Bright Era

Chapter 2298: Strong aftermath (1)

The Belly Palace of Victory under the night.

The former Berrily Palace is now in a mess. The riots a few hours ago turned this magnificent palace that was once the focus of the entire continent into ruins. Dozens of monsters and a hydra ravaged dozens of palaces and pavilions and smashed three walls. More than 20,000 elites from the Royal Guards were killed. Courtiers and nobles gathered in the palace suffered heavy casualties. .

Wearing the emperor's robe of the Longshan Empire, Lin Qi walked slowly along the corridor leading to the Golden Palace, surrounded by a group of undecided civil and military ministers of the Gaul Empire. Those old acquaintances of Lin Qi, those nobles who held great power in the Gaul Empire, are few left. The noble ministers who survived are not high-ranking, and most of their titles are titles below earls.

If it hadn't been for Titian, Lin Qi's old acquaintance, to follow, Lin Qi would really not know any of these officials of the Gaul Empire. But Titian, who was once graceful and luxurious, looks like a rabbit that had been beaten by a bear for three days and three nights. His face was wrinkled and his handsome face was patted by the splattered bricks and tiles. He had a blue nose and a swollen face. It looks so miserable.

The Golden Palace of the Victory Palace, this is the place where the Gaul emperor and the ministers of civil and military affairs discussed state affairs. Even in the Hundred Years Land Island War, the palace of the Gaul Empire did not suffer much damage, but the huge and magnificent golden palace at the moment has collapsed for most of it.

A suddenly formed Hydra swept its tail on the golden hall, smashing the golden hall to pieces. The statue of the goddess of victory that originally stood on the golden temple is now crookedly inserted in a pile of messy rubbish, beside the dim statue of golden light, there are several crushed soldier corpses lying horizontally and vertically. The conscripted civilians are picking up these messy flesh and blood.

There were blood plasma and muddy flesh everywhere, groans and cries everywhere, and several seriously injured aristocratic generals lay dying on the flat ground that was temporarily cleaned up, rolling their eyes to earn their lives.

The clergy of Shenghui Cathedral had already lost all their losses in the battle with the Orc Legion earlier, and the church has not been able to add new clergy here. Therefore, these high-ranking noble generals, at this moment, actually cannot get a priest who can heal their lives.

Several court magicians of the Gaul Empire stood beside them, frowning and chanting spells, but their strength was not high, and it was obvious that they were not talented in healing arts. They worked hard for a long time, but released a few A small magic such as'damage reduction' with a weak effect, for these noble generals whose chests are about to be crushed, it has no effect at all.

Lin Qi looked at the aristocratic generals who fell on the ground. Titian saw Lin Qi's surprised look. He couldn't help but smiled bitterly: "The head and deputy heads and all the elders of the Royal Mage Group are here this time. Fallen in the turmoil of... Originally, the deputy commander of the Royal Magician Group, the'Aoki Spirit' Archmage Jie Wei, was good at life recovery magic, but now..."

Lin Qi shook his head, and then he walked up to the few noble generals who were watching to die, and said majesticly: "I give you the power of life, and in return, I hope to get your loyalty and faith! There is nothing in the world. Free lunch, I think as a proud nobleman, you should understand this... At the same time, you must learn to respect a **** who saved your lives!"

His right hand slowly opened, and a faint blue light spread from Lin Qi's palm. Gentle blue light enveloped these noble generals. Accompanied by bursts of sacred and magnificent hymns, the wounds of these noble generals quickly healed. Their flat chests gradually bulged, and their breathing became more and more powerful. , And at the same time a trace of blood was restored on his face.

"I will give you even more powerful strength. I hope that you can use your sword and shield to clean up my enemies for me, and at the same time protect my glory!" Lin Qi mixed with the gods of the Azer tribe. It's been so long, so he can imitate the tone of those gods with great familiarity, and speak these pretentious words with the characteristics of the gods without changing his face.

A ray of golden light converged on Lin Qi's right palm from all directions, and then turned into a surging golden flame and rushed into the bodies of the noble generals. These noble generals who had just reached the heavenly level were breathing heavily. They stared at Lin Qi in horror, feeling the pure fighting energy energy that was constantly rushing into their bodies like a tsunami.

