Bright Era

Chapter 1903: Who is greater (2)

A black lightning flashed from the Underworld Temple, which struck Lin Qi's soul. Lin Qi's body shook, and the power to supply the crystal ball was immediately interrupted. He exhaled heavily and returned the crystal ball to the Dragon Witch King.

Indeed, as the Temple of Underworld said, no matter what the world was like, in short, Lin Qi is not qualified to look back on history! He can only keep looking forward, keep walking forward, crushing all the enemies on the road, or being crushed by those enemies.

In the hall of the undead, Gust looked fiercely at all the undead strong who didn't say a word. He squinted his eyes, his body slowly rotated, and he turned around slowly, seeing the rigid complexion of all the undead strong in his eyes. After a long time, Goust shook his head gently and muttered in a low voice: "It really disappointed me, I knew it would be like this!"

A low, hoarse, like a heavy rock being slowly dragged across the sandy ground came from a height: "Gust, what do you want to do? You question the correctness of the great Dragon Witch King, you think Do you want to betray the abyss of the undead? Do you want to betray the Dragon Witch King, your mentor?"

Another heavy voice fell from the sky like thunder, and even shook the ghost fires in the whole hall: "Gust, don’t forget, you were just a poor little ghost back then. It was the Dragon Witch King who pityed you. The destiny of He has accepted you as a disciple, giving you the power and status you have now! What you said just now, we can treat it as if we did not hear it, but you must kneel down and confess!

"Repent?" Gust shook his head slightly, and he laughed mockingly: "You, maybe you don't know what happened. Then, a few adults, please come out! Please, noble ones, from The ancient undead of Sin Abyss, your Majesty Asir, the greatest lich king!"

The bitterly cold, like a cold wind from the north, the uncomfortable divine power is used from all directions. The'wish' of the wind makes the clothes of the undead strong in the scene dance, and some undead strong are placed next to them. Some of his notebooks, scrolls and other things were blown up by the strong wind and fluttered indiscriminately in the hall.

A group of lavender ghost fire suddenly rushed from behind Gust, dozens of meters high, a lich with a weird shape about three meters tall came out of the ghost fire. It was a lich wearing a red robe and holding a giant skeleton staff. His body looked like a skeleton frame, but the left side of his skeleton frame was magnificent purple and gold, and the right side was dazzling silver blue and gold. The two colors of silver gleamed in the ghost fire, and with the purple-red ghost fire gleaming in his eyes, it turned out to be a mighty skeleton lich.

"Hey, little guys, how are you!" The Lich King Asir unbridledly released his breath. The undead breath comparable to the middle-ranked **** caused the air to roll violently, and there was a burst from the hall. The howls of ghosts and wolves, the harsh ghost howls make the eardrums painful, and the ghost fires in the eyes of some undead powerhouses present keep flashing, obviously their souls have been greatly suppressed.

Then several other powerful undead, including a Skeleton King holding a heavy axe, a ghost mage holding a staff, a headless knight holding his head in his left hand, and a nightmare knight wearing a fully enclosed black heavy armor. The four undead with strengths equivalent to the lower-level gods walked out of the purple ghost fire and stood behind Asir in a row.

Goust knelt humbly at Asir’s feet, and shouted with great respect: "The powerful and invincible Asir, welcome your presence! You can come to the abyss of the undead, this is the abyss of the undead. Lucky for the undead."

Lin Qi returned the crystal ball in his hand to the Dragon Witch King, and then looked at him curiously: "Your student's brain is broken, right? He doesn't know how strong you are? Or your other students, is he? I don't know how strong his brothers are?"

The Dragon Witch King spread his hands and roared with a dull face: "I haven't done anything with anyone for many years! In the Abyss of the Undead, I don't need to use force at all! And my students, they all study Crazy, they often study all kinds of magic, occult medicine, magic circle, and runes in their magic tower, and a retreat is tens of thousands of years!"

Angrily slapped his head, the Dragon Witch King grabbed the back of his head angrily: "Because my earliest and most powerful group of students don’t care, so I can only train a group of new students to be responsible for me. The order of the abyss of the undead has led those little guys to become stronger. I have received eight waves of students before and after, but they are all a problem. After possessing a certain strength, they built their own magic tower!"

Lin Qi looked at Dragon Witch King pityingly: "Then they just don't care?"

