Bright Era

Chapter 1917: The Fall of God Lord (2)

The power of the gray knight of the apocalypse also belongs to the death family, and it is the most original death power that belongs to the complete annihilation. The Nine-Tailed Wraith had no time to launch her most powerful attack. It only caused a little mental distress to Lin Qi and the others, and was killed by the leaders of Kolon Eighteen. The gray sword light tore her body apart, and then a ray of light shot out of Lin Qi's palm, and all the pieces of the resentful spirit were sucked in.

"What a generous god, the soul power of this giant resentful spirit is enough for me to create dozens of lower god-level dragon souls!" Long Ya smiled heartily, and the golden thundercloud above his head rolled violently. At the same time, countless dragons hiding in the thundercloud circling and dancing made deafening dragon roars.

"What did I see?" It was as if Sistase discovered the existence of the Apocalypse Knights. She stared at Cologne XVIII and the gray knights standing next to him in a daze. It took a long time before she severely caught Scratching his forehead: "Apocalypse... Knights of the apocalypse, but you should all be destroyed... The Temple of the Doomsday Apocalypse? I once led the Death Legion to attack the Temple of the Doomsday Apocalypse."

Cologne raised his head and looked at Sitose coldly and ruthlessly: "The gods must be thoroughly cleansed. The colonial legion, the first ban on the indigenous management method, any... rebels must be destroyed. There is no chance of surrender. ."

Sistase also lowered her head and stared at Cologne XVIII, whose eyes showed a brilliant gray light: "Aboriginal? I hate this word. We are the noble Azerite clan... Strange, Azerite. What kind of race is the Er Protoss? It seems that I should destroy them? But, I should destroy you even more! Why is my head so painful? Who is affecting my will?"

Lin Qi stared at Sitose in surprise. This woman, this mighty divine lord, seemed to have a mental problem. Ashimi's squinted her eyes and smiled triumphantly: "Perhaps I know what happened, the unlucky curse spirit ancient tomb, this ugly old woman wants to seize control of the curse spirit ancient tomb, she thought To devour the consciousness of the ancient cursed tomb, plunder the core of the ancient curse."

With a mocking smile, Ashimi's triumphantly twisted her small waist: "But, is the cursed spirit ancient tomb so easy to deal with? Even if the cursed spirit ancient tomb is seriously injured, a divine master wants to invade him. Consciousness? Huh, how many years has this ugly and stupid woman been trapped here? Is she in control of the cursed tomb, or is the cursed tomb is engulfing her soul?"

"I want, I want to kill you!" Sitose screamed in pain, and then she let out a sharp howl. With a wave of her hands, dozens of head-sized gray **** of light roared from her. It rushed out, bringing a large swath of smoke and hitting Lin Qi and the others. The expressions of Lin Qi and the others changed slightly, and suddenly a bone dragon full of lifelessness jumped up from the top of Lin Qi's head.

This skull dragon rushed out of Lin Qi's body along a thin line of undead ghost fire, his original size was only one ten thousandth the size of a sesame grain. But when he flew out of Lin Qi's body, he immediately rose to several kilometers in length against the storm. The huge bone dragon curled up like a fortified castle, firmly guarding Lin Qi and his party inside.

A faint ray of light was continuously injected into the body of this bone dragon along Lin Qi's body, and the ball of light swayed by Sitose continued to explode. Each blow could blow up the bone dragon's body by half, but the bone dragon His body continued to breed, dozens of light **** killed the bone dragon at least a hundred times, but with the full support of Longya, the bone dragon remained roughly intact.

"You, it's hateful!" Sitose screamed hysterically: "Why can't I let me kill you a little easier? Just like then, why do you resist? Why do you resist us? Why can't you just let us kill you obediently you guys?"

The voice of the Temple of Underworld suddenly sounded: "Master Lin Qi, this woman's soul did have some problems, communicate with the ancient tomb of the curse, and see if he can wake up his consciousness. I can feel that the strength of this woman is recovering, while When she was unconscious and her strength was in the weakest state, she cleanly awakened the master control consciousness of the curse spirit ancient tomb."

Lin Qi didn't dare to neglect, he knelt down on one knee, his right hand pressed firmly on the floor of the curse spirit ancient tomb. Several thin cyan rays gush out from Lin Qi's palm and quickly sink into the ground of the ancient curse spirit tomb. Lin Qi's spiritual power extended along the rhizome of the sweet-scented osmanthus tree to the depths of the cursed tomb. He saw the specific structure of the cursed tomb.

Countless complex magic circles appeared in Lin Qi's spiritual vision, which was a complex structure that Lin Qi could not imagine. Every inch of the space in the ancient tomb of the curse was densely covered with tens of billions of magic circles, which was a huge system that was too complex to be cracked. These magic arrays are mysterious and unpredictable, and countless magic arrays are gathered together, combined with endless energy, to form the main body of the curse spirit ancient tomb.

