Bright Era

Chapter 1921: They are still alive (1)

"Aha? Really, behind the primitive civilization model!" Standing on the street of Longshan Imperial Capital, Ashimier gently shook her head with her hands behind her back. Putting on a new gorgeous aristocratic robe, she sighed deeply when she was comfortable and cheerful.

By her side, there were more than 30 female fighters from **** wearing guard clothes. Some key parts of Ashmir’s Bone Burial Ground were destroyed. Her maids could only appear in the form of skeletons. There is no doubt that once this kind of maids appeared in the ground world, they would be immediately destroyed. The sensitive church was put on the stake.

Therefore, Aximier entangled the Temple of Underworld, blackmailed the little energy he had left, and created more than 30 slender figures and beautiful faces for her, which was in line with what Aximier called "has noble blood and aristocratic style." My son’s hellwoman is a maid.

A small storage bag full of gold coins and gold tickets was arrogantly hooked on her little finger. Axi Mi'er, like a boy and girl bullying, walked swayingly in the middle of the street of Longshan Imperial Capital. She followed countless Longshan Imperial Palace secret agents and the copper hats of the Imperial Guard Department from far and near. According to Lin Qi's orders, they tremblingly drove away all the ghosts and snakes in the market.

This is an old monster that Lin Qi can't afford to provoke, so don't let those unlucky people who like to kill themselves harass her. Lin Qi didn't want his imperial capital to stage a scene of a siege by a skeleton monster in broad daylight. It was too frightening.

"Similar to the civilized model of the Dark Ages of the Middle Ages! And it's a bit more **** than that era in my memory! The power of the church is much stronger than that time! Of course, the power of heresy is too much stronger." Ashmir smiled slyly: "For example, some of the biggest'heretics' sit high on the throne, it's so funny!"

Two aristocratic girls who looked only fifteen or sixteen years old looked out from a carriage on the side of the road. Aximeer suddenly saw these two twin sisters who were exactly the same. The straight corner of the mouth strode over with drooling. Not allowing the noble girls to react, Ashimi had already begun to gently stroke their faces.

"What a nice pair of sisters, it's so tempting! I really want to freeze you in a hockey puck and enjoy it for thirty to fifty thousand years!"

She clicked her mouth, and sucked the saliva back in her mouth with a chuckle. Ashimi's eyes stared at the two girls and laughed: "Ahaha, I was joking just now! But, two A dear little girl, you were born so beautiful, just like my favorite female singer, what is it called? Are you willing to be my personal maid?"

"I can let you have an ageless face, let you live forever, let your youth stay forever! Also, your parents and family, I can let the emperor of this broken empire, canonize them as great nobles. Marquis? Duke? Still a prince! Tell me what title your father wants, and I will tell the little guy Lin Qi directly!"

Ashmir smiled so much that she couldn't close her mouth. She really liked this pair of children and sisters. The skeleton monsters around her obviously did not conform to her aesthetics of having aestheticism, so she now Need to find a new group of personal maids. What is more delightful than twin sisters? Such a pair of pink and tender girls are beside them, they are seductive!

The two girls were dumbfounded by Ashmir. Did they meet a lunatic? But look at the gorgeous dress on Ashimi'er, which is obviously from the palace, and the 30 or so expressionless but beautiful maids behind her. This is not like a madwoman can have. what!

In a jewellery shop by the road, an old man with conservative clothes, but with a hint of luxury in a low profile, strode out surrounded by several guards. The tall, ruddy-faced old man shouted in a low voice: "This lady, I am the Earl of Solland. They are my daughters. What do you want to do to them?"

The old man’s voice is very rude. It doesn’t matter who sees a crazy girl who looks only fourteen or five years old on the street and dares to use that frivolous way to regulate his daughter, will he not be very happy? Ashmir squinted and glanced at Count Solland, then took out a gold medal Lin Qi gave her from her sleeve, and threw it away.

"Send your daughter to me as a maid. If you want to be a prince or a duke, go talk to Lin Qi!"

Earl Solland stared at the gold medal representing the supreme power of the Longshan Empire in amazement, and his whole person fell into a sluggish state. Before he could figure out what was going on, Mr. Mo, who was wearing a black imperial dress, had already walked over, surrounded by more than a dozen followers.

"His Excellency, Your Majesty, please rush back as quickly as possible." Mr. Mo gave a glance at the gold medal in Earl Solland's hand, and said faintly: "Whatever you want, just give it to you. These Everything will be done for you."