Pure to the extreme, condensed to the extreme, a fighting Qi that is ten thousand times stronger and ten thousand times more condensed than the Heavenly Battle Qi they cultivated. And this kind of fighting energy doesn't have any attributes. They are integrated into the fighting spirit of these noble generals, perfectly blending with their own fighting energy, and they can't distinguish each other anymore.

The lower ranks of the heavens, the middle ranks, the upper ranks of the heavens, and then the peak of the heavens. Then the bodies of these noble generals trembled. Suddenly, black clouds gathered in the sky quickly, their grudge Has been unstoppable breakthrough to the realm of saints. But Lin Qi just stared coldly at the sky, and the thunder and dark clouds that had gathered suddenly disappeared without a trace. Lin Qi continued to infuse these aristocratic generals with fighting energy, frantically increasing their strength. .

High-level demigods! In just one cup of tea, these few aristocratic generals who were dying just now and were about to be seriously injured have reached the strength of a demigod high-level. And according to their talents, according to the material assistance their family can provide them, the probability of them breaking through to the semi-god realm in this life is definitely not more than one in a thousand! But now, they have the power of a demigod out of thin air!

And as they poured into their minds, there were explanations about the power of the demigod realm, and a lot of battle experience in the demigod realm! These experiences and profound understandings are all provided by the Temple of Doomsday Apocalypse. For the Temple of Doomsday Apocalypse, this is just the basic knowledge in the most basic warrior training textbook, and it is not a valuable thing at all.

"This is, strength!" A marquis with a golden beard trembling all over, looked at Lin Qi unreliably, then he knelt on the ground naturally, his forehead gently pressed in awe. A touch of Lin Qi's boots: "My lord, my god, I will entrust my life to you, and I will use my life, my sword, my shield, and everything I have to protect your glory!"

Several other noble generals who were rescued by Lin Qi and gained the power instilled by Lin Qi, the aristocratic generals who had been promoted to the demigod high-level powerhouse knelt on the ground solemnly, and also offered Lin Qi their loyalty and faith. They truly felt that what stood in front of them was not a mortal, but a great, holy, and inviolable god!

A **** personally saved their lives, and also gave them such a powerful power-and in their past lives, even if they had prayed to the gods they believed in in the past countless times, but never had any one. The gods responded to their prayers. On the contrary, every time they want to ask the clergy in the church to do something for themselves, such as using healing techniques to treat one of their injured subordinates and relatives, they have to blackmail a huge amount of gold coins by those clergy!

And right now, a true **** appeared in front of them, saving their lives free of charge, and giving them power second only to gods! These noble generals can't be regarded as such devout believers-if they were all devout believers, then there would not be such a serious conflict between imperial power and theocracy in the Gaul Empire.

Therefore, they did not hesitate to abandon their previous beliefs and gave all their piety to Lin Qi! And Lin Qi can feel that because he has bestowed them with insignificant power, these noble generals have been easily transformed into fanatics by himself! Right now they could definitely die for Lin Qi, as long as Lin Qi said a word.

"Pick up your sword, put on your armor, summon your soldiers, and maintain order in Berrily!" Lin Qi withdrew his hand and looked at these aristocratic generals who were kneeling on the ground with a fanatical face: " I hope you can keep Berrily in your hands. I don’t want any accidents, understand?”

These noble generals quickly stood up, they responded enthusiastically to Lin Qi's order, and then they were about to leave in strides.

Lin Qi shook his head and drank these guys whose blood was boiling with excitement. He took out several sets of powerful semi-artifact-level armor, and according to the habits of these noble generals, took out a few semi-artifact-level weapons, and then handed these equipment to them one by one.

"Since you are my believers, then I will reward you! Remember my name as'Tiger Lord'. When you fight, when you are injured, when you are in pain, when you are desperate to die, you all You can call me the name of "Tiger Lord" Lin Qi, and I should respond to your call and give you infinite power to conquer all your enemies!"

He personally helped these noble generals put on the armor, and then Lin Qi lightly nodded on the eyebrows of these noble generals with golden fingers. The nobles, soldiers, and civilians nearby all saw a little golden light flashing across the eyebrows of the noble generals. This is Lin Qi's imprint in their unresisting souls, a person who can receive them at any time. Pray, perceive their location, and then imprint a trace of strength.

For a god, this is the most basic way to control his followers.

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