Bright Era

Chapter 1941: Quartet confrontation? (2)

Before Longcheng had finished speaking, Aziz had quietly walked up to the watchtower. He glanced at Lin Qi coldly, and then glanced at Longcheng contemptuously: "If you feel that you are not sure of victory, give the command of this battle to my child Yaziqi. He belongs to the Nightmare Temple. The leader of the Nightmare Knights, he is much more capable than you Easterners."

A young man wearing gray armor with gray face and eyes turned out from behind Aziz. He glared at Lin Qi, and then provocatively gestured to Longcheng with a neck-cutting gesture: "Weak and incompetent. Little white face, what qualifications do you have to be the commander-in-chief of this army? Just because the woman around you looks pretty? Hey, what about a bet, I beat you, and your woman belongs to me!"

An irritation flashed in the eyes of Yan Chi-brows who had been standing beside Longcheng silently. She pursed her rosy lips and stared at Yazzi for a long time. Then she sneered and smiled: "Sorry, I I would rather like a little white face than a guy with a gray face that looks like a zombie. Are you sure you are not a spy of the undead?"

Yazzi was so speechless for a while, he touched his stiff face, and suddenly a very fine gray light spurted out of Yan Chi's eyebrows. He shot at Yan Chimei without saying a word, because he just inherited the priesthood of the nightmare commander of the nightmare **** Azzi, he now has the strength not weaker than the middle-ranking gods. Confident that he can easily clean up his red eyebrows.

He was really fascinated by the red-colored armor, which seemed to be enveloped in flames, with red eyebrows that looked like a phoenix. So even if Dragon City is not the commander of this hastily formed mainland coalition army, he will definitely find other reasons to provoke Dragon City. Killing Dragon City and taking away the red eyebrows from his side, Yazqi relied on the power of his father Aziz to do a lot in the land of faith of the **** of soul.

Looking at the gray flames from Yaziqi’s eyes, Yan Chi-brows snorted coldly, her body suddenly brought up a few hazy afterimages, and then a flash of sword light flashed, and there was a miserable howl, Ya Ziqi's left shoulder has been pierced by a crimson-colored long sword with countless **** patterns engraved with it, and the flames entangled with it and exuded a high temperature.

The high temperature emitted by this sword not only burned Yaziqi's body, but even his soul felt the terrifying high temperature. His gray face suddenly turned red, and he went backwards in horror. His hair, beard, and clothes burned at the same time. In the blink of an eye, he burned to a clean and clean hair. .

If it wasn't for his armor to be a middle-grade artifact, the fire had already made him naked.

Aziz looked at the long sword in awe, his body trembling slightly. The main artifact, the tooth of Nirvana, this is the main artifact made by a certain **** master-level leader of the God of War system. This tooth of Nirvana is even the most beloved sword among the war goddess Mu Wei's soldiers, but why does it appear in Yan Chimei's hand?

Turning his head to look at his favorite son, Yaziqi, a transparent sword hole on his gray nightmare armor is constantly emitting high temperatures, and the armor on the edge of the sword hole has obvious signs of melting and burning. The main body of the armor was severely and irreversibly injured, and traces of melted gray slurry continued to slide down the surface of the armor. This armor was clearly injured by Yijian and was about to be scrapped.

"Who the **** are you!" Aziz looked at Yan Chi eyebrows angrily.

Turning her fingers, the graceful teeth of Nirvana was absorbed by Yan Chi Mei. She looked at Aziz coldly and said faintly: "My Great Yan Dynasty Emperor Yan Chi Mei! You have opinions about my identity. Huh? Your Majesty Lin Qi can testify for me. My identity is not at all false. Your Majesty Lin Qi, what do you think?"

Lin Qi touched his nose and laughed unkindly: "I fully agree with His Majesty Yan Chimei, she is indeed the Supreme Emperor of the Great Yan Dynasty, hahaha, of course, she is still the princess of the Prince of the Great Yan Dynasty. , Um, this identity is not fake!"

Aziz’s eyes were green with anger. He stared at Lin Qi fiercely, and screamed angrily: "I mean, her current identity! Why can she master the teeth of Nirvana? That is the main artifact, Do you know? Stupid guy, that's the main artifact! It's one of the goddess of war's personal weapons, the main artifact made by the **** Lord! He is the commander of the Nirvana Legion..."

With a click of his mouth, Aziz looked at Yan Chi eyebrows in horror.

Slightly squinted his eyes, two divine lights flickered in his eyes, and Yan Chimei said word by word: "Is the Nirvana Legion? You are right. I am the new commander of the Nirvana Legion. . So the tooth of Nirvana is in my hand, do you have any comments?"

