Bright Era

Chapter 2142: Horror (3)

Lin Qi clicked his mouth. Now there are about a million people in the god-level existence under his command. Try to piece it together. From the abyss of the undead, the abyss of the dragon, the abyss of the giants, the evil ghosts, and the abyss of demons, millions of passing With the demigod-level elites strengthened by the dragon blood bath, combined with a large number of heavenly powerhouses to form this battle formation, it should be possible to trap and kill less than five middle-level main gods, and attack the upper main gods or even the peak main gods. At least it can resist for half a month!

If Lin Qi personally sits in the battle formation, maybe Lin Qi can kill a high-ranking or even the pinnacle **** with one person!

"This is the most troublesome part of the five islands of Penglai!" Heaven Mountain and Hell complained almost at the same time: "They always have so many weird things! Our soldiers are used to fighting alone, and at most they can make up 10,000 people. The formations carry out a collective charge. And their weird wars, coupled with the so-called good times and places that we don't understand, will exert a force that is far more powerful than their own!"

"Can you not share information?" Lin Qi asked them curiously.

There was silence for a long time, Heaven Mountain did not say a word, Hell laughed in a lowly shameless tone: "Ahhaha, of course, we discussed similar topics with Xianyu a long time ago. But, after all, It is another system of laws and the essence of another power camp. We can barely analyze their formation, but the soldiers we made cannot understand!"

Hell squirmed angrily: "It's not that we are incompetent, but our fighters are too stupid! Or, this is the problem of the Metaverse! We are doing our best to integrate these Penglai Five Islands into our manufacturing. The souls of warriors, but it is difficult for us to do this! Occasionally a few warriors succeed, but how many people do you need for this formation?"

Looking at the formation in Ying Zheng's hand, Lin Qi shook his head helplessly. It seems that Heaven Mountain and Hell really can't use these formations. Lin Qi couldn't help but feel a little disappointed. With such a wonderful formation, if the angel legions of Heaven Mountain could use it, the army in Lin Qi's hand would at least be equal to a hundred times, one thousand times more combat power out of thin air!

But there really is no such good thing in the world!

The huge fleet began to move forward. Under the dispatch of the Yinshi and Yingzheng, a huge army of tens of millions drove onto Penglai Island and launched a formation on a plain on the edge of the island. The wizards who accompanied the army began to dig trenches according to the structure on the array map, melt the magic metal to build the magic channel, and at the same time pile up all kinds of magic materials to arrange a huge series of nested magic arrays.

With 20,000 confidantes wearing black python robes and black masks, Ying Zheng, overseeing the private army of the nobles and wealthiest groups, began to perform the formation according to the pattern. The eight elder brothers were hung in the distance to show the public. The heads of their confidantes were piled up on a hill, and they were placed in the middle of the camp for people to visit.

The **** methods suppressed these dissident private noble soldiers, and all the soldiers began their arduous exercises in the uncertainty and uncertainty. In addition to eating and sleeping every day, they are constantly familiarizing themselves with the formation and practicing hard in accordance with the requirements of the formation.

Once, under the bewitching of their superiors, several soldiers surreptitiously left the camp and marched towards the depths of Penglai Island. But they had just left the camp less than a kilometer before they ran into a mountain-patrolling Penglai magic soldier. Several soldiers were mercilessly killed, their bodies were swallowed up by the mountain guard beasts controlled by the patrol soldiers, and even the blood on the ground was licked clean.

This tragedy happened under the gaze of countless soldiers. No one dared to leave the camp privately anymore. At the same time, all the soldiers had a great sense of fear-where are they? What are those mountain patrol soldiers? They rehearsed the big formation, who are they going to deal with?

Except for Yin Master, no one knows what he wants to do! Every day the Yin Master sits cross-legged on a magic frisbee, and he doesn't know what he is doing. The ground of Penglai Island would tremble from time to time, and a few stones would fall from near and far peaks, and the stones would return to their original places the next day.

There were a few soldiers whose bones were broken by falling rocks, but the falling rocks with blood still flew back to the mountain the next day. This strange scene made the soldiers more and more frightened. If it were not for the majesty of Ying Zheng as the emperor, this army would have dispersed long ago!

After all, this is an army composed of hundreds of private soldiers of the nobles, not the regular imperial army under Ying Zheng's command.

