Bright Era

Chapter 2108: Emergency (1)

At the base of Thor's Hammer, Lin Feiqian looked at the huge Thor's Hammer body with excitement and perplexity. Lin Bule and Lin Lele stood beside him one by one, only to hear Lin Feiqian muttering to himself in disbelief. The family prayer secretly handed down by this family, the family prayer that is regarded as useless by everyone, but has been passed down stubbornly, is it so magical?

Such a powerful Quake, just look at the few compressed versions of Quake that were just retracted on the dome, which Thor called the destructive power of the last line of defense of the base, to know how powerful Quake’s destructive power is. . And such an amazing Primordial Magic Device, a Primordial Magic Device that has similar thinking ability and IQ to humans, was actually controlled by the family prayer of the Tiger Clan!

Oh, it’s not quite appropriate to use ‘control’ to describe it. According to Thor’s self-introduction, he belongs to the Swire War Western Theater and is a negligible firepower support unit in the Western Theater. According to the military laws formulated by mankind during the Primordial War, when the immediate superiors cannot be contacted, Thor will ‘seconded’ the command to theater-level commanders from the east.

Although it was just a secondment, Lin Bule could also say that she had completely controlled Thor when she could not contact her immediate superiors.

"Unexpectedly, the truth of the Family Prayer is like this. This is a password for identity verification. And certain information passed down in our bloodline is an important basis for trusting these ancient human creations that can accept the password." Lin Feiqian was excited. I was trembling all over: "It’s no wonder that the family strictly forbids intermarriage with people outside the Eastern bloodline. They have black hair, black eyes and yellow skin. This is a distinctive feature of Orientals. And some information in our bloodline, only this information is not affected by foreign blood. Only if you are confused can you pass the authentication."

Thor's unhurried, hoarse voice quietly sounded: "Ann, in fact, intermarriage within humans is okay. Maybe in the long process of inheritance, you have already entrusted some of them to confuse? Whether you marry a black spirit Human wives or Western wives, or you and human descendants who have human bloodlines but have changed their appearance by activating bloodline inheritance, will not mix your bloodlines."

The small silver-gray metal puppet flew briskly in the air: "After all, in the human defense war, the commanders of our Supreme Staff Council, there are more than a dozen high-ranking military officers activated the dragon bloodline, they change The body dragon fights the invaders. Their appearance and blood have changed, but it does not prevent us from determining their identity."

Lin Feiqian, father, daughter and others crooked their mouths, they didn't understand the meaning at all. The civilization of the ancient mankind has been completely annihilated after the orderly and organized destruction and distortion of the gods. Some of the things contained in Thor's short words may have been understood by teenage children in the ancient times, but by now, basically no one knows.

"I was surprised. With my strength, among today's human beings, it is already a very powerful expert." Lin Feiqian coughed softly: "But I didn't expect that I could only become the most powerful guard in this base. An ordinary soldier?"

Thor very rudely pointed out Lin Feiqian’s shortcomings: "If you don’t have more than one year of actual combat experience and do not have dozens of heads of comparable invaders, you can only have one in the internal guard. Little rookie, you can only be regarded as a reserve, and you are not eligible to be included in the first-line combat sequence.

After a slight pause, Thor said indifferently: "I am worried about the overall strength of human beings. Is the four-star imperial presence a very powerful existence? Then what about the imperial general? What about the imperial king? The imperial king or even the imperial emperor? Well, my perimeter defense was invaded by traitors. Before I exhausted all my conventional energy and fell into a strategic sleep, one of the most powerful commanders I know has been successfully promoted to the king!"

Lin Feiqian opened his mouth. The four-star imperial prince is the peak-level existence of the middle god, and the five-star imperial prince is comparable to the upper god, so the imperial general is a terrifying figure who can compete with the existence of the higher god-level master god. A prince who is higher than the prince? The ancestor of the family is on top, what kind of monster is that? With such a powerful and incredible existence, has humanity still failed in the Primordial God War?

Swire Divine War, of course, according to Thor, it was a war for the defense of mankind, an invasion by foreign enemies, and a national war that all mankind was forced to launch.

"The generals and the princes!" Lin Lele cautiously looked at the small silver-gray puppets: "The existences you mentioned, are they comparable to the legendary main gods, and only faintly on a few fragments of ancient books? Is there a recorded leader of the Lord-level Gods Legion?"

