Bright Era

Chapter 1939: It's the end of the month, can you give me some help?

It's the end of the month, everyone, look at the ticket pocket, do you still have a monthly ticket?

If so, pass by, don't pass by, give the pig a monthly pass!

It is another eight chapter update, continue to fulfill the promise.

Vote a lot of monthly tickets, and vote for a lot of recommendations for Dutou!

In the summer, the weather is hot, the pig head is drowsy every day, the code word is very hard!

Spring is not the code word day, the summer heat is just right to sleep, the autumn text is cold in winter, the code word is really boring!

So, please vote for a lot of pigs!

Give the pig a little excitement, a little encouragement! ! ! (To be continued. If you like this work, you are welcome to come to the starting point ( to vote for recommendations and monthly tickets. Your support is my biggest motivation.)

If you like Guangming Epoch, please collect it: ( The literature of Guangming Epoch has the fastest update speed.

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