Bright Era

Chapter 2140: Horror (1)

Strange space distortions, and then thick clouds with countless golden thunders. After passing through the dark clouds and lightning layers under the leadership of the Yin Master, an endless blue ocean appeared in front of Lin Qi and others. Five dilapidated small islands stand on the surface of the sea, and a golden dragon, a dragon with a body length of more than 10,000 miles, is sinking in the deep sea, quietly breathing the purple aura ejected from the five islands.

A total of 10 million elite fighters brought by Ying Zheng entered Penglai with Lin Qi and them.

Thousands of huge warships neatly formed a huge square on the sea, and there were countless flags floating above the square that stretched for nearly a hundred miles. The flags of various family crests and coats of arms fluttered in the wind, from the Blood Qin Empire. The private soldiers of hundreds of wealthy aristocrats looked at the endless sea in shock, wondering whether they were in a dream or in the real world.

Lin Qi stood behind Ying Zheng and took a deep look at Master Yin. The strength of this guy seems to be getting stronger and stronger. Nearly 10 million people, after the huge fleet approached this obscure island, it was led by the Yin Master directly through the space tunnel and into the inner space of the five islands of Penglai. Lin Qi has only seen this kind of throughput ability at Heaven's Gate on Heaven Mountain.

The five islands of Penglai, Yingzhou, Abbot, Yuanqiao, and Daiyu are an extremely important main battle army in Yuanjie•Xianyu. Unlike the war puppets made by Heaven Mountain, which are more similar to melee knights, the creatures born on these five islands are better at manipulating various natural phenomena, and are good at using storms, thunder, earthquakes, meteors and other large-scale attacks to damage enemies.

The army of Penglai, this is only the lowest grade army in Penglai. The truly powerful army in Penglai is the creatures called "faeries" born in Penglai's Nine Palaces, Nine Palaces, and Thirty-sixth Floor. These faeries are terrifying existences that are more difficult to deal with than the archangel on the Heavenly Mountain. The attack power of the archangel is simple or even rudimentary, but these faeries, their attack methods are all sorts of strange, every fairy has a twist. The powerful ability of the battlefield situation.

The complex, complex, multi-system, and bizarre and unpredictable fighting methods are the most troublesome and terrifying part of these creatures in the five islands of Penglai. What moved Lin Qi even more is that the five islands of Penglai are just a general term. In addition to the five largest islands, there are 10,800 islands of various sizes outside them, and each island has its own unique place.

In the past countless tribulations, most of the universes have born this kind of powerful creatures who call themselves "Xian". There are 18,000 affiliated islands in the five islands of Penglai, and each island has several or even dozens of representative origins of the "Xianzu"!

Metaverse is indeed the most terrifying war machine in the world. Regardless of the cause of the creation of the Metaverse, the destructive and destructive power of the Metaverse really amazes Lin Qi. Taking a glimpse and knowing the whole leopard, Lin Qi really couldn't imagine how terrifying power he could have when all the war units in the Metaverse with their peak strength and well-maintained were dispatched at the same time.

The Yin Master stood on the bow of the ship. He looked at the Penglai Island in front of him, which was continuously ejecting a large amount of purple gas, white clouds and colorful clouds, and snorted indifferently: "This is Penglai. Leave the other four islands alone. Sleeping, even the power to split a distraction is gone. As long as Penglai is captured, we can..."

The sudden change appeared at this moment. An ordinary soldier standing by the Yin Master, holding a golden flagpole and holding a golden dragon flag on it suddenly looked up to the sky and laughed. The breath that was originally equivalent to a heavenly knight suddenly soared to the peak of a demigod. At the same level, the soldier drew out a dagger shaped like a snake tooth, and slammed it at the Yin Master's weakness.

The knife was fast and fierce. If the knife really penetrated the Yin Master's body, it would be enough to pick a one-foot-long hole in his soft underbelly, and directly rip his heart, causing a fatal blow. Moreover, the dagger was shining with dark green light, and it continuously emitted a faint sweet fragrance. Lin Qi, who has a superb research in pharmacy, distinguished that this was the venom of a highly poisonous monster in the abyssal world, the green-ringed worm.

This green-ringed long-snout worm is ugly and hideous, not to mention, his biggest feature is that every other year his body will have a small green ring pattern on his body. In the Abyss of the Undead, the Dragon Witch King once had several demi-god-level necromancers who inadvertently caught a green-ringed long-kissed mochi with a body length of five meters and with as many as 70,000 green ring patterns on his body.

This poison, which has lived for more than 70,000 years, gave several necromancers a great surprise. He gently sprayed the poison gas, and the bodies of the necromancers who had reached the peak of the demigod were immediately dissolved. Even the soul was burned into a ball of rotting poison.

