Bright Era

Chapter 276: Emperor crazy

Xiongji old shop on the west side of Victory Palace.

The verdant creeper vines arbitrarily spread out on the veranda, and small new leaves have grown out, lining the veranda with fresh green. It's just that at night, although there are lights, you can't see what these creepers are like. Sitting in the veranda, the wind was blowing around, and the crisp sound of the creeper's leaves could be heard.

Not in the banquet hall dedicated to VIP guests in the Victory Palace, nor in the emperor’s private dining room, but in the old rooster shop!

It's not only the old rooster shop, but also the coolest, or the coolest veranda in the old rooster shop! This kind of place is very comfortable to hold a cocktail party in the summer night, but just after the cold winter, the spring breeze is still cold, as if a knife is piercing the people here to entertain guests, it is somewhat deliberate to toss people.

His Majesty, the emperor of the empire, set a banquet on a lakeside veranda of the old Xiongji shop to entertain the cardinal Archbishop Tulu, who has rarely left the Shenghui Cathedral once. It faces the big lake, and the wind is blowing, making people cold. If you change to a weaker body, you may be blown to death by the wind.

The emperor doesn’t care about this wind, he has a strong cultivation base of vindictiveness, and his body is as strong as an orc. The cold wind in the winter will not make him sneezes, let alone the small wind in front of him. Up.

Holding a fresh oyster from Dunelker Harbor, the Emperor slowly squeezed some fresh lemon juice stored in the cellar on the oyster, and poured the cold raw oyster into his mouth with great enjoyment. The creamy oyster was still squirming slowly in his mouth, and the special fresh taste made the emperor take a deep breath.

"Look, what a fresh oyster, look at the tender beard, and the squirming oyster meat, it's so delicious!" The emperor pryed an oyster openly with a pure gold knife and put it in the seat with a smile. In the hands of the Archbishop of Tulu next to him.

Archbishop Tulu's face turned green, he stared at the emperor, and cursed the **** savage emperor countless times!

The archbishop was about the same age as the emperor, maybe even a few years younger than the emperor. But the archbishop practiced the church's divine art since he was a child. It was purely spiritual. His body was very weak, even much weaker than ordinary old people of the same age.

On weekdays, Tulu is pampered in the Basilica of St. Faith. Like this time, he should sit in his warm bedroom, surrounded by brocades, and enjoy the fragrant veal delivered by the delicate priestess. Warm gin. After he was full, he could pray a pious prayer in front of the gods accompanied by a few priests, then he could bathe and change clothes, and fall asleep in the company of a beautiful young priest.

But now, the **** imperial emperor actually took him to sit by the roaring lake and eat fresh oysters in the cold wind! Asshole, utter asshole, raw oysters are a good thing. It really tastes good, and it also has a wonderfully strong effect. It is very attractive to men, even old men like the Archbishop of Tulu.

But this thing is cold in nature, eat this kind of cold raw oysters under the icy wind blowing! Just after eating two, the Archbishop of Tulu felt cold in his stomach, his intestines were all lumped, and every pore in his body was chilling out.

But His Majesty the Emperor was so passionate. He personally opened the oysters, squeezed lemon juice on the oysters, and put the oysters on Tulu's mouth. If you don't eat it, it seems a bit disrespectful? After all, this is the emperor of the Gaul Empire, the strongest country in the Western Continent. He caters to himself like a servant. If he doesn't eat it, it would be too disrespectful and rude!

The trembling Archbishop of Tulu took a deep breath. With a humble and respectful smile that a clergyman should have, he took the oyster that the emperor had handed over, and then frowned and soaked the oyster dry. Clean.

"You really have a good appetite!" The emperor clapped excitedly: "You really have a good appetite! Of course, people of our age should have a good appetite, otherwise how could we have a good body? "

The emperor sighed deeply. He opened the buttons of his coat and let the wind blow on his chest. He took out an oyster from the ice bucket, swiftly pried the oyster and swallowed it in one bite, then he pried another oyster for the Archbishop of Tulu.

Several ministers of civil and military affairs of the empire and two cardinals of the church stood far away on the corner of the veranda. They stared blankly at the emperor and the archbishop, eating the oysters they had just sent from Dunerker! For insurance, these oysters are packed with ice cubes. Although the oysters are still alive, the oyster meat is cold!

It doesn't matter if the emperor eats this stuff, he has the same appetite as Warcraft.

But the Archbishop of Tulu, hell, if he doesn't use magic, he will have a body similar to an ordinary old man. How can he stand this? But watching the emperor keep pushing raw oysters into his mouth one after another, the two cardinals closed their eyes angrily.

"Tulu, we are old friends too! Back then, when I led the army to attack the Werewolf’s Fang City, you brought the group of little ladies from the Temple of Life to reinforce me! Well, remember that we were young and we spied on those little ladies. Clothes?"

