Bright Era

Chapter 1896: Dragon Witch King, join in (3)

The Dragon Witch King smiled grimly, he took a pot of hot tea from the hand of the maid, and then slowly poured it on Kurkulun's head. For Kurkulun, this level of boiling water can't cause any harm to his body at all, but he doesn't know what Dragon Witch King has mixed into the tea. After these steaming tea is poured on his head, His skin immediately made a harsh'chi chi' sound.

Countless large and small white blisters popped out of Kurkulun's head, and Kurkulun let out a miserable howl. His head melted quickly like a snowball in the sun, and soon melted into a black air and drifted away invisible. A lonely green spirit wailed sharply, writhing and struggling frantically in front of Lin Qi.

But around this spirit, there are a large amount of gray and white light forming a dense spider web that binds his spirit firmly. Regardless of how Kul Kulun struggled, his spirit touched these spider webs, and immediately shot out a dazzling ghost fire, which caused his spirit to twitch continuously, looking extremely pitiful.

"I'm very curious, who gave you my information!" Dragon Witch King sneered and sneered: "A low-ranking **** who dares to trouble me, I'm really surprised, what is he trying to harm? Kill me, or do you want to kill you?"

Kurkulun's spirit cursed madly, but Lin Qi had already stretched out his hand and shot five cyan rays from his fingertips, which quickly penetrated Kurkulun's spirit. Huge memories are constantly pouring out of Kun'er Kulun's spirit, all kinds of wonderful undead curses, all kinds of vicious undead magic, all kinds of insidious undead potions, and finally, Kulkulun's huge number of life experiences.

Lin Qi discarded the memory of how Kul Kulun grew from a small skeleton monster to an undead lower god, kept his undead spells and other things, and then focused on his analysis in the last few days. memory.

"The fifth vice-president of the Undead Abyss Senior Council, Ghost Devourer Gust, he is very interested in your position!" Lin Qi glanced at the Dragon Witch King, and then tore the spirit of Kurkulun into pieces. The two halves were thrown to the Dragon Witch King.

The Dragon Witch King’s complexion became very ugly, and he muttered in a low voice, "Gust, I didn’t expect that my student, he actually has such a strong desire for power! Isn’t his current status still not enough to satisfy? Is his ambition? Greed and jealousy, this is the original sin!"

Lin Qi opened his mouth and swallowed a wisp of Kul Kulun’s soul. A violent thunder broke out from the golden thundercloud on the top of Dragon Cliff, which smashed Kul Kulun’s soul into the ascension pond, a large amount of silvery white. The pool water envelops the spirit of Kul Kulun, and along with the stern howling, the last remaining memories of Kul Kulun are instantly purified by Shengxianchi.

Satisfied Dragon Cliff pulled Kurkulun's spirit into one of his dragon's lairs. After not much effort, a mighty undead bone dragon full of bone spurs roared out of the dragon's lair. Accompanied by the hoarse, gloomy dragon roar, this undead bone dragon spread its wings and rushed into the golden thunderclouds high in the sky, mixing with tens of thousands of flame dragons and poisonous dragons.

Lin Qi only noticed the movement of Longya a little bit, then smiled and stood up and stretched out his right hand to the Dragon Witch King.

"As a human being, I will never allow such things to happen!" Lin Qi's lips curled slightly: "Will you come to see my real site with me? Dear Senior Dragon Witch King, maybe you will I have a better understanding!"

The Dragon Witch King looked at Lin Qi’s extended right hand, and smiled and raised Erlang’s legs: "How can you convince me that you have not really been bought by the Azerite clan? Your blood has become The blood of the Azhul clan, these demons and evil spirits around you, maybe betrayers who have been bewitched by the gods and have joined their camp?"

After a moment of silence, Lin Qi's body shook, and accompanied by a low ‘click’ sound, the human-shaped body composed of the rhizomes of the sweet-scented osmanthus tree slowly emerged from Lin Qi’s body. A large amount of golden blood was entwined on this body, and those golden blood were exuding a strong spirit of spirit.

And Lin Qi's right hand became a sword, and he lightly cut a note on his wrist. A golden-red blood flowed out, and then was imprisoned in front of him by the source force released by Lin Qi, suspended in mid-air. The blood also exudes strong power fluctuations, but there is no doubt that the breath of these blood has nothing to do with the gods.

"You deceived those main gods?" Dragon Witch King's eyes widened in horror: "How did you do it?"

Lin Qi sucked the blood flowing from his body back into his body, and then the body slowly merged into his body again. Looking at the dumbfounded Dragon Witch King, Lin Qi smiled and narrowed his eyes: "Of course, everyone needs to have a little secret, for example, as an undead, but you are full of enthusiasm for humans, isn't it?"