Several low-level god-level undead powerhouses in the Abyss of the Undead tried to capture this poison, but the result was that these low-level gods were all hit hard by the poison gas. In the end, the Dragon Witch King himself took the shot to capture the poison alive, and domesticated it into a pet that was specially provided for the Necromancers with research materials for the poisonous venom. Now Bilibili has half a catty of venom from this poison in his hands, so Lin Qi is extremely sensitive to the venom breath of this highly poisonous viper.

With such a vicious knife, plus the venom on the blade's blade, if an ordinary person is stabbed, it will definitely die.

But the Yin Master just turned his head indifferently and looked at the ‘ordinary soldier’. He watched coldly, letting the dagger pierce his body, opening his weakness. With a ‘click’, the robes on the Yin Master’s body were shattered with no cast energy and turned into black butterflies and flew out. A hideous wound on Master Yin's body is clearly visible, but the wound scared the assassin back several steps with a strange cry.

The Yin Master's body is not a body of flesh and blood, but there is also a structure similar to human bones in his body, with colorful crystal-like bones shining in the sun. His skin and flesh are all strange materials that are as smooth as white jade, and drops of light golden blood drip from the cut skin and flesh, which is the same color as the golden blood of an ordinary god-level powerhouse.

And inside his body, the Yin Master didn't have any internal organs or the like. Inside his body was a cluster of purple-golden air. The chaotic air mass was rapidly spinning and rolling in his body, constantly making deep thunder sounds. At the core of this chaotic air mass is a group of yin and yang Pisces Tai Chi diagrams, and there are also extremely complicated 3,600 pairs of yin and yang right and wrong delicate Dao patterns circling rapidly outside.

This is the core of Yin Master's power and the foundation of his existence. This is also the original existence of the clone puppets made by the Five Islands of Penglai. Their power, their wisdom, and their lives all rely on this chaotic air mass.

"What did you see?" The Yin Master's palm was gently wiped on his body, and the incised body healed as before, leaving no scars. He smiled and looked at the assassin who was scared backwards, and suddenly sneered: "Ying Zheng, this is the man you chose for me? What I want is ten million that can help me kill the old immortal elite. Who did you bring?"

With the roar of the Yin Master's anger, a thunder light flashed in his palm, and the blue and red thunder light made Lin Qi's eyes feel a sting. However, a three-foot-long thunder light hit the assassin's head, blasting half of his body to pieces. The remaining half of the remnant was sprayed with thick black smoke, flying out of the ship's rail with the smell of barbecue that made people want to vomit, and fell into the sea.

Two antlers were born on a forehead, and a ichthyosaur shaped like a golden carp swam over silently, swallowing the half of the remnant body in one mouthful.

Ying Zheng's face was ugly, and the people he had selected were undoubtedly perfunctory Yin Master. The actions of the Yin Master this time are very secretive and risky. Ying Zheng will never draw those troops who are truly loyal to him here to accompany the Yin Master to his death. Therefore, Ying Zheng's very unkind frontline was tight and needed sharp reinforcements, and the core elite private soldiers of the family of clan families that had risen suddenly in the last thousands of years in the Blood Qin Empire were forcibly recruited.

As the founding emperor of the Blood Qin Empire thousands of years ago, Ying Zheng is naturally full of mistrust and all kinds of doubts about these wealthy aristocrats who only emerged thousands of years ago. He simply cannot tolerate that these aristocrats have too much in their hands. Military power. Therefore, the expedition to the Western Continent is certainly the first step to realize his dream of conquering the world, and it is also a major way to weaken the military power of these wealthy aristocrats.

This time, accompanied Master Yin to the Five Islands of Penglai, Master Yin took the initiative to ask 10 million elite soldiers to help out. Naturally, Ying Zheng had an extra heart. He was reluctant to use his confidant, but instead drew private soldiers from the wealthy and nobles!

But Ying Zheng never dreamed that among these private soldiers there would be such audacious people! In front of countless people, the standard-bearer standing at the bow of the ship gave the Yin Master a sharp knife! But the old treacherous master Yin did not resist, letting the assassin's dagger pick him up, completely revealing his inhuman side.

Taking a deep breath, Ying Zheng took two steps forward slowly. Ying Zheng's eyes completely turned into black like the night, and the black lights in his eyes quickly swirled, turning into two black whirlpools that seemed to swallow human souls at once. Weird eyes slowly swept across the faces of the private generals on the warships far and near, and Ying Zheng waved his hand gently.

"All, cut!"

In the dozens of nearby cabins, thousands of men wearing black python robes, holding black narrow swords and wearing black evil spirit smiley masks jumped out, and they shuttled on the deck of nearby battleships like ghosts. Flashing, the sharp narrow blade in his hand brought up thin blood arrows. The 30,000 elite private troops who came from the Xueling Duke's Mansion in the eastern part of the Blood Qin Empire along with the standard bearer just now didn't even have the opportunity to resist, and were all beheaded by these intrepid men.

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