Bright Era

Chapter 1911: Uncontrollable Necromancer (1)

"It's been a long, long time without a guest! It really makes me happy." The girl's big watery eyes flashed light, looked at Lin Qi and the group with a smile, and then gracefully performed an extremely elegant court ceremony.

Lin Qi smiled and bowed and bowed to the girl. Although he knew the girl's true identity, he was so polite, he wouldn't be rude, right? The Dragon Witch King paid a respect to the girl. The ghost fire in his eyes was faint, and the strength of the girl in front of him was far beyond his imagination. The power like a huge volcano hidden under the thick rock layer, let He has a feeling of suffocation.

"Please come in, there have been no guests for a long time. I don't know what to entertain guests for a while!" The girl sighed bitterly: "This ghost place, there is nothing to order. No flowers, no fruits, no clear rivers. , My goodness, you can’t imagine, bathing in clean water condensed with water elements is really a nightmare!"

Lin Qi and the Dragon Witch King walked slowly into the main hall, and the girl led the way like any hospitable hostess. At the same time, she whispered and complained: "I miss the natural hot springs, I miss the big swimming pool of the beach house. I miss the cotton bath towels and silk pajamas. But what can be in this ghost place? Bones, bones, or bones!"

Weakly patted her forehead, and the girl sighed helplessly: "It's really a life like a nightmare! Every day I can only see a bunch of skeletons running around. Do you want to get some beauty sleep? The evil spirits are crying outside! Living in a haunted palace all day long, my youth, my beauty, and my skin are completely ruined!"

The Temple of Underworld suddenly roared in Lin Qi’s sea of ​​spirit: "This stinky woman, I don’t want to listen to her rants. Hey, let me communicate with her, damn, the queen of the buried land, this woman is called What's the name? Bone Demon?"

Heavenly Mountain said in a low voice: "If you call her the Bone Demon, she will work hard with you. Don't think that she and you belong to the Nether Realm system, you can call her the most hated nickname indiscriminately. Her name is Ah Shimier, a cute name, but I hate her!"

Lin Qi ignored the verbosity of these two guys. He was walking in a clean corridor paved with pink bones. On both sides of the corridor are staggered display racks. There are large and small ice **** on them, and they are frozen in red. flower. Obviously, Ashimi, the queen of Burial Land likes red flowers, but it is too difficult to cultivate red flowers in a place where the sky is not visible.

No wonder those skeleton monsters who take care of the flower garden find a red flower. They will be happy to be like that, and will immediately freeze the flower with magical skills. The feeling is to be sent here for Ashimi’s daily appreciation. ?

Humming a brisk song, Ashmir took Lin Qi and the Dragon Witch King to a spacious terrace. The terrace was facing the largest garden in the palace. At this moment, the flowers were in full bloom, countless lavender, dark blue, and deep. The purple and purple-blue flowers bloom just brilliantly. Groups of skeleton monsters walked cautiously among the flowers, constantly turning over flowers and leaves, looking for red flowers.

"Please sit down, I suddenly remembered that there are still a few bottles of good wine in my cellar!" Ashimi's graciously opened the stools for Lin Qi and the Dragon Witch King, and then spun in a graceful place. Circle, clapping and smiling relaxedly: "Although time has passed too long, my cellar is sealed by the barrier that I used to freeze with time, and the wine should still be well preserved."

The Dragon Witch King touched his chin: "So, is it the wine from before the Primordial God War?"

Ashmir looked at the Dragon Witch King in surprise: "Really, you guessed it, it is from the collection before the Primordial War. You know, I always like to drink a glass of wine before going to bed, that kind of red and **** wine. , With a strong fruity aroma and a complex aroma, it is a wonderful enjoyment. I am a person who likes to enjoy life, not a violent maniac with a nerve in his head!"

The Temple of Underworld and Heaven Mountain murmured at the same time: "A violent man with a nerve in his head? Huh? A vain woman!"

It didn't take long for a few skeleton maids to walk over slowly holding a wine. Ashmir looked at the crystal wine bottle intoxicated, and sighed softly: "Oh, is this this one? Well, that's right. It was a romantic evening, a gentle and handsome young man General, gave me this bottle of wine. What a handsome young man, but unfortunately, I can't be with him!"

Lin Qi didn't say a word. It is estimated that there is no normal man in this world who can be with Ashimi.

The Dragon Witch King looked at Ashimi'er curiously: "Why? If it's such a romance, I think..."

