Bright Era

Chapter 2012: The end of the dead? (3)

Like a **** spreading death, Lin Qi wore a tattered gray cloak with an undead style, and walked on the Continent of All Souls with a large group of vicious subordinates. Whether it was the undead or the gods, as long as Lin Qi could kill them, they were all killed by him.

The entire battle plan was formulated by Hu Xinzhu. Lin Qi knew where there were delicious soft persimmons, and knew which soft persimmons to attack, so that the powerful Lord God would not come and kill him in the first time. Therefore, Lin Qi’s attack was exceptionally smooth. In just a few days, he has killed more than 130 high-ranking gods from all major gods, among which the weaker and low-status gods have the title of main god. , There are also fifteen people.

As for the other middle gods and lower servants, I really don't know how many people were killed by him.

However, the entire Undead Continent was caught in the chaos of war, and huge elemental tides were rolling everywhere, and the sky over the Undead Continent was covered by a thick curtain of dead spirits. The connection between the gods has become extremely difficult. Although there are so many gods killed by Lin Qi, no one has noticed the fall of these gods.

Lin Qi only didn't touch the gods of the Azur protoss. On the contrary, when some of the gods of the Azur protoss with insufficient strength were in trouble, he would change his face and hide his breath to help them. Therefore, all the gods of the Axul Protoss are living well, and they have harvested extremely richly. Many undead lords have opened their treasure houses for thousands of years and tens of thousands of years, and they have made a lot of money.

The Allied Forces of the Gods raged on the Undead Continent, and they drove a large number of troops to sweep the entire Undead Continent, and wiped out the undead armies that were sitting in various places. Those powerful demigod-level undead lords did not know how many were killed, and finally half a month later, the mighty alliance of the gods came to the outer edge of the core area of ​​the undead continent.

At this point, the ordinary army is no longer of any use, using them to continue to fight is just a pure waste of human lives.

Although the gods wanted to kill the army of these believers and let them enjoy a feast, it was too ugly to eat like this. For their own dignity and vanity, the gods once again established long-distance teleportation. The magic circle sent his army away from the Undead Continent.

Of course, the army of the Azer Protoss was directly passed back to the Western Continent to prepare for war, and the armies of the other gods were also unambiguously passed directly to their own territories in the Western Continent, ready to directly use these battle-hardened. The army launched an offensive against the Azerite Protoss.

The war of gods continued on the Western Continent, and the army of the gods, which had become several times larger in size, once again launched a **** fight in the Norman Fort, in the Eastern Great Plains, and on the territory of the original Haran Empire. This time there are no gods in charge, and they can only rely on the fighting power of the army of believers.

Wearing a gorgeous imperial robe and holding a scepter representing the supreme imperial power of the Longshan Empire, Lin Qi stood on a small hill, staring coldly at the giant white bone palm that pierced the sky in the distance. A dead soul sanctuary stands in the palm of the palm, and tens of millions of undead powerful men wearing various crowns stand quietly around the palm of the white bones, and they all stare blankly at the surroundings. The gods who came up had crazy ghost fire in their eyes.

Near the temple of the undead, there are thousands of low-level undead gods who are low in strength, but have also stepped into the gods.

These lower-level undead gods have a weak aura and are very unstable. Obviously, they crossed the threshold between the mortal and the gods by relying on their own strength, and stepped into the divine realm by relying on their own cultivation. There are only a few thousand of them. Compared with the millions of lower servants brought by the surrounding gods, they are like a few little ants in front of the flood, and they are simply unable to resist this crazy attack.

Mu Wei walked forward slowly, and she pointed forward with the killing spear, and a dazzling golden light shot out. Suddenly, the tens of thousands of semi-god-level undead experts in front of her were wiped out in the golden light. Lin Qi couldn't help but feel a heartache looking at the soul fire that was dissolved by the golden light! This is enough to make the tens of thousands of skeleton soldiers in the Burial Ground promoted to the soul fire of the semi-god powerhouse, Mu Wei is really a prodigal!

With a click of his mouth, Lin Qi shook his head helplessly. He wouldn't ask for soul fire from those gods at this time, right? After all, there is a terrible law of death and extinguishment in the soul fire, and this kind of thing is of no use to the gods. If Lin Qi told the gods that he could use these soul fires, he would definitely be sent to the torture frame as a heresy!

A greedily glance at the tens of millions of undead powerhouses in front of him, Lin Qi sighed quietly, then he looked to the left and right, lowered his voice and mumbled to the goddess of victory beside him: "It's strange, I found the expressions of the main gods a little weird. What do they seem to be looking for? Is there anything wrong?"

