Bright Era

Chapter 2181: The Phantom of the Ancients (3)

A set of gorgeous dresses fell on the ground, and a goddess with superior mid-level strength was annihilated out of thin air. Lin Qi watched this scene, and the corners of his eyes twitched quickly: "Very vicious artifact! This is not an ordinary artifact, right?"

The Yaoguang Tiannv hissed and screamed, and a gleam of light gushed from her broken arm, and the wound had healed. The ugly-faced celestial lady stared at Lin Qi for a long time, and then slowly stood up and slowly knelt on the ground: "Great existence, I sincerely want to be your subordinate. ! For any existence that can resist the scent of **** secreted by our race, we can only become his subordinates."

Surrender? Lin Qi cocked her mouth. Just now this woman also knelt down to submit to herself, but with that weird sweet fragrance, she almost really managed to reach Lin Qi. The physical strength has reached the peak of the five-star imperial general, but still can't resist the sweet fragrance secreted by the Yaoguang Tianmai. Lin Qi was still palpitating, as if the whole world had lost contact with him, the whole world had been completely separated from him, all senses had been completely destroyed, and his body seemed to be falling into the black hole of despair and fear.

If it were not for the sweet-scented osmanthus tree to keep an eye on Lin Qi's physical condition, Lin Qi estimated that he had been calculated by the Yaoguang goddess, and she would have turned into a plume of smoke just like her god. This was Lin Qi's most thrilling experience in so many years. He almost fell completely into the hands of Yaoguang Heavenly Girl.

Holding the long needle with his fingers, Lin Qi looked at the Yaoguang goddess coldly: "What is the origin of this needle."

Lin Qi didn't say whether he would accept Yaoguangtianmai's cast effect, he just asked the origin of this strange long needle. The Yaoguang Tiannv glanced at Lin Qi hesitantly, and then secretly glanced at the long needle, before lowering her voice, and cautiously replied: "This is... This is a bodyguard given to me by an adult. It’s a powerful weapon! It’s a projection clone of a powerful weapon. It can only be used ten times and it will dissipate completely."

After a slight pause, Yaoguang Tiannv lowered her head: "For so many years, I have used it to plot against a few people who disagree with me, and assassinated the last patriarch of the Spirit God clan... plus this time you use it. Killed one of my subordinates, it only has two chances to use it."

Lin Qi looked at the Yaoguang Maid in amazement, what did she say? She assassinated the last patriarch of the Lingshen clan? And the current patriarch of the Lingshen clan, isn't the eight-faced **** Nightmare King? Lin Qi held a long needle and looked at Yaoguang Tiannv with a sneer: "Did you kill Nightmare's ex?"

Yao Guang Tian Nu Mei smiled and glanced at Lin Qi: "So, I am the most trusted ally of Majesty Nightmare! Therefore, this time I can successfully help the Ashinu break through the defenses of the temple and let the multi-armed The Secret Demon Clan has entered the sacred mountain! Otherwise, you think that even if I am one of the most important deities of the Flower God clan, my followers cannot destroy the defensive hub of the Temple so smoothly!"

Lin Qi nodded slowly, so that all of this makes sense. Yaoguang Tiannv's strength is not very strong, but her followers can actually collude with the people of the Meira Sect and destroy the energy hubs of thousands of Tianmiao defense circles at the same time. This kind of power is not something ordinary people can have. But since she assassinated the last patriarch of the Lingshen clan, then she is the most trusted person in Nightmare, and her followers naturally have various privileges in the temple!

Only the followers of Yaoguang Tiannv can destroy the defensive array of the Tianmiao like this smoothly and conveniently.

But instead, there were more and more questions. Lin Qi looked at the Yaoguang Heavenly Girl incomprehensibly and wanted to ask her something, but suddenly Lin Qi didn't know where to ask. After a long silence, Lin Qi frowned and asked, "You assassinated the former patriarch of the Lingshen clan! This is your cooperation with Nightmare. Then, why did you come here to steal Nightmare's secret library?"

Yao Guangtian smiled charmingly. She twisted her body gently and sighed softly: "My alliance with Nightmare does not prevent me from conspiring against him behind his back! There is a lot of value in his secret library. My treasure, why can’t I come to steal his secret vault? Great lord, there is actually no need to ask your question."

With a soft smile, the water waves in the eyes of the phoenix heavenly girl cast a wink at Lin Qi: "You know that our main body is a thousand-eyed mirage family, so you should know our racial character. Hehe, what oath? , Any contract, it is all false, only benefits, endless benefits, are the most fundamental thing! I wanted to get the secret library of Nightmare, so I betrayed him!"

Yaoguang Tiannv talked freely and explained the complicated relationship between her and Nightmare. Nightmare wants to gain the high position of the spirit **** clan, so the former patriarch of the spirit **** clan-that is to lead the clansmen of the spirit **** clan to survive the cruel war of the ancient gods, the king with supreme prestige must die . Yaoguang Tiannv happened to have such a vicious weapon, so she hit it off with Nightmare Teng and hooked up together.

