Bright Era

Chapter 1897: Dragon Witch King, join in (4)

Lin Qi let the Dragon Witch King see how he signed a soul contract with those soldiers, how to make them quickly increase their strength, and let them bathe in dragon blood. Every day, soldiers from a legion enter the dragon blood pool to strengthen, and this dragon blood pool has never been free.

Not only the soldiers of the Longshan Empire, but also the soldiers of the Church Army who were sent to the Black Spirit Continent, they were also transported here with a magic circle, forced to sign the soul contract and walked into the dragon blood pool.

In addition, there are huge legions from the Fourth Abyss, Demon Abyss, and Demon Abyss, which are constantly bathing in dragon blood.

How many troops can be formed in the three abysses? Lin Qi can't figure out this number, anyway, this dragon blood pool has been running at full capacity for more than a year, and the army that has not had time to bathe in dragon blood has been ranked five years later! Lin Qi has made up his mind that he will immediately let Longya make fifty times the dragon blood beast, no matter how much it costs, he will make fifty times the dragon blood beast.

In the mining area of ​​the Fifth Abyss, densely packed slaves are madly mining ores. After the piles of ores are melted and smelted on the spot, they are sent to the weapon foundry at the rear, and they are quickly changed. The shimmering swords and heavy armors, etc., were continuously transported out.

In all the crater areas of the Fifth Abyss, a large number of slave soldiers gathered. They worked hard to get the gold solution in the crater, and then sent it to the gold coin casting workshop behind to cast gold coins. A large number of demon mages gathered in the purification workshop, chanting divine spells hard, purifying the abyss breath on the gold coins with the divine light of dawn.

The corners of the Dragon Witch King’s mouth twitched violently, using the Demon Mage to purify the gold coins of the abyss with the magic of dawn. This world is really crazy! Suddenly he screamed hysterically: "How did you do it? How can these demons use the magic of dawn?"

Lin Qi spread out his hands, he didn't explain a word, instead, in front of the Dragon Witch King, he simultaneously used a dozen different magic techniques such as dawn magic, war magic, and punishment magic. The Dragon Witch King looked at Lin Qi like a ghost. He finally understood the horror of Lin Qi. No wonder he can become the Chosen of God. This guy can change his soul fluctuations and even deceive those gods!

No wonder these demons can easily use Dawn's Divine Art!

When the Dragon Witch King saw that some hapless demons were accidentally burnt with the Dawn God Art he had summoned, he couldn't help but roll his eyes and look towards the sky. This kind of scene is really so happy.

Lin Qi took the Dragon Witch King who rolled his eyes to the Demon Abyss. As soon as he entered the Devil's Abyss, the Dragon Witch King's body suddenly tightened, because he saw the sky-swallowing snake floating in the sky, nearly a hundred miles long, with countless heads, each head wriggling crazily. This **** guy was lazily croaking in the sky.

"Believe in the great Majesty Lin Qi, he is the savior of the devil! He can lead you to the world on the ground and let you live in the warm sunshine! Praise the great Majesty Lin Qi, he is more than me—the demon **** you believe in Great existence! Believe in him, worship him, admire him, and you will be blessed!"

"Oh, believe in the great Lin Qi, you can get money, beauties, and everything you want! If you dare to disobey the orders of the great Lin Qi, you will die without a place to be buried, and your soul will I was thrown into the endless abyss and enjoy eternal pain! Your wife and daughter will become Master Lin Qi’s wife and daughter, and your son will become my ration!"

The Dragon Witch King looked at Lin Qi strangely.

Lin Qi stretched out his hands helplessly: "I have no interest in the wives and daughters of the demon lords. Of course, I am a firm supporter of pure human blood!"

The Sky-Swallowing Snake babbled a few lazily, and then he suddenly saw Lin Qi and the Dragon Witch King suspended in mid-air. He hurriedly shrunk his body to one foot in length, and flew in front of Lin Qi in the form of a black light. Countless heads flickered rapidly, and finally the body of the swallowing sky turned into an ordinary black grass snake.

With a flattering smile, the Sky-Swallowing Snake nodded to Lin Qi repeatedly: "Respected great Lin Qi, why are you free to come here? Rest assured, according to your will, I will be with those guys every day Tell these **** idiots, they have now become your most pious subordinates, if you let them die, they will never dare to live!"

The Dragon Witch King's face twitched. He stared at the Sky-Swallowing Snake and muttered a little hesitantly: "The Sky-Swallowing Snake? Is it you?"

The Sky-Swallowing Snake stayed for a while, then he turned his head and looked at the Dragon Witch King for a while, and suddenly shouted in excitement, "Aha, it's you? Bad old man? Ah, ah, I thought you were dead. How about many years? I didn't expect to live so well? I am so happy to meet you. By the way, where were the two little girls around you back then?"

