Bright Era

Chapter 1915: A little bit greedy!

Five hundred votes were added in advance. It has not been reached this month. It is too difficult, and Dutou does not expect it to be achieved today!

But I have asked for 300 votes in a single day for two consecutive days, but I haven't reached it for almost half a month!

Yesterday, a single-day monthly pass was over 300, and there will be eight changes on the 25th!

Today, Zhutou asked for a monthly pass for more than three hundred, eight more on the 30th! Come on a single day monthly pass for two consecutive days that has passed 300, can you keep the first three?

If today's monthly pass is more than 500, it will be advanced to eight on the 29th!

Just ask for the top three of the monthly pass, because some book fans want the top three of the monthly pass, Dutou has to work hard! But the first three are not safe yet!

Ask for a monthly pass!

Let the pig be greedy!

PS: This month at least three eight changes have been achieved, and I forgot the specific pig heads, anyway, more than three times. The promise last month was fulfilled. (To be continued. If you like this work, you are welcome to come to the starting point ( to vote for recommendations and monthly tickets. Your support is my biggest motivation.)

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