Bright Era

Chapter 2169: Traitor of the race (1)

Being poured into a tank of manure mixture mixed with super acid, this is the only feeling that Lin Qi hits the black smoke that Arsino hit with a punch. Stinky, scorching, extremely corrosive, and filthy to the extreme, the heavy pressure was continuously pressed down from the top of his head like a tsunami, Lin Qi only felt a burst of sharp pain in his skin, and a layer of flesh was almost caught by the raging smoke. Grilled clean.

Lin Qi's punch blasted out a two-color beam of mixed light. The earthy yellow of the earth element and the blue-black of the wind element were mixed together. The heavy but light and elegant, the beam of light was struggling and trembling quickly like a hurricane in the black hurricane. Dark smoke roared from around the beam of light, suppressing the beam of light constantly trembling and shattering, and at the same time blasted the ground around Lin Qi into a huge pit.

Arda, Bilibili, they were already embarrassed and fled to the distance with the fastest speed. They escaped from the overflowing black smoke like frightened birds. Lin Qi could survive this smog that was condensed from a mountain with a radius of thousands of miles, but Arda and the others instinctively realized that if they were touched by the aftermath of this smog a little bit, they would definitely die.

Fleeing in embarrassment, use the fastest speed. This is true. Among the demons brought by Lin Qi, there are three demons who were accidentally swept up by the black smoke. Half of their bodies immediately turned into a pool of black. The pus was spilled all over the sky. The three demons uttered the most vicious curse in pain, but with a sharp cut their bodies were cut open, and the smoke-polluted bodies were excised from their bodies.

The body below the chest of the most miserable demon was dissolved, and Bilibili's knife was cut close to his heart. Abandoning the lower half of the rapidly melting body, the demon howled in pain, then his body shook fiercely, his heart beat violently, and the huge evil magic power was released, and his corroded body suddenly appeared out of thin air. Grow out.

Consuming nearly one third of the life essence stored in the demon core of the heart, this demon perfectly realized the rebirth of the body. Looking in awe at Lin Qi, who was alone resisting the attack of the Argentine from hundreds of miles away, the demons all raised their heads in awe and looked at the huge Argentine in the sky.

This is the attack of the main **** level, which completely transforms the form and energy mode of matter, and a mixture of various evil energy attacks are released in an instant. The demons with the strength of the upper gods faced this blow, and they were not even qualified to touch. In front of the main god, high-level gods and middle-level gods are really inferior to rubbish.

The ground around Lin Qi had been corroded completely, and a large pit with a diameter of ten miles and a depth of thousands of miles appeared under his feet. Lin Qi's body oscillated violently, an evil smell constantly trying to invade Lin Qi's body, Lin Qi's skin violently oscillated, and a trace of black lines appeared constantly, and then quickly Dao's blue light flow vanished.

"The strength of this guy... a bit weird!" Hell muttered in a deep voice, "Who knows the strength of the Argentine in that war?"

"Middle-ranking Lord God!" Penglai Island snorted disdainfully: "It's a mere two-star general, but now his strength is obviously more than that. And he didn't use any weapons, relying solely on his own power. It can threaten Lin Qi's body equivalent to the pinnacle of the imperial general, and his strength has grown too fast."

The black smoke melted by a large mountain suddenly dissipated, and among all the attack power, ninety-nine percent of the destructive power hit Lin Qi's body. The aftermath of this black smoke blatantly opened up a large pit with a diameter of more than 20 miles and a depth of 3,000 miles beside Lin Qi. A large amount of viscous, foul-smelling black liquid was accumulated at the bottom of this big pit, which was pus that was eroded by the negative energy of the Arsino.

A trace of black smoke continuously emerged from Lin Qi's body, and it was Lin Qi's body that was automatically dispelling the evil forces that had invaded his body. Clenching his fists forcefully, Lin Qi made a'crack' sound from the joints all over his body. The body of this 10,000-mile mountain is extremely heavy. After the energy conversion of the Arsino, it is more than a hundred times its body weight. It was thrown vigorously by the Albanian again, and the pure physical pressure of this blow was no weaker than that of a continent.

With Lin Qi's physical strength now resisting the blow, his bones were under extremely heavy pressure, and almost all of his bones were crushed into one piece. He moved his body at this moment, and the bones on his body were staggered. The crisp sound of ‘Kaka’ was like countless boulders hitting each other, and the ‘Clang’ roar clearly and loudly spread far away.