After a few days of this, just when Lin Qi was starting to wonder what the Yin Master was doing, a mountain-patrolling Penglai magic soldier suddenly ran strangely fast with dozens of dogs in the shape of a wolf dog, dark green all over, and a breeze. The incomparable tiger mountain beast struck. However, a hundred soldiers of Penglai and a mountain guardian animal the size of more than 30 calves broke through a small outer camp, killed more than 200 private soldiers, wounded more than 300 people, and were driven away by news. The gone Bilibili and Arda were torn apart.

The number of Penglai God Soldiers that suddenly struck was not many, but their strength was at the high level of the Saint Master. Where are the ordinary soldiers in the private army as their opponents? If it weren't for Arda and Bilibili to go in time, the 1,000 private soldiers in that small camp would be killed.

After another two days, the vibration of the underground of Penglai Island became more and more frequent, and an anxious breath flowed in the air. Even the least sensitive people have noticed that things seem to have changed something bad. Several of the elder brothers who had been hanged upside down for several days, who had been dying, closed their mouths nervously, and they realized that the crisis was coming step by step.

The Yin Master was still sitting on the magic frisbee. He closed his eyes and chanted something frantically. There were countless colorful lights lasing out of his body, and these lights penetrated dozens of tallest buildings on Penglai Island. Peak, he seems to be fighting the entire Penglai Island!

From time to time, several mountain peaks violently turbulent, and then the Yin Master's body emits a trace of disturbing throbbing, and at the same time there will be a terrible blast from the Yin Master's body. Occasionally, the Yin Master would open his eyes, and his eyes showed an uncomfortable unsuccessful and fierce fierce light, and at the same time he twitched the corners of his mouth from time to time, revealing a frightening smile.

In this formation called the'Nine Sage Golden City', all the magic formations have been arranged. The hills of magic materials are densely distributed in a circular formation with a radius of two hundred miles. Because of the completion of the formation, a large number of colorful clouds rose from the ground, covering the military camp of the Blood Qin Empire.

All the soldiers walked in the colorful clouds and smoke, all erratic like immortals. Outsiders looked at them from the outside and couldn't see their deeds at all. Moreover, the soldiers also found that the big formation seemed to continuously inject strength and vitality into their bodies, and that strange energy was condensing in their skins. They found that their movements were much faster and their strength became stronger.

In the past few days, the mountain patrol soldiers of Penglai Island launched another seven attacks against the army camp of the Blood Qin Empire. The frequency of attacks is getting higher and higher, but apart from the first surprise attack that killed dozens of soldiers, when the colorful haze continued to gush from the ground, the remaining seven attacks did not hurt even one person.

During the last attack, a soldier was shot on his shoulder by an arrow from a Penglai God Soldier. He thought he would be severely injured, and found that the arrow just barely broke through his skin, and half of the arrow was embedded. His skin did not penetrate into his body. His skin has become as strong as armor, and his muscles and bones have become much tougher.

Lin Qi found that in the past few days, the strength of these private soldiers had undergone earth-shaking changes. Their own fighting energy cultivation base hasn't made much progress, but their strength, speed, response, and body strength have rapidly increased more than ten times. In particular, the strength of their skin and musculoskeletal strength has become about a hundred times stronger after Lin Qi's test.

In other words, these soldiers wearing ordinary rune armor have their own defensive power almost the same as the heavenly warriors wearing a set of superb magic armor. This kind of defense is enough to give them a greater chance of survival in the war, and ordinary attacks are already difficult to severely damage or kill them.

With the blessing of colorful haze, Lin Qi was shocked and surprised to discover that when these soldiers were attacked alone, as long as they were within the range of colorful haze, the lethality of that blow would be covered by all the haze. The soldiers shared equally at the same time.

In other words, if a soldier is punched by a strong man at the pinnacle of a demigod, then the punch that is enough to smash a large mountain will be shared equally by 10 million soldiers and other strong players in the camp! A demigod's casual blow is enough to smash a Saint-level existence, but if the power of this blow is divided into ten million, then this blow can hit a saint's chest for a while.

Even if the next **** is trapped in this big formation, even if the soldiers can't hurt him, it is enough to make all his attacks become like a spring breeze, so that he can't leave the big formation at all. Bondage.

Lin Qi learned a peculiar tactic from this large formation. With ten million ordinary soldiers, as long as the performance is proficient, using this large formation to share the enemy's attack power, a lower **** on his side is enough. With the help of this big formation, easily kill about ten powerful people of the same rank! Lin Qi has decided that after returning to the Western Continent, he will let all his fighters practice this formation.

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