After Nightmare became the patriarch of the spirit **** clan, Yaoguang Tiannv found that she could not get much practical benefit from him, so she began to hook up with the multi-armed secret demons clan again. And the Ajinu was also very happy that he could have an eye and ear in the temple, so the two sides just met the fire, and it was a matter of course to hook up.

So this time Nightmare negotiated with the Azhul Protoss to join forces to destroy the Milo Cult. This was also revealed to the Ashinu by the Goddess of Light. And Arsino is worthy of being the holy king of the Secret Demon clan. He made a decisive decision, and when the negotiations between Nightmare Teng and the Azhul Protoss did not yield results, he began to mobilize the army and made a plan to raid the temple.

Use the Infinite Demon Prison to seal off the sleeping space of the gods of the Tianmiao who are still sleeping, and then concentrate the superior forces to fight Nightmare by surprise, and strive to kill many gods in the Nightmare camp. It is best to smoothly kill or severely damage the nightmare. Zeng itself, this is the ultimate goal of the Arabs.

And Yaoguang Tiannyu is willing to do this, that is, after the Albanian has entangled Nightmare, she can come to the secret vault of Nightmare and take away the treasure she has been watching for countless years. For the thousand-eyed phantom family, all morality, benevolence and righteousness are illusory existences, and only the benefits that are obtained are the fundamentals. Therefore, the phoenix goddess does not have any psychological burden on her actions. She wants to do this, she Just did it.

"But I really didn't expect that the great you actually discovered my actions, and you have been following here!" The Yaoguang Tianmai looked at Lin Qi pitifully, and sighed: "My offense to you, then Naturally it is a capital crime! But I still have a bit of beauty and a little bit of insignificant power. Instead of killing me, it is better to keep me by your side and let me use it at your discretion."

One wink after another winked at Lin Qi, and the Yaoguang Tiannv hadn't given up on Lin Qi's efforts.

"How nice is it?" Hell laughed'hehe', and he quickly projected an extremely disgusting, hideous and terrifying creature figure in Lin Qi's mind. As soon as Lin Qi saw the ugly and hideous creature that was constantly wriggling, he almost vomited it out--that was the mirage of a thousand eyes, the body of the beautiful and graceful celestial lady!

With a heavy breath of heat, Lin Qi's eyes were fierce and fierce-the body of this thousand-eyed phantom tribe was really disgusting and terrifying, and the Heavenly Maiden wanted to seduce herself! Think about it, entangled with such a hideous and disgusting guy, Lin Qi has the urge to numb all over, wishing to tear off his skin.

Glancing at the Yaoguang Heavenly Girl, Lin Qi was suddenly excited! The Yaoguangtian woman talked about a lot of seemingly important things, how she hooked up with Nightmare Tseng, how to have an affair with the Arab slaves, and how to make trouble between the Tianmiao and the Mila Sect. But none of this is really important. The most important point is, what is the origin of this long needle? Where did she get this long needle?

With a sway of his fingers, the long needle suddenly reached the center of the eyebrows of the celestial lady, Lin Qi coldly snorted: "Where did you get this stuff? Who is the adult you mentioned? He gave it. I gave you this long needle, then who is he?"

The Yaoguang goddess looked at Lin Qi in horror, her body trembled slightly, and a pink divine light flowed out from her broken arm, and her broken arm quickly returned to normal. Looking at Lin Qi pitifully, the beautiful woman squatted on the ground, gently stroking Lin Qi’s boots with her hands: "Holy lord, I am not humble, I dare to hide something from you, but I swore an oath, I can’t disclose it. The name of this adult!"

'oath'? The voice of **** rumbled: "Thousand-eyed phantoms are one of the very few creatures who are not afraid of soul vows! All vows have no binding force on them. This is their racial talent! Don't believe her!"

The light in Lin Qi's eyes condensed, and he made a gesture to pierce the long needle into the head of the Yaoguang. The Yaoguang Tiannv's body trembled violently, and she felt that Lin Qi's body was not fake, it was as strong as the actual killing intent. She hurriedly hugged Lin Qi's ankles, raised her head and screamed: "Great lord, I really... Go to hell, **** guy!"

The look on the beautiful face of the celestial lady suddenly changed, from the pitiful and pitiful, full of fear and despair, to a triumphant, violent savage and brutal murder. Her arms were like two long snakes tightly entangled Lin Qi's calf, and Lin Qi's actions were firmly restrained. At the same time, the crystal wall that Lin Qi had arranged on the gate suddenly collapsed with a piercing whistling sound. A dull hoof sound rang, and two horseshoes measuring a foot square slammed on the back of Lin Qi's head. Come down.

At the same time, accompanied by an unpleasant cry of crows, a gleaming bird's beak carried a hurricane, and fiercely pierced Lin Qi's heart. This bird's beak is the size of a palm, depending on its coming, if Lin Qi's heart is really grabbed by him, he will have a bite of flesh, or his heart will be grabbed by him. Dipped it out.

In just a moment of effort, Lin Qi fell into a desperate situation.

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