Turning his head to look in the direction of Tianmiao, the body of Alsino who didn't take Lin Qi seriously stiffened. He slowly turned around and looked back at Lin Qi, his eyes widened in astonishment. There were nearly three hundred big eyes on more than one hundred heads staring round and round, and the Alsino stared at Lin Qi for a long time, then slowly nodded: "Your strength is beyond my expectation. ! Well, let’s talk about it, which protoss do you belong to? Or, to be precise, which shameless old fellow are you who invaded this body?"

Lin Qi flew slowly, floating at the same height as Arsino's head. He looked at Ashinu coldly, and said calmly: "These nonsense, there is no need to talk about it. Ashinu, I don't want to fight with you here or at this time! You go to attack the temple, and I will leave with someone, that's it It's simple! Our well water does not violate the river water, there is no need to beat the blood."

Shaking his head vigorously, Azinu pointed to Lin Qi: "No! You killed my child, and I must kill you! The glory of the contemporary sage king of the Secret Demon Saint Clan cannot be defiled in any way. My people look at me. If I can't kill even a little ant like you, they will have ample excuses to drive me off the throne, take my place, and take away all the resources I have!"

He spat fiercely on the ground, and the light black saliva melted a huge hole on the ground. The Alsino snorted coldly, "That is an extremely tragic fate. Drive down from the throne! Those of my people, I know they are a bunch of bastards. They will not have mercy or kindness. Every unlucky person who is thrown off the throne will be very miserable!"

Two clouds of dark smoke rushed out of the metal palace. The two statues also had a hundred heads and thousands of arms, and their height was only less than a hundred meters shorter than that of Ashinu. Emerging from the smoke. A secret demon with four cow hooves and three wolf tails hung on his hips triumphantly played with a black flame on his hand, and laughed loudly.

"His Majesty the Holy King, do you need your loyal subordinates to help you get rid of these little bugs?" The secret demon looked at Lin Qi badly, and said coldly: "How can such a weak little bug be worth your own person? What about the shot? You should kill them with a single blow, but you have already launched an attack just now and let them survive?"

Alsino was facing dozens of heads of this secret demon and showed an angry expression at the same time. He roared loudly: "What should I do, do I need you to teach it? Jin Demu, take you His subordinates, take those **** sacrifices and prepare to attack! This is our best opportunity to attack, and this is our only opportunity to attack!"

All the heads took a deep breath at the same time, so that dozens of black tornadoes were set off in the air around them, and the Arsino roared frantically: "Are you waiting for those shameless guys of the Azerite tribe to collude? These mindless fools of the Shanglingshen clan, let them join forces to attack us, will you be satisfied?"

Shaking his arms vigorously, Alsino shouted: "Prepare to attack, stupid things, you idiots, trash, incompetent soft guys, prepare to attack! I will clean up these guys, and I will take their heads. Take it down to make a cold dish, I swear!"

Demu and another Secret Demon stretched out their long dark purple tongue, licked their lips, and grinned at the same time. They triumphantly bowed to the Arsino and then rushed back to the metal palace in the form of a black smoke. The huge palace walked slowly to the east, and secret demons with heights of more than ten meters and less than one thousand meters continuously sprang out of the palace, forming a mighty square in the sky.

The side length of this metal palace was a hundred miles away, but the space inside was scary. In just a few breaths, more than a million secret demons had rushed out of the palace. And those believers of the Myra Sect are like a hen laying eggs, flying out of the palace constantly, and then falling lightly on the ground, forming an endless black square to travel eastward.

One hundred thousand, one million, ten million, at this end of the confrontation between Lin Qi and Ashinu, the believers of the Myra Sect had formed a huge marching team that stretched for hundreds of miles and rolled up mightily. Billowing smoke and dust slew towards the east. Their marching speed is not fast, much slower than the flying speed of that metal palace. Obviously, the secret demons are going to give a crazy blow to the gods enshrined in the temple, and then use the army of believers to solve the final battle!

Alsino looked at Lin Qi with a gloomy expression. It was clear that his failure to kill Lin Qi with the blow just now had a bad influence on him. The multi-armed secret demon clan is such a cruel and ruthless race. As the saint king of the secret demon clan, the Arsino will not tolerate any failure-he must kill Lin Qi, otherwise his reputation and status in the clan But it's a bit troublesome.

"Are you sure those people of your tribe can deal a heavy blow to the gods enshrined in the temple?" Lin Qi curiously looked at the angry Arsenal in his eyes: "You have brought so many believers here. If the temple gods were not stunned by your first wave of attacks, your followers would be in big trouble."

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