The emperor grinned and pulled the friendship, the Archbishop of Tulu's face suddenly turned black, and he quickly turned his head and glared at the two cardinals ten meters away. The two cardinals had long backed away wittily, and they dared not hear a word of these things the emperor said.

"Well, hahaha!" The Archbishop of Tulu slapped haha ​​awkwardly, the **** Saint Louis XIII!

"We are old friends! Old friends who have been partnering together since the half-year land warfare! Later, I inherited the throne of my father, and you have become the highest-ranked cardinal archbishop of the Gaul Empire. I am so happy. , I'm so happy!"

"But, what actions your church will do in the future, you still have to let me know in advance! If there is an imperial army to cooperate with you today, how could such a chaos happen? Look, look, your Knights of Retribution So many people died, hehehe, it really hurts my heart! They are all good boys!"

The emperor chuckled a few times without smiling, and then wiped the corner of his eyes pretentiously.

Tulu's face turned dark. He squinted at the emperor, exhaled heavily, and then gritted his teeth and poured a raw oyster into his stomach. Damn the emperor, this guy actually said that the stars are so good tonight, and invited him to enjoy the lake view, waiting for the news that Lin Qi was captured alive by the way!

But I ate a bellyful of wind and a dozen cold raw oysters here. How about Lin Qi? Where is Lin Qi?

With an embarrassing hiccup, Tulu touched his cold belly and asked awkwardly: "Your Majesty, I really can't eat it. Where is Lin Qi? Time has passed so long, you have been dispatched. So many people, should you find him?"

The corner of the emperor’s mouth twitched, and he looked at Tulu with a smile, and sighed slightly: “But, Berrely is a big city! It’s not easy to find a person in a big city with millions of people! We need time, is not it?"

With a soft sigh, the emperor slowly cut an oyster in half with the pure gold knife in his hand—along with the oyster meat and the thick oyster shell. He said softly: "The church has dispatched the headquarters of the Knights of Punishment. How dare I not try my best to find Lin Qi? Don't worry, I will find him soon!"

The oyster cut into two pieces was placed in front of Tulu, and the emperor stared at Tulu coldly: "We are good friends and old friends, so I will treat you to delicious food today! So fresh The oysters are extremely unpalatable elsewhere! Come and have another piece!"

Tulu looked at the sliced ​​oyster in front of him, and there was also a burst of evil fire in his heart. He stared at the emperor firmly and waved his hand slowly: "I can't eat it, it's really enough. I just waited to catch Lin Qi's news, and I will go back to Shenghui Cathedral!"

The emperor stared at Tulu fiercely. He said word by word: "Even if the three great popes of the Pope’s Hall are here, you have to eat this bucket of oysters. We are still good friends, we are still Old friend!"

Tulu raised his head and stared at the emperor. The two eyes collided with each other, as if sparks were faintly ejected.

"As for this?" Tulu gritted his teeth and snorted coldly. He just sent the Knights of Retribution to catch a trivial person. Is the emperor so angry? Of course, the Knights of Punishment were a bit fierce, but the Knights of Punishment killed and injured thousands of people, and the church was the victim!

"So, next time I send the Earth Dragon Knights to the Holy Mountain to arrest people? I remember that three years ago, a certain goddess who punished the temple seemed to violate a twelve-year-old girl in Shrike. This case is still mine. Help you down!" The emperor stared at Tulu firmly: "If you allow my Earth Dragon Knights to catch a pervert who violates a twelve-year-old girl, of course I can tolerate the punishment of the Knights in my imperial capital. Arrests!"

Tulu stood up abruptly, and he shouted sternly: "This is the supreme divine power bestowed by the gods! We have the right to arrest, judge, and execute all heretics!"

At this moment, the imperial court chief Harvey hurried over. He leaned to the emperor's ear and mumbled a few words in a low voice.

The emperor's originally unsightly complexion suddenly turned into an iron blue, he jumped up abruptly, and kicked Tulu's stomach with one kick.

Tulu let out a miserable cry, and was kicked by the emperor more than 20 meters away and plunged into the lake.

The emperor pointed to Tulu, who was fluttering in the lake, and roared hoarsely: "Fuck your mother! Isn't it a religious war? I fought with your church! Isn't it a religious war? Come, decreed, will promise All the troops used by Fort Mann to guard against foreign races on Wudalian Island are all transferred back! Religious wars, **** religious wars! Launching a national war mobilization order! I am fed up with these **** gods!"

With a few bangs, the imperial generals standing on the corner of the veranda raised their fists and beat the two cardinals to a bruised face. (To be continued. If you like this work, you are welcome to come to the starting point ( to vote for recommendations and monthly tickets. Your support is my biggest motivation.)

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