Bright Era

Chapter 2109: Emergency (2)

There have been countless sages and bards who were puzzled by this question, which was once the most famous geographical problem in the western continent. It wasn't until the Knights of Punishment gave the command to this question that this puzzling question gradually disappeared from the Western Continent.

Now it seems that the huge circle is where Thor and the others attacked. The land masses in a radius of thousands of miles were blasted to pieces and wiped out in smoke, directly exploding a circular sea area connected to the open sea.

"This is the Primordial Battle!" Lin Bule took a slow breath. She looked at Thor's Hammer that was gradually becoming dazzling, and shouted coldly: "Tor, we have a powerful enemy. We need to rely on you. The power to destroy him!"

Thor smiled unambiguously: "I am willing to fulfill your orders, Honorable Commander Lin Bule! But according to wartime rules, before attacking your designated target, I must verify and identify the target's identity. "

Verify and authenticate the target identity? Neither Lin Bule nor her father nor her sister understood what this meant. She nodded slowly, and was about to convey to Thor an order to directly attack Lin Qi's imperial capital of the Longshan Empire and wipe the entire city from the ground.

But Lin Feiqian stopped Lin Bule suddenly, he lowered his voice, and muttered a few words to Lin Bule in a low voice.

Lin Bule was stunned, and subconsciously glanced at Lin Feiqian, then she nodded slowly: "Tor, in our west, in a place called the holy mountain, there is a group of elves, we hope , Can you wipe out those **** long-eared guys for us first."

Lin Bule was naturally happy to fulfill his father's request. She also knew why Lin Feiqian asked Thor to attack the elven army that was attacking the holy mountain first-among those elves, many of them colluded with certain core high-level leaders of the dominion. However, the high-level leaders of the Domination Club that the elves colluded with Lin Feiqian were competitors.

For example, if a prince of a Tahitian elven clan traces his blood relationship, he and a certain elder of the Shahu clan are actually half brothers! The relationship between the elder of the Shahu clan and Lin Feiqian was extremely bad, and the two even broke out violent conflicts several times because of the division of interests in the ruling society.

In this case, the practical significance of eliminating that elven army is greater for Lin Feiqian!

Killing Lin Qi only caused Lin Feiqian to let out a sigh, but it didn't help him in any way. But killing those **** elves can sever one of the arms of some people in the ruling society, which is enough for Lin Feiqian to obtain greater benefits and higher positions.

"Elves?" Thor coldly snorted: "The elves, despicable traitors, they are listed in the top five priority list of destruction targets. Well, I know you can't provide me with enough reliable combat coordinates, but I am now With plenty of energy, I should be able to connect with those two crows flying around."

A strange electric light gushes out of the surface of Thor's Hammer, and Thor's voice slowly sounded: "Haiji, Heiji, this is Thor's Hammer 3522 base, I need your help! Damn, is this guy? Destroyed? It doesn't make sense! Then, Mulin, **** Mulin, Big Crow, you should get up and work, and write me back quickly!"

At an extremely high altitude, among countless meteorite belts that are several feet to hundreds of miles in diameter and are densely piled up to tens of thousands of miles in thickness, a meteorite that is about a hundred meters in size and covered with dust suddenly rises up. Two clouds of smoke. Two giant black crows with bruises over five meters in length struggling hard from the dust. They opened their eyes and the golden rays of light shined all over, adding a bit of sacredness to their dark and dull bodies. And extraordinary.

"Well, Thor 3522!" A black crow spit out the dust in his mouth, and mumbled lowly: "Send us some energy, **** it, we are almost starving here! Ah, When have we suffered such pain? We should now stay in the orchard of the gods and enjoy the spring water, wine, fresh fruits and the caress of those beautiful female singers!"

The other black crow waved its wings embarrassedly and laughed loudly at his companion: "Isn't awake yet? Still dreaming? Can survive the **** war without being disassembled into parts, this We are already lucky! This is because we are only responsible for monitoring the battle situation in the entire theater, not directly participating units, otherwise we will have the same combat effectiveness as our scum..."

The two black crows shivered at the same time. Their abilities were the same as the Void Eye of the Void God of the Church. Their flying speed was astonishing, even faster than the speed of light, and their vision was extremely wide. , And the eyesight is extremely sharp. At an altitude of millions of miles above the ground, they can clearly see a piece of dust on the ground, their eyes can even penetrate the thick rock and mud, and see objects tens of thousands of miles deep underground.

