Bright Era

Chapter 1888: Careful Woman (3)

The Dragon Witch King on the side also took the same posture, and he held the weird skull potion bottle in his hands. Lin Qi and Dragon Witch King glanced at each other, and their pupils flickered at the same time, and the two could not help but develop a battle to see whose medicine is more powerful. Of course, both people have their own confidence, and they both feel that the medicine for the Fallen God that they have formulated is the strongest.

Hu Xinzhu waved the folding fan again and again, and a maze of overlapping light mirrors appeared in front of the eight charging female elves. The space was distorted and folded, and many spaces were intertwined, forming an extremely dangerous maze trap. Instead of ordinary people breaking into the maze made by Hu Xinzhu, they are either lost in the endless small dimensional space, or they are simply crushed by the distorted space.

But the bodies of these eight elven gods were constantly shining with bluish-white moonlight. In the dimensional space created by the moon goddess, the power of moonlight surpassed all power. Unless Hu Xinzhu's divine power can surpass the Moon Goddess, the Law of Moonlight is invincible.

A heavy light mirror was destroyed, and the distorted small dimensional space was shattered. The eight elves and gods rushed towards Lin Qi and the others with crisp and sweet laughter, and the weapons in their hands were already full of charming moonlight. Water light.

Lin Qi and the Dragon Witch King smashed the potion bottles in their hands at the same time, and the large colorful powder and mist made a ‘sneer’ sound, covering the eight elves like a flowing nightmare. With arrogant smiles, the elves broke into the potions thrown by Lin Qi and the others without fear, and then suddenly a scream came, and the eight elves retreated at the same time in embarrassment.

The potions thrown by the Dragon Witch King are extremely powerful, one is highly corrosive and can even corrode high-grade artifacts; the other has a powerful paralyzing effect, even if the upper **** is caught by this potion, the body will feel inconvenient to move; There is a combination of various negative curse attributes, from weakening to aging, to all kinds of messy plagues. Anyway, even if God encounters this kind of stuff, it is absolutely uncomfortable.

And the bottles of potions that Lin Qi threw had only one effect-‘Happy Divine Liquid’, as the name suggests, this is a vicious potion that allows the gods to transform from a high **** to a wild beast in spring. This kind of medicine has no other effect, it is to directly arouse the instinct of the descendants in the blood of the gods, and then magnify it countless times, causing them to fall into a state of mania.

Several elven goddesses were taken aback by the Dragon Witch King’s powerful potions, and they also showed various uncomfortable symptoms, but under the moonlight, these negative states are quickly dissipating, and the damage they have suffered is not Nothing serious. But what made them break down was that their bodies started to get hot from the lower abdomen, and the hot current continued to flow all over their bodies. Their bodies shivered violently, their legs became soft, and their eyes began to be filled with affectionate water waves.

An unprecedented weird feeling made several elven goddesses want to cry and weak. The negative state of their bodies was quickly dissolving, but their bodies were indeed getting softer and weaker, and gradually they lost the strength to hold their weapons.

But with a strange groan, an elf goddess wearing a pale golden hollow violet pattern cried out: "Milte, we have strange symptoms appearing on us, hurry up and dispel this terrible state for us, we, we are almost gone Strength!"

The Dragon Witch King turned his head and snarled at Lin Qi angrily: "Shameless fellow! This is the lost God medicine Happy God Liquid! Where did you get this lost medicine? Give me a copy, otherwise If you do, I will haunt you!"

Lin Qi coughed dryly, but didn't say a word with a strange expression. Give him a copy? Lin Qi is not so stupid.

Lin Qi has subdued the paradise of the gods, one of the parts of the metaworld. Although the paradise of the gods is only a purely auxiliary and recreational part, some strange products in the paradise of the gods are still Very effective. For example, Happy God Liquid, the formula of this medicine does not even have relevant information on the osmanthus tree, but after the paradise of the gods offered this prescription, the osmanthus tree immediately instructed Mr. Mo to prepare a lot of this medicine. .

In many cases, on the battlefield, the poisonous potions that kill people are not very effective. After all, if you have a potion to kill people, the opponent will have the means to deal with it. On the contrary, it is a potion that enhances the body's instincts, such as Happy God Liquid, which has extremely magical effects. Even if they are gods, they can't resist the instinctive needs of their bodies, right?

With a few sounds of'Dang Cang', the weapons in the hands of several elven goddesses fell on the ground at the same time. A silver-haired elven with the weakest strength had already cried and sat on the ground, both legs trembling violently, even standing. Can't stand up.

The Moon Goddess was stunned for a long time, and finally she managed to figure out what had been tricked by her subordinates. She shivered and cursed: "It's the **** of joy! Where did you get this vicious potion? Shameless, how many gods have been immersed in the pleasure of the flesh because of this vicious potion, In the end was assassinated by those shameless... **** enemies?"