Aziz didn't say a word, Yazki resisted the pain in his body firmly, and dared not speak with a grin. Lin Qi patted Azz on the shoulder with a little pity, lowered his voice and laughed: "Anyone doesn't suffer from the immediate loss, Az, you can't provoke your Majesty Yan Chimei! Can't you? If you provoke her, I am sure If you join her to leave you, you can't beat me, your son can't beat her, you and your son will both die miserably!"

Five fingers clasped Az's shoulder, Lin Qi smiled and pressed his fingers, and with a ‘click’, Az's shoulder blade was almost crushed by Lin Qi. Aziz almost screamed in pain, but Lin Qi laughed: "So, everyone should now listen to His Royal Highness Prince Mengshan's order, don't you? If you have any objections, haha!"

Yan Chi-brow stepped back two steps and stood silently behind Long Cheng. Long Cheng, who consciously raised his face triumphantly, raised his chest, and nodded to the chilling gods: "Then , Are you okay? Well, you should have guessed something, ah, hahaha, in fact, our military power here is not so weak, but we can't take action!"

The gods bowed respectfully to Longcheng, but they also didn't say a word.

Looking at the brief encounter between Yaziqi and Yan Chimei just now, these gods have already seen that these are two gods! If you think about it with your ass, you can know that if Yan Chi Mei is a god, how could her husband Longcheng be a mortal? By extension, Az and Lin Qi are all gods! Although they don't know whether they were possessed or reincarnated gods, none of these gods can offend them.

"So, it's still an old saying, your father is in charge of the major temples, send them letters at the fastest speed, let them send reinforcements, and tell them directly, if the reinforcements do not come, you will become cute skeletons. Soldier!" Shrugging his shoulders, Longcheng sighed unceremoniously, "Poor you are still a group of young people, and none of them have children. If you become a skeleton soldier, you have not enjoyed the greatest joy of life. Passed!"

Lin Qi shook his head, Longcheng's mouth, and his lazy temperament. Well, anyway, I knew who he was back then, and Lin Qi didn't expect that this guy could become so decent.

At this moment, there was a deep but magnificent sound of war drums from the north. The sound of war drums surging in waves like the tide was endless, and the clouds in the sky rolled over, as if there was a kind of upheaval. The great horror struck face to face.

"This is, who is intervening again?" Lin Qi glanced to the north in amazement, then he simply touched his eyes, and two colorful aurora shot straight out, and then he pressed his left hand to the air in front of him, a colorful The light mirror appeared, and everything he saw was reflected in this light mirror.

In the endless wilderness, countless green-skinned orcs are marching south with their drums beating. Their marching queue stretched for more than three hundred miles from west to east, divided into more than two dozen mighty torrents, constantly approaching the south. Each team is like a giant python winding across the ground. The forward of the team has penetrated more than 300 miles into the Eastern Great Plain, while the end of the team has been extended to the northern coastline.

On the northern coastline of the Eastern Great Plains, thousands of large and small magic teleportation arrays are constantly spraying out dazzling brilliance. Large groups of orcs, dwarves, titans, and orcs roar out of the magic array, they carry Wearing heavy weapons, wearing crude leather armor, or simply naked, once out of the magic circle, he quickly joined the southward team and ran forward.

In nearly a hundred huge teleportation formations, large siege tools with rough and simple shapes continued to appear slowly. The dwarves and goblins of the brigade pushed these siege tools slowly to the south.

There are a large number of giant magic birds that are special products of the ice field gliding slowly in the high altitude. What Lin Qi sees at this moment is that thousands of hurricane albatross with a wingspan of more than 300 meters are sliding southward with a large group of orc wizards and wizards on their backs. Behind these hurricane albatross, there is also a city surrounded by strong winds. This rough but huge floating castle is about a hundred miles in radius and is flying southward following the Demon Bird Group.

"Impossible, these guys who are so poor that they don't have a few pants, how could they arrange so many magic teleportation arrays?" Hu Xinzhu opened the folding fan with a snap, and quickly fanned it: "Hey, hello, do you believe one? The poor beggar suddenly took out a big bowl made of magic crystal to drink gruel? Do you believe it or not?"

The colorful lights in Lin Qi's eyes flickered, and he quickly scanned the coastline, and then his gaze focused on a group of people standing on top of a small hill, laughing and talking at the wind and looking at the alien army of Odin. (To be continued. If you like this work, you are welcome to come to the starting point ( to vote for recommendations and monthly tickets. Your support is my biggest motivation.)

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