Bright Era

Chapter 2299: Strong aftermath (2)

Several aristocratic generals left happily and quickly. They shouted loudly. Whether they were directly under their command or not, they forced the soldiers and officers to obey their orders. With the high-level strength of a demigod, plus the demi-divine tool that Lin Qi bestowed on them, they were almost invincible in the present Berrily. The military is a violent group. With enough power, they naturally have infinite authority.

Soon the entire Victory Palace was controlled by these noble generals, and more than 10,000 soldiers from the Guards had begun to gather. A quarter of an hour later, several neighborhoods around the Victory Palace were completely controlled by them. As more and more soldiers gathered under them, the range of control of these newly released fanatics of Lin Qi became larger and larger.

During this period, there were also a few noble generals who were unwilling to surrender military power, and some nobles relied on their identity and family power to shout and reprimand these noble generals, but all those who dared to do so, their heads They were all chopped down and hung in front of the gate of the Victory Palace, so no one did such a stupid thing soon.

In addition, Lin Qi dispatched Bilibili and others to follow behind these noble generals, so in just a few hours, Lin Qi had completely mastered all the troops in Berrely.

And this is a mixed armed force, including part of the regular army of the Gaul Empire, part of the militia formed by the Gaul people, part of the soldiers of the local guard army, and a large group of noble guards and mercenaries. With the addition of the half-armed forces like the joint defense team formed by the common people, there are more than 20 million soldiers with knives and guns gathered around the big city of Berely at this moment.

20 million people, Lin Qi couldn't help but feel happy when he received this statistic-send them all to the abyss world soaked in dragon blood, then armed with sophisticated magic armor and magic weapons, and then allotted some powerful force The monsters mixed with dragon blood as mounts, this is a strong elite army! Lin Qi even has the confidence to use these people to wipe out the alien army that invaded the Gaul Empire.

Not to mention how these aristocratic generals collected military power, and that Titian saw that Lin Qi used magical means to rescue these noble generals who were undoubtedly dead, and given them great power, Titian’s face looked like I saw a ghost. He looked at Lin Qi in awe, and stammered: "Lin, Your Majesty Lin Qi, you, you, you are..."

Lin Qisen took a stern look at Titian and patted his shoulder gently: "Your Excellency Titian, as you can see, and as you guessed it, I am a god, not a mortal! I don't want to Waste too much saliva to explain too many things. In short, if you are willing to be loyal to me, I can give you strength, power, and wealth. In short, I can give you what you want!"

With a weird pursed smile, Lin Qi, who knows Titian, the playboy’s preference, grinned and said: "If you like beautiful women, then whether you are a succubus or a beautiful elf girl, as long as you make enough credit, I can reward you. you!"

Titian was taken aback by Lin Qi's words, and he screamed hurriedly: "Your Majesty, succubus, that is heresy. I am a devout believer of the gods. I will never touch those evil and filthy ones. Even a creature has a finger!"

Lin Qi shook his head quickly. He held Titian’s shoulders with both hands, and said word by word: "Oh, no, no, no, Titian, you have made a mistake: I don’t need you to be Believers of the gods, I only need you to be my believer! As for heresy or something, as a god, I have no such prejudice!"

Staring at Titian’s eyes, Lin Qi lowered his voice and smiled secretly: "Succubus, as long as it is a beautiful succubus, it is a good succubus! Evil? Filthy? No, no, no, I never think so! Beautiful succubus girls, Titian, why can't you pamper them? As long as you work for me, all this is not a sin!"

"You are a generous god!" Titian's eyes suddenly lit up: "I really can't imagine that you are such a generous and open-minded god!"

Lin Qi slapped Titian's shoulder vigorously: "So, be loyal to me, give your piety to me, Titian, I know the influence your family has in the Gaul Empire! If you can help me control the whole Gaul Empire, I don’t mind giving you a chance to become a god!"

Titian's body trembled violently, a chance to become a god! With all the gods, Titian never thought that he would actually get such a promise one day! In other words, he never thought that he would be tempted like this! Become a god? This one condition is enough to sell everything! The Gaul Empire, and even the Hua Li family, he would sell all this without hesitation!

Become a god, immortal, immortal, with infinite youth, able to stand in the clouds and overlook countless creatures!

