Bright Era

Chapter 277: Take the initiative to deliver

Today is the sixth chapter, everyone remember to recommend the ticket!

Continue to code words after the meal, oops!


With a ‘chuck’, the emperor took off the big robe outside, pulling his hands left and right like a hook, and his upper body’s clothes had been split in half. Exposed with strong muscles, his physique does not look like an old man in his sixties. Instead, he looks like a strong man in his twenties. He strode to the lake and grabbed the Archbishop of Tulu who was struggling in the lake. Up.

There was a loud ‘crackling’, and the emperor slapped Tulu with his teeth. The heavy slap slapped the mountain, and Tulu opened his mouth and spouted out his mouth full of teeth. The emperor still refused to give up. He pinched the Bishop of Tulu's neck with both hands, lifted his body high, and then slammed it heavily on the ground.

As if children were fighting, the emperor sat on Tulu, his fists hit like raindrops.

When he beat Tulu, the emperor's expression was extremely calm, as calm as a lady embroidering a handkerchief, without any change in expression on his face. He just beat Tulu with one punch, and even the frequency of his punches did not change at all. He beat Tulu with a sullen face, causing Tulu to faint and wake up again, to spit out blood from the mouth of Tulu, and to break several ribs.

"You impose a 10% religious tax on the Gaul Empire, I will bear it!"

"You have immunity and are not bound by the laws of the Empire, I will bear it!"

"You provoke my child and grandson to fight for power, I will bear it!"

"You sell atonement charms, and take hundreds of millions of gold coins from the hands of the people of the empire every year. I will bear it!"

"You colluded with local power and swallowed the land of ordinary people. I will bear it!"

"You colluded with local aristocrats, swallowed the empire's minerals, and exploited various rare resources privately. I still bear it!"

"You set up seminaries on a large scale. You selected smart men and women from all over to serve as clergy. You even forced the people of the Empire to join seminaries directly from schools opened by the empire. I still bear it!"

"But you can't overdo it! Don't overdo it!"

"You have secretly arrested, tried, and executed the seven imperial masters of the empire last year! You want to destroy the most outstanding professors in the empire, what do you want to do? You want all the people of the empire to become stupid Ignorant, do you believe in whatever you say?"

"Today you go to the Fifth University to arrest Lin Qi, well, you said that Master Kecha is the remnant party of the Enlightenment of the Gods, I can accept your statement! For Lin Qi, I will not turn my face with you, because Lin Qi is better than Not in the interests of the empire!"

"But when I promised to send someone to hunt down Lin Qi for you, you went to the Army Academy and arrested Enzo and his seven classmates! What the **** do you guys want to do? Do you want to subvert the empire? Yours Power has penetrated into all aspects of the empire’s culture, education, and economy. Do you still want to insert your hand into the empire’s army?"

"You unfamiliar group of wild wolf cubs, if you want to subvert the empire, then I will kill you!"

"Don’t you often use religious wars to threaten the nations of our continent? Then, if you really want to have a religious war like this, let’s do one! As your **** said, for those who desire, It must be done! Then you are thirsty for a religious war, and I will grant you a religious war!"

The emperor caught Tulu's neck in a furious state. In the shocked eyes of many civil and military ministers, the emperor grabbed Tulu's head and twisted Tulu's head three hundred and sixty degrees with a ‘click’!

With a loud ‘clang’, several imperial generals drew their swords and pierced the two cardinals cleanly. The emperor killed the cardinal red crown archbishop, so as the emperor's most loyal fighting dog, they would naturally kill these two **** cardinals!

The emperor stood up, he took a deep breath, and gave another will in a low voice.

"To send a letter of credence to the Caesar Empire and the Haran Empire, I will ask their emperor a word, I will take the army to vote with this group of gods, and ask them if they have the courage to follow me with a big vote! Said that as long as they dare to make a move, I can’t guarantee anything else, but the church’s religious tax must be abolished!"

"Send a letter of credence to the group of **** on Wudalian Island, saying that I am going to fight with the church. If they are interested in playing with the church, I can open the border and let a regiment of no more than 100,000 people enter. The hinterland of the mainland! As long as they don't harass the people of the empire, they can rob as many churches as they like, and as many clergy as they like!"

With a sneer, the emperor squinted at a few stunned civil servants: "Tell those orcs that the priestess of the church is very tender and dry! They can crush the maid of the enemy of the gods they believe in. Working **** the bed, these orcs must be very interested! Tell them that if they don't come to grab a ticket, I will take it alone!"

