Bright Era

Chapter 260: Sad mood!

Due to an accident, Dutou's old book friend "Dust in Wonderland" has gone.

Zhutou is really powerless to say anything, so he borrowed this article from Shang to commemorate our old friend:

Remember, we know the evil dragon.

I still remember that when you were in the Evil Dragon Road, you posted that you and your wife came together because of the evil spirit of the pig's head.

Remember, you said you were engaged to your wife, and Dutou gave you a Wusong autograph.

Remember, when stealing the sky, when your child was born, you sent the photos.

Remember, when Guangming Era opened the book, the top ten you mentioned left you with a leader position.

Remember, your business trip to Baimeng did not catch up with the promised to go home one-time million.

Remember, you said go home on the 24th.

Remember, our chat on the 18th.

Three years passed in a flash, we are all still there, but you are gone.

It’s unbelievable until now. You just left. I sent a message to your mobile phone in the morning, and it was your father who said that you had gone in a car accident. I don't believe it, I don't believe it until now, how could a good person disappear.

I used to like your nickname in the leader group, Brother Dust forever, very chic. But I hate it now, because it really becomes forever.

Life is really fragile, dusty, good all the way. You live in our hearts forever, you are our dust brother forever.

On June 29, 2012, mourned the dust. The dust in the fairyland, may you be happy in the fairyland.


Life is impermanent, there are always too many accidents in life, so please cherish the people in front of you!

This Saturday and Sunday, the pig's head will be on 2935. On Sunday, everyone will say goodbye to the dust!

Just three days ago, when I received a call from home, Zhutou's own mother was sick and hospitalized, and she was very depressed for these two days. Dutou's mother was afraid of Dutou and was worried, and still laughed on the phone and said that she was fine at home, and Dutou could only coax them with the old man's wishes. When the unfortunate news was too dusty, Dutou really didn't know what to say.

In short, everyone cherish the family and friendship in front of you, and live every day well!

I really don’t know what to say, I just wish good people have peace in their lives!

Dust, go all the way! (To be continued. If you like this work, you are welcome to come to the starting point ( to vote for recommendations and monthly tickets. Your support is my biggest motivation.)

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