Bright Era

Chapter 243: Arthur's reinforcements

Arthur ran through the woods panting, his one-eyed one eyed as insidious as a hungry wolf patrolling the surrounding terrain frantically. Not far behind was the dashing Earth King Kong, but the threat of Earth King Kong to Arthur had become smaller and smaller, because this big guy had been hungry for too long, and it had no strength to run.

Arthur and several of his iron confidants can still run wildly while gnawing on the grass and leaves. The Earth King Kong, who has insufficient brains, can only rush forward with an appetite. As long as a little bit of time passed, this huge monster with extremely huge body consumption would be starved alive, and it would no longer pose any threat to Arthur.

The biggest threat was behind, Lin Qi, who killed the seahorse with an arrow, was Arthur's most deadly threat.

Behind Lin Qi, Arthur also felt a rumorous aura locked on him. Arthur had only seen this ability to lock targets at a long distance from Seahorse-there was a heavenly knight beside Lin Qi!

"The Black Tiger family hides too deeply. The **** who sits at Dunelker Wharf and mixes with the gangsters in the wharf area all day is also a heavenly knight!" Arthur's stomach was burning with burning pain, and he was uncomfortable. About to vomit blood. Barr is actually a celestial knight, and Lin Qi actually took a celestial knight to participate in actual combat drills. This is naked cheating!

Also, the death of the seahorse!

Arthur thought that Lin Qi would shoot through the head of the hippocampus so easily, and his heartache was about to faint. Seahorse is the only powerhouse left by his father. Seahorse is also Arthur's most iron confidant. Without Seahorse's help, how could Arthur rule the unruly pirates under his command? Without the help of Seahorse, the cruel and tyrannical pirates would tear Arthur's little white face into pieces and swallow it.

Everything is caused by Lin Qi!

Arthur's eyes gleamed with a violent cold light.

Lin Qi took a relaxed step, swinging a big axe and following the panting Earth King Kong. Arthur was less than fifty meters in front, and Lin Qi could clearly see them. Since absorbing the two divine natures, Lin Qi's bodily functions have been enhanced in all respects. It is now at night, and the sky is covered with dark clouds, and only a few stars are shining down.

In such a dim night, still in the dense woods, Lin Qi could clearly see a figure dozens of meters away. Lin Qi could even see a mole behind the ear of a skinny pirate next to Arthur. He even Saw the long hair on the mole.

This kind of vision has even surpassed Vic, who was born with excellent vision!

There was wind blowing in front, and Lin Qi smelled a faint smell of blood in the wind. This was the smell of blood wafting from Arthur and the others. Lin Qi could smell the smell of blood tens of meters away, and his sense of smell had also been greatly improved.

"Maybe in a while, I can smell better than a dog?" Lin Qi laughed proudly. He can feel the powerful essence surging in his body, and he can also feel that these essence are strengthening and transforming his body. Some wonderful changes are transforming him to an inhuman degree.

Lin Qi could even hear the sound of blood flowing in the Earth King Kong within a short distance, and he even heard the sound of ‘gurgling’ in the belly of the Earth King Kong. This poor big guy, his belly is already empty, and his heartbeat is getting slower and slower. Obviously, he is extremely hungry.

The hunger potion is really an extremely magic potion! If this kind of potion, which is almost utterly desolate, is widely used in war, it will really be a kind of disintegration.

With a little tiptoe, Lin Qi went around the body of King Kong like a violent wind. At the moment when the Earth King Kong was fainting because of hunger, Lin Qi came to Earth King Kong, raised his axe and smashed it heavily on the Earth King Kong's neck.

The starving Earth King Kong failed to use his natural power to strengthen his defense. Lin Qi's axe almost smashed its head, and a burst of blood spurted more than ten meters away. Lin Qi shook the big axe, split the heart of the Earth King Kong forcefully, and took out a fist-sized spar from its heart.

The Earth King Kong is an earthy and metallic monster, and its magic core is also dual-attribute. Moreover, the Earth King Kong is a high-level monster. Such a dual-attribute magic core can be sold at a high price on the auction floor of the imperial capital. Those wealthy palace mages will be crazy about this magic core, whether it is used to forge magic weapons or use To cast a staff, or to make the energy core of a magic circle, this magic core is a rare good treasure.

Moreover, this Earth King Kong is in its prime of life, and the energy in the magic core is at least twenty times more energy than the magic core in the natural old Earth King Kong. The price of this magic core is really hard to estimate. .

