Bright Era

Chapter 2180: Phantom of the Ancients (2)

In Nightmare's secret storehouse, the Golden Dragon God quietly rushed to behind Yaoguang Tiannv, and slapped her with a dragon claw on her body. Accompanied by the crisp sound of crystal cracking, the Yaoguang Tianmai's body suddenly disintegrated, turning into countless thumb-sized pink crystal particles and spilled all over the floor. The surrounding lights and shadows changed for a while, and the Yaoguang Heavenly Girl's real body had appeared hundreds of miles away with her more than a dozen subordinates.

The heavy fists of the nine metal puppets brought up hurricanes and smashed them down at the Golden Dragon God.

The Golden Dragon God’s sneak attack did not really hit the Yaoguang Heavenly Girl, but shattered the illusion she created. With this attack from the Golden Dragon God, Yao Guang Tiannv successfully escaped with her subordinates, but instead left the Golden Dragon God in the circle of metal puppets. Jinlong was so angry that he looked up to the sky and roared, his body suddenly swelled to a length of 100 meters, and then he slammed his tail on a metal puppet.

In the loud noise, this metal puppet was crushed by the Golden Dragon God with one blow. The other eight puppets’ heavy fists fell on the Golden Dragon God’s body, but the dragon scales of the Golden Dragon God were splattered and the metal puppet’s fist was Broken and shattered one after another.

Yaoguang Tianmai witnessed this amazing scene. She was besieged by nine metal puppets just now, and she naturally knew how strong these metal puppets were. And these powerful metal puppets can't actually shake the body of the Golden Dragon God. For the Yaoguang Tianmai who barely managed to support it with the strength of milking, this is simply a nightmare scene!

If it is said that if she had not used the illusion to confuse the Golden Dragon God just now, but was actually slapped with a paw by him, the Yaoguang Tianmai would not dare to imagine what her body would become. Angrily snorted, Yao Guang Tiannv rushed towards the exit of the main hall with her own god. With the monster of the Golden Dragon God, Yaoguang Tiannv knew that she couldn't obtain Nightmare's secret. She had no choice but to leave here as quickly as possible.

Lin Qi stretched out his hands and stopped in front of the Yaoguang Tiannv. He sneered'Jie Jie', and shook his head gently: "Since it's here, don't leave in such a hurry! The Yaoguang Tiannv? Your illusion is true. It's very, very powerful, and it can make the Golden Dragon God be fooled..."

In the distance, the Golden Dragon God expelled a breath of dragon, and countless golden flying swords shot out. The eight metal puppets were drowned in the golden torrent, and they were quickly torn to pieces. The Golden Dragon God roared angrily: "I was just careless! Well, **** little woman, I will let you know what the end of teasing me is! You angered me!"

There was a crisp sound of'chi la', and a very thin golden light shot past, and the Golden Dragon God sprayed out a golden flying sword that was no more than a thumb wide, half a foot long, and without a sword hilt, flashing like lightning. And pass. The Yaoguang Tianmai made a roar of fright and anger, and among the dozen or so subordinates around her, half of them suddenly screamed, the beautiful head was rushed up by a blood arrow, and the soul was killed by this terrible blow.

Jin Longshen breathed heavily, then fell to the ground with a dry smile. With this blow, he exploded all the strength in his body. Although he successfully killed the subordinates of Yaoguang Tianmai, he also exhausted the last bit of strength. He now has no power to even move his fingers. Even a mortal, as long as there is a magic weapon that can break his scales, he can split him like a loach, chop it, and then stew it.

Penglai Island cursed in a low voice: "How many years have passed, the temper is still the same! Well, he has just recovered a bit of his original power, and now he has all sprayed out. In at least one month, don't expect him to be able to do it with others. "

Lin Qi shook his head helplessly. He stretched out a hand and released a purple gas from Penglai Island to swallow the Golden Dragon God, and threw it into the inner space of Penglai Island, allowing the Golden Dragon God to slowly recuperate. This grumpy guy now only maintains the strength equivalent to that of the lower gods, and can kill several of the celestial servants in one blow, but he has stimulated all the original power that has barely recovered recently.

Such a blow certainly made him reach an attack power close to the peak of the upper **** in an instant, but it exhausted his original strength, and he didn't have more than one month of cultivation, so he didn't want to move at will. After exhausting the power of his origin, no matter how strong his physical strength is, he can at most make a meat shield, but he never wants to do it with others-because he can't even move his fingers freely.

Picking up the Golden Dragon God, Lin Qi tilted his head and looked at the Yaoguang Heavenly Girl: "Well, now we have to talk about it."

Yaoguang Tiannv looked at Lin Qi with a pale face, and she subconsciously glanced at the heads of several subordinates under her feet, her body trembling violently like chaff. She sat down on the ground with a ‘punk’, crying in embarrassing wailing: "You, you can't be Soglaa the Bone Sword!"