The Dragon Witch King tilted his head and stared at Lin Qi for a long time, and then he slowly nodded: "Then, go to your site! Maybe, I will make up my mind to be friends with you, a weird little guy. Maybe one day we will become allies, who knows? We really saw the undead, a god-chosen one is actually an enemy of gods heresy! Is the Axul protoss destined to be destroyed?"

Lin Qi smiled and bowed deeply to the Dragon Witch King. He grabbed the Dragon Witch King by the shoulders. The Dragon Witch King did not resist Lin Qi's movements. Lin Qi's body shook and he had already brought the Dragon Witch King to Longshan. In a secret room deep underground in the imperial palace.

Through a short-range magic teleportation array, Lin and Qi were teleported to an ordinary island in the southern waters of the Longshan Empire. After two consecutive short-range magic teleportation arrays, after a long-distance teleportation magic array, the last ultra-long-distance teleportation array directly teleported the two Lin Qi to the Abyss Dragon City in the Fourth Abyss.

Lin Qi, wearing a black cloak, took the Dragon Witch King and appeared directly on the tallest tower in Abyss Dragon City.

Unlike when Lin Qi first built the Abyssal Dragon City, the Abyssal Dragon City at this moment has become a giant abyssal city hundreds of miles long and wide, with more than a dozen deep walls inside and outside. The city defense system designed by the dwarves of the abyss is really sullen and murderous when viewed from a high place. Various huge city defense facilities are densely packed inside and outside the city wall, and countless magic arrays continue to flash a dazzling halo.

Nearly a thousand flaming dragons and venomous dragons hovered and danced high in the sky. On the backs of these dragons were tall dragon-blooded war ghosts and demon wizards; teams of brightly armored half-dragons on the ground kept roaring So, striding across the streets and alleys-these grumpy half-dragons, it is impossible for them to patrol quietly, they are more willing to continue running wildly.

The huge abyssal beasts carrying mountains of ore continue to enter the city from outside the city. In the several workshop areas filled with huge furnaces in the city, countless babbled abyss goblins are busy slaying the hands of those abyss dwarves. , From time to time, several furnaces are deflected, and huge amounts of rare magic metal solution whizzes out along the grooves, and is injected into the mold to become magical metal ingots with brilliance.

The countless gray elves, black elves, blood elves, and other elves on the city wall who are not recognized by the orthodox elves are carrying sophisticated magic long bows, and they are very vigilantly scanning the surrounding movement. Behind these cautious elves, there are a large group of orc archers who are laughing and yelling. These orcs carrying giant bows and arrows that are larger than the bed crossbows don't have the patience to watch.

There are a large number of magic towers standing everywhere in the city. From time to time, there are huge magic shocks from several magic towers, and from time to time there will be dull explosions. A large number of heretics in the ground world, such as dark wizards and cursed wizards, are studying their favorite magic in these magic towers.

Outside the city, hundreds of military camps are densely populated in the four directions, southeast, northwest. Uncountable evil spirits, demons, half-dragons, and strong fighting races such as abyss dwarves and hybrid Titans, orcs, half-orcs, are gathering in the barracks for crazy training with slogans.

And the people who command these alien soldiers to practice are actually humans wearing standard armor! And obviously, these human beings have all received the education of a serious military academy, and their words and deeds reveal a breath of regular soldiers.

If you look a little outside, you can see the endless fertile land. A large number of crops unique to the abyss are exuding a shining luster. These abyss crops cover almost all the land within sight. Countless cavemen are working diligently on the land, driving some large herbivorous monsters to roam and graze.

"Here!" The Dragon Witch King was shocked! He never dreamed that in the Fourth Abyss, he could see such a lively scene. He thinks he has taken care of the Abyss of the Undead in an orderly manner and has developed very well, but compared with the Fourth Abyss, is his Abyss of the Undead too loose?

Lin Qi did not wait for the Dragon Witch King to express his evaluation of the Fourth Abyss, he had already grasped the Dragon Witch King and directly teleported to the Fifth Abyss Devil Abyss.

Here, the Dragon Witch King was even more dizzy. The castles of the former seven lords have been connected together, and a fortress group covering tens of thousands of miles has been circled. Countless large and small battle fortresses are densely spread on the endless black land. At least a thousand soldiers are stationed in each fortress, and tens of thousands of elites are stationed at most.

This place is more lively and busier than the Fourth Abyss. Countless dragon blood beasts are squirming their bodies violently, constantly producing huge amounts of dragon blood, allowing the legionnaires organized by Lin Qi to enjoy the benefits of a dragon blood bath. Large groups of slaves such as abyss gnomes and cavemen shouted chants and brought mountains of food, constantly filling the body of the dragon blood beast. (To be continued. If you like this work, you are welcome to come to the starting point ( to vote for recommendations and monthly tickets. Your support is my biggest motivation.)

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