And their hearing is extremely amazing. With their ears sideways, they can hear the kiss of an ant and another ant hundreds of thousands of miles away. If it's downwind, they don't know what their hearing limit is.

So they are the best scouts on the battlefield. They overlook the battlefield, and no enemy's actions can be hidden from their eyes and ears. In the Primordial War, the Western theater was able to face the onslaught of the army of the gods headed by the Azul Protoss, and it persisted for decades more than the Eastern theater. These two crows, Haiji and Mu Lin, made indelible efforts. Contribution.

Although this is also related to the fact that the gods of the temple are too strong and the army of the gods headed by the Azer tribe is not strong enough, who can say that the credit of the two crows is not very important? Having mastered the enemy’s intelligence on the battlefield, what opportunity can you gain?

A faint trace of energy invisible to the naked eye came from far away, and the two crows slowly sucked the energy transmitted by Thor into their bodies. The feathers on their bodies gradually became bright as new and gradually covered with a layer of lightness. Light and shadow. They were originally a little bleak and haggard, but now they have become extraordinary and magnificent, and a faint coercion is released.

Shaking their feathers fiercely, the two crows silently left the sleeping meteorite that they had been living in since the war of the ancient gods, bringing up two black glimmers that were invisible to the naked eye, and quickly towards the western continent In the direction of the flight.

Two quarters later, directly in front of Thor's Hammer, a curtain of light appeared out of thin air. The angle of the image in the light curtain is obviously from a condescending view of the earth. Amidst the vast mountains, a large army of elves with gorgeous clothes and beautiful elves singing loudly singing beautiful elves’ love songs are walking slowly like mountains and water. Of moving forward.

These elves divided into ten groups and approached the holy mountain in the northeast at the same time. However, the terrain near the holy mountain was dangerous, with steep cliffs and rugged peaks everywhere, and it was really difficult to walk on the road. These elves are best at walking in the sparse forests, or talking about love on the flat grasslands, making them trek through the mountains and rivers like a hardworking donkey, which is simply killing them.

Therefore, after Qiu Fengjun obtained enough'ransom' to lift the siege of the elves, the elves under the command of the Queen of Green Moon spent several days of work,'extremely hard','night and day' of the'rush march'. For many days, only the elf knights and elf wizards sitting on the back of the elf dragon can see the whole picture of the holy mountain, and the elves walking on the ground can barely see where the top of the holy mountain is.

And what about churches that have already been prepared? A large and surprising number of temple knights are already in the southwest of the holy mountain, less than fifty miles away from the elves in a straight line, but at the speed of the elves' marching speed, it will probably take two days to walk on a mountain range. Line of defense.

The magicians raised the ground with the fastest speed, changed the shape of the ground, and built indestructible cliffs among the mountains. The mountains were hollowed out, and countless church elites were hidden inside. There are all kinds of magic traps and killing organs everywhere, and the dragging speed of the elves is bound to bring fatal consequences to them.

"Well, these elves!" Thor laughed in a low and solemn voice: "And those followers of the'God'? Ha,'God'? These stupid guys actually worship those invaders? Haiji, Mu Lin, Can you hear their voices?"

The light and shadow flickered in the light curtain, and an archbishop of the **** of dawn who was standing on the top of the mountain and presiding a religious ceremony was watching. He was pulling his neck and hissing and screaming like a rooster about to be killed: "Great, supreme The Lord of Dawn looks at us, and in the sun, bestows death on those heretics. This is Dawn’s glory and Dawn’s mercy! Only death is the best place for these heretics!"

"Children, bathing in the sun, you can feel the grace of God! If you die in battle, your parents and relatives will be honored! Your children will be selected first to the Knights of the Dawn to inherit your armor and weapons ! And your souls will ascend into the realm of God, enter the kingdom of the Lord of Dawn, and enjoy the boundless blessings with our Lord forever!"

"So, when you see those elves, rush up and kill them! The Lord of Dawn looks at you!"

From the light curtain came the hoarse scream of the archbishop, and Thor smiled gently: "Respected Haiji and Mu Lin, your ears are still not deaf, this is great!"

The voices of two crows came from the light curtain: "Shut up, do you juniors dare to say the same to us? Hey, hurry up and prepare. Seeing these **** elves, we feel uncomfortable! Give them a lesson! Look! They are large in number and large in scale. According to our calculations, you can make thirty-two quick attacks before attracting the attention of those intruders!"

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