Ashmir raised her brows, and then she laughed in a low voice: "Aha, did you go to that place? It's interesting!"

Half a quarter of an hour later, in the Longshan Imperial Palace, Lin Qi sat on the throne of a side hall, squinting at the crowd waiting in the hall. A group of old people in the Black Tiger family, including the black beard who is swallowing the clouds; the old brothers of the Iron Fist Brotherhood led by Enzo, they are standing straight there; Mr. Mo, Etreis, Este, Arta, Bilibili and other Lin Qi's subordinates were looking at Lin Qi respectfully.

Beside Lin Qi, there were Yun, Princess Qingli, and the three women of Paradise. Everyone held their breath and looked at Lin Qi. The news they got from Lin Qi was really horrifying-let people rise to the sky and become a god! And there is no need to inherit the blood of the Axul protoss, no need to abandon the identity of the human! Is this really possible?

"So, this is my plan. A huge turmoil is likely to be triggered soon, and we, unfortunately, are one of the biggest sources of this turmoil!" Lin Qi held a big cigar in his mouth. While vomiting thick smoke, he scratched his head with his hands: "It's a bit embarrassing to say that, but this is true. Now there are several gods who have completely fallen because of us!"

Everyone was breathing deeply, the King Scorpion lying on Lin Qi's head with a deep smile: "God of war, I want to kill him!"

Holding the King Scorpion’s tail and throwing him on the ground, Lin Qi said solemnly: “So, I must strengthen everyone’s ability to protect themselves. In this huge turmoil, we should not directly participate in the conflicts between the gods. , We are mainly responsible for the power of the gods in the secular world, in other words, we are specifically bullying those mortals."

"But no one can guarantee that those unproductive gods will suddenly attack us. Therefore, we must have enough self-protection ability! Let you have god-level power, at least, the chance of saving lives will be much greater." Shrugging his shoulders, Lin Qi nodded to Enzo and other old brothers: "If it weren't for this, I wouldn't have called you back from the Black Spirit Continent."

Enzo took a step forward and laughed with his head held high: "I look forward to the day when I fight the gods!"

Lin Qi hurriedly shook his head, he put up a finger and shook it gently: "No, no, no, Enzo, my old friend, fighting against the gods? I have never thought about it this way. I have thought about it! I would be very interested in traps, potions for falling gods, and sieges, but fight them head-on! It must be admitted that the strength of the main **** is not something we can fight against!"

After exhaling heavily, Lin Qi clapped his hands vigorously: "How are things prepared?"

Ozy Nightmare walked into the hall with a few evil spirits carrying a few large tanks. The large tank was filled with red liquid, emitting a strong smell of blood. Ozy Nightmare said solemnly: "We have secretly collected so much blood from the imperial demi-god powerhouses, it should be enough to use!"

Lin Qi nodded, and he said in a low voice, "Don't waste time, let's take a step before the Axul protoss has begun to pass on the priesthood on a large scale. Then, we can start!"

Following Lin Qi’s words, countless very thin cyan streamers shot out from his fingertips, and the cyan rays submerged into the bodies of everyone present, forming a complex in their bodies, using the sweet-scented osmanthus tree The rhizome is woven into the second heavy shell. The blood of those half-god powerhouses was rolled up by the cyan rhizomes, and merged into the second body of alien races such as Alsa and Ozy Nightmare.

It is obviously impossible to enter God's Domain and inherit the priesthood as Arta and the others. But with the second body made by the sweet-scented osmanthus tree, plus the disguised breath of the blood blending into the second body, they can successfully inherit the priesthood and possess the power of the gods. After all, the Temple of Inheritance did not have its own consciousness, he was just a powerful dead thing.

Everything was prepared, and Lin Qi didn't talk nonsense. He took all the selected people and quickly walked into the magic teleportation array in the imperial city, and directly teleported to a small village on the edge of the church's holy mountain. All the residents in this small village are the most devout believers of the church, and this place is actually the outermost monitoring point of the church.

At the request of Lin Qi, Aximier was in the imperial capital with the Dragon Witch King to guard against possible damage and disturbance by outsiders when Lin Qi led people into God's Domain. After all, the Longshan Empire has offended many people. Whether it is the Green Moon Queen of the Elf Continent or the group of religious lunatics from the Fallen Temple, if they happen to jump out and make trouble at this time, the Longshan Empire will be unlucky. (To be continued. If you like this work, you are welcome to come to the starting point ( to vote for recommendations and monthly tickets. Your support is my biggest motivation.)

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