Ashmir sighed helplessly, twisting the fingers of the two small hands, twisting the joints into a very strange shape: "Ahhh, I actually want to be my lover with him, but if I really If I dare to develop further with him, I will violate the highest ban and will be obliterated. Although I look like a beautiful girl, in fact, okay, what should I be?"

The Dragon Witch King looked at Ashimi'er blankly. He didn't say a word for a while. Didn't he see that Ashimi'er was not a human being? Could it be that she is really not human? So is she undead? But she didn't have any undead aura at all.

Lin Qi coughed lowly: "The Empress of the Burial Land, Ashimi!"

The Dragon Witch King looked at Lin Qi in shock, while Ashimi's waved lazily: "Ah, it's me, don't scream."

After snorting lazily, Ashimi'er suddenly jumped up. She looked at Lin Qi in horror and hissed: "How do you know my name? How do you know this is the place where the bones are buried? Who are you? Gods? No! Humans? No! What are you!"

Smiling and stretching out a finger, Lin Qi's fingertips flickered with a thin white light, and a two-foot-long white feather with pure white divine light emerged from his fingertips. Ashimi'er stared at Lin Qi in a daze, and then shook her head vigorously: "It's really a **** of a ghost, Heavenly Mountain? Did you learn that I have a body that can move freely? But, Sissy, you should use a woman's body!"

Lin Qi twitched at the corner of his mouth, and then from the white feather came an angry roar from Heaven Mountain: "Ashmier, do you still want to start a war? How many years have we not met? Don't forget , You have been beaten by me!"

Ashimi's eyes flowed, and a faint smile at the corner of her mouth was filled with utter disdain: "Ah, yeah, you still hit me? Why are you hitting me? Have you ever attacked the buried ground once? Did you attack my body once? Did you once kill a commander-level general of my Skeleton Legion? Bragging, really don't cost it!"

With a heavy cough, Lin Qi stretched out another finger, and a thin **** flame rushed out with a'wheeze'. The evil, chaotic, deadly and violent energy fluctuations spread quickly, Ashmir His eyes widened in horror, and he looked at the fire of **** released by the temple of the underworld in disbelief.

"This world should really collapse!" With a weak groan, Ashmir grabbed the wine bottle from the hand of the maid, and then grabbed the wine bottle and knocked it on the balcony guardrail, half way The mouth of the bottle was smashed, and Ashmier raised the bottle, and the two mouths of the bottle filled a bottle of wine cleanly.

The white face was quickly blushed, Ashimi's burped alcohol, and then laughed'chickingly': "What a funny thing, why did you two get together? The representatives of heaven and **** actually get together? You are together, there is no way to cooperate in battle! Or, in the past countless years, the two of you have developed a strong relationship?"

Heavenly Mountain and Hades Temple roared at the same time: "Shut up! Aximier, accept Master Lin Qi's identity verification!"

After sticking out her tongue, Ashmir shrugged. She grabbed Lin Qi's hand, and a strong surge came. Lin Qi was surprised to find that he was totally unable to resist Ashmir's huge power. Those who resisted were grabbed by Ashmir's hand, and then put his palm into his mouth.

With a ‘click’, Ashimi’s bite Lin Qi’s palm fiercely, her white teeth collided with Lin Qi’s palm bones, making a trembling sound of friction. A large amount of blood kept pouring out, and Ashimi greedily swallowed a few mouthfuls of Lin Qi's blood.

Taking Lin Qi's palm away from her mouth, Ashimi's scarlet tongue licked the corner of her mouth and suddenly grinned. Aximier nodded to Lin Qi with a beaming eyebrow: "Ahhhhh, it turns out that it is Master Lin Qi! Although he is not a handsome guy, he is also a powerful man. Really, this blood tastes good, young man. , Donating a pound of blood every month is very good for the body."

Before Lin Qi came back to her senses, Ashimi's bite on Lin Qi's palm again, and then sucked up blood. Lin Qi was horrified by Ashimi's weird actions. He shook his palm in a hurry, and shouted loudly: "Let go of my mouth, Ashimi! Let go of my mouth, I order you, Let go!"

When Lin Qi uttered the word'command', Ashimi had already loosened her teeth obediently, but her tongue quickly licked near Lin Qi’s wound, licking the blood on Lin Qi’s hand It has to be clean. After a satisfied hiccup, Aximi'er looked at Lin Qi with open eyes and smiled flatteringly: "Dear Lin Qi, from today on, I am yours!" (to be continued. If you like this work, you are welcome to come to the starting point ( to vote for recommendations and monthly tickets. Your support is my biggest motivation.)

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