Bright Era

Chapter 2141: Horror (2)

It was as if a strong man was holding a little chicken. With a light twist, thirty thousand elites fell onto the deck as a corpse, and then kicked by these thousands of men in black who suddenly emerged. Into the sea to feed the ichthyosaurs that kept coming.

"Who else?" Ying Zheng clasped his hands on his back and shouted indifferently and coldly: "According to my will, the Duke of Xueling has committed a crime and colluded with the Xuexiong clan to plot illegality and attempt to subvert the blood Qin Empire. The crime is unpardonable and serious. Zhu, when the Nine Clan is smashed-all males will be sent to death row camps and sent to the front lines of the Western mainland to serve as death squads, and all women will be enrolled in Jiaofang Siqian, and will never leave!

Lin Qi turned his head and looked around at the battleships around him. He found that the faces of several private army generals suddenly twitched. Obviously, these private soldiers were transferred here, and the noble lords behind them were also dissatisfied with Ying Zheng. Lin Qi can understand this dissatisfaction. For any nobleman, the private army is their private property. How can they willingly let Yingzheng mobilize their private army?

So they will naturally cause trouble and trouble for Ying Zheng in this operation! But Lin Qi never dreamed that someone would be so impulsive that he just stepped into the five islands of Penglai and wanted to assassinate the Yin Master? What is in their mind? Is it shit?

Arda sneaked up in front of Lin Qi and carefully pointed to a ship in the distance. Just when Alda ordered the killing by Yingzheng, he unfolded his natural power. He clearly sensed that there were several extremely violent soul fluctuations on that ship-for the devil, especially Alda. As far as this kind of god-level demon is concerned, the fluctuation of human soul is like a small lamb placed in front of a hungry wolf. He has no reason to ignore it.

Moreover, those soul fluctuations still came from a hidden grid of that battleship. Arda used the demon's unique ability to spy on that hidden grid. Among the kilometer-long battleship, he opened up one that could be about 100 meters long. In the square space, there are several beautifully decorated rooms, each of which is comparable in size to the luxurious bedrooms that can only be enjoyed by the prince-class nobles of the western continent.

Those soul fluctuations came from that battleship, and it was full of jealousy, fear, awe, and a trace of overjoyed joy towards Ying Zheng and Yin Master. The information was so complicated that Alda couldn't even explain what these guys hiding in the secret compartment were thinking.

Lin Qi coughed softly, and he saluted Ying Zheng, and then muttered in a low voice, "Your Majesty, it seems that there are still fish that slip through the net!"

Following Lin Qi's words, his right hand grabbed the giant battleship a dozen miles away. The source power quickly transformed into the power of the source water element. Lin Qi’s huge soul power drew the abundant water elemental breath in the inner world of the five islands of Penglai, and a crystal clear blue palm condensed by a huge sea water turned towards the giant The battleship was caught, and the huge battleship disintegrated into countless fragments in the palm of the hand with a thud.

Each of the giant battleships of the Blood Qin Empire is made of magic metal keel, and then lined with ten thousand years of iron-wood ship board, and the outside is covered with a one-foot-thick magic metal armor plate. Such battleships are so strong that even the curse of a Western Continental Demigod Master cannot break the defenses of these giant battleships. But under Lin Qi's attack, this huge battleship shattered like an eggshell.

Thousands of sailors and soldiers on the battleship screamed and were lifted up by a huge force. They were suspended in the sky and could not move. In that secret compartment, a few gorgeously-dressed middle-aged men were so angry that they were frozen in the air by invisible giant force. They struggled madly, but the blue water chain shuttled over and bound them tightly. His body was **** so that they screamed, and their bones were about to be cut off.

"Who did I see?" Ying Zheng looked at the middle-aged men with a sullen expression: "The Prince of Bijun, the Prince of Mujun, the Prince of Cangjun, and the five grandmasters Son? What are you doing? When I transferred your private army, did you ever say you want to serve with the army?"

The sons of the three kings and the five national princes turned pale in fright. They looked at Ying Zheng in despair, trembling, they couldn't even speak. They thought they had been hiding well enough, but they never dreamed that there were abnormal existences like Lin Qi and Arda beside Ying Zheng!

An Arda can see their existence through the countless enchantments on the giant battleship, through the countless restrictions outside that secret grid, but what about Lin Qi? A huge battleship was smashed to pieces by a palm of a dozen miles away. None of the sailors on the battleship was accidentally injured. All the soldiers and sailors were imprisoned, and they were also tied in the air and immobile.

