Bright Era

Chapter 1904: Who is greater (3)

"A powerful, handsome body, but I still have to maintain my current strength, and then find me some fairy goddesses to make me feel good! If the great Asir can do this, Well, it doesn’t matter if I surrender you!"

Weird laughed a few times, every bone of this whole body was trembling constantly, and the Skeleton King who seemed to be full of stubborn anger swayed his thighs, and said with a smile, "How? My conditions are very good. Is it reasonable?"

The Dragon Witch King patted his forehead helplessly, and then sighed in a low voice: "Shameless guy, he's getting shameless. This guy is called Little Oufu, who is my seventh-generation disciple and grandson. I don’t understand why there is such a rogue among the serious, rigid, and lifeless souls!"

Lin Qi laughed so hard that he couldn't close his mouth together: "But I like the tone of his speech! Especially the action of scraping his bones with a sword is simply too handsome."

The translucent skull face of Gust stared at Little Ove, and he gritted his teeth and roared: "Are you teasing me? Are you teasing the great Majesty Asir?"

Little Orr simply twisted his ass. His pelvic bones and thigh bones collided with each other and made a crisp "click" sound. While shaking his bones, he shouted loudly: "Yeah, yeah, I'm teasing you? How to drop it? Aha, and the great Asir, if you can't let me enjoy the bed with the fairy goddess, why do you dare to say that you are better than the great dragon witch king Great?"

Asir stared at Little Ov indifferently. He looked at the undead powerhouses sitting still around, and said slowly: "Oh? You mean, I am not as great as the Dragon Witch King? You know. What! I don’t care about your offense to me. If you are willing to kneel and surrender, I can forgive you for your sin."

Little Ov laughed mockingly. He pulled out his skull, put his sword hilt against his chin bone, and then quickly rotated his skull on the hilt like a ball. While playing his head ‘swiftly’, Ov proudly jumped up a dance with extremely exaggerated movements and strangely twisted joints.

While dancing wildly, Little Ove shouted loudly: "Yeah? Forgive my sin? But, I don't think I'm guilty!"

Asir apparently didn't bother to mess around with a silly fellow like Ove. The skeleton staff hit the ground heavily and heard a muffled sound, the big mouth of the one-foot-square skull on the top of the staff. When it opened, a cloud of thick black smoke turned into a meteor, which brought a sharp ghost howl and smashed it towards Ove.

Little Ov’s head opened his mouth wide on his sword hilt and screamed: "Damn it, see the undead, swallow spirits? What a vicious spell! Damn, you used such a vicious spell to fight me. Fight, I fought with you!"

Along with the hysterical scream of Ové, Ov spit out a magic scroll with the size of a baby's fist and a foot long. What makes people shocking is that a little white halo is constantly floating on this pale golden scroll. Obviously, this is a magic scroll of dawn magic produced in the temple of dawn!

"Really, I have seen the undead!" Lin Qi's eyes widened in amazement. A Skeleton King, he actually carried the scroll of Dawn Shenshu on his body?

A powerful and domineering white light enveloped the entire hall of the undead. Amidst the angry curses of countless undead strong, the white light condensed into a beam of light and blasted straight towards the black meteor that shot towards Little Ov. There was a muffled sound, and the black meteor was pierced by the white beam of light in one fell swoop, the white light and black gas exploded, turning into a little gloomy light and quickly drifting away.

"Wow, I'm really amazing! Ten high-level magic gems and ten boxes of gold coins are really not in vain!" Little Ove exclaimed excitedly: "Your great spirit swallowing technique is definitely a god-level attack. No, isn't it? But I only used a demigod-level divine art scroll and broke your great spirit swallowing art. Am I really amazing?"

Asir was so angry that his teeth were trembling. He was the lich king from the abyss of sin. Among the ancient undead of the abyss of sin, he was also considered a more famous figure. Just over a thousand years ago, Just got a relationship with Asirra through the Sacrifice of the Undead. Asir has been secretly instigating Just how to better plant his power in the Abyss of the Undead and prepare to overthrow the Dragon Witch King. rule.

This time, Gust vowed to say that the Dragon Witch King would never be able to return to the Abyss of the Undead. Asir finally broke the difficult seal on his body and took a few of his subordinates out of the Abyss and sneaked into it quietly. The abyss of the undead. He originally thought that after he released the breath of the middle **** level, the undead in the abyss of the undead would naturally kneel to the ground, offering themselves the fire of soul and becoming their slaves.

