Bright Era

Chapter 261: Call of Kocha

Lin Qi left the palace in a daze. He never dreamed that between his biological father and son, under the glamorous clothes of those high-sounding figures, and under the sacred light of imperial power, it was so hideous and ugly!

Cohen has always been the most trusted confidant of the Gaul Emperor! That's why he can make progress as an ordinary civilian!

He became the chief minister of the military logistics department to suppress the great prince’s influence in the military. His so-called corruption of ink only used means to reduce certain expenses of certain troops that should have been supplied to the great prince.

Even if he was framed by a counterattack and forced to leave the military headquarters, he was still the emperor's confidant and had the privilege of free entry and exit of the Victory Palace. He, and many people like him, surrounded the emperor, and with the strong support of the emperor, he formed the ‘Queshan Hermit Association’. They are people from all walks of life, have strong professional knowledge, have extremely outstanding personal abilities, and appear in various colors on weekdays, but they have been loyal to the emperor.

They are the emperor's personal think tank, they are a big net in the hands of the emperor, and they have firmly netted most of the empire for the emperor. As one of the heads of the Queshan Hermit Society, Cohen had the courage to say such words-30 years later, Lin Qi became the Minister of Finance of the Empire! This is not only a decision made by Coen alone, but also a joint decision made by five of the nine leaders of the Queshan Hermit Society!

'Clean and innocent' family background, sharp and decisive methods, shrewd and treacherous minds, in the eyes of the leaders of the Queshan Hermit Association, as long as Lin Qi is well trained, he is the most they have found in the imperial capital in recent years. A suitable person to be trained as a Minister of Finance!

The eldest prince, the emperor's eldest son, and the iron wall general who made great contributions to the empire in the Hundred Years Land-Island War, actually carried the emperor on his back and did a lot of things that would even shake the entire continent if he said it!

For example, the eldest prince killed his wife, the prince and concubine of the proper brand, and the princess of the Caesar Empire because he suspected that she had an affair with someone. For example, the Grand Prince secretly controlled the neighboring countries of the Gaul Empire with powerful means. The population is only a few million, but the green shade principality is extremely important in strategic position!

The female grand prince in power in the Green Principality even became the bed plaything of the prince. The army of two hundred thousand tigers and wolves is the prince's greatest support to control this country. This kind of thing, which one do you say can be seen? In particular, the Principality of Green Leaf is still a side branch of the Caesar Empire in terms of blood inheritance. If this matter is exposed, it will inevitably cause conflict between the Gaul Empire and the Caesar Empire.

"It's terrible!" Lin Qi looked at Professor Cohen and told him frankly: "It's too scary. My father and I can't happen to this kind of thing!"

Lin Qi then knew why Professor Cohen had the confidence to swallow the Iron Wall Bank. When the Emperor and all the ancient nobles of the Empire stood behind someone, even a pig could easily use various methods. Swallow the Iron Wall Bank.

Swallow the Iron Wall Bank, swallow the Green Principality, everything is under the control of the emperor.

At least the least, all the hard work of the eldest prince in the past five years was swallowed cleanly by the emperor. There is no doubt that the power of the empire has been greatly enhanced, but the prince? . .

"Anyway, the entire empire will belong to him in the future, if there is no accident!" Cohen looked at Lin Qi with his hands behind his back: "If there is no accident, the entire empire will belong to the prince in the future, so he will take what he has Is there anything wrong with something dedicated to your majesty?"

Lin Qi opened his mouth, and he looked at Cohen with a wry smile: "If His Highness Thuram does not obediently confess to His Majesty this time, what will happen?"

Cohen opened his mouth, and he narrowed his eyes without saying a word. After a long time, I have already seen the gate of the Fifth University in front of me, and Cohen sighed quietly: "His Royal Highness Tulam has something intolerable in the past few years. If he gets a little confused this time, no He was willing to rush to his Majesty in time to confess his mistake, then... Although your Majesty claimed that there were only three princes, and that the second prince died young, there are still many illegitimate children!"

With a sullen smile, Cohen patted Lin Qi on the shoulder: "Therefore, once a prince suddenly dies of serious illness, your majesty will be sad, but it will not be sad for long. You must know that our majesty is a great heaven. With the existence of the pinnacle, he is now in his prime and can still give birth to many princes! What's more, there are still so many princes adopted by the people?"

Lin Qi only felt chills at the back of his neck. This is the royal family, this is the royal family's affection!

After pondering for a while, Lin Qi asked Cohen again: "But, what about the Viper Unit? His Royal Highness Tulam did not admit it."

Cohen's expression was also a bit hesitant. He shook his head and thought for a long time before slowly saying: "It stands to reason that your Majesty's intelligence can't be wrong. If it really wasn't for His Royal Highness to mobilize the Viper to attack you, Then who will it be? It depends on what your Majesty thinks."

