Bright Era

Chapter 1922: They are still alive (2)

Everyone put on black cloaks, and under the leadership of Lin Qi, a mighty group of people filed out of the teleportation formation. A few old people sitting in the small village immediately greeted them. They stopped in front of Lin Qi with great vigilance. A gray-haired old man asked Lin Qi solemnly, "In the name of the supreme Lord of Morning Light, may I ask , What are you doing here in the sacred mountain?"

Lin Qi snorted coldly, he only slightly revealed a trace of power, and several old people turned back and back again and again with a pale face. They knelt on the ground in awe, their foreheads pressed tightly against the snow-covered ground. Lin Qi chanted in a low voice, "Humble mortal, a believer of my race, don't question any actions of the gods. Your obligation is to obey and believe."

Nervely said a few words that Lin Qi himself felt a bit inexplicable and profound, and then he took the seemingly slow, but in fact, a four-way step of hundreds of meters, leading the mighty crowd behind him to the entrance of the holy mountain. . This time he will not only wipe out all the high-ranking, middle-ranking lieutenant gods, and godly priesthoods of Scarlet Wrath and Roaring Thunder. They also have tens of thousands of lower servant-level priesthoods. Let it go.

Tens of thousands of lower gods, this little power was lost in the battle of the gods, it was a humble combat power that could be destroyed by the palm of a high-level god. But any lower **** is invincible on the battlefield of the secular world. With these lower servants sitting in the Longshan Empire, no matter what the fallen temple or the revenge of the elves, Lin Qi took them as bragging and joking.

In addition to the two priesthoods, the deputy god, the gods and the servants that Lin Qi inherited, Lin Qi is also preparing to secretly sweep all the priesthoods of Sistase. As the death lord of Sistase, there are not a few of her god-level existences, and Lin Qi has booked such benefits for all his confidants around him.

Of course, with the current strength and potential of Blackbeard, Yun, Princess Qingli, and Elysium, it is impossible for them to inherit all the power of a master **** in a short time. But as long as they can absorb the laws of the gods, they can at least have the fighting power of the upper gods, and slowly hoarding the divine power in the future, their strength can naturally grow rapidly.

Sistase has twelve main god-level deputy gods, and two of them have reached the peak of the main god, and are only one step away from the main **** realm. The priesthood of these two main gods was prepared by Lin Qi for Blackbeard and Yun. One is his father and the other is his wife. No other person can be more suitable for these two priesthoods.

When entering the holy mountain, Artha and other old evil spirits and old demons had their legs weakened with fright.

Rao is that they are bold, Rao is that they are all ancestor-level monsters in the abyss world, this is the core area of ​​the church. When they entered the valley entrance of the holy mountain, when the divine light from the two huge **** statues shone on them, several old guys almost sat on the ground without a butt.

No matter how conceited they are, they also know deeply that if they expose their identity here, they will be crushed to pieces. They may have the power to destroy the largest church in any empire, but they will end up dead without life when they enter the holy mountain.

But what surprised them was that the second shell woven from the rhizome of the sweet-scented osmanthus tree perfectly concealed their aura. On the shell woven from the cyan streamer, the blood of the demigods they collected was released under the light of the gods. There was a faint energy fluctuation, and the two gods with infinite power could not find any strangeness, Lin Qi and the others walked safely into the holy mountain.

"After half a year, I didn't have such strength!" Osmanthus tree proudly boasted: "But recently, my body has become more and more complete, and my strength is recovering rapidly, and my energy is also abundant, so It is very simple to hide these dead things. But if you encounter a main god-level existence, you must be careful."

Lin Qi nodded slowly: "Don't worry, I will pay attention. The existence of the main **** level should not have any opinion on my subordinates inheriting the priesthood? And, I also found the best troublemaker."

This time when I entered the Holy Mountain, the atmosphere in the Holy Mountain was more tense and more tense than when Lin Qi came a few days ago. More and more unheard of church troops are constantly mobilizing in the holy mountain, large groups of sturdy warriors and well-trained monster mounts continue to emerge from the teleportation array. Obviously, they are all churches from the three abyssal worlds. The mobilized army.

With the combined area and population of the three abyssal worlds comparable to the Eastern Continent, one can imagine how many troops they have accumulated over the years. Lin Qi couldn't help showing a weird smile. He didn't know the leaders of the meeting, what would they do after learning about the situation here?

Do you want to take the initiative to contact them to make these meeting leaders nervous? Disrupt their layout by the way?

