Bright Era

Chapter 1887: Careful Woman (2)

This is an enemy that is enough to kill Lin Qi and the others. If they don't cheer up, they might all die here today.

Hu Xinzhu coughed slightly, and he waved to the Dragon Witch King. The Dragon Witch King frowned slightly, a pair of dragon horns quickly grew out of his forehead, and a thick layer of black dragon scales draped on his body. Then he turned his head step by step, walking very cautiously. When I got to Hu Xinzhu's side, I stood still with Hu Xinzhu brothers and sisters.

Several female elves watched the Dragon Witch King's movements with a smile, and didn't mean to act. Undoubtedly, they thought that even if Lin Qi and the others joined forces with the Dragon Witch King, they would definitely not be their opponents. Since Lin Qi and the others could not be their opponents, because of the grace and grace of the elves, of course they would not attack them indiscriminately.

"Not disappointed, just surprised!" The Moon Goddess still looked so calm and calm, "It really surprised me. With your strength, my arrow can definitely kill you, but you Just got a little bit of injury? How is this possible?"

With a soft sigh, the Moon Goddess frowned: "You must die here, otherwise, if you go out and go around talking nonsense, saying that I didn't kill a lucky mortal who just inherited the priesthood. I All his glory is lost!"

Lin Qi looked at the woman who was talking to herself coldly, the sweet-scented osmanthus tree was repairing his body nervously. With the quiet jade toad and the immortal moon wheel, the medical power of the sweet-scented osmanthus tree has increased more than a hundred times? At this moment, Lin Qi's chest injury had recovered 70% to 80%, and he was about to heal.

Touching the Bloody Tiger Soul Armor, which is also rapidly repairing itself, Lin Qi drew the Tu Junaxe.

"I'm very curious, how did your arrow hit me?" Lin Qi stared at the Moon Goddess: "I have seen your movements clearly."

The Moon Goddess and the female elves she had brought laughed at the same time, while the Dragon Witch King sighed helplessly. Seeing the Moon Goddess and they just laughed, the Dragon Witch King lowered his voice and said in an extremely helpless tone: "His Majesty Lin Qi, I must say that God's Domain is a very great artifact, but it is What a useless artifact!"

The Dragon Witch King’s words have not been finished yet, the voice of Heavenly Mountain has already sounded in Lin Qi Linghai: "Master Lin Qi, you have reached the level you have now. The battle at the level of the five-star warrior is not just a competition of strength. It is the application of the law. This space has been completely controlled by the moon goddess Milte, and she controls the law here!"

The urn sound of the Temple of the Doomsday Apocalypse opened the mouth with an aura: "According to my analysis just now, the first rule of this space is that her arrows must hit the enemy's vital points according to her will. The second rule is that the power of moonlight will cover everything else The power of the elements, unless the divine power is stronger than her, the law of mastery is more complete than her, or the power of the moonlight is also used, otherwise no one can beat her in divine art!"

Sure enough, I heard the Dragon Witch King coldly snorted there: "This hypocritical and shameless woman only knows the sneak attack behind her, she controls the law of this space. Her arrows will definitely hit the enemy, whether you dodge or not, regardless of you Whether it’s defensive or not, in short, it will definitely hit. So I’m very surprised, if you can’t resist her rule suppression, you’re already dead?”

Is the law suppressed? Lin Qi snorted coldly. There are sweet-scented osmanthus trees and they exist, even if they are the main god-level characters, don't think about suppressing yourself on the law? Holding the Tu Jun axe tightly, Lin Qi gritted his teeth and said: "The law is suppressed? I don't understand this, but I only know that if we don't kill these elves, we will all die here. Dragon Witch King, you don't want to fall. Right?"

The Dragon Witch King coldly snorted: "I'm just thinking of falling, I've been alive for so many years, I still want to continue to enjoy life!"

With a flick of his fingers, dozens of black bolide blasted towards the Moon Goddess with a harsh crackling sound, and the Dragon Witch King sternly shouted: "Go to war! Do your best! Just break this small space into an insignificant small gap. , These **** elves will be in big trouble!"

As long as this enclosed small dimensional space is broken into a small gap, once the spirit of the spirit level leaks, the Void Eye will immediately lock this space. The gods of the Azhul Protoss will discover the invasion of the Moon Goddess for the first time. Once the entire Azhul Protoss is mobilized, let alone one Moon Goddess, even ten or eight will be crushed to pieces immediately!

Dealing with a Protoss by one person, who would dare to speak such big words?

Therefore, when the Dragon Witch King shot, it was like a thunderbolt, and he did not keep his hands at all. After dozens of powerful bolides blasted out, he drew sharp triangle runes in the air with both hands, and waves of black bolides continued to fly out with a terrifying roar.

