Bright Era

Chapter 2011: The end of the dead? (2)

Lin Qi left a projection clone and sat upright in a small temple carried by three hundred and sixty elemental Titans. Surrounded by many guards, he followed the army forward, and His body was accompanied by several subordinates such as Bilibili and Arda, and quietly left his army and sneaked into the army of other gods in the distance.

The real war will only break out in front of the Temple of the Dead, at this moment it is just a competition of conventional military power. With excellent equipment and powerful strength, even the most ordinary soldier of Longshan's army, soaked in dragon blood, is not afraid of such a frontal confrontation. The army of those undead lords could not pose any threat to Lin Qi's army.

Instead of wasting time here watching the meaningless army fighting, it is better to do something else.

A monstrous scream of killing was heard from the front, a nine-headed, eighteen-armed, four-legged, multi-armed, middle-ranked **** of the mystery family sat on a round of cyan lotus platform, each of the eighteen arms holding a strange weapon. , Was laughing and watching the mighty Milo believers and endless skeleton monsters fighting there in full swing.

Within hundreds of miles, there are millions of followers of the Myra Sect, and in their periphery, there are dozens of times as many skeletons. The army of skeletons and monsters like the ocean firmly wrapped the believers of the Myra Sect, and launched continuous attacks on them.

The believers of the Mirage Sect are extremely fanatical, and they are completely unafraid of life and death. The skeletons have no concept of life and death at all, and they don't know the pain or fatigue, they can attack endlessly. The two groups of living and non-living bodies that had also lost their intelligence and intelligence were strangled into a mass, and large swaths of flesh and bone meal were mixed on the ground and turned into a mess of blood.

The nine-headed, eighteen-armed and four-legged deity laughed loudly, and his laughter became more enjoyable whenever his followers were killed. Around him gathered thousands of lower servants, hundreds of upper and middle gods, and tens of thousands of demigod followers. As for the number of believers in the holy realm, they are all neatly organized. Lined up in a square beside him.

But he didn't mean to dispatch these powerful combat powers, he just let the weak believers and the skeleton monsters die together. On average, for every twenty skeletons killed, a believer of the Myra Sect died on the spot. Tens of thousands of skeletal monsters will be cut to pieces every time they flick their fingers, and thousands of followers of the Mila religion will also be killed.

Thousands of believers' souls flew into the mouth of the **** with a huge amount of pure power of faith at every fingertip. These rich harvests made the god's muscles tremble with joy.

Lin Qi looked at this deity of the Myra Sect and couldn't help but laughed mockingly. The main body of the curse spirit ancient tomb and the buried place quietly released a gray halo, and poured into the ground along Lin Qi's body. Then, with a terrifying roar, hundreds of pyramids made of gray bones and black rocks rose from all directions.

Endless resentful spirits screamed and rushed out of the black pyramids. They were full of bitter cold, and their screams made the souls of the believers of the Mirra religion uncontrollably escaped. The flesh, let the soul fire of those skeleton monsters smash directly in the skull.

Accompanied by the dull sound of footsteps, skeletons and monsters resembling tides rushed out of the pyramids built of bones. These sturdy skeletons and skeletons, which are more than twice as tall and burly as their counterparts in the Undead Continent, let out a low roar. They waved their weapons and charged forward, regardless of whether they were standing in front of the Undead Continent's skeleton or Mi. The followers of Rashen Sect, they all treat them equally and give them a fatal blow.

The **** who was sitting on the lotus platform enjoying the souls of believers jumped up angrily. He looked at the pyramids that appeared suddenly and screamed: "I can't hold it anymore? I have been waiting for you for a long time! Smelly corpses, ugly bone racks, are you rotten things qualified to call yourself gods?"

Este recites a complex and ancient curse. With a light wave of her little hand, the body of the **** is suddenly covered by a cloud of gray ice. Lin Qi let Este inherit the priesthood of a certain **** in the Death God family who is good at controlling the freezing air of the undead. With the deep blue heart left by the dark blue devil, the frost power that Este controls is more powerful than before. Times?

The frozen **** only felt biting and cold all over his body, and what was even more frightening was that a strong breath of death continued to invade his body from the cold. He twisted his body angrily, and forcefully broke the ice around his body into cracks.

But before he got out of the ice, Lin Qi had already arrived in front of him like lightning. Tu Junaxe brought a cold light to tear apart the ice block of Este, cut open the head of this god, and grabbed his soul in his hand.

