Bright Era

Chapter 1916: The Fall of God Lord (1)

Sitting on the altar high above, the woman with a withered figure, even the skeleton has shrunk more than half, slowly lowered her head, her face is still delicate and beautiful, she looks like a beautiful woman who is only twenty years old. The beautiful face and the body that looked like an evil spirit made Lin Qi gasp, not knowing what happened to this woman.

"Sistase?" The woman sitting on the altar giggled: "A familiar name, are you calling me?"

Ashmir threw out a few thin bone spears, smashing the resentful spirits that had rushed towards her. She frowned, looked at the woman carefully for a while, and then slowly nodded: "Death leader Sistere, one of the top 100 **** masters in the Azerite tribe, the most in the Primordial God War The ferocious Goddess Lord, it should be you."

The Temple of the Underworld quickly passed information about Sitose to Lin Qi. After all, unlike the Heavenly Mountain, which was almost destroyed by the attack, the Temple of the Underworld was kept intact, but the energy was exhausted. Therefore, extremely complete information is preserved in the Hall of the Gods of Underworld, including the information of the leaders of the Azhul protoss, which is the so-called master-level powerhouse.

The death lord Sistere, one of the leaders of the ‘death gods’ of the Azer tribe. This family of gods controls the law of death, but unlike the law of death of the Metaverse Nether realm, the death gods of the Azhul protoss pursue pure means of killing. They advocate the horror that death brings to intelligent creatures. And despair. In the Metaverse Nether Realm family, whether it is the temple of the gods, the buried place or the ancient tomb of the curse, their laws of death are more extensive and profound, more tolerant, and they pay attention to the power of reincarnation from death to life.

To be precise, the death **** family to which Sistase belongs, their pursuit of the law of death is more in line with the doctrine of the gray knight of the apocalypse. Purely bring death to the enemy, bring the most complete despair and great terror to the enemy, and completely destroy the enemy from the body and soul. This is the doctrine advocated by Sete.

And as a powerhouse at the main level of gods, every **** head is a hundred times stronger than the original main god, and the power gap between the main **** and the main **** is equivalent to the difference between the middle **** and the demigod. In other words, any **** can easily crush a god.

Among the gods enshrined by the church today, the **** of dawn controls the entire Azer protoss with the power of the main god. This is because all the gods have fallen, or disappeared in the Primordial God War. Even if any of the gods remained in the gods, it would be impossible for the **** of dawn to come out of the limelight, and it would be impossible for the **** of dawn to become the nominal leader of the Azhul God Clan.

"Death lord Sitose! What are you doing here!" Lin Qi looked at Sitose, who was a little flickering and a little dazed, and murmured in a deep voice. From time to time, traces of colorful aurora flew around him, and the shadows of axe flashed rapidly in the aurora, and countless souls that had rushed towards Lin Qi were all smashed into pieces in the beautiful aurora.

Longya frantically devoured the power of the soul origin that was scattered after the souls were defeated. With these soul origins as raw materials, he can easily create a suitable dragon soul, but he does not need to waste energy to generate a dragon soul out of thin air. Moreover, these unjust souls are full of various negative and tyrannical emotions, and the dragon souls created by them have stronger fighting will and more lethality, and they will be good fighting puppets.

"What am I doing here?" Sitose looked at Lin Qi blankly, and suddenly she smiled sharply: "I am here, I don't know, but I hate seeing you! Humble little bugs. , You should all be completely destroyed! How many years have passed? Why can humans appear in front of me? That group of incompetent waste, hasn't humans been completely wiped out?"

Slowly raising the shriveled arm that looked like a bamboo pole, a fist-sized black-green light ball appeared abruptly in Sitose's palm, and then flashed rapidly. Along with the deep, sharp laughter, Sitose's fingers flicked, and the light ball brought a large hazy mist and flew straight to Lin Qi.

An apocalyptic gray knight next to Cologne XVIII jumped up and slashed towards the light group with a sword. Hearing a muffled sound, the body of this apocalyptic gray knight suddenly disintegrated in the faint smoke, exploding into countless decayed sand particles. But the light group still slammed down on Lin Qi, and it was not weakened at all.

"Shield!" Ashimi's muttered lowly. The skeletal crash of'Tickets' continued to sound. Suddenly countless bones of various colors appeared in front of her. The densely packed bones were flying and spinning, and they were quickly pieced together. A huge bone shield with a round body and several meters thick. This huge bone shield is densely engraved with countless undead runes, and it constantly exudes a bitter chill that makes the bone marrow freeze.