Hu Xinzhu waved his folding fan not to be outdone, and suddenly a large cloud of water rose up around him. Numerous ice mirrors with a length of 100 meters and a width of ice condensed out of thin air, forming a huge and complicated maze in the air that surrounded everyone in the maze. The black fireballs of the Dragon Witch King hit the ice mirror and quickly submerged. In the next instant, these black fireballs spewed out from the elves and gods in a mess.

There are thousands of large and small ice mirrors around those elves. Some ice mirrors are a few hundred meters far away, and some are only a dozen meters away. The horrible whistling sounds can be heard suddenly. The sound came from all directions, and countless black fireballs flew out of the ice mirror beside them, smashing them in from all directions.

Originally, the Dragon Witch King only attacked the Moon Goddess and her party from the front, but after Hu Xinzhu's assistance, his fireball became a terrifying attack covering all aspects. Moreover, under Hu Xinzhu's deliberate control, these bolides fly at different speeds and appear at different distances. The seemingly messy attacks have a dizzying frequency.

The Moon Goddess widened her eyes in surprise, took a serious look at Hu Xinzhu, and then she snapped her fingers gently. A large bluish-white moon disk swirled out around her, and palm-sized light shields formed rapidly around her. Accompanied by the dull explosion sound, the fire meteor released by the Dragon Witch King hit the light shield and burst out a terrible explosion, but the light shield was intact.

The continuous explosion sound continued for a full quarter of an hour, and when the Dragon Witch King began to gasp because of excessive divine power consumption, the fire meteor attack suddenly stopped. In this quarter of an hour, Lin Qi had already swung Tu Jun's axe, smashing hundreds of thousands of axe into the air. Every blow used up all his strength, and every blow made Lin Qi's own muscles feel sore, but all the attacks had no effect at all.

Every time Lin Qi slashed, a small moonlight shield appeared in front of his axe. The heavy axe that Lin Qi slashed with all his strength fell on the light shield, as if hitting a piece of soft and unstressed cotton. The huge slashing force was swallowed, and there was no power to really attack the moon goddess. This dimensional space.

When the Dragon Witch King stopped attacking because of excessive consumption of divine power, Lin Qi also stopped his futile attack. His muscles aches all over, his bones are pulled to creak, and he has tried his best to attack hundreds of thousands of times. Lin Qi has reached the level of a five-star imperial officer, and his body has been strengthened to an extremely strong level. It was stronger than the body of an ordinary upper god, and such an overloaded attack still made his body overwhelmed.

Rubbing the swollen shoulders, Lin Qi thrust Tu Jun axe heavily into the ground. He stared at the Moon Goddess who was besieged by Hu Xinzhu’s huge maze and the several gods she had brought with him. He lowered his voice and said to himself: "In this dimensional space, the power of moonlight suppressed all other things. Elemental power. Unless our divine power surpasses her several times, we who have been trapped in this space cannot break her blockade."

Taking a deep breath, Lin Qi looked at Sha Xinyue: "Little fox, it's up to you. You also master the power of moonlight, and the law you master should be stronger than the long ears. So, we Whether you can escape today or not is up to you."

Sha Xinyue nodded slowly, and in that room, the Moon Goddess had already smiled reservedly: "Disappointed? Desperate? It should be! Today's harvest is not bad. An important member of the Longshan family will send it directly. Come in front of me; plus a heresy leader of the abyss world, if I bring your head back to the elven continent, those guys should also envy my record?"

He glanced at Hu Xinzhu and Sha Xinyue with disdain, and the Moon Goddess gently shook his head: "As for you, it's not a big deal to just deal with it easily?"

Gently stretched out his hand and pointed at Lin Qi and the others, the Moon Goddess blatantly ordered: "Capture Lin Qi alive, that dragon lich, I want his head. The other two lucky picks, dig out their hearts. Come to sacrifice, this is the best sacrifice!"

The eight female elves drew out weapons such as swords, scimitars, moon sickles, and javelins, brought eight moonlights, and rushed towards Lin Qi and the others. Maybe it’s an interesting mentality of cats and mice. The eight female elves charge forward at an extremely slow speed. With the distance that their power could have passed in just a short time, they dragged on. Three breaths.

Lin Qi laughed strangely, what is this? Adding psychological pressure to them, want to appreciate Lin Qi's despair and screams before they die? With a malicious smile, the black light in Lin Qi's palm flickered. When the osmanthus tree was boring, Mr. Pointing Mo's vicious and extremely vicious medicine for the Fallen God had been tightly held in his hand. (To be continued. If you like this work, you are welcome to come to the starting point ( to vote for recommendations and monthly tickets. Your support is my biggest motivation.)

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