No one is willing to kill a tamed King Kong just for a demon core, and a living King Kong has more practical value. Therefore, Lin Qi's behavior is undoubtedly a matter of burning the qin and boiling the crane, but who said this monster was not tamed by Lin Qi? He killed it, it didn't hurt at all.

Hiding the magic core in his chest proudly, Lin Qi strode to chase Arthur.

In front is a deep small valley, which happens to be an extremely narrow and secret valley sandwiched by two cliffs. Lin Qi could not help but ecstatic when he saw the terrain here: "Arthur, you die here, I will let you Die happily!"

With a big laugh, Lin Qi jumped up, jumping out more than 20 meters, and struck Arthur's back with an axe.

Arthur silently grabbed a confidant beside him and pushed him behind him. The strength of this confidant is far better than Arthur, but he is really hungry and exhausted, and even in his dreams he never expected that Arthur would use himself as a shield. He howled miserably and was split into two pieces by Lin Qi with an axe.

‘Splash’, a large green sap spurted out of his body. The poor man didn’t know how many grass and leaves he had swallowed. His intestines and stomach were full of sticky green sap. Lin Qi clutched his nose and sprinted to the side for a few steps before speeding up and following Arthur in stride.

Arthur was already so hungry that he was weak, where did he have the strength to run past Lin Qi? He could only smile helplessly, turned his head and glanced at Lin Qi who was less than two meters away from him, as long as he waved his hand, he could strike his Lin Qi with an ax.

"Lin Qi, are you really going to kill me?"

Lin Qi stared at Arthur tightly, and he whistled easily.

"Of course, I'm not a generous person! I can't keep you and compete with me for the property, right? Although the Black Tiger family cannot give you the property, but if you kill me, I will get fat again. Bird Kirk’s group of **** helped, maybe you actually swallowed my belongings!"

With a deep sigh, Lin Qi shook his head.

"And you dare to attack Maria! Don't you know that she is my mother's favorite little maid? You dare to attack the people around my mother, I won't chop you into seventy or eighty yuan, I'm sorry for her !"

Lin Qi's eyes suddenly turned scarlet. He shouted and slashed out with an axe, cutting into two pieces the confidant beside Arthur who was staggering and almost fell to the ground. Lin Qi intentionally slowly killed the people around Arthur. He wanted to let Arthur taste the fear of death.

It's like when Lin Qi poached Arthur's eyeballs, his fingers slid in Arthur's eye sockets for a quarter of an hour before he dug out his purple eyes. Lin Qi smiled grimly, he wanted Arthur to die in the greatest horror, because Arthur really hated him.

When Lin Qi was strictly disciplined by Blackbeard since he was a child, when Lin Qi was just a few years old and was thrown into the snow to practice the basic exercises of Xuanhu Jin, when Lin Qi wanted to eat a piece of barbecue, he had to blackmail himself. When the sons and dudes who extorted Duner were able to have enough pocket money, Arthur was in good condition, no matter what he wanted to get!

Although he knew that it was Blackbeard's intentional means to turn Arthur into a waste, although he knew that Blackbeard treated himself like that for his own good.

But it's so **** unhappy! Lin Qi was never a generous person. Arthur enjoyed too many good things than him, so Lin Qi was really upset!

Another axe hacked out, and another Arthur's confidant was hacked to death. But at this time, Arthur had also fled into the valley with his only three henchmen. Lin Qi let out a low grin, and slowly forced it towards Arthur: "Cry, scream, no one will come to rescue you if your voice is broken! Hey, Arthur, you said I should chop off your body first. Where? Hey, you say, what should I chop off yours first?"

Arthur suddenly laughed weirdly. He spit out green grass juice and waved his right hand casually.

A golden light turned into a sharp sword and shot towards Lin Qi, Lin Qi was shocked, he hurried across the big axe and blocked his chest.

With a loud noise, a majestic, domineering, and vigorous volcanic eruption rushed toward Lin Qi. Lin Qi was hit by the sword of this divine light and flew more than ten meters away embarrassingly, and hit his head. On a big rock.

"Arthur! You..." Lin Qi's mind was a little blank. Arthur's goddess was Elham. Even if he had a one-time magic scroll, it should be the **** of the Temple of Dawn. How could the magic scroll emit such a golden light?

Arthur let out a triumphant laugh. He took out a scroll made of gold and twisted it forcefully into two pieces.

Numerous golden spots of light gush out from the scroll, forming a magic circle several meters in diameter in front of Arthur.

The light lines flickered, and twelve disciplinary knights wearing silver armor and blood cloaks strode out of the magic circle. (To be continued. If you like this work, you are welcome to come to the starting point ( to vote for recommendations and monthly tickets. Your support is my biggest motivation.)

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