Bright Era

Chapter 2179: The Phantom of the Ancients (1)

The northwest line of Tianmiao Shenshan has been beaten into chaos. Once the blood of the multi-armed secret demon comes into contact with the blood of other gods, it will be a big explosion. The fierce battle of millions of **** servants forcibly shattered a tens of thousands of miles of mountain ranges, the underground rivers and veins were beaten to pieces, and there were earthquakes and springs everywhere. The situation was like a disaster.

Tens of thousands of light spots, large and small, were slowly rotating high in the sky. It was the mid-to-high-level gods of both sides who were fighting desperately in their respective divine power domains. Occasionally a spot of light shatters, a lot of blood will spray out, and a broken body will struggle out of the spot in embarrassment, fleeing back to his camp.

The multi-armed Secret Demon clan attacked unpreparedly. They had more than double the number of middle- and high-level gods in the field than those in the Tianmiao, so their fighting in the field of divine power prevailed. Often the gods of the Tianmiao were killed, and the multi-armed secret demons escaped with severe injuries. Of course, there are also those extremely powerful and fierce Tianmiao gods. They fought a defeat and both sides had no choice but to flee back to their own camp.

The plasma of the middle-level gods and high-level gods was sprinkled like cheap mountain spring water. Every drop of blood smashed the ground and the mountains shook. The peaks were melted by the plasma, and the ground was washed out of huge depressions. Countless meteorites descended from the sky, smashing the ground full of holes.

Very far away, just north of the sacred mountain, amidst the snow and ice, an old man with a clean face in a black robe is sitting cross-legged on a snowy mountain with a faint gray-white light in his eyes, looking away from the sky. The shattered sacred mountain. A few petite figures, apparently from girls' bodies, were processed behind him by a skeleton frame with numerous exquisite patterns carved on the surface, holding teapots, hip flasks, tea cups, wine cups and other gadgets in their hands.

Tens of meters away, three hundred undead wearing gray-white robes stood neatly, with lifeless ghosts in their eyes. The aura on their bodies is restrained and not exposed. Once the raging cold wind close to their bodies, it is like a blooming flower suddenly withering, and the cold wind disappears, and there is no more power.

"It's wonderful! It's fun! It's so fun to beat so many people to death!" The old man Qingqi rubbed his hands gently, a thin blade beating flexibly between his fingers. It's like a fish swimming with a cold light from time to time. Taking a deep breath, the old man Qingqi suddenly sneered: "I heard that I appeared in the Western Continent?"

A middle-aged man in a gray-white robe quietly stepped forward for two steps: "Someone should be using your name!"

The old man Qingqi sighed lightly and shook his head gently: "Really, whose name is not good, they have to pretend to use my name? Well, find that guy, I want to make his bones A wine vessel. Well, a complete set of wine vessels. I hope his **** level can be higher. I don’t want to use the inferior bones of those middle and upper gods to make this set of treasures!"

The gray-robed man leaned slightly and bowed, and then his body suddenly disintegrated into countless small gray white butterflies, flew into the sky silently, and then flew lightly in the direction of the Western Continent. The old man Qingqi looked at the battlefield in the south in a trance, then tilted his mouth in dissatisfaction: "A bunch of idiots, fight, fight, you are all dead, it is my turn to monopolize this wonderful world."

There was a heavy cough, a thick black sap was ejected from his mouth, and the old man Qingqi's body convulsed violently. His body was crazily struggling and twitching crazily in the snow, his joints were twisted, and his bones rubbed against each other, constantly emitting a crisp golden iron roar. His muscles entangled his bones tightly, strangling his internal organs like a strange python, the indescribable pain made him speechless, and his soul almost collapsed.

This indescribable pain lasted for a full quarter of an hour before disappearing abruptly. The old man Qingqi lay on the ground for a long time before he breathed out slowly, straightened his body in an extremely embarrassed manner, and shook his head with a wry smile.

"Ah, Prison Zhenmoge Mujin... Is this the curse condensed by the negative energy from countless celestial calamities in the past? What a terrible enemy! But I can escape from your clutches. I'm amazing too! Well, I really don't know if this terrifying guy and his demon army were wiped out or sealed?"