Along the way, Lin Qi deliberately or unintentionally released a touch of divine power, and all the church troops wherever he passed were all crawling and worshipping him. No clergyman dared to look up at Lin Qi. In this way, Lin Qi brought a mighty team of tens of thousands of people, including a large number of demons, evil spirits, dark elves, necromancers, dark wizards and other outright heretics, and reached the core of the holy mountain. Place.

Following Mu Wei's method that day, Lin Qi brought everyone into God's Domain.

It was still golden clouds in the sky, a faint golden light shrouded the magnificent God's realm, and the tall and gorgeous temple under the golden light looked so solemn and sad. The collapsed palaces and the traces of destruction all around them added a bit of vicissitudes of life to this boundless space out of thin air.

Anyone who meets God's Domain for the first time will be attracted by the strange charm here. Standing here is like seeing time slowly passing, seeing the endless changes in the vicissitudes of life, and seeing the cycle and death of life.

Lin Qi let the people behind him stay silent for a while, and the rich elemental energy here made Arthas and the others surprised with emotion. But Lin Qi looked around for a while, the surroundings were empty, and no other gods appeared.

He made a gesture to the people behind him, Lin Qi waved his big sleeves, and a group of colorful aurora enveloped everyone. He led the crowd to flicker a few times in the void, and instantly moved to the door of the Temple of Inheritance. The square in front of the Temple of Inheritance was empty. Obviously, no gods came here today to inherit the priesthood for their chosen ones.

"Very smoothly, I hope it has been so smooth!" Lin Qi muttered lowly, and then quickly led people into the Temple of Inheritance. As Lin Qi walked forward, palm-sized magic arrays floated under his feet. These delicate arrays flew slowly, and then disappeared into the air. A faint golden light shot everywhere, and dozens of warning magic arrays were arranged by Lin Qi at the entrance.

"Alsa, you go first." Lin Qi came to the core of the Temple of Inheritance, and then quickly triggered the divine formation here. Blasting his own spirit wave into the **** formation, dozens of small **** formations appeared in front of Lin Qi. These divine formations were dispatched in a special order, and then divine power was injected into them, and a clergy space belonging to the roaring thunder was opened.

In other words, according to the osmanthus tree and others, a concealed space belonging to the roaring thunder **** system was opened. Lin Qi's soul power explored the small space in the void, which was isolated by a dense array of gods, like a small space like a honeycomb. Each small space corresponds to a **** who has left the imprint of the soul here. Once they fall, the laws they master will regroup in this small space.

Only the gods with the highest status of each of the big and small gods can open this concealed space. And this authority is also top-down.

For example, Mu Wei can open all her divinely conceived spaces such as Roaring Thunder and Scarlet Fury, and pass on the concealed priesthood here. And Mu Wei couldn't open the concealing space of other main gods who sat on the same level as her, and Mu Wei had no authority to operate the concealing space of other main gods' subordinate spirits.

The former war leader of the war **** system to which Mu Wei and Mudel belonged, and those gods at the main level, were able to open all the gestation space controlled by Mu Wei and Mudel at will. This division of authority was also determined when the mother nest of God's Domain was first constructed.

Just as Lin Qi inspected the gestation space of the roaring thunder, the curse spirit ancient tomb that had already arrived in Lin Qi suddenly laughed lowly: "Interesting thing, Master Lin Qi, you want to get behind this place In the brood, find those memory inheritance spars, and quickly improve your subordinates' strength?"

Lin Qi replied in astonishment: "Of course, otherwise what am I doing here? The people around me are all my loyal subordinates carefully selected. I must let them have enough strength, otherwise they will not survive the future. Turbulence."

Underworld Temple sneered gloomily: "Old dead soul, you seem to want to say something else?"

Shu Ling Gu Ling smiled'chichi': "Yes, I do have some other opinions. For example, the design of this backward violent and destructive brood is very backward, which leads to irreparable internal possessions. Loopholes. To be precise, the design of the mother nest comes from the'soul nest'."

The Temple of Underworld and Heaven Mountain grumbled at the same time: "Soul Lair?"

Shu Ling Gu Ling sighed gently, and above his body, he showed his anthropomorphic phantom: "Yes, the soul lair, the original existence of the same origin with me. He refused to obey the metaworld. He was completely destroyed because of his rule. Metaverse used him as a template to design various forward support broods. Therefore, I know the soul nests, which are some of the weaknesses of these broods." (To be continued. If you like this work, you are welcome to come to the starting point ( to vote for recommendations and monthly tickets. Your support is my biggest motivation.)

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