Lin Qi spread out his hands and looked at the Yaoguang Tianmai in a puzzled way: "I can't be Sugla? Why?"

The Yaoguang Tianmai wailed desperately: "The Golden Dragon God! That is the Golden Dragon God of Penglai Island! Do you think I am a fool? How can Sogela control the Golden Dragon God? You **** fellow, you used Sogla Name! You..."

The surrounding lights flashed, and Lin Qi suddenly snorted. A large crystal light suddenly gushed out of the door behind him, and a crystal shield with a thickness of up to Mich appeared out of thin air. A slender figure slammed into the crystal shield, and accompanied by a loud noise, the phoenix goddess howled miserably, clutching her bleeding nose and fell to the ground awkwardly, her body convulsed violently.

Lin Qi stomped on the Yaoguang celestial lady in front of him. Just like the target that the Golden Dragon God attacked earlier, this celestial celestial lady also exploded into countless pink crystal beads, and then the crystal beads continued to dissolve. , The mist that quickly turned into pink floated away. This was another illusion, and even Lin Qi's vision was hidden.

Turning to look at the Yaoguang Tianmai who was lying on the ground holding her nose and twitching, Lin Qi gently shook her head: "It's not that easy to go. Although I can't see through your illusion, I can feel the air and The shock of space. You run away at such a fast speed, and the wind you bring up is too great! Well, in fact, you can slip away silently, but why do you run so fast and so hastily?"

Like a cat playing with a mouse, with a faint smile, Lin Qi condescendingly looked down at the celestial celestial lady who was spraying blood in her nose. Just now the Yaoguang Tiannv ran too fast and too eagerly, she rushed towards the gate with the fastest speed, her speed at that moment was almost comparable to teleportation. Correspondingly, she slammed into the extremely strong crystal shield made by Lin Qi, which was equivalent to punching herself in the face with the greatest strength.

The bridge of her nose collapsed, and half of her cheek bones were shattered. The phoenix goddess looked up at Lin Qi embarrassedly. Suddenly she struggled to stand up, and then knelt down in front of Lin Qi. Two lines of clear tears gurgled down, and the Yaoguang Tianma croaked pitifully at the feet of Lin Qi: "Respected lord, although I don’t know your name, you can drive the Golden Dragon God. You have such a powerful power. You must It’s an amazing existence! I am willing to be your slave, your slave, you can use me as you please!"

A gleam of divine light flashed across her face, and the collapsed nose bones and shattered cheek bones of the Yaoguang Heavenly Girl healed one after another. She glamorously cast a wink at Lin Qi, and then she and Lin Qi suddenly bloomed with flowers, like green grass quickly spreading around. The Yaoguang Tiannv groaned softly, her fingers slowly wiped her towering chest, and the thin gauze on her body was taken off by herself wherever the fingers passed.

If you can't escape, use **** to lure? Lin Qi laughed mockingly. He shook his head and was about to speak. A sudden faint sweet scent penetrated Lin Qi's nose. Lin Qi only felt that his eyes were dark, and he staggered and almost fell to the ground. However, the sweet-scented osmanthus tree released a fragrance and a stream of light in Lin Qi's body quickly, and this weird feeling like a sudden fall from a ten thousand-foot cliff quickly moved away from Lin Qi.

There was a flash of light in her eyes, and Lin Qi stared at the Yaoguang Goddess. This woman actually used methods one after another, knowing that she was a figure who could control the Golden Dragon God, she actually wanted to escape again and again, and even tried to plot against Lin. Qi! When Lin Qi opened his eyes, what he saw was the distorted face of the celestial woman holding a very thin long needle, which had already brought a bit of strong light enough to blind people to pierce his heart. .

Lin Qi's hand took a few afterimages, and grabbed the Yaoguang Tianmai's wrist. Then he kicked his right foot out, and hit the Yaoguang goddess' abdomen fiercely. The huge blow force caused the Yao Guangtian woman to let out a miserable howl, her body flew back heavily, but her arm was still firmly grasped by Lin Qi.

Therefore, the arm of the celestial lady broke with her shoulders, and a lot of blood was sprayed out, the lady of celestial dynasty hissed with pain, and screamed embarrassingly, clutching her broken arm and spinning on the ground. Lin Qi cast a cold glance at the Yaoguang Deity, then grabbed the one-foot-long needle in her palm and shot it at a goddess of the Yaoguang Deity.

The beautiful-faced goddess saw Lin Qi shoot the long needle at her, and she suddenly screamed in despair. A large number of colorful vortexes swayed in front of her, and the overlapping vortexes kept entwining the long needle, trying to block Lin Qi's blow.

But a very thin pink flame was ejected from the long needle, all the vortexes disintegrated at the same time, and the long needle easily penetrated the body of the goddess. Long needles, hundreds of times smaller than a hair, passed through the body, leaving no wounds visible to the naked eye. But the goddess' body collapsed suddenly, turning into a wisp of pink smoke and dissipating out of thin air.

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