Warmly patted the outstretched palm of the Dragon Witch King with his tail, and the Sky-Swallowing Snake quickly spit out the snake letter: "It really makes me miss, the two little girls next to you suit my appetite! But unfortunately, after I saw you for the last time, I was sent...Well, who did I fight the last time? Anyway, my legion was defeated, and I fled here and got stuck. Sleeping."

The Dragon Witch King sighed heavily, then gently patted the head of the Sky-Swallowing Snake: "They are still alive, but I don't think you want to see them now. Well, to be precise, the current ones. They are no longer what they used to be."

After a pause, the Dragon Witch King smiled gently: "It's nice to see you again. If it wasn't for you and your comrades to cover, we were afraid that none of us would escape, and we would be wiped out by those **** gods. of."

The Sky-Swallowing Snake shrugged his head: "It's just luck. I'm still alive, but my guys are basically beaten to dust. Of course, now I do things for Master Lin Qi, and he leads us, those The gods will not be arrogant for long, is it Master Lin Qi?"

Lin Qi nodded slowly, and then touched the head of the Sky-Swallowing Snake: "Go on, step up the formation of the Demon Abyss army, those lords who dare to be lazy and unable to slip, you can swallow them all. By the way, How much has the production of Abyssal Gold Coins reached these days?"

The Sky Swallowing Body lowered its head to Lin Qi: "Dear Master Lin Qi, the daily output of Abyssal Gold Coins is now 700 million gold coins! The golden gold coins, we have stored piles of gold coins in the warehouse, as long as you need them, you You can use countless gold coins to kill your enemies!"

Lin Qi frowned and said indifferently: "It's not enough. These gold coins are more than enough to kill people in the Western Continent, but for other continents, this little gold coin can't even make a lot of splashes. Send more people and step up. Casting, I will use these things soon!"

The body of the swallowing sky smiled and nodded, and then he greeted the Dragon Witch King, his body returned to a terrifying state of hundreds of miles with countless heads, floated slowly into the sky, and yelled lazily again. .

Lin Qi took the Dragon Witch King around the barracks and material warehouses in the Demon Abyss twice, and then they rushed to the Giant Abyss by teleporting the magic circle. When they appeared from the abyss of the giants, they suddenly came to a basin surrounded by huge snow-capped mountains.

Xuanlan was holding a huge mace, standing in the middle of the basin and roaring loudly: "Lin Qi has an order to speed up mining magic metal! You slackers, who dare not work hard for me, I Just eat him! Whoever can exceed the task, I will find him a beautiful dwarf girl with furry all over!"

At the foot of the snow-capped mountains around the basin, countless dwarves in countless large and small mines were busy, carts of ore were sent out, and then quickly sent to the edge of the basin. There is a sturdy road leading to a volcanic crater hundreds of miles away, and hundreds of giants full of flames are holding some huge furnaces there.

"Xuanlan, my friend, the old brother we made in Heiyuan Divine Prison!" Lin Qi pointed to Xuanlan in the distance, and didn't bother him in the past: "With my support, he is now a The king of the giant kingdom composed of 30,000 primordial giants. In addition, he and other giant lords have all reached an alliance agreement. When I need them, these giants will fight for me!"

The Dragon Witch King took a breath of air. There are not many 30,000 Primordial Giants, but there are dozens of hybrid giants around every Primordial Giant. There are nearly a hundred Elemental Titans, nearly a thousand Great Titans, and tens of thousands. Titans and countless dwarves and gnomes acted as slaves.

Any Taikoo giant can establish a small principality on the ground world. The giant kingdom composed of 30,000 Taikoo giants is a terrifying force that makes gods feel headache! Because giants are the easiest race to jump and promote crazily in battle, an ordinary half-god giant may suddenly soar to the strength of a **** in the battle of life and death.

"Next, it is the Dragon Abyss!" Lin Qi looked at the silent dragon witch king: "I conquered a tribe of flame dragons, and then, using them as a stronghold, I now control 27 giants. Dragon tribe. In the abyss world where my power has penetrated, the strength of the dragon abyss is the weakest one, because the dragon abyss has received too many people's attention, I can only act cautiously."

The Dragon Witch King nodded. Because of the power of the dragon, every move of the dragon abyss was watched by some powerful beings.

But Lin Qi can control 27 dragon tribes, and this force is already very important in the dragon abyss.

He took a deep breath. Although the undead does not need the function of breathing, for the Dragon Witch King, this is still some of his habits as a human being. After staring deeply at Lin Qi for a long time, the Dragon Witch King showed a smile.

"If we can sign a soul contract to guarantee that you will join hands with me to deal with the gods, this is a small gift from me!"

Before Lin Qi could speak, the Dragon Witch King had already drew out a fist-sized model of a monstrous and weird, and all-black, weird hall.

"This is... Damn it, promise him!" Heaven Mountain suddenly roared loudly. (To be continued. If you like this work, you are welcome to come to the starting point ( to vote for recommendations and monthly tickets. Your support is my biggest motivation.)

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