"I hope you have been wiped out, I really don't want to see you again! I absolutely don't want to see you again! Damn guy! Terrible guy! Metaverse, Metaverse, this is really the scariest in the world Exist! Prison Zhenmoge Muzhen, you are just an inconspicuous leader of the Yuanjie Core Guard Corps. You almost killed me and caused me pain for so many years!"

The real Swordsman Sogla gave a heavy breath, and then slowly sat up straight. He hugged a petite skeleton soldier behind him, and then deeply kissed her bony cheek. Greedy and obsessively licked and played with this boneless body for a long time, and Sogla let out a long breath of satisfaction: "The group of fools on the Undead Continent have finally been wiped out? The evil fetus can't be wiped out by those stupid little guys in vain! Trying to find a way to get him, that's a big supplement."

"By the way, we have to do something too! After sleeping for so many years and enduring such a long torture, we must make our voice. These stupid little guys have forgotten my horror, so let me wake them up. Memories!" Sogla dropped the skeleton soldier in his hand and slowly stood up: "For the existence of our undead family, what method can be used to heal the wounds on the body as soon as possible and restore our due strength? "

The undead gods who wore off-white robes and showed lifeless spirits grinned at the same time. Killing, endless killing, plundering the life source and soul source of others, supplementing their own consumption, this is the best medicine for the gods of their undead system.

"But, be careful, be careful!" Sogla turned his body and gently raised a finger to signal to his subordinates: "We have all suffered terrible injuries, unlike those **** little guys. In their long sleep, they have recovered almost all their strength, and with the help of that **** belief system, their strength has been greatly improved."

"And we, in the long slumber in the past, we did not get any recovery, but lost a lot of our original strength. Therefore, we must be cautious, we cannot be careless. Because of the strength of some little guys, even I'm stronger than I am now!" Sogla looked to the south with a little worried: "For example, this little fellow, Alsino, I almost made him a vase back then, but now, his power... "

With a cold snort, Sogela's body shook, and the whole body collapsed inward. Accompanied by the'clanging' roar, his body was compressed into a bone knife that was more than a foot long, tearing open the air and sinking into the sky. Clouds. With a ‘chuck’, a very thin and long gap was torn apart in the high-altitude dark clouds, and then the gap disappeared without a trace as the wind rolled.

The other undead gods quickly fleeed with their own peculiar magical skills, and several skeleton soldiers also turned into green wildfires, and followed Sogla into the high air. Soon, on this snow-capped mountain, there were no traces left except for the mouthful of black slurry sprayed by Sogla.

After about a quarter of an hour, a dark golden crow flew slowly from a high altitude. The crow tore through the cold wind and landed lightly on the snow-capped mountain. The dark golden feathers squirmed quickly, and the crow slowly turned into a handsome young man. Wearing a cloak made of dark golden feathers, he walked slowly to the pool of black juice.

Kneeling on one knee by the black juice, the young man stretched out his finger to dip in the juice, and then licked it carefully with his tongue. A cloud of black smoke suddenly appeared on the tip of his tongue, and half of his tongue was burnt to ashes. He bit his tongue fiercely, snapped a section of his tongue that was rapidly melting, and spit it out on the ground, taking a few steps backwards like hell.

The burned tongue grew rapidly, and the young man awkwardly pulled out a dagger, and chopped off his slowly dissolving finger. A little bit of golden red blood was spilled on the snow, and the young man cursed in embarrassment and anger.

A light running sound came from a distance, and soon the sound was getting closer and closer. Not long after, an extraordinary black unicorn penetrated the wind and snow and came to the top of the snow mountain. He tilted his head and looked at the young man, and then suddenly laughed loudly: "It's still an old problem? Ah, black crow, you really think that you have the talent to recognize all power attributes, so you won't suffer. Is it?"

Jie Jie strange laughed a few times, and the black unicorn snorted heavily: "How much hardship do you have to take to accept the lesson? Every time, whatever it is, give it to your mouth. You are the greatest among us. Warrior, you are really not afraid of death!"

The new-born tongue rolled in his mouth for a while, and the young man snorted coldly: "In that war, was there an undead leader-level veteran who was injured by the leader of the demon legion? Here is such an old undead who is still entangled by the demon curse! And his power is more evil and ancient than other undead!"

A black figure slowly walked out of the cold wind, and he snorted softly, "Is that so? Then only one person meets this requirement."

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