There was a crisp sound of ‘bang’, the light ball exploded, and countless thin dead air crazily wrapped around the entire bone shield. Accompanied by the crisp sound of ‘click’, the bone shield shattered into ashes and kept falling. A large swath of gray mist rushed towards Lin Qi and Axi Mi'er. This was the dead energy left behind after the burst of the light ball. After destroying the bone shield of Axi Mi'er, these death auras still flooded Lin Qi and the others. come.

The Dragon Witch King murmured in a low voice. He stretched out his hand and drew a triangular rune in front of him. Then with a clear call, he saw the void in front of the crowd suddenly tumbling and shaking, and the death breath that was about to pounce on changed its direction. Sete rushed over. This is a very rogue little trick in the Undead Spell, ‘backlash’, which can rebound the enemy’s attack with a certain probability.

With the current strength of the Dragon Witch King, his probability of rebounding an enemy's attack is already more than half. In other words, no matter how strong the enemy is to attack him, he has a half chance to completely bounce back the enemy's attack, allowing the enemy to bear the damage caused by his own attack. But if it fails, the Dragon Witch King is bound to fall into a passive situation.

The thick gray death mist rushed toward Setose, and the pretty face Setose gave a light breath, and then blew the death breath away. She frowned and looked at Lin Qi and the others for a while, and then shook her head distressedly: "It hurts so much. There are always people yelling in my head. My head hurts! No matter who you are. , Come, die!"

As if using her own strength was a headache for her, Sitose did not attack again, but pointed at the bottomless pit in the middle of the ancient tomb. The voices of countless wronged souls rose into the sky, and a large number of wronged souls flew up into the sky involuntarily. They hovered in the air, and then quickly gathered into a ball.

In Lin Qi's surprised gaze, a statue with a height of several hundred meters, a beautiful **** the upper body, and nine evil spirits with snake tails on the lower body appeared. This beautiful girl with naked upper body slowly lowered her head and looked down at Lin Qi and his group. Her pupils turned into a shuttle shape, and the corners of her mouth faintly dripped with blood.

The huge nine snake tails slapped the void frantically, and the terrible fluctuations that radiated made Köln Eighteen and them all a little unstable. This huge resentful spirit slowly opened its mouth, and an ugly snake letter with numerous barbed thorns swept quickly in the air.

"Really, so hungry! What a delicious soul! Come, give it to me, give it to me! Come into my arms, become one with me, and give your soul to me, give it to me!" A beautiful voice came from the girl’s mouth. The voice was serene, kind, clear and gentle, just like the lullaby I heard in the mother’s arms as a child, full of something that makes people want to close their eyes and fall asleep. Weird power.

Cologne eighteen muttered in a low voice: "Soul Charm! Master Lin Qi, do you need me to destroy her?"

Lin Qi shook his head. This resentful spirit is very powerful, very powerful, at least a hundred times stronger than the resentful spirit that appeared in front of the Ashimi'er palace just now! With Lin Qi's power, he felt that his soul was a little unstable, and he had a drowsy impulse. This feeling is very dangerous, especially when Setase sits on the altar and stares at him.

"Destroy her! Use the fastest speed, the strongest strength!" Lin Qi stroked his finger, and Tu Junaxe made a stern cracking sound, which turned into a dazzling blue aurora and whizzed out. The aurora tens of meters wide rushed in front of the wraith spirit, and then suddenly burst into hundreds of large and small axe shadows, slashing around the wraith spirit in one go.

Before the shadow of the axe fell on the wraith spirit, Strand, who was sitting on the altar, stretched out a thin and hideous finger, and lightly flicked the shadow of the ax. There was a loud noise in'Dang Cang', Lin Qi's body shook, and his connection with Tu Junaxe almost broke. Lin Qi, who was greatly shocked, felt a sharp pain in his head. He opened his mouth and vomited blood, then staggered back. A few steps.

"Strength, really weak!" Sitose muttered in a low voice: "Why are you weak and small, come here? Why bother me? This weird building, I am merging with him, I am devouring all of him. Once the will is completed, I can become the supreme being, why bother my devouring?"

Whispering to herself in a low voice, Sistase gave Lin Qisen a cold look: "Kill them, kill them, kill!"

The Nine-Tailed Wraith screamed, and she howled hoarsely: "Give your souls and come to my arms!"

Cologne XVIII let out a low roar, and the bodies of him and dozens of other gray knights of the apocalypse suddenly turned into a gray light and shadow and rushed over. 'The original sin is hidden in the blood, all sins must be cleansed', accompanied by a low roar, dozens of kilometers of sword light tore apart the body of the Nine Tailed Wraith Spirit, cutting her body into a big Hundreds of small and small. (To be continued. If you like this work, you are welcome to come to the starting point ( to vote for recommendations and monthly tickets. Your support is my biggest motivation.)

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