Kicked on Tulu's body, the emperor narrowed his eyes: "To place an order with the underground black dwarves, I asked them to send three main armies to help, and said to their black dwarf king that if they are willing to send troops, I can cancel The garrison in the Uerland Mountains, so that their territory borders the dwarf's territory, and they can plunder the'beautiful dwarf beauties' to their heart's content!"

With a grin, the emperor seemed to be disgusted with his adjectives. He spit out and was about to continue to give orders when Tulu's body suddenly burst into a magnificent golden light. The emperor smashed Tulu's body with a fist, but the golden light flashed around Tulu and disappeared without a trace. The emperor's fist smashed into the air, and a purple-gold vindictive air blasted out, blasting a huge lake out of the lake. Hole.

Seeing Tulu being taken away, the emperor shook his head: "It looks like he didn't completely kill him just now! Has this guy been protected by supernatural power?"

After a few sneers, the emperor continued to give orders one after another that was bound to plunge the entire continent into turmoil. With the issuance of his orders, the entire Gaul Empire moved quickly. Thirty years ago, Saint Louis XIII led the Gaul Empire to victory in the Hundred Years Land Island War. The emperor had supreme authority in the entire Gaul Empire. When he was furious, even the enemy he faced was extremely powerful. The church, the empire still moved quickly.

The emperor held his hands behind his back and looked at the sky gloomily.

"If it weren't for the Viper mobilized by Tulam, then who else? Since you all secretly began to intervene in the empire's most elite army, today you dare to go to the Army Academy to arrest people! You want war, I will give it to you Let's war!"

"The main army of the Knights of Punishment? Can you scare me? They are certainly the elites left over from the Hundred Years Land Island War, but the strongest army of my Gaul Empire, they have not retired!"

"As long as the empire does not lose and the church is forced to abolish special religious taxes, the empire's annual fiscal revenue can at least increase by hundreds of millions of gold coins! This is a lot of money, and the empire will become stronger and stronger! This time, the empire must Won't lose!"

With his fists clenched, the emperor let out a low roar, and walked out of the old Xiongji shop with many civil and military officials.

The alarm bell rang, and the dull bells shook the entire imperial capital. Tens of thousands of soldiers swarmed into the street. Under the leadership of the officers, they quickly approached Shenghui Cathedral. Countless copper hats and dragoons shuttled through the streets and lanes. They received the latest order. They gave up continuing to search for Lin Qi. Instead, they rushed into certain residences in the Imperial Capital that looked like ordinary houses on weekdays. , Arrested everyone inside.

In some mansions, the copper hats and dragoons received fierce resistance, but as long as a siren sounded, the regular army of the empire would come. Those who dared to resist were killed clean, leaving only those smart people who surrendered obediently.

In just an hour, the 172 spy strongholds of the church planted in the imperial capital of the Gaul Empire were swept away. More than a thousand spies, eyes and ears of the church were killed or captured, and no one was arrested.

Countless iron-winged eagle falcons flew around the empire with secret letters, and the magic circle that spread the letter kept lighting up.

With the rapid flight of the eagle and the transmission of the magic circle, the military camps throughout the empire were lit up, and the soldiers rushed out of the camp.

The most elite field army in the empire, the guard corps responsible for defending places, as well as the militia and security joint defense teams formed by ordinary people, all the armed forces have been mobilized and launched all aspects of the churches in the empire. attack.

The lives of the clergymen who were arrested were guaranteed, and those who dared to resist were all killed on the spot.

The blood dyed the night sky red, and the smell of blood began to diffuse throughout the continent.

Just half an hour before the imperial emperor beat Tulu, Lin Qi had worn a large cloak across most of the imperial capital and arrived in front of the Shenghui Cathedral. Seeing that Stein was leading the attack on Shenghui Cathedral, Lin Qi immediately took off his cloak and rushed to the Shenghui Cathedral and roared loudly.

"Hey, you bastards, don't you want to catch me? I'm here, I can let you arrest me. But let go of my brother! Let out Enzo and Longgen, otherwise I will take the gods you believe in I swear by my name, I will let you all die here!"

Lin Qi strode into Shenghui Cathedral, and the soldiers of the beast blood legion who were forming an impact were all stunned. They looked at Lin Qi who came resolutely and couldn't help but raised their thumbs at the same time. This is a real good man who can come desperately when his brother is in trouble!

Someone may say that Lin Qi is too impulsive, too stupid, and loyal, but he is here!

Even if he was facing a monster like the church, he was here, he stood in front of the door of Shenghui Cathedral, swearing at the clergy.

Stan was so angry that he was about to break through Shenghui Cathedral. Why did Lin Qi join in the fun? (To be continued. If you like this work, you are welcome to come to the starting point ( to vote for recommendations and monthly tickets. Your support is my biggest motivation.)

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