Bright Era

Chapter 1905: Who is greater (4)

Little Ov firmly pressed his skull on the cervical vertebrae, then he waved his long sword and screamed at Gust: "Gust, you shameless ghost, you greedy evil spirit , Fight with me! I will refine you into an evil soul orb, and then set you on my pure gold toilet!"

The Dragon Witch King patted his head helplessly. He glared at Little Ov and sternly shouted, "Little Ov, don’t be ashamed in front of my distinguished guests. Toilet? You have a skeleton shelf. Is the toilet useful for you? ?"

Little Ove stayed in a daze, then he smiled flatteringly: "Ah, respected Patriarch, my golden toilet is specially made. It is made of pure gold for some of my pet Abyss Golems. Even the **** of a few meters in the size of the Abyssal Golem can sit firmly on it!"

Lin Qi rolled his eyes, this guy, this guy is simply a shame among the undead.

And Gust screamed hoarsely: "Little Ove, do you dare to insult me?"

Little Ov immediately jumped onto the armrest of his throne and twisted his arms and danced: "I insulted you, how about it? You bit me? There is a kind of you bite me! Look, your little Ove has a bone. Delicate and smooth, white as snow, as long as you have a good enough mouth, come and bite! Bark, bark, Asir’s puppy Gossite, come and bite your uncle’s bones!"

Seeing Just and Ove turning the sacred and solemn hall of the undead into a busy city, Asir roared in anger, "Quiet!"

The huge divine might tumbling out like a tide, Asir's figure swelled more than once, and his body was entangled by a cloud of dark purple ghost fire, and the biting cold air made the undead powers present to chill out. Standing on a high platform, overlooking the Dragon Witch King condescendingly, Asir confidently asked, "The Dragon Witch King?"

The Dragon Witch King nodded. He smiled at Asir and sighed slightly: "Are you from the Primordial Undead from the Abyss? I'm sorry, I haven't heard of your name! But your strength is very strong. Very strong, not easy, right?"

Asir raised his head arrogantly, and he slowly nodded: "My name is famous in the Abyss, and how can you little people in the low-level abyss world have heard of my name?"

After a few sneer, Asir gently shook his head: "As for my strength, unfortunately, I am stronger than you! Therefore, it is natural for me to become the master of the abyss of the undead! Although these weak souls are not in strength It's worth mentioning, but they are still capable of serving as slaves. Who made me just wake up, and there are not many people under them?"

The Dragon Witch King laughed, all his aura was condensed in his body, and each of his bones was densely covered with countless divine texts and undead runes, so no one could see him unless his strength was far superior. How powerful is it? With Asir's strength, he could only see the strength that the Dragon Witch King hoped him to see-a small and insignificant existence.

After a few chuckles, the Dragon Witch King slowly nodded: "Just woke up? In other words, did you participate in that terrible war?"

With a reserved smile, Asir's staff lightly hammered on the ground. He sighed lightly and said with a heavy voice: "Yes, the great Asir participated in that terrible war! You can never think of the great results I achieved in that war, I will kill With countless gods, I have killed countless enemies, and the gods I have destroyed have enough legions!"

He patted his chest vigorously, and Asir bragged loudly: "I am so great, I am so powerful, so those gods can't completely destroy me, they can only push me into the abyss of sin, suppress and seal me . But the great Asir is not something that hypocritical and weak gods can easily suppress. I wake up, I escaped, and I am here!"

Arrogantly glanced at the surrounding undead strong, Asir sternly shouted: "Aren't you still bowing to the great Asir? Are you all stupid? Your brains have been eaten by the corpse worms. Don’t you understand the situation? The great Asir is stronger than your so-called Dragon Witch King, so I am greater than him, so you should kneel to me!"

Lin Qi coughed heavily, and he glanced at the Dragon Witch King. This old undead was a bit evil. At this time, he hasn't taken the initiative to clear the door. When will he want to play? A violent wind blew from under his feet, and Lin Qi drifted slowly to the high platform, and then smiled and said hello to Asir.

"Respected and great Majesty Asir, if you are such a great existence because of your strength, if my strength is stronger than you, doesn't it mean that I am greater than you?" Lin Qi His eyes narrowed into a line when he smiled, and his smile was extremely strange.

"What do you want to say?" Asir looked at Lin Qi warily. In the Abyss of the Undead, a living human suddenly appeared. He felt a little weird no matter how he looked at it. But he looked at Lin Qi carefully, this is just an ordinary human, why can he control the wind element, why can he fly into the air?