Looking at Lin Qi with extremely seriousness, Cohen said sternly: "Remember one thing, we are all the most loyal servants of your majesty, we just need to follow your majesty's will to do it. Other things shouldn't be us. Think about it, let’s not think about it! This is what I want to teach you especially today!"

Lin Qi looked at Coen: "Including the prince?"

Cohen nodded earnestly: "Including the prince! What your majesty allows him to do, he can do; what your majesty does not allow him to do, he can do it, but the end is either everything he does becomes his majesty, or , He will get sick suddenly, it's that simple!"

Lin Qi smiled bitterly: "I really don't want to be the Chancellor of the Exchequer! It's scary! Really! Your Majesty is too hard to serve!"

Cohen squinted and laughed: "Too scary? Knowing awe is a good thing, Lin Qi! Knowing awe, this is a good thing for you!"

He slapped Lin Qi's shoulder hard, Coen slowly walked into the school gate with Lin Qi: "Go to my dormitory in three days, and I will take you to meet the other members of the Queshan Hermit Association. Everyone is an elite. , An absolute elite in all walks of life. We will train you step by step, observe you step by step, and monitor you step by step until you become the talent we want!"

With a weird pursed smile, Cohen smiled: "Maybe it won't be the Chancellor of the Exchequer, maybe it will be the Chief of the Palace, who is right?"

Lin Qi suddenly felt a chill in his hips. He remembered how the palace chiefs in the eastern palaces described by Dragon City were born. He couldn't help but cursed in his heart: "You are the palace chief, and your father is the court. Manager, your mother is the palace manager, and your family is the palace manager!"

He cursed Professor Cohen in his heart, and Lin Qi thought about the pros and cons of joining the Queshan Hermit Society, and finally decided to plunge into this muddy puddle! Are they elites from all walks of life? What a good thing this is, if the Hermit of Queshan can be swallowed like the forces of the dark world that annexed the imperial capital, then how much Lin Qi's strength can expand!

Will the emperor be replaced by that time? Perhaps?

Lin Qi's eyes lit up, and the Queshan Hermit Society, once the power of these people was activated, how many gold coins could he earn every day?

At this moment, Lin Qi's waist suddenly burned, and he hurriedly took out a small magic badge from his belt, which was shining with a faint light. He sighed helplessly to Professor Cohen: "Master Kocha summoned me, I must go to see him. Then, Professor, I will go to you in three days?"

Professor Cohen smiled and nodded. He squinted his eyes and mysteriously told Lin Qiyeshan that several members of the Hermit Society were veterans of various medicinal frauds—the fake medicinal materials they made could even hide from Caesar. According to the inspection by the Secret Medicine Master of the Imperial Family, in recent years, the secret medicines refined by the Secret Medicine Master enshrined by the Caesar Empire always have some strange problems, because these fake medicines were sent to the Caesar Empire!

After saying these few words, Cohen walked away quickly with a weird smile. He knew that Lin Qi could not bear this temptation, what he wanted was this effect.

Lin Qi stared at Coen blankly, what kind of freaks were there in the Queshan Hermit? Veteran counterfeiters who specialize in manufacturing various counterfeit drugs? Can you hide from the inspection by the Secret Medicine Grandmaster enshrined by the Caesar Empire? No wonder Cohen can easily tell Lin Qi various methods of fraud and adulteration.

It seems that joining the Hermit of Queshan will be very promising?

Lin Qi's eyes gradually brightened, he clenched his fists forcefully, and ran towards the master tower triumphantly.

Entering the master tower, following the magic lift to the bottom of the master tower, Lin Qi carefully pushed open the door of the laboratory.

What surprised Lin Qi was that Master Kecha didn't give him a small fireball today, nor did he conduct his weird experiments, nor did he fall to the ground with hunger. Instead, he was dressed neatly, sitting solemnly in the middle of the laboratory reading a huge thick ancient medical book.

By the side of Master Kecha, occupying most of the space in the laboratory is a faucet the size of four or five carriages!

Lin Qi was right, this is definitely the head of a legendary dragon.

The black dragon head is huge and hideous, domineering and majestic. Although this dragon head has left the body and turned into a dead thing, it still exudes a suffocating pressure. Lin Qi looked at the huge black dragon head in horror, and carefully slid down the corner to Master Kocha.

Master Kocha raised his head and glanced at Lin Qi. A smile appeared on his fierce face that had been burned by the fire.

"Don't be afraid, all the essence of this dragon head has been taken away by me! Now it is just a mere appearance."

Lin Qi glanced at the huge dragon head in surprise again, and bowed respectfully to Master Kocha: "Master, what can I do for you?"

Master Kocha smiled, and a bottle of potion suddenly exploded on Lin Qi's face.

A cloud of white mist instantly surrounded Lin Qi's body and got in through his seven orifices. (To be continued. If you like this work, you are welcome to come to the starting point ( to vote for recommendations and monthly tickets. Your support is my biggest motivation.)

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