Bright Era

Chapter 1883: Unexpectedly (3)

With a loud bang, a black undead ghost fire exploded on the fist of the Dragon Witch King. According to the Dragon Witch King’s estimation, his punch can at least take Lin Qi to fly a hundred meters away, and then the undead ghost fire erupting from his fist can cause huge damage to Lin Qi's Bloody Tiger Soul Armor. After all, this is just a middle-grade artifact, and the number of top-grade artifacts destroyed by the Dragon Witch King’s undead ghosts is unknown.

However, Lin Qi stood still in place.

The Dragon Witch King lowered his head and looked at Lin Qi, who was about one meter shorter than him in amazement. He felt like his heavy fist hit a hill, the mountain was not hurt in any way, but his fist almost exploded. What surprised him even more was that his invincible ghost fires did invade the inside of the Lixue Tiger Soul Armor, but before these ghost fires burst out, a strange power was already filled with the Lixue Tiger Soul Armor and took him all The ghost fire swallowed cleanly.

"This is, what's going on?" Dragon Witch King looked at Lin Qi in amazement.

Lin Qi's left hand firmly grasped the Dragon Witch King's right fist. He smiled and nodded to the Dragon Witch King, who was more than one meter taller than him after his body swelled. "This, unfortunately, my power seems to be Much stronger than you! Although I am really not familiar with divine power, if you want to fight with brute force... you really shouldn't be near me!"

Before the Dragon Witch King could react, Lin Qi had already grabbed the Dragon Witch King's body and slammed him to the ground. The moment Lin Qi threw the Dragon Witch King's body to the ground, a yellowish halo flashed from under Lin Qi's feet, and the ground under his feet had become ten thousand times stronger than steel.

There was a loud noise, and countless large and small cracks were opened in the surrounding ground. Even if Lin Qi deliberately strengthened the surrounding ground, the heavy impact of the Dragon Witch King still smashed the ground. If Lin Qi did not reinforce the ground nearby, I am afraid that Lin Qi's attack would be enough to open an artificial ocean near the border between the Longshan Empire and the Great Yan Dynasty.

The Dragon Witch King was lying in a deep pit with his eyes turned white and unable to move. He was just a Dragon Witch King. He was a Lich, not an undead warrior. Compared with the undead warriors who are powerful and powerful, the body of the liches is extremely fragile. Their strength lies in their souls and various unbelievable undead spells.

When the Dragon Witch King rushed to Lin Qi and punched Lin Qi, his tragic fate was actually doomed.

The body was shivering slightly, and the Dragon Witch King felt his bones all over his body making a crisp sound, a sharp pain, and the indescribable pain made him groan deeply. The wound pierced by the Blazing God Lord on his chest spewed out red fire again. This flame burned his body, and a large number of black liquid beads the size of a thumb were constantly leaking from his wound.

"Asshole!" The Dragon Witch King yelled hard.

Hu Xinzhu on the side also groaned softly and weakly: "Asshole, what kind of medicine does this guy use? Find a way to detoxify me. I think my bone marrow and bones are melting. I think I will turn into a honey soup bag. Now, my internal organs are all dissolving. It's so sweet, so sweet, so sweet. Now I want to bite off my tongue and eat it. It's so sweet."

The sweet-scented osmanthus tree sighed faintly: "Honey Hell, really a vicious potion for the Fallen God! Fortunately, there is the plasma of the quiet jade toad, otherwise, this guy is in a lot of trouble today. But the formula for the Fallen God potion of Honey Hell is not strict. Is it confidential? Where did this guy get the recipe?"

Lin Qi's fingers flicked, a little silvery white, the blood of the quiet Yu Chan exuding a fragrant fragrance flew out of his fingertips, lightly tracing an arc, and it happened to land in Hu Xinzhu's open mouth. A faint mist of black and red continuously sprayed out of Hu Xinzhu's pores. Hu Xinzhu, who was wriggling on the ground in discomfort, took a heavy breath, and then lay on the ground like a dead dog.

"Help me kick him a few feet, this potion is too vicious! Damn, when have I suffered such a loss? This old guy is too vicious, help me break his bones, knock out his big teeth, and see Is there anything under him? If so, cut him off for me!" Hu Xinzhu lay on the ground in anger and yelled: "I am still weak and can't stand up. He won't let me be hardened again? "

Lin Qi ignored this guy, but Sha Xinyue, who was constantly coughing on the side, grabbed a piece of mud and slammed it on Hu Xinzhu's forehead. Lin Qi also flew out a drop of Serene Yuchan's plasma. Sha Xinyue opened her mouth and swallowed that drop of plasma. The various undead plagues on her body quickly melted away, and she stood up tremblingly after a while.

An aurora flashed, and Tu Jun axe steadily rested on the Dragon Witch King’s neck.