Shrugging his shoulders, Lin Qi laughed softly: "I mean, my fist is bigger than you, so I am greater than you! So, you should kneel in front of me and surrender to me! What you just said Those words, I can give you back all without missing a word! Surrender to me, you can gain strength and power, you can gain endless power and power!"

Asir sneered. He raised his huge staff, and then slammed it against Lin Qi.

The heavy staff made a piercing sound. In the hands of the tall Asir, the power of this staff would definitely be a hundred times stronger than the war hammer in the hands of any peak demigod warrior. But Lin Qi just raised his right hand and easily grabbed the staff.

In Asir's unbelievable horrified gaze, Lin Qi's palms pressed hard, and his five fingers fell heavily into the skull of the staff. The sound of ‘click’ was endless, a low-grade artifact-level staff was directly crushed by Lin Qi with the palm of his flesh.

Before Asir came back to his senses, Lin Qi had already rushed in front of Asir, and then slammed his spine with a fierce punch. Asir is a skeletal lich, his upper and lower body are completely connected by a spine. With Lin Qi's punch, his spine smashed into countless tiny pieces of bone with a ‘click’. Asir screamed and his upper body fell to the ground immediately.

There was a dead silence in the hall of the undead, and Gust, who had grasped Asir's sleeve, screamed in horror and despair. His body suddenly shrank into a fist-sized ball of light, which was suspended in the air tremblingly. I dare not move.

Lin Qi looked at Asir who fell on the ground coldly, and slowly stepped on his skull: "Now, I am greater than you, because my strength is much stronger than you, dear Asir. Your Majesty. Two choices, either become my servant, offer your soul fire obediently, and open your soul for me to imprison it; or I will smash your skull and destroy your soul."

Asir looked at Lin Qi dumbfounded, without saying a word for a long time.

The headless knight who followed Asir came over with his head in his hands roared and drew a sharp machete and slashed towards Lin Qi. But the scimitar just shot, the female warrior behind Lin Qi has already shot over, a female warrior from **** holding an epee, slashed fiercely on the scimitar, and the headless knight carried the head in his hand. With a grunt, he staggered back.

Without waiting for the other three undead powerhouses brought by Asir to take action, the female warriors of **** have surrounded them with sharp swords aimed at their eyebrows. As long as they dare to make the slightest change, they will do nothing. Do not hesitate to behead these undead on the spot.

Asir finally recovered. He shrieked tremblingly: "No, no, don’t do this! Can I know your name? If I have to choose a master, I hope I can know you in advance. name!"

Lin Qi frowned, then crushed Asir's head with one foot. A black flame shot out from his fingertips, engulfing Asir's soul in it and burning it. The screams were endless, and Asir's soul quickly decayed under the burning of the flame, and was burned into a pure soul source in the blink of an eye.

"I hate this kind of guy who is clever when he die!" Lin Qi shrugged helplessly: "My name? Do you still want to curse me? How is this possible? No conditions are required, unconditional surrender, this is what It's the servant I need. Since you made the offer, then I don't need to keep you."

With a light wave of her hand, the female fighters from **** shot at the same time, and several undead strong men who followed Asir here were beheaded on the spot with a scream. Lin Qi shrugged, smiled lightly, and then shook his head: "Collect all the equipment and valuables on them. Although they are only four lower gods, there should be some good things on them!"

The Dragon Witch King floated up to the high platform without saying a word, looking coldly at Gust, who had shrunk to the size of a fist.

Just trembling with fright, the ghost fire all over his body was flickering, and he screamed hoarsely: "Great Dragon Witch King, my teacher, they persecuted me, they forced me to betray you, they Forcing me to betray you, I really, I really don't want to do this!"

The Dragon Witch King looked at Gust with disappointment. He shook his head lightly and sighed heavily: "You really, Gust, I adopted you, I educated you, and I treat you as My own child, I made you, and I gave you great power in the abyss of the undead."

"But what are you not satisfied with? Your ambition has exceeded the limit of your strength! Why are you doing such a stupid thing?"

The Dragon Witch King looked at Gust with heartbreak, if it hadn't had the crying feature, the Dragon Witch King had really shed tears. After all, it was the Gosite he adopted. After all, this was his student, who was regarded as the teacher of his own child.

At this moment, Lin Qi, who was grasping the origin of Asir's soul, yelled in surprise.

"That's not right!" (To be continued. If you like this work, you are welcome to come to the starting point ( to vote for recommendations and monthly tickets. Your support is my biggest motivation.)

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