Bright Era

Chapter 1940: Quartet confrontation? (1)

The army camp of the mainland coalition army, with the help of Mu Wei, the Dragon City, who had just advanced to the upper god, sat upright on the throne in the center. Although advanced as a god, Longcheng's face still has such a wild and evil smile, and the aura on his body is no different from ordinary humans, and is probably equivalent to the level of a high-level sage.

In the big tent, there are dozens of generals from the church’s temples standing scattered. These temple generals from the god-descendant family hold their heads high, not paying attention to Dragon City and Hu Xinzhu standing next to him. . They don't know who is standing in front of them, they only know that they are noble gods, and they are just two ‘mercenaries’ from the East!

That's right, in the hearts of these senior generals of the Knights of the Temple, in the hearts of these gods, Dragon City, Hu Xinzhu and his party are nothing more than mercenaries who can't mix in the East and come to live in the West. So Dragon City called them to discuss future actions, but they were indifferent to Dragon City's orders, and they dragged on for a long time before they came here.

Even after entering the Central Army's big account, they still have a face full of dissatisfaction, a belly full of anger.

At this moment, Lin Qi opened the curtain of the big tent and strode in. As he walked, he said coldly: "Preparing to retreat two thousand miles, behind the army of the Longshan Empire, the Great Yan Dynasty, and the Temple of War, and other troops withdraw two thousand miles back, and then rebuild a new line of defense."

Before Longcheng and Hu Xinzhu said a word, a handsome young man from the Temple of the Sea God and wearing azure armor had jumped out: "Who are you? What qualifications do you have to give orders here? Retreat? Why? According to my opinion. , We should launch an offensive to completely destroy the enemy in front of us just like the tsunami!"

Lin Qi coughed softly, then turned to look at Longcheng: "Where did this idiot come from?"

Long Cheng spread his hands, grinned, and said unceremoniously: "It came out of his mother's belly! Well, those undead are weird!"

Lin Qi nodded: "It's really weird, and I found some bad things, so let's withdraw as soon as possible!"

The young general of the Seagod Temple was so angry that his eyes turned green, and Lin Qi and Longcheng didn't take him seriously. One scolded him, the other scolded his mother, and then they started a conversation on their own, didn't they treat him at all. Trembling with anger, he drew out his sword in anger and pointed it at Lin Qi fiercely.

"You, you, I want to fight you! You insulted, I insulted my mother, you insulted Seagod Hall!"

Lin Qi turned around and slapped it fiercely. The sword was shattered and the armor was cracked. People vomited blood and flew out, knocking the dozens of Seagod's subordinates behind him and flying out together. Shaking his head gently, Lin Qi sighed: "If adults speak, children should not interrupt, or they will be beaten! Your parents didn't teach you this truth, I'll teach you!"

Lin Qi slapped all the people in the Sea God Temple to the ground, and the people who were knocked into the air couldn't get up with blood. A young man wearing white armor with a faint white light entwined his body. It was obviously a young man from the Temple of Dawn frowning unhappily: "No matter who you are, your behavior is too rude. Apologize to Osian, otherwise. , I don’t mind teaching you a good lesson!"

With a light sigh, Lin Qi glanced at the indignant temple generals and shook his head helplessly: "Are you here to help fight the war? How do I feel that you are here to add trouble? Well, it's too late. Up!"

Following Lin Qi's words, everyone felt the death-filled mana fluctuations in the air. Longcheng jumped up, and he glanced at Lin Qi in surprise. Lin Qi nodded silently, and then a group of people hurried out of the tent and boarded the highest observation tower near the Chinese Army’s Great Tent. The magician who accompanied the army quickly performed the Hawkeye Water Mirror technique, peeking at the movement in the direction of the mana wave.

Thousands of powerful ghosts flashed out of thin air in a thin gray mist, and circles of water were still floating on their bodies. Obviously they came here directly by teleporting all the way. The place where they appeared was less than fifty miles south of the army camps of the Blood Qin Empire and the Mainland Allied Forces. As soon as these ghosts appeared, they immediately took out some white models and threw them on the ground.

The sound of ‘click’ was endless, and the models made of white bones that looked like toys suddenly skyrocketed, and soon a circle of white bone walls with a radius of nearly a thousand miles grew out of the ground. The white bone city wall, which is nearly a kilometer high and several hundred meters thick, is like a stretch of mountains lying on the ground. Grey undead runes are densely covered on the city wall, swallowing all the light nearby.

A hazy shadow appeared on the city wall, and the city wall was devouring light energy crazily. Even if the sun was shining, the sun could not shine into the area surrounded by the city wall.