In order to become a god, what does Titian dare not do? Don't say that Lin Qi just wants him to dedicate his piety and loyalty, even if Lin Qi wants Titian to dedicate his body, he will not hesitate to dedicate everything to Lin Qi! Titian is now just afraid that he is not selling fast enough to get Lin Qi's joy and praise. As for what to sell, it doesn't matter at all!

"I am willing to work for you!" Titian simply knelt at the feet of Lin Qi: "The Gaul Empire, of course, only under your leadership can it resist the evil alien race, continue to exist, and become prosperous and powerful! I firmly believe that if the Gaul Empire can be incorporated into the Longshan Empire and become a part of the Longshan Empire, it will be an honor for all the citizens of the Gaul Empire!"

Hearing what Titian said, the noble officials of the Gaul Empire standing beside Lin Qi looked at each other silently. But soon someone with agile brains came back to their senses, they hurriedly squatted down on the ground, and issued an oath of allegiance to Lin Qi as quickly as possible.

Faced with the temptation Lin Qi put forward, what else could they hesitate about? The Gaul Empire has been beaten into a mess. Let’s take a look at what’s happening in the city of Berrely today. It’s not certain whether your family’s wealth and life can be fully embraced. At this time, it’s a god’s thigh. What a fortune, what a blessing it is!

Some aristocratic officials even told themselves simply in their hearts—not to mention that Lin Qi is still a **** from the church. When the mountains and rivers are exhausted, when the wealth and life cannot be preserved, even if he is an alien animal god. Appearing in front of them, they will give their all without hesitation!

Believe in this kind of thing. It’s okay to use it to recharge the storefront for a little benefit when you are full. In fact, in many cases, belief in this kind of thing is really not very valuable, at least for the surviving nobles of the Gaul Empire. For officials, how much money is faith worth?

Lin Qi asked Titian and them to stand up with satisfaction, and then he took Titian and them to continue to the Golden Palace.

Suddenly Titian stopped, two lines of tears in his eyes. Not far in front, a few gold-inlaid stone pillars collapsed, crushing a few old and middle-aged men wearing purple-gold robes. Titian's body trembled violently, and he bowed bitterly to Lin Qi and said, "Your Majesty, please forgive me for my gaffe. I, I, I didn't expect that my grandfather, uncle, and others, all died."

Lin Qi raised his eyebrows and sighed lightly: "It's unfortunate, isn't it? But don't be sad, Titian, this is their blessing, their soul has now entered the kingdom of God, and lives with the gods forever. Are together."

When he said this, Lin Qi blushed a little—because the total number of people who died tragically in Berlay just now exceeded one million, and the souls of these people were infested by an evil force. Lin Qi wanted to eliminate this viciousness. The cyclical infection caused Alda to swallow all the infected souls and the evil power in the air.

Therefore, the souls of these hapless nobles of the Huali family are slowly digesting in Alda's stomach at this moment. And Arda's belly obviously has nothing to do with the kingdom of God preached by the Azer Protoss!

Gently patted Titian on the shoulder, Lin Qi said calmly: "Well, you will be the Gaul Empire from now on... Oh, no, the Patriarch of the Huali Family, the Gaul Dominion of the Longshan Empire, I will give you a seal. As a hereditary duke, two provinces will become your favorites. When the time comes, you can choose the two provinces by yourself. Which one you are interested in, tell yourself!"

Looking at Titian with tears on his face, Lin Qi generously continued: "Well, I know you are a very talented young man. So, in the future, in the Longshan Empire, you will serve as the Deputy Finance Minister. , Responsible for the taxation and all financial-related work of the Gaul dominion! I think you will be able to do it."

The two lines of tears on Titian's face disappeared instantly, and his face flushed with excitement, he clenched his fists tightly, his voice trembled and uttered to Lin Qi again, the descendants of the Huali family, and generations will swear to Lin Qi to death Pledge of allegiance.

Lin Qi came to the Golden Palace and glanced coldly at the collapsed main hall. In front of the many soldiers, maids, and noble officials around, Lin Qi nodded with his finger. In front of Lin Qi’s fingertips, circles of gray transparent time ripples slowly rippled away, and then a magical scene that made the mortals present unforgettable took place-countless broken bricks and dust flew up, time passed, An intact golden palace appeared quickly in front of everyone.

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