The eight delicate and noble princes were drawn to Ying Zheng, rushed out quickly, stood behind them and gave them a kick. The eight noble princes all knelt on the ground, howling miserably, they looked at the gloomy-looking Ying Zheng, and they trembled with fright, still unable to say a word.

Arda walked in front of a few people with an aura, his eyes were full of light, and the devil's charm talent had locked the souls of these people. With a weird and blurred voice, Alda chuckled softly: "Let's talk, let's talk, what are you doing here? Well, be honest and tell the truth, otherwise, you will be thrown to feed the fish."

In the face of the powerful Arda's terrifying soul secret technique, these few noble sons with weak mental will did not even have a trace of resistance. They were trembling, and they explained the reasons for their presence here. Ying Zheng sneered repeatedly with a dark face on the side. He had already put these guys and the family behind them on the blacklist of the next extinction of the nine races.

The reason why these young masters appeared here was entirely because of the war launched by the Blood Qin Empire against the Western Continent. In the eyes of some rich and powerful aristocrats, it was Ying Zheng's great success that triggered this continuous fire and provoked religious wars involving several continents. In this terrifying war, the Blood Qin Empire is bound to be wiped out.

Therefore, certain nobles who hold heavy powers and have a huge military power have some other careful thoughts.

It was not the power of the Blood Qin Empire that made these great nobles fear. In their plan, the Blood Qin Empire is bound to be wounded or destroyed directly because of this war. They only need to wait for the day when the Blood Qin Empire is destroyed. The only thing that worries them is the hidden, non-secular power around Yingzheng!

For example, Master Yin is one of the disturbing variables. Therefore, this time Ying Zheng mobilized various private soldiers to go out with the Yin Master, and some great nobles made certain back-hands and other arrangements. When the Yin Master brought this huge army to the inner world of the five islands of Penglai, it seemed that all the secrets of the Yin Master had been exposed-the terrifying Penglai God Army in the hands of the Yin Master came out from here. ?

That standard bearer was the illegitimate son of Xueling Gongfu, the highest commander of the thirty thousand private soldiers deployed by Xueling Gongfu this time. After this impulsive guy saw Penglai Island and heard Master Yin talking to himself, he stabbed the Master Yin with a clean knife.

As a result, everyone saw that Master Yin was unscathed, and the impulsive guy was slapped to death by Master Yin. The few brothers who witnessed all this were pleasantly surprised, but they also cursed the impulsive guy, and at the same time figured out how to master the Penglai Five Islands and fight for the greatest benefit for their family! All kinds of calculations have made their soul fluctuations so complicated.

"It turns out that's the case!" Ying Zheng sneered, and then he let the young brothers clean up and dumped them onto the mast. He bowed to Master Yin and saluted, and smiled submissively: "Master Yin, this is my unfavorable control and everything is my sin. But I dare to swear that this army is still worthy of use!"

Master Yin glanced around with an ugly expression. He nodded slowly and snorted coldly: "It's best to do this, otherwise I will delay my major events, and I will never let you go. Ying Zheng, you You know, if I can lift you up, I can also kill you! Your life and death are under my control, you better not do weird things!"

Ying Zheng laughed repeatedly and said that he did not dare. The Yin Master glanced suspiciously at Ying Zheng, then looked up at a few young masters who had been hanging upside down in the air repeatedly crying for mercy, shook his head gently, and then threw out a scroll. Ying Zheng hurriedly picked up the scroll and found that it was a huge battle formation that was extremely complex in structure, and indeed required around 10 million manpower and a lot of magical materials.

A battle formation of 10 million people, coupled with a large number of magic materials piled up with various magic arrays, will form a circular battle formation with a diameter of more than two hundred miles. This battle formation does not have too strong offensive power, but it has shocking performance in terms of protection and defense.

Standing next to Ying Zheng, Lin Qi carefully remembered how to arrange this giant battle formation. He calculated quickly, and in the end his calculation was almost the same as that recorded on the scroll-using this battle formation, even 10 million ordinary soldiers can besieged a lower god! Of course, this requires a huge amount of magical materials and requires the tacit cooperation of the ten million soldiers.

But now Yingzheng’s subordinates have ten million weakest elites who have reached status and strength. Among them are over a million Celestial knights and thousands of demigods, with a sufficient number drawn from the Treasury of the Blood Qin Empire Magic material, this large formation is enough to trap the tyrannical existence of the upper **** level, even if it is the attack of the main **** level, it can resist the lower main god's three full attacks.

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