The Victory Goddess who had been focusing on Mu Wei stayed in a daze, and then she quickly raised her head and looked at the many main gods of other gods. Sure enough, these main gods were whispering to the subordinates around them, and the faces of some gods were very ugly. A trace of faint spirit fluctuations spread rapidly in the air, and many main gods were exchanging something.

The face of the Victory Goddess became serious. She nodded to Lin Qi and sighed in a low voice: "Lin Qi, your observation skills are very keen. Something bad really happened. I'm going to talk to Lin Qi. Our several main gods discuss it!"

Quietly left the camp of the many gods of the God of War, the armor of the goddess of victory blended into the body silently. She put on an inconspicuous gray-white cloak and walked quietly to the **** of dawn. After reaching for a few whispers in the ear of the **** of dawn, the **** of dawn was obviously taken aback, and then he quickly recruited the **** of punishment and several other more important gods to his side.

Seeing the actions of the **** of dawn, the faces of the main gods of the other gods became more and more ugly.

After Mu Wei destroyed tens of thousands of undead powerhouses with one blow, she screamed: "Evil undead, get out of me! Since you have escaped the destruction frenzy of the Primordial War, since Mudel Escape under the sword. Now that you have recovered, you will appear in front of me grandly! Are the undead gods all timid ghosts?"

A hoarse roar came from the Temple of the Undead: "Mu Wei! You underage yellow-haired girl, who gave you the courage to yell in front of me? I don't understand, why are you here? Why, why did you join forces to attack us?"

Countless black beetles turned into an overwhelming sea of ​​worms and passed through the door of the Temple of the Undead. These black beetles with jewel-like luster condensed in the air into a skinny old man wearing a black robe, slowly Fell in front of Mu Wei.

The evil green ghost fire gleamed in his eyes, and the skinny old man tilted his neck and glanced at Mu Wei, and then he laughed strangely: "I haven't seen him for so many years, Mu Wei, my little girl, you have grown up too. Ah, do you still remember the uncle'Zombie Insect King' who always accompanied you in the game during that boring voyage? Your uncle and I are old friends!"

Mu Wei stepped back in astonishment, and she sternly shouted: "Bugl, King of Corpse Insects, you, you should, already..."

Bagger squirmed his body, and inside his body came the rustling sound of countless worms' claws rubbing against each other. He made a fuss and widened his eyes and yelled: "Ah, I should have been caught by your brother. Mudel's little **** chopped off his neck. I should have fallen shortly before the end of the Primordial War! But, ah, what a pity, those little guys Mudel, he forgot to inspect my body!"

Shrugging his shoulders, Bagel laughed weirdly: "If I didn't burn me to ashes, how could I be beheaded so easily?"

Reaching out and grabbing his left arm, Bagel tugged vigorously. With a'click', his arm broke shoulder-to-shoulder, and dozens of black corpse insects fell from the break of his arm. He quickly crawled back into his robe and reintegrated into his body. After playing with his arm for a few times, Bagel smiled and looked at Mu Wei, who was looking ugly: "Look, Uncle Bagel's body was chopped for a few, hundreds, and tens of thousands. Actually There is no harm, unless you burn me, otherwise I am immortal!"

Mr. Mo stood beside Lin Qi, whispering back to what he had learned these days after reading those ancient books from God's Domain.

Zombie King Bagel, one of the most important god-level leaders in the undead gods! He is the leader of the "Necromancer" of the undead gods. The undead gods under his command are all good at controlling all kinds of weird corpses and necromancers. They are varied and they have mastered the power of poison and plague. , They can spread death and fear at the fastest speed, they are extremely difficult gods.

From the diary of the main **** of a certain fallen God of War, Mr. Mo got some records about Bagel. Relying on his immortal and immortal avatar, this guy stood on the front line of the gods at the most tragic stage of the Primordial God War, fought tens of thousands of battles with human powers, and was almost saved by one person. The battle in several major war zones.

It was precisely because of Bagger's **** battle that he suffered extremely heavy damage in the Primordial God War. With his immortal clone, he exhausted all his divine power and almost fell. So when the Primordial War of God was about to end, even Mudel, who was far inferior to his divine power, could only be described as a hairy boy at that time, and he could cut Bagel under the sword!

But Bagel deserves to have the reputation of being immortal. After being attacked by Mudel, he actually survived.

Mu Wei stared at Bagger, and she screamed: "I will burn you to ashes, Bagger! Although I admit that you have sheltered and taken care of me, you shouldn’t Kill Mudel that idiot! Even if you kill any other person, such as you kill the trash of the **** of dawn, I will not come here, but you killed Mudel!"

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