Bright Era

Chapter 1912: Uncontrollable Necromancer (2)

Lin Qi shook the palm of his hand, which was almost chewed up by Ashimi's bite, and grinned. He growled angrily: "Are you a dog? If so, the ground is full of bones, you won't bite them?"

Ashmir smiled so that her eyes were bent into a line: "But, they only have bones! Even if a dog bites a bone, it will have a bit of flesh on it! Well, Master Lin Qi’s blood tastes really good. It's full of masculinity, it's really memorable!"

Heavenly Mountain and Underworld Temple sighed at the same time, and then angrily scolded "Vanity and Greedy Woman"!

The sweet-scented osmanthus tree silently healed the wound on Lin Qi's hand, while the Dragon Witch King stared dumbly at Lin Qi, who was constantly waving his hands and pumping air-conditioning, and Ashimi, whose mouth was full of blood. After a long time, he cautiously asked: "What's the matter? Honorable Majesty Lin Qi, you and this Miss Ashimi, do you know each other?"

Lin Qi and Ashimi'er looked at each other, then shook their heads at the same time.

Lin Qi said solemnly: "I really hope that I will never know her in my life. Today is the first time I have seen her!"

Ashimi'er looked at Lin Qi with a smile: "It’s too late to meet, Master Lin Qi, how nice it would be to meet you a few years earlier! Your blood tastes better than the blood of the adults I served before. It’s delicious! Well, youthful, masculine, and full of life, the first few adults are all bad old men. The toxic components in the blood make me dizzy."

There was a moment of silence, Lin Qi looked down at his healed palm, and then sat back to his original position heavily: "Say serious things! What is going on with the evil spirits outside? How long has this war been fought? How much combat power do you have now, can you leave here with me?"

A flash of light flashed in her eyes. She had just absorbed a lot of Lin Qi's blood, and coupled with the identity information about Lin Qi sent by Heaven Mountain and Hades Temple, she had already recognized Lin Qi's highest commander. permission. Upon hearing Lin Qi's question, Ashimi organized a few sentences, and then quickly responded.

As the original existence that was born in the same universe as Heaven Mountain, the Burial Ground has extremely terrifying resilience. As long as there is enough energy, even if the bone-buried ground is torn down and only a few bones are left, as long as the bones are not completely destroyed, the bone-buried ground is like a seed buried in the fertile ground. Grow back as quickly as possible.

So in the Great Ancient God War, even though Ashimi’s buried place was destroyed by more than 90%, she hid in the abyss world with the remaining core area, and it only took tens of thousands of years. It returned to its peak state. After all, the soldiers in the Burial Ground are simple in structure. They are white skeletons driven by the breath of the dead. Compared with the complex structure and multi-function Paradise Mountain, the repair speed is more than ten million times faster!

This was also the time when the Heavenly Mountain and the Burial Land were in the tribulation, the Heavenly Mountain broke through the core of the Burial Land again and again, and Aximeer was seriously injured again and again to escape, but it would not be long before she would rise again. The biggest reliance to continue fighting endlessly with Heaven Mountain.

Axi Mi'er repaired the buried bones with the fastest speed, opened up her own dimensional space, and when she was preparing to hoard her troops for a big fight, she suddenly felt the breath of the ancient cursed tomb. Like the buried place and the temple of the gods, the ancient cursed tomb belongs to the system of the underworld. The original existence of a certain era of tribulation. The ancient tomb shaped like a pyramid is made by countless souls and evil spirits of all kinds. , Evil spirits, demon spirits and other souls of the soul system.

During the War of the Ancient Gods, the Burial Ground led by Ashmir fought side by side with the ancient tomb of Cursed Spirit. The boundless sea of ​​skeletons of the Bone Corps, coupled with various grievances hidden in the skeletons, invisible and ghostly, their cooperation made the army of gods miserable, a large number of gods were destroyed by them, and a large group of gods were in them. The combined attack fell.

Later, when the battle was overthrown, and when Axi Mi'er fled to the abyss world in embarrassment with the Burial Ground, she felt that the ancient tomb of the curse was besieged by the gods. But at that time, Ashmir had already lost all combat power, and she was unable to rescue the curse spirit ancient tomb.

It is conceivable that Ashimier originally thought that the ancient cursed tomb had been completely destroyed, but as her strength recovered, she suddenly felt the aura of the ancient cursed tomb, and she immediately moved her dimensional space to the ancient curse. The direction the tomb breath came from approached, and it touched the small dimensional space opened up by the curse spirit ancient tomb.

It was as if two soap bubbles had come into contact with each other. Ashmir personally smashed the thin barrier between the two soap bubbles. She was about to go to an old friend to search for some beautiful decorations. My palace, combined with the curse spirit ancient mausoleum, how can I find the core of the metaworld, and when I continue to fight the gods, endless resentful spirits rushed out and launched a crazy attack on Ashimi.