The pupils of the Dragon Witch King suddenly shrank to the size of the tip of a needle. He didn't even see how Lin Qi's axe moved. Why did an aurora flash across and the axe reached his neck? Feeling the cold air emanating from the inside of Tu Junaxe and the tyrannical devouring power contained in Tu Junaxe, the Dragon Witch King couldn't help but snorted.

With a loud'bang', the Dragon Witch King's body suddenly exploded, and Lin Qi snorted unpreparedly. He was swept in by a cloud of green ghost fire that suddenly exploded, and his body was blown up with a large amount of ghost fire. Hundreds of meters away. A trace of blood dripped from the corner of Lin Qi's mouth, whose internal organs were shaking violently, and he fell to the ground with his head down, unable to get up for a long time.

A sudden tornado appeared out of nowhere near Kul Kulun, and the Dragon Witch King walked out of the wind, grabbed Kul Kulun and picked him up. The ghost fire flickered in the pupils, and the Dragon Witch King smiled calmly: "Inexperienced kids, it is not easy to catch the Dragon Witch King. Although your strength is not bad, you have experience, experience!"

Lin Qi, who was so dizzy and blackened by the explosion, got up embarrassedly with billowing black smoke. The explosion just now, Lin Qi hadn’t seen what method Dragon Witch King had used. The terrifying power that severely damaged the upper gods engulfed him. What shocked Lin Qi even more was that although this force was extremely powerful, the scope of its effect was extremely small, and its power did not spread.

In other words, only Lin Qi received the blow ten percent of the time, which caused his internal organs to tremble. A mouthful of blood had reached his throat and was forcibly swallowed back by him, but after all, there was a trace of blood flowing from his mouth. Blood.

Staring at the Dragon Witch King fiercely, Lin Qi had to admit that the words of the Dragon Witch King made sense. Lin Qi may be considered to have experienced a hundred battles, but the battles he experienced were no more than a demigod. He has never really fought against a god, and he has never fought against a **** who has the strength of a god, and has a firm will, and an experienced god.

Therefore, facing the Dragon Witch King, facing this severely injured Dragon Witch King who has not yet returned to its peak strength, Lin Qi's three newly promoted upper-level gods teamed up, and they were actually disgraced. Looking at the Dragon Witch King helplessly, Lin Qi hesitated for a while, and put away the Tu Junaxe and Lixue Tiger Soul Armor.

After coughing a few times, Lin Qi looked at the Dragon Witch King and smiled bitterly: "Then, we don’t have to fight anymore. It’s really difficult for us to treat you! But you must also admit that facing the three of us teaming up, It is also impossible for you to cause real harm to us."

The Dragon Witch King blinked his eyes in surprise: "'You'? Well, I just noticed that you have always been very polite to me! But this is strange, the Axul protoss should always say heresy when they see me. It's normal to keep talking about the enemy of God, keep saying that you want to put me on the torture frame! Why do you use the honorific name for me?"

Lin Qi squinted at the Dragon Witch King for a long time, then lowered his voice, and mumbled vaguely: "Who knows? Maybe it's because we won't be enemies in the future? Dragon Witch King, I remember you. Up!"

The face of the Dragon Witch King became very weird. He took a deep look at Lin Qi and then laughed weirdly: "A **** of the Axul protoss said to me that we can't be enemies? This is really It feels too weird. Do you know what you just said, you can be sent to the torture frame and burned alive!"

Clapping his hands gently, Lin Qi shrugged his shoulders disapprovingly: "Who would believe what an undead said? Well, as long as you promise, don't release the plague in the ground world and create terrible natural disasters for the undead, I will I'm too lazy to shoot you again. How about? We can live in peace. I don't want an enemy as powerful as you to be watching from behind."

The face of the Dragon Witch King became more and more weird. He was silent for a long time before he waved his hand, and the roaring snow tornado ‘crashed’ all over the ground, and snow piles several meters thick quickly appeared on the ground. The dragon scales on the Dragon Witch King gradually dissipated. He shook his head, and the two dragon horns on his head also got into his scalp. He now looks like an ordinary middle-aged man from the East who is a little malnourished.

A fist hit the back of Kurkulun's head, making sure that this guy could be in a coma for at least a few more days. The Dragon Witch King gave Lin Qi a deep look before nodding: "Then, I can know your names. Huh? Your god's name, and your name on the ground world! I was pleasantly surprised to find that it seems that the idiots of the Axul Protoss made a huge mistake. They picked a few gods who were not very religious. ?"

Lin Qi coughed, and then reported the names of herself, Hu Xinzhu and Sha Xinyue, and their current identities.

The stunned Dragon Witch King stared at Lin Qi up and down for a long time, then he turned around and looked at Hu Xinzhu with a **** expression: "You are the goddess of war, you really hook up A goddess? As an ordinary human, you hooked up with a goddess? That's why you got the priesthood inheritance?" (To be continued. If you like this work, you are welcome to come to the starting point ( to recommend it. Tickets, monthly tickets, your support is my biggest motivation.)

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