Bright Era

Chapter 2168: okay!

It’s too ridiculous to update chapters a day! Dutou himself felt very awkward and bored.

So, three chapters guarantee the bottom! So everyone should be able to accept it.

So, from now to December 31st, the three-chapter guarantee is updated?

If this is the case, then some elements that Dutou omitted from the settings will be added! For example, the real behind-the-scenes hands of human civilization suffering from various disasters. . . I once only wanted to write about the races of the gods, but if you want to write by the end of the year, just complete the original settings.

Then the new book can only be launched next year. Please look forward to it.

New book, big and small settings have been completed, strive to be a novel book. Now Zhutou is often in a daze every day. Sometimes he squats on the toilet and suddenly bursts out a new idea, and then he quickly remembers it on the computer. Uh, the new book doesn't have so many external factors disturbing, it can be completely based on the idea of ​​the pig!

Then I vomit that in the fairy-xia novels, Zhutou really cannot accept the beauties who are dozens, hundreds, or thousands of years older than the protagonist. . . Er, the most ideal fairy beauty in Dutou's heart is always a sixteen year old girl!

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