The Dragon Witch King shook his head dejectedly: "The undead’s pursuit of magic is endless. Perhaps this is the biggest weakness in the undead’s bloodline. They have a perverted enthusiasm for research. That’s why this is what Goust included. This batch of students is the ninth batch of disciples I have included in the Abyss of the Dead."

Lin Qi nodded: "They don't know how strong your teacher is, or how strong their previous brothers are? But they feel that a teacher who doesn't care about things is pressing on their heads, making them unable to do whatever they want. They have enormous power to do whatever they want, so they collude with outsiders and want to calculate you as a teacher?"

The face of the Dragon Witch King was ugly. He had just left the abyss of the undead, and on the ground there was a hapless Kul Kulun who bumped his head. If it weren't for his student to betray his whereabouts, how could such a coincidence happen? When he returned to the abyss of the undead and was about to clear the door, Asir, who didn't know that he had come out of that corner, jumped out again.

Well, a middle-ranking existence, the Dragon Witch King is really scared to death!

The deep ghost fire in his eyes flickered for a while, and the Dragon Witch King said gloomily: "So, now is the time to test my students and my children. I hope they can make a wise choice if they The wrong decision was made..."

Lin Qi interrupted and said: "If they make the wrong decision, then I will be happy to control their souls, and then make them a member of the Longshan Legion’s Cannon Fodder Legion. It must be admitted that they are good at using poison on the battlefield. The necromancers of the plague and the plague are much more lethal than the elemental wizards. Summoning the undead is also a very effective means of replenishing troops!"

The Dragon Witch King glared at Lin Qi fiercely: "Are you not afraid of the suspicion of the Azhul Protoss?"

Lin Qi shrugged and smiled indifferently: "They are all my slaves. I drive the slaves to fight for me. Is it wrong? As long as they see that these cannon fodder are confined to their souls, as long as Mu Wei doesn't Downfall, who would dare to say more nonsense to me?"

The Dragon Witch King nodded in agreement. He glanced at Gust, who was kneeling on the ground flatteringly, and his face became extremely ugly: "Then, wherever it is most likely to die, send this disgusting guy somewhere! He had never kneeled to me before, and I thought he was a sturdy bastard, but I didn’t expect it to disappoint me!"

Just as Lin Qi and the Dragon Witch King were whispering here, the Lich King Asir already roared loudly: "I am the great Lich King Asir. I come from the Abyss! You should know the Abyss. What does it mean, it means ancient and noble, it means strong and wise, it means that I am greater than you, and I am a member of the greatest undead race!"

The skeletal staff with a thick bowl in his hand slammed on the ground fiercely, and a ring of gray-white hurricanes mixed with a powerful fear technique rushed in all directions. The undead powerhouses present flashed various ghost fires at the same time, and all kinds of undead shields appeared one after another, especially on the top of their heads, they all flashed with the unique light of the soul defense enchantment.

The sound of ‘click’ was endless, and Asir’s blow shattered the undead shields of almost half of the many undead powerhouses present. The complacent Assir turned his head to look at his results, and then slowly nodded: "It seems that the strength of the Abyss of the Undead is not bad. Some of you are only one short of the real gods. Click it."

Putting up a golden finger, Asir slowly said: "Submit me, you can have power! You can have the supreme power to dominate other lives! You will enjoy unprecedented glory."

With a sneered sneer, Asir shook his head disdainfully: "Think about your timid leader, the timid pathfinder, the surviving soul mentor, the so-called strongest and most powerful person in the abyss of the undead. Wise Dragon Witch King, what has he brought to you?"

Just stood up, and he roared loudly: "Have you heard the words of the great Asir? The great Asir said that if you surrender, you will get everything you can't dream of! He can give you everything you can think of, even things you can never have, he can also give you."

A sneered sneer suddenly sounded: "Really? If I say, I want a strong and handsome body, and find a few beautiful human princesses, give birth to a lot of dolls, the great Majesty Asir Can it be done? Oh, no, no, no, I am not interested in human princesses, what I want is, say, a goddess?"

A bone-and-white Skeleton King slowly stood up with his great sword and buckler. He scraped his bones with the blade, and deliberately lifted up his robe, revealing his empty pelvis and light. He slashed the slippery thigh bones with a blade between his legs a few times, and then he smiled gloomily. (To be continued. If you like this work, you are welcome to come to the starting point ( to vote for recommendations and monthly tickets. Your support is my biggest motivation.)

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