Bilibili made a sharp howling, he was shuttled through the gods of the gods like a ghost, and the arcs of cold light with only a foot of hair flashed rapidly in the air, one after another in the middle and lower positions. God had his head cut off by his dagger before he could see the sound of Bilibili. One soul after another rose into the sky, and they were all caught by Lin Qi.

Among the gods of this sacred spirit, there are more than 20 upper and lower gods. These guys who also gave birth to six to twelve arms, saw their main **** being killed, they were shocked at the same time. The roar of anger. But they just yelled, and the evil result of their own master **** being killed suddenly appeared. They vomited blood at the same time, and their spirit and divine power were forcibly weakened by one step.

Arda opened the fleshy wings behind him and flew in the air like a **** of death. He chanted evil spells in a deep voice, and the strange fluctuations that directly blasted into these spirits and spirits made their spirits tremble uncontrollably, and their heads exploded one by one, full of blood and spirits. They flew out one after another and were plundered by Lin Qi continuously.

"Extremely kill, don't leave one!" Lin Qi glanced at the gods and believers of the Milo sect, grabbed it with his big hand, and saw countless black gusts of wind in the void. The violent wind that seemed to be true had condensed into countless pieces of wind knives cutting around, cutting off the demigod and holy Milo believers, their souls and blood were drawn into Lin Qi's hands.

After throwing away a few souls, Arda and Bilibili swallowed them on the spot. Lin Qi coldly looked at the messy battlefield, and then took the people away. The ordinary believers of the Myra Sect let out a mournful wailing. They dropped the weapons in their hands and knelt to the ground, crying, and bowed in the direction of the fall of the gods they believed in, letting the swords of the skeletons fall on On his own body.

Millions of followers of the Meira Sect were killed by the skeleton monsters without any resistance, and these skeleton monsters were killed by the ancient tombs of the Yuanling and the war puppets of the Burial Land. All souls and soul fires After being swallowed, the aura of these warriors in Yuanling Ancient Tombs and Burial Land suddenly soared, and their strength was greatly improved.

Hundreds of pyramids sank into the ground with a dull roar, and just a quarter of an hour later, they emerged from a valley thousands of miles away.

Accompanied by a stern and miserable howl, Cologne's eighteen gray long sword was pulled out of the chest of an elf goddess. The eyes of Cologne XVIII were shining with crazy gray flames, and he chanted what he called the Requiem in a low voice, but in Lin Qi's eyes, it was a curse.

"Your blood, your flesh, and your soul are all guilty! Using your life to repay your sins is your only way out! Hypocritical and superficial spirits, you shouldn't exist at all! Only the one that annihilates you Bloodline can have real salvation!"

With the heavy and sharp sword slashed away, Cologne XVIII rushed into the queue of large groups of powerful elves like a crazy tiger. A gray halo like a flame appeared under his feet. Any strong elves shrouded by this halo, their bodies quickly decayed, and eventually turned into a cloud of dirty dust scattered on the ground. Their vitality was swallowed by Cologne Eighteen, making Cologne Eighteen more and more powerful.

Lin Qi released all the apocalyptic knights made in the Temple of Doomsday Apocalypse, and also released the large group of undead dragons made by Longya. The large piles of **** warriors made in the Temple of Underworld were screaming and flying all over the sky. Time is really like a dance of demons, the elves fighting fiercely in this valley and the army of the Undead Continent are swept away, leaving nothing of value.

Unlike the gods, the soul fire of the undead is a highly toxic waste that cannot be absorbed by the gods. But for the warriors in the Temple of the Underworld, the Ancient Tombs of Cursed Spirits, and the Burial Ground, the fire of the souls of the undead is a real big tonic. Blockbusters of undead warriors were killed. Hell warriors, wraiths, and skeletons in the Burial Ground looted their soul fire madly, which made them stronger and stronger.

As for the apocalyptic knights headed by Cologne XVIII, they are looting the flesh and essence of the believers of the gods, and every trace of essence and blood can make their breath stronger. Lin Qi led them to attack the army of the Eighteenth Gods in just three hours, and the power of Cologne Eighteen had already faintly broken through the limit of the middle gods and reached the signs of the upper gods' strength.

The Knights of the Apocalypse, this itself is a legion born for judgment and destruction. Standing on the corpses of enemies can make them stronger and stronger. During the War of the Ancient Gods, those apocalyptic knights who were able to kill the main **** and the main power of the gods, which one did not have such strength after killing Yingye?

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