But he never dreamed that those undead powerhouses were indifferent to the breath he released, dismissive of his solicitation, and even a superb product like Ove appeared to make trouble with him. He originally wanted to kill Little Ou with one blow to stand up, but this **** little skeleton frame, he actually sacrificed a scroll of dawn magic!

"You, you!" Asir stammered and roared, "Do you still have the consciousness of being an undead? You **** fellow, are you still a qualified undead? Dawn magic? Use the dawn magic to offset my attack?"

The atmosphere in the hall of the undead is very strange. Those undead strong who know that Ov is a man shook his head gently. Ov has done this kind of deviant behavior, not once or twice. This guy often pretends to be an ordinary Skeleton soldiers rushed to the upper abyss world, such as the first and second abyss, and then secretly traded with those chambers of commerce.

What is a scroll of dawn magic? Maybe this guy has the Forbidden Curse Scroll of the Temple of Dawn or even the Curse Scroll! Is there anything this guy can't do?

The few undead sitting next to Ove took out the undead potion cursively, angrily repairing the burns on their body. Sitting with Ove, he would risk his life at any time. What weird thing will this guy take out next time?

Asir stood on the high platform and furiously. Except for the little Ove who twisted his **** and entangled him brutally there, the other undead powerhouses sat deadly on their seats. Gust saw something wrong. He gritted his teeth and shouted again: "My brothers, only Majesty Asir can lead us to a brighter future! Strength and strength, and richer knowledge, you Don't you want to get these?"

His body slowly floated, and Gust shouted loudly: "My brothers, kneel down to His Majesty Asir and offer your loyalty. You will gain everything! Strength, power, are you willing to stay in the dark like this? The abyss?"

In this Hall of the Undead, there are at least 10,000 powerful people from all sides of the Undead Continent. They are also the representatives elected by each Undead City. Their opinions can determine all the affairs of the entire Undead Abyss. After Gust yelled so loudly, about five or six hundred undead strong men slowly stood up and then fell to the ground.

The atmosphere in the hall became even more weird. On the thirty-six thrones at the highest point, an undead strong man in a black cloak slowly stood up and sighed softly: "Five hundred and seventy-two people. It’s a bit more than I thought, but it’s not that much. It seems, Goust, who did you not win over?"

Gust looked deeply at the tall, undead strong man with a black air around him, and smiled coldly: "So what? Yes, I only attracted so many companions, but wait for the great After your Majesty Asir wiped out you, my companions are enough to control the entire abyss of the undead! Isn't it?"

Standing on the side, Asir took his attention away from the young Ov. He nodded slowly, and said with great majesty: "Yes, there is no need for people who refuse to submit! In the great In front of Asir's powerful will, all those who are dissatisfied will be eliminated."

The Dragon Witch King gave a soft cough, he dissipated the undead aura surrounding him, and walked slowly into the undead hall.

Gust, who was yelling, was stunned. He glanced at the Dragon Witch King in awe, and then subconsciously bowed to the Dragon Witch King and bowed deeply: "Respect, respectable teacher, you, why are you back? You Are things going well? You, it seems, you have just left for less than a day? Why did you come back so soon?"

While questioning, Gust backed back in awe. But at the same time one of his hands grabbed Asir's sleeve again, as if reluctant to leave Asir. The kind of virtue that was so scared that he wanted to retreat, but wanted to use Asir's power to frighten his own teacher, became more and more ugly and soul-horrible in Gust's description.

Asir slapped Gust's hand fiercely, and he roared angrily: "You idiot, you didn't tell me that you colluded with the trash of the Undead Continent and betrayed the Dragon Witch King. Whereabouts? Why does the Dragon Witch King still appear here?"

Gust shouted hoarsely: "Your Majesty Asir, I have indeed betrayed his whereabouts, and I also told those in the Undead Continent that the teacher carries a treasure of the Undead Abyss. Undead Continent. I am going to mobilize experts to kill him, but I really don’t know, why is he safe?"

The undead who kneeled on the ground to surrender to Asir trembled in horror. They did not dare to raise their heads, but crawled to Asir in embarrassment, seeming to pray for Asir's shelter. And the other undead powerful men sitting on the throne roared in anger, and Gust actually betrayed the whereabouts of the Dragon Witch King! What an unforgivable sin this is! (To be continued. If you like this work, you are welcome to come to the starting point ( to vote for recommendations and monthly tickets. Your support is my biggest motivation.)

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