Bright Era

Chapter 244: Sneak attack

The twelve disciplinary knights are just the organization of a combat team of the church disciplinary knights.

In ancient legends, ancient humans divided the sky into the zodiac, giving it a very romantic and wonderful mythology. Although most of these legends before the destruction calendar are lost, some have been handed down.

For example, the twelve disciplinary knights corresponding to the zodiac signs are named after the image of the zodiac signs, symbolizing their sacred duty to uphold the laws and maintain the order of heaven and earth. Of course, whether these discipline knights can maintain the laws of heaven and earth is a matter of two things, but they have done a good job in maintaining the honor and status of the church.

In the 30 years since the end of the One Hundred Years Land-Island War, hundreds of thousands of unlucky individuals were sent to the torture by the punished knights in the Western Continent. Even some small cities were completely razed by the squadrons of the Knights of Punishment, and the entire city was burned by the "God of Punishment Flame". In the Western Continent, the disciplinary knight is a dark cloud that symbolizes coldness, ruthlessness, death, and destruction, shrouding everyone's head.

Now, Arthur summoned twelve knights of punishment. He carried a long-distance teleportation scroll made by the church with him, and directly summoned twelve knights of punishment! Moreover, if there is no aura from these disciplinary knights, it can be sensed that among the twelve disciplinary knights, the Aries knight in the first house of the zodiac, he is a heaven!

The other disciplinary knights are all mid-level and high-level masters.

The armor on their bodies is also a divine armor carefully forged by the church's high-ranking magicians, possessing extremely strong defensive power. The weapons they used were the ‘Holy Weapon of Retribution’ blessed by divine power. They had extremely terrifying lethality and had a step-by-step suppressive effect on ordinary fighting spirits.

"Arthur! Who did you hook up with?" Lin Qi spit out and got up from the ground, clenching the axe in embarrassment.

Arthur was out of breath and didn't respond to Lin Qi. He just yelled at the leading Aries knight: "I'm poisoned. The strange poison made me very hungry. Is there any way to detoxify me, or give me food!"

The Aries Knight glanced at the embarrassed Arthur arrogantly. He said in a low and powerful voice: "Before the incarnation of the great justice and justice, no poison can threaten the life of a devout believer. The great **** of justice and punishment, he The power of God covers everything, shelters everything, and punishes everything!"

The Aries knight raised his hand, his palm released a magnificent golden streamer, Arthur and his three henchmen were enveloped by golden light, their muscles were squirming violently, and some dark thick pulp slowly Seed from under their skin. The four Arthurs suddenly knelt to the ground and vomited violently. They vomited a large amount of dark green unknown liquid, and their hunger quickly disappeared.

Lin Qi's pupils shrank to the size of a needle, and the clergy of the church always possessed all kinds of strange abilities. Such difficult potions have been resolved by their magic? Is this the power of the Aries knights themselves, or the power of their **** of punishment?

Carrying the big axe, Lin Qi carefully stepped back.

Among the twelve disciplinary knights, the lion knight with a huge lion emblem engraved on his chest armor strode forward. He waved a heavy mace and sneered and forced Lin Qi up: "Sinner, Kneel on the ground and accept the punishment of the gods! You dare to attack the blessed people who have been blessed by the gods, you must be punished!"

Arthur raised his head, and he ordered in a low voice: "You are not allowed to kill him, but you can seriously injure him at will. Just leave his life!"

After a few grinning smiles, Arthur looked at Lin Qi with bitterness: "I said, I want you to die slowly in despair, I won't let you die so happy! At least, before his father died, You can't die! I want you to live because I won't make my father sad! I want him to know that you are alive, but you can never see him again!"

Lin Qi turned around and ran. He was not interested in fighting the twelve disciplinary knights, especially there was a heavenly knight inside, and the others were all with strength above the middle rank. Lin Qi is very self-aware that these disciplinary knights can easily beat him into a pig's head. If he stays here, he will really answer Arthur's curse.

It's a pity that Arthur could not be killed with an axe just now.

But looking at the sharp sword made by the golden divine light that Arthur had just shot, Arthur must have already been prepared, even if Lin Qi wanted to kill him at that time, it would be impossible. The reason why Arthur chose to escape to this valley before revealing his final trump card was probably because he was unwilling to be discovered by the imperial military that maintained the order of actual combat exercises. The church members mixed into the exercise grounds of the Gaul Empire and attacked the people of the Empire. Caused a huge conflict!

A bad wind suddenly sounded in the back of his head, and the Lion Knight impulsively behind Lin Qi with a few strides, picked up his mace, and slammed it down at Lin Qi's left shoulder. He didn't attack Lin Qi's back, presumably because of Arthur's order, Arthur allowed them to seriously wound Lin Qi, but could not kill him.

Lin Qi turned around abruptly, and his body slammed into the chest of the lion knight. He pushed the sharp cone in front of the big axe to the forefront and stabbed the lion knight in the heart. Lin Qi's collision was like a tiger rushing for food, with a fierce air of murder.

