flicked it at Hu Xinzhu.

A patch of black medicinal powder whizzed out, turned into a violent wind and rushed to Hu Xinzhu's body. Hu Xinzhu felt her pores suddenly occluded, and a strange force that sour into the bone marrow penetrated through the pores. Unknown and strange power slowly wreaked havoc in Hu Xinzhu's body. Gradually, Hu Xinzhu felt her heart itch, her throat became sweet, the light in front of her became darker and darker, and his legs became softer and softer. Gradually, he sat on the ground, unable to move anymore.

The Falling God Potion is definitely the Falling God Potion, and it's a terrifyingly high grade Falling God Potion. With Hu Xinzhu's current strength, this black powder made him immobile like a dead pig in just a few seconds. It can be seen how destructive this kind of medicine is.

"Hey, Dragon Witch King!" Sha Xinyue screamed crisply from the side, a bright moonlight spilt down her head, Sha Xinyue pulled out the arc moon-shaped long sword on her back, and then gently pointed it towards the sky. With a wave. The surrounding scenery suddenly changed for a while, the sky was as blue as washing, and a moon wheel with a diameter of several meters in the black-blue sky was shining brightly, and the clear moonlight shone the entire world without a trace of dust and impurities.

A few faint thin clouds wrapped around the bright moon, three or five bright stars stubbornly twinkling in the moonlight, a small river winding and flowing from a distance, the riverside is a gentle hill, the top of which is full of white Lilies In The Snow. At this moment, the lily blooms, and the fragrant fragrance refreshes one's heart. People can't wait to lie down in this beautiful scenery, then close their eyes and take a good rest.

The surrounding sky is faint, and the chirping of insects and the sound of birds flapping wings can be heard. The Dragon Witch King looked at this incredible scene in surprise. The scenery in front of him was so different from the night sky of the ground world today, but the scenery in front of him was so familiar to the Dragon Witch King—this situation, this scene, The bright moon that year was just like this.

When a breeze blew, Sha Xinyue's figure was dissolved in the breeze. She swung her long sword, and several lily petals flew gently from the ground, and the white petals fluttered to the Dragon Witch King. In the past, a petal was about to gently fall on his neck.

"It's a pity, it's an illusion after all!" The Dragon Witch King sighed with emotion, "You, have never seen the night sky before the Battle of the Gods? Although the moon sky was beautiful at that time, but his mother, where is it so big? The moon? Are you an idiot?"

'Roar'! A dragon chant sounded from the chest of the Dragon Witch King, and a dragon chant mixed with countless undead curses turned into a gray airflow visible to the naked eye and swept out in all directions. She heard an exclamation, and Sha Xinyue, hidden in the wind, was forcibly rolled out by a violent gray air current, and then countless negative curses fell on her at the same time, and she became as stiff as Lin Qi. Up, and then fell heavily to the ground.

After a few sounds of'Dang Cang', the long sword in Sha Xinyue's hand was thrown out so far, the Dragon Witch King glared at Sha Xinyue, and said faintly: "Little girl, the illusion you created is very good. Man, you have already killed you with a single sword. Unfortunately, the moon in the sky is too big, and when a full moon is in the sky, you cannot see the stars."

Sha Xinyue coughed a few times. At least one hundred kinds of weird plagues and emergencies were on her body at the same time. She was shivering, coughing, running nose, drooling at the corners of her mouth, swollen eye corners, and red eyes. , Dripping blood from the nostrils, all the unbearable symptoms were exposed.

With a slap on his forehead, the Dragon Witch King sighed: "Well, I really shouldn't use this plague curse on a beautiful little girl, but it's so easy to use, so sorry! Okay, Let me add one more sentence."

After pondering for a moment, the Dragon Lich shook his head: "In the illusion you created, the environment is too beautiful! For example, the river water is crystal clear and there is no trace of impurities. You can see river fish swimming in it, and you can even see the river. Shrimp! But I must remind you that before the outbreak of the Primordial Gods War, in those days when the moon could still be seen, the illusion of this world was polluted and almost collapsed."

Cocked his neck, the Dragon Witch King’s face showed a mocking smile: “The river is full of dirty green algae, and there are colorful bubbles caused by pollution everywhere, not to mention river fish and prawns, even now. Throw in the monsters, and they were poisoned too! Well, no, do you actually know how the Super-Order Demon Hydra was created?"

Sha Xinyue raised her head tremblingly, and asked embarrassedly while sneezing, "Hydra, is it related to the pollution?"

The Dragon Witch King sighed, and then spread his hands: "Yes, some of the existing Super-Order Monster Hydras are actually just ordinary snakes, but they swim in the polluted rivers or drink water. , And then they mutated and became Hydra! Uh, including some of the current ogres and double-headed ogres, some of them were born for this reason!"

Lin Qi supported his body with difficulty. After all, Lixue Tiger Soul Armor blocked most of the power of the curse for him, so he was only weak for a few breaths, and the power slowly returned to his body. Moreover, Yuan Li seemed to have a very strong effect on resisting the curse of the undead. Lin Qi just used Yuan Li to wrap those curses, and the weird power was quickly dissipating.

Tu Jun axe let out a tiger roar, turned into a big axe and returned to Lin Qi's hands. Lin Qi stood up holding the big axe, his visor bounced, and he spit heavily on the ground: "Okay, okay, Dragon Witch King, your little experience is of no use to us!"

The Dragon Witch King looked back at Lin Qi, and then pointed to Sha Xinyue: "She used fantasy to deal with me, but her fantasy is everywhere in the eyes of an old guy like me. I was before the Primordial God War, I am a military academy instructor, and I have an obligation to answer some questions for children who have made mistakes!"

Lin Qi rolled his eyes helplessly. How could no one ever tell him that the Dragon Witch King of the Undead Abyss is still a good teacher?

With a heavy cough, Lin Qi shook his neck. All the curse power was completely wiped out by him. Now he has returned to his peak state. His body was filled with powerful power, and the colorful aurora gradually floated out of him, and the range of several miles around Lin Qi was illuminated by the beautiful and unpredictable aurora.

"Well, maybe there are some problems with her environment, but don't you think it is funny and absurd to explain these problems to her?" Lin Qi grinned and said, "Just now you made such a heavy shot, we can't be friends anymore. , You explain these things to people who are not friends, are you afraid that you will suffer in the end?"

The Dragon Witch King shook his head, and then he smiled a few times: "At first, I was a little nervous, but after the real fight, I didn't have any nervous thoughts! You are the gods who just got the power of God. Right? I know there are lucky people like you! But I'm very sorry that, you God-chosen, your strength and combat experience do not match!"

After clenching his fist forcefully, the Dragon Witch King suddenly teleported to Lin Qi, his right fist hit Lin Qi's abdomen fiercely, and he roared: "A mortal, who has not been trained in battle. , How can you play the fighting power that the gods should have?” (To be continued. If you like this work, you are welcome to come to the starting point ( to vote for recommendations and monthly tickets. Your support is my greatest motivation. )

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