While cursing Lin Qi, the Moon Goddess stepped back sharply. She did not go to rescue her subordinates immediately, but pulled the distance between Lin Qi and Lin Qi as quickly as possible. Ensuring her own safety is the most important thing for the Moon Goddess-she definitely does not want to be calculated by the joyous liquid, this kind of medicine will not kill her, but if they are really in Lin Qi It was even more terrifying than killing her.

Watching their main gods retreat, several elven goddesses screamed loudly. They staggered to their feet, trying to retreat with the moon goddess, but they had just struggled a few steps, their legs weakened, and suddenly Sat on the ground.

Even the gods cannot resist the impact of instinct, let alone the instinct magnified hundreds, thousands, or tens of thousands of times? Now these elven goddesses can still maintain their sanity, which is already very difficult.

With a cruel smile, Lin Qi turned into an aurora and rushed forward. Tu Junaxe's harsh tiger roar turned into a circular arc around Lin Qi's body. When chasing behind an elf goddess, the heavy and unusually heavy Tu Junaxe suddenly turned from a mountain into a dancing tiger butterfly, with a somewhat indescribable chic and elegant, and gently wiped it towards the elf's neck. .

The purple-haired elf suddenly spewed out a large dazzling flame, and at least twelve automatic defense artifacts burst out at the same time. These exquisite artifacts include earrings, rings, pendants, bracelets, belts, and headdresses. The grade of each piece has reached the level of middle and upper-level artifacts.

Lin Qi's axe is extremely powerful, and a steady stream of power is injected into the Tu Jun axe, and a vivid black tiger phantom is looming on the Tu Jun axe, constantly making a low roar. As soon as the big axe touched the body of the fairy goddess, Lin Qi felt more than a dozen extremely strong counter-shock powers. Accompanied by the dull blast, seven or eight defensive artifacts on the fairy goddess exploded at the same time.

With a grunt, Lin Qi's wrist hurt, he staggered back a few steps, and then the incarnation Aurora chased the fairy goddess. This time, he made a fist with his left hand, and a looming mountain appeared behind him. His heavy fist hit the back of the fairy goddess like a mountain pressing on top.

There was another explosion, and the last few defensive artifacts on this fairy goddess also exploded at the same time. The gorgeous hollowed-out patterned fairy armor on her body suddenly released countless thin halos around her body. Lin Qi only felt that a sharp counter-shock force as sharp as a blade had swallowed it back from the light emitted by the divine armor, his fist was aching, and the blood kept spurting out.

It was really difficult to deal with, after all, this was the goddess of the higher elves!

Lin Qi snorted coldly, and Tu Jun axe hacked out again. This time, Lin Qi hid a trace of the moonlight power of the immortal moon wheel on the blade of Tu Junaxe. Tu Junaxe suddenly swept up dozens of afterimages, like tiger butterflies dancing lightly around flower petals, and slices of axe shadows slashed frantically around the fairy goddess.

The other seven elven goddesses rushed forward without turning their heads back, their bodies were dripping with sweat and their faces were pink, and they were already in a semi-conscious state. If it hadn't been for this space to be controlled by the Moon Goddess, and if they could still use part of the Moon Goddess' power, they would have fainted and fell into a coma.

The situation is so critical that they can hardly bother to look back to rescue their companions.

However, the Moon Goddess had already run hundreds of miles in just a few snaps. She looked back at Lin Qi, who was swinging a large axe and launching a frantic attack on her subordinates. Angrily, she grabbed the longbow, a green arrow. Guang brought up a long rainbow that was a hundred meters long, and shot it towards Lin Qi's heart with howling.

Lin Qi lowered his head and didn't look at the arrow at all. He just clenched the axe tightly and slashed at the spirit goddess who was already struggling in front of him. Thousands of heavy axes fell on the elf goddess almost at the same time, containing a trace of the moonlight power of the immortal moon wheel. Tu Junaxe almost did not encounter any resistance this time, and easily broke the elf goddess. The bodyguard Shenguang.

With a loud bang, the armor of the Elf Goddess shattered at the same time, revealing her beautiful rugged figure.

The Moon Goddess made a roar of fright and anger. She screamed, and the light of the arrow that had escaped the bowstring suddenly became a bit faster. It was almost as soon as Lin Qi's axe fell that this arrow hit Lin Qi's body. The sweet-scented osmanthus tree swung its rhizomes and beat fiercely on the sword light that invaded Lin Qi's body. Shot from the back of the body. (To be continued. If you like this work, you are welcome to come to the starting point ( to vote for recommendations and monthly tickets. Your support is my biggest motivation.)

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