The rhizome of the sweet-scented osmanthus tree continuously passes through the magic arrays that emit powerful energy fluctuations. Every time it passes through a magic array, the osmanthus tree will release a burst of cyan light lines. Lin Qi didn't understand what kind of information contained in these light patterns, but those magic arrays that obviously contained terrifying power just let the rhizome of the sweet-scented osmanthus tree pass through with ease.

It seemed that countless years had passed. It seemed that only a moment later, Lin Qi only felt that the front lightened suddenly, and a strange figure sitting on a necromantic throne appeared in front of Lin Qi. Countless thin streams of light filled with the breath of death came from all directions and poured into this figure holding a long wooden staff and wearing a gray cloak.

Those undead beams are so many and so bright that this figure is like a gray sun, constantly emitting endless light and desperate cold air. In the sky above this figure, Sitose's phantom was looming, most of her body was submerged in this figure, only one head was still exposed.

Hundreds of wraiths whose bodies were condensed like crystal statues appeared in all directions. These wraiths were filled with countless undead runes. They exuded suffocating and terrifying spiritual fluctuations. With Lin Qi's current spirit strength, he felt a moment. Heart palpitations.

From the absolute strength of the spirit, Lin Qi's spirit is thousands of times stronger than these wraith spirits. But as mentioned earlier, the structure of these wraith spirits is to devour and destroy souls. Although they are weaker than Lin Qi's spirit in strength, Lin Qi's spirit is not necessarily at the level of soul damage. Able to withstand their attacks.

Just like a giant and a poisonous snake, the size and strength of a giant is far stronger than that of a snake, but the snake can kill the giant silently by injecting a drop of venom with a single mouthful. Lin Qi's spirit and these resentful spirits are similar to this relationship. If strangling frontally, Lin Qi's spirit can smash the devil snakes like a giant lifting a boulder, but once Lin Qi is attacked by these wraiths, his spirit may die silently like a poisoned giant.

Lin Qi's body trembled slightly, he watched these tyrannical resentful spirits vigilantly, and was ready to attack with all his strength.

The sweet-scented osmanthus tree gently leaned a small rhizome toward the huge figure sitting on the throne of the undead. The cyan rhizome directly touched the brow of the figure, and then Lin Qi's body ached slightly, a drop of his blood It was taken out and quickly injected into the figure's body along the rhizome of the sweet-scented osmanthus tree.

The lifeless figure sitting on the throne suddenly survived. He, who was originally like a statue, suddenly lit up two gray ghost fires in the eye sockets under his hood: "I am very happy to see you, immortal sweet-scented osmanthus tree. How many years have passed since? Are you still fighting? My body was seriously damaged, and my master control consciousness was severely damaged by the joint efforts of the seven gods. I have fallen asleep..."

Before the words were finished, the Curse Spirit Ancient Mausoleum snarled angrily: "Who is infecting my master consciousness? Death Lord Sitese! This **** woman, she wants to plunder the core of my law of death. Ha, fortunately you awakened me, otherwise she will succeed in 20,000 years at most! What a **** woman, she almost succeeded!"

"Curse the ancient tombs, fight back! All the wraiths, all the souls who are not willing to die, curse, anger, roar, struggle, turn all the negative powers of your souls into the wailing of the undead, tear this apart The soul of a stupid woman!"

The sweet-scented osmanthus tree quickly returned to Lin Qi’s body with Lin Qi’s spiritual power. The entire curse spirit ancient tomb was trembling violently. There were countless resentful spirits and screams from all directions, and countless flew out of the curse spirit ancient tomb. The resentful spirits and souls who fought fiercely with the Skeleton Legion rushed back frantically, turned into a dazzling torrent, and continuously poured into the black pit in the middle of the ancient tomb.

A huge soul aura radiated from the ancient tomb. As the number of wraiths and grievances returned increased, this soul aura became stronger and stronger, and gradually a hazy figure as high as a kilometer rose from Appearing above the **** pit, this figure was wearing a gray cloak, with gray ghost fires shining in his eyes, holding a long wooden staff, and surrounded by countless howling ghosts and wolves.

"Sistase, despicable woman, do you want to control me?" Cursing Ling Guling grinned lowly: "Stupid woman, with the crude law of death you have mastered, how can I understand me since tens of thousands of tribulations, The mystery of the death core gathered from countless laws of death? Hey, those idiots who attacked me with you back then seemed to have been swallowed by me?" (To be continued. If you like this work , You are welcome to come to the starting point ( to vote for recommendations and monthly tickets. Your support is my greatest motivation.)

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