"God?" Thor sighed: "Humanity has really fallen and decayed! Gods? Does the word have any meaning to humans once? And those despicable invaders were conquered by humans, Being slaves to humans and trampled and abused by humans at will, they now have the courage to stand in front of humans and call themselves gods?"

With an angry roar, Thor coldly snorted: "Make me angry for a while, now I don't want to talk!"

After a short time of three fingers, Thor’s voice sounded again: "Well, the process of my anger is over. It is strange, I remember that before I fell asleep, there were still a lot of material reserves in the energy warehouse. Where did the energy chunks go? Hell, all combat units I can control have been destroyed, otherwise I can replenish energy by myself!"

Lin Feiqian blinked his eyes, he quickly threw out a lot of magic spar of the gods. Thor let out a happy laugh, he smiled contentedly, and then dozens of metal arms came out from under his base, grabbed a large pile of magic spar and stuffed it into his base. The surface of Thor's Hammer was gradually enveloped by a faint gloomy light, and the arcs of the thickness of the fingers circled slowly and silently in the purple gloomy light.

Although the original Thor's Hammer was huge, he stood there without all the conventional energy, which didn't make people feel too dangerous. However, as countless magical magic spars continued to be supplemented, Lin Feiqian and the others gradually felt a devastating pressure overwhelmingly pressed down, and they instinctively sensed that a terrifying force was gradually brewing in front of them.

"You, has your strength recovered?" Lin Fei stammered and asked loudly.

"Of course, of course!" Thor laughed excitedly: "Give me some more energy crystals, I am going to store enough energy for my normal operation for a thousand years. Haha, I am content, I am not the legendary one from countless The elders who survived the terrible disaster of Zhou Jie, if they run out of all energy like me, they will swallow the sun in the sky, and they may not be able to satisfy their big belly!"

The eyes of Lin Feiqian and his daughter flickered rapidly. Lin Bule asked Thor gently and cautiously: "Those in the legend, what do you mean by those in the legends? Zhou Jie? What can you do for you? Shall we explain the meaning of Zhou Jie?"

Thor was in a good mood generously answered Lin Feiqian and their questions about the tribulation, and he simply told Lin Bule that the legendary old predecessors are some of the combat units in the eternal Ark of the human beings. Each piece has incredible magical powers and incredible powers.

Thor’s Hammer is an imitation of two of these things. The energy core of Thor’s Hammer is made from the imitation of the eternal thunder heart of the palace of the legendary **** Klitaskov, Thor’s thunder god, and then named as the doomsday. The ultimate strike weapon of the terrifying existence of the Temple of Apocalypse-the sword of doomsday attack forms the attack module of Thor's Hammer.

The combination of the energy core and the attack module becomes Quake.

"I've always been curious that Thor is not a real god. What exactly is the thunder heart that can generate endless thunder power under his palace?" Thor sighed with fascination: " As for the Temple of Doomsday Apocalypse, if there really is a god, don't let me see him, it is the legendary murderer who kills countless people!"

The small metal puppet imitated a neck-wiping motion: "Kak, click, who knows how many people were killed by the Knights of the Apocalypse? Anyway, the last order I received... Well, let me find it? Aha? , To a position of 12,000 kilometers to the east, within a radius of 2,000 kilometers, launch a devastating coverage attack. It is the Temple of Doomsday Apocalypse that passes this order!"

Thor introduced the terrible part of this order to the stunned Lin Feiqian and his daughter in an extremely secretive and full of deep horror. In Thor's database, he received this order in Primordial Gods War. At that moment, within a one-thousand-kilometer radius, which is a little more than two thousand miles now, an army of countless humans and gods gathered.

After the human army was completely annihilated by the gods, the urgently reinforced Temple of the Apocalypse rushed into the battlefield, and the crazy Knights of Apocalypse killed all the soldiers of the army of the gods. But the gods, who also had red eyes, mobilized a hundred times the army to besiege the battlefield. The mobile army in the Temple of Doomsday Apocalypse was beaten clean by a hundred times enemy, and he outrageously sent out to all the nearby Thor’s Hammer bases. The command to die together.

The eyes of Lin Feiqian and his daughter were a little straight, from the position of the mountain where Thor was, more than 20,000 miles to the east, which was the northernmost sea frontier of the Continental Bridge. And what puzzles the world is that when viewed from above, the coastline happens to be a perfect semicircle. Even better people once dived underwater and found that the seabed and coastline formed a perfect circle with a diameter of more than four thousand miles.

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