Thousands of large and small huge buildings with undead characteristics have risen from the ground within a radius of nearly a thousand miles enclosed by the city wall. Zombie tombs, skeleton altars, ghost towers, bone dragon cemeteries, etc., in the blink of an eye, a large number of undeads poured out from these buildings, and soon densely packed undead soldiers stood on the wall of the city.

Hundreds of huge ghost dragons were lazily suspended in the shadow of the city wall, and the green ghost fire in the huge eye sockets stared at the direction of the military camp of the **** Qin Empire and the mainland coalition forces dozens of miles away. And a giant bone dragon with a body length of more than a hundred miles is directly exposed to the sun. This pitch-black bone dragon exudes a chilly air. He floats in the air, and countless palm-sized black ice crystals come from him. Constantly drifting down, the soldiers on the mainland coalition side felt a biting chill.

"It's a very cute bone dragon!" Lin Qi laughed mockingly, and the faces of the temple generals around him became ugly as if they were dead. This is really a cute bone dragon, so cute that they can't wait to take people back now.

The bone dragon with a body length of hundreds of miles, his strength happened to be stabilized at the limit state of the peak of the demigod. As long as a little bit of strength was added, he could step into the gods. But according to the unspoken rules of the gods, the gods cannot join the wars of the secular world, so this bone dragon is so weaker than the gods. But the huge energy contained in his body is like an endless sea, far more powerful than the combined power of the 100,000 demi-god peak powerhouses.

With such a huge power, coupled with some special ancient forbidden techniques, this skull dragon can attack thousands of miles at a time. It is just a skull dragon, but at least it can be regarded as a team of 100,000 demigods. The mage army comes to use!

This is total cheating! At least on the current mainland coalition forces, no one hundred thousand demi-god-level wizards could join forces to resist this bone dragon's attack. In other words, once this bone dragon launches an attack, the mainland coalition forces may end in a complete collapse.

"We need stronger reinforcements!" Seagod's Ossien shivered and yelled, "Actually, it's not a big deal. He is not that strong. The holy dragon of the Seagod Temple is better than him. Strong. Of course, we can also choose to retreat because it looks like they are about to launch an attack?"

Lin Qi shrugged his shoulders, and he said calmly: "Now launch an attack? It's too late!"

Before the words came to an end, the few undead who stood on the hill and provoked the Blood Qin Empire and the mainland coalition forces at the same time, they had already turned into a gloomy wind and escaped into that undead city. A shrill laughter came from far away from the city: "Go to war, poor humans! Our undead are a peace-loving race, we are only here to collect the corpses for you!"

Another hoarse voice "quack" laughed: "Yeah, yeah, so many of you are fighting here, and even the weakest soldier has status and combat effectiveness! You just died in vain. What a pity? We are here to collect the corpses for you, so that you can still have powerful strength after death, and you can live without limits. What a blessing!"

"Damn it!" A **** of war temple cursed angrily: "What do they think of us? Do they recycle raw materials?"

Lin Qi glanced at the goddess of the God of War and sneered: "Damn? There are so many undead in front of you. For them, what is the raw material for the people who died in battle? It's just that you really Believe their nonsense? They just came to collect the corpses? If you really believe them, you will probably be collected by them soon."

The faces of the gods in the temple became extremely serious, they stared at the undead city, and then looked at the military camp of the Blood Qin Empire 30 miles away, and they kept communicating with each other. As high-ranking noble gods, they are not willing to fight these ferocious enemies. If they can win, they might as well fight a tailwind, but if the enemy is too strong, it is better to withdraw.

Osien coughed, and he watched Lin Qi whispered and suggested, "Why, let the Longshan Empire and the Great Yan Dynasty's troops be cut off? Let's retreat back a bit? Let these undead fight with the people of the Blood Qin Empire. Isn't this great?"

Lin Qi shook his head and said, "It's too late. The undead has arrived. You dare to retreat at this time. If the Blood Qin Empire and the undead attack at the same time, I don't care, but the soldiers below, no One person can evacuate safely."

Everyone was silent, only Longcheng smashed the guardrail of the watchtower fiercely: "Tell the people above, we need more reinforcements, more, at least ten times the current strength of reinforcements! Longshan! The Empire and the Great Yan Dynasty can’t afford more troops. But the church, I need the church to provide more troops, otherwise this battle will not be able to go on.” (To be continued. If you like this work , You are welcome to come to the starting point ( to vote for recommendations and monthly tickets. Your support is my greatest motivation.)

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