Ashimi'er fled back to her palace in embarrassment, hurriedly summoned the skeleton army, and started a life-and-death fight with the wraith spirits. Then things evolved into the scene Lin Qi and the others saw, endless resentful spirits constantly rushed over, and the Skeleton Legion could not defeat them, but their own line of defense was also stable, and the two sides fell into an endless war of attrition.

"It's really tired!" Ashmir shook her head helplessly: "I'm really bad at doing these things. The previous command of the Bone Burial Corps was ordered by the adults. I only need to be responsible for making a lot of skeleton soldiers. Then it is enough to collect all kinds of rare and beautiful objects to decorate my palace! But now I have to personally direct the battle!"

Patting her head in pain, Ashimi sighed to the sky: "The curse of the ancient tomb is crazy! He is absolutely crazy! This shameless guy, I mobilized the skeleton army several times to attack his body. , But he directly caused those resentful spirits to explode. Even at the gate of his body, he dared to let the middle-level god-level resentful spirits explode!"

Lin Qi's mouth twitched, causing a middle-level **** to blew himself up at his door? People with a little bit of mind can't do this kind of thing, right? From this point of view, the curse spirit ancient tomb is really out of control! It seems that just like the Heavenly Mountain in the past, this guy's master control consciousness has been destroyed, and the curse spirit ancient tomb is completely instinctive, constantly creating various evil spirits to attack all targets around him.

Lie down on the table helplessly, Ashimi licked a little blood from the corner of her mouth, while sneakingly looking at the large artery around Lin Qi's neck. She murmured: "I don't want to waste time here. But his power is about the same as mine. If I am not here to block him, judging from his loss of control, he will definitely let the resentful spirits rush on. Ground world!"

Lin Qi's body shuddered, and endless ghosts, evil spirits and the like rushed into the ground world. There is no doubt that it will be a nightmare. I heard Ashimi’s sigh again: “So, I can only fight with him here! How much combat power did I waste with him after so many years? If I didn’t fight him for tens of thousands of years If so, I would have rebuilt the Bone Corps a long time ago."

At this moment, there was a sharp and miserable howl outside the palace. The heart-piercing, brutal screams were like countless rusty saw blades, strangling them towards Lin Qi and their ears. With Lin Qi's strength, he felt that his eyes were dark, and his body shivered subconsciously, and a white figure flashed past him, as if he had fallen into a nightmare.

The twelve female **** warriors and the skeleton maids shook their bodies suddenly. A black flame ignited on the female warriors, and bursts of howling ghosts and wolves rushed out of the flames, and invisible ripples could be vaguely seen. On the flame, the flame was forced to splash a large number of sparks.

And these skeleton maids were slightly weaker. The skulls of several maids ‘kaka’ cracked countless cracks, and a few skeleton maids simply ‘crashed’ and broke air.

Lin Qi rushed out for the first time, then soared into the air and hovered in the air. His spirit was affected to a certain extent. How strong could the resentful spirit that made this horrible cry? Standing on a high place, he looked out and saw thousands of translucent ghosts with pale and pale bodies surrounding a huge ghost with a weird shape, and that huge ghost was constantly screaming with terror.

The lower body is disgusting, wriggling like the arms and legs of an octopus, and the upper body is the appearance of a beautiful young woman in palace clothes. The hands of this wronged soul are held in front of the chest, and the invisible sound waves sweep the battlefield. The blast exploded, and a large number of white bones flew away like arrows shot by a strong bow, causing a piercing sound.

Hundreds of thousands of skeleton monsters were shaken to pieces where this huge evil spirit passed. Even the skeleton mages standing on the tall magic tower, there are also a large number of skeleton mages whose eyes are dying from the ghost fire, and many skeletons are dying. The mage couldn't stand firmly, and fell from the tall magic tower.

Lin Qi glanced at the huge grieving soul who was over a hundred meters tall, and the huge grieving soul seemed to feel Lin Qi's gaze. With a weird smile, she slowly looked towards Lin Qi. With the eye contact of one person and one soul, Lin Qi only felt a shock, and suddenly there were countless screams in his ears. The screams of all the people Lin Qi had known in this life came together. Lin Qi almost fell from the sky with the extreme screams.

The strength of this evil spirit is no more than the lower level of the gods, but she is a pure soul creature. Her soul power is extraordinarily huge, and her soul structure is very different from normal creatures. If the soul of a normal creature is a puddle of clear water, the soul of this resentful spirit is a mess of dirty and filthy concentrated smelly water. (To be continued. If you like this work, you are welcome to come to the starting point ( to vote for recommendations and monthly tickets. Your support is my biggest motivation.)

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