At the same time, Lin Qi let out a loud roar, and a visible ripple spouted from his mouth. The ground around him suddenly jumped, countless long grasses were torn apart, and the grass blades shot around like arrows. For a while, Lin Qi and the Lion Knight were surrounded by smoke and dust, and Arthur and the others couldn't see what happened inside.

With a loud noise, Lin Qi's big axe pierced into the lion knight's armor. Although the armor of the lion knight is a rune armor inlaid with divine text, the battle axe in Lin Qi's hand is a magic weapon produced by a master, extremely sharp and heavy. Lin Qi pierced the lion knight's chest with an axe full of half a foot deep, and Lin Qi, who never knew what was meant to be soft-hearted, pulled down, and he was about to open the lion knight.

The lion knight roared, Lin Qi rushed back too fast, which happened to hit the dead end of his mace. The two-meter mace can't deal with Lin Qi, who is close at hand. The Lion Knight simply threw away the mace, firmly grasped the handle of the axe with his left hand, and smashed it towards Lin Qi with his right hand. There were two lines of blood flowing out of his ears. Lin Qi’s roar had shattered his eardrums and severely damaged his balance. Although the lion knight punched, his fists were crooked and dizzy. One punch just wiped Lin Qi's head and slid over.

Lin Qi snorted coldly, he clasped the big axe in both hands and stabbed forward, flying a kick from below and kicking the lion knight fiercely.

The eardrum burst, and the dizzy lion knight failed to notice Lin Qi's attack. He was hit in the lower body by Lin Qi severely.

With a horrible cry, the lion knight released his hand and instinctively covered his lower body. Lin Qi dragged the big axe with both hands and swiped it down, hearing a sound of ‘chill’, the lion knight was split open by Lin Qi, blood and internal organs spurted out like a waterfall.

"Evil sinner, how dare you humiliate God's glory? You killed God's loyal servant, how evil you are!"

The Aries knight was shocked, and the other discipline knights were shocked. Once they disciplinary knights are touched, the goal is often to be frightened, and few people dare to fight back. But Lin Qi not only shot at them, but even killed the lion knight! How many guilty sinners have to bear to do such a wicked thing?

Lin Qi should stand obediently and let them clean up. Why would he dare to deal with God's servants?

The Aries knight incarnate as a golden light rushed out, he drew out a square sledgehammer, and slammed it at Lin Qi.

Since Lin Qi killed the lion knight, it is impossible for the Aries knight to follow Arthur's orders. Lin Qi actually killed a disciplinary knight, how could such a sinner let him continue to exist? Lin Qi must be completely wiped out from both body and soul, let his bones disappear, and let his soul fly away!

Lin Qi was almost suffocated by the huge aura of the Heavenly Master. The fighting spirit in his body was suppressed by the fighting spirit of the Aries Knight and almost unable to move. Lin Qi couldn't mobilize anger at all, so he could only swing out with an axe instinctively.

Fortunately, Lin Qi has a body that is stronger than that of Warcraft. Without fighting spirit, he still has the power of the body.

With a loud noise, the sledgehammer hit the axe heavily, and Lin Qi trembled, staggering backward dozens of steps. The Aries knight also exclaimed. Lin Qi shook his wrist with a ‘click’. The sledgehammer flew out of his hand and almost missed the punishment knights who were rushing towards him.

With a ‘wow’, Lin Qi spat out blood. He immediately judged the strength gap between himself and the Aries Knight-this Aries Knight was only at the lower level of the Heavenly Rank, but his vindictiveness was a real Heavenly Rank, which was much stronger in quality than Lin Qi's vindictiveness. . Facing the deterrence of the heavenly position, Lin Qi's grudge was extremely difficult to mobilize, which was his biggest disadvantage.

But Lin Qi has a sturdy body, his brute force actually smashed the wrist of a heavenly knight! Although Lin Qi himself was shocked to vomit blood, if the result of this battle was spread, it would be enough to make Lin Qi's reputation spread across the mainland!

Using the strength of his position to cut off his hand was enough to make Lin Qi famous in the mainland.

But the Aries knight had already rushed forward with the other disciplinary knights, Lin Qi let out a strange cry, took the big axe and fled.

A black smoke passed by in the diagonal thorn, and an obscure arc-shaped knife light teared the air like death's call. The Aries Knight, who focused all of his attention on Lin Qi, didn't even notice the sneak attacker. The blade light slanted across his body, cutting off half of his head and body.

The black smoke swept across, the blade flashed again, and the other five disciplinary knights were chopped up.

Lin Qi looked back and saw this scene, his eyes lit up, and he rushed back with his axe while laughing. (To be continued. If you like this work, you are welcome to come to the starting point ( to vote for recommendations and monthly tickets. Your support is my biggest motivation.)

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