Bright Era

Chapter 291: Prisoner Robbery Plan

The prisoners in Lei Yabao were treated very well, so when Lin Qi just yelled, he was swallowing a cigar in his mouth.

Suddenly hearing the voice of the food jailer, Lin Qi almost swallowed a cigar into his stomach with a mouth. He suddenly turned his head and looked at the door of the tower. When the door opened, the light in the room suddenly dimmed, and a huge body slowly walked in with a huge tray.

On the tray are three roasted legs of lamb, two roasted chickens, a large plate of chickpea stewed ducklings, and a small basket of grapes grown in a greenhouse. The green grapes look really good. On the side of the grape basket, there are even two peaches with a little fluff. Although the peaches are green, they are obviously not yet ripe, but they can be eaten in the season just past this cold winter, which is the same as the emperor. enjoy.

In addition to these delicacies, there are two bottles of rum on the huge tray. It's not the red wine stored in Reggae, but the favorite rum of sailors who hang out in the port. Look at the red sticker on the bottle. These two bottles are still Lin Qi’s favorite double-distilled spirits, the kind of high-grade rum that can be used as kerosene, and one bite is like being caught in the stomach. Hit a punch like that.

"Dinner is coming!" The jailer holding the big tray slowly walked to the side of the small square table and carefully placed the tray on the square table. This tray is too big, and the square table is only half the size of this tray, so he must be careful not to let the tray fall over.

Lin Qi looked at the jailer's black beard and the strong smell of cigar tobacco on his body, and couldn't help rolling his eyes. I don’t know which hapless jailer has been pitted by Blackbeard. I guess he’s lying in a gutter and slumbering, right? Look at this leather armor on him. What a pitiful piece of leather armor, it's exactly like a mountain gorilla wearing a child's vest.

With a light cough, Lin Qi threw the cigar on the ground and stamped out the cigar with one foot.

Sitting at the square table, Lin Qi looked at the black beard standing beside him, and said slowly: "It's very rich, if every meal has such a rich meal. What day is today, how can there be so much good? food?"

As he asked, Lin Qi couldn't wait to open a bottle of wine, filled himself with a glass of spirits, and then took the glass and drank it. He sighed comfortably, Lin Qi patted his belly contentedly, and then looked at the punishment knight and dragoon standing beside Blackbeard with cold eyes.

Blackbeard put on an honest and honest expression, and said with an urn sound: "There is a cocktail party today, and there is a little more food prepared in the kitchen. My lord, you have a lot of food, so I gave you a little more! Hey, my lord at night. Do you want a woman to accompany you? A cute little girl, one gold coin for one night!"

Blackbeard smiled very strangely. He rubbed his hands vigorously and tried his best to play a successful pimp, but he was really not that material. He tried his best to make himself laugh more wretched and weird, but No matter how you look at it, he is a butcher better than a pimp.

Lin Qi almost didn't put the meat in his trachea. He coughed violently, rolled his eyes and glanced at Blackbeard, and snorted coldly: "No need, my family has a grievance. You can't do it until you successfully Wow with women!"

Blackbeard licked his lips, bent down and smiled: "Hey, you can't do that. It's good to have a little maid warming the bed and beating the back. A very gentle and beautiful little girl, she is absolutely tender and tender. , You can get water with a pinch! If you are just doing handyman and do not need to sleep with you, you can give ten silver coins a day is enough!"

Lin Qi took a quick look at Blackbeard. He was trying to stuff himself a woman, what is this for?

After thinking about the black shadow that suddenly appeared in Shenghui Cathedral, Lin Qi couldn't help but clicked his lips. Could it be that there are more weird girls under his father? Looking thoughtfully at the black beard with a lustful face, Lin Qi couldn't help being a little surprised. Where did Blackbeard solicit so many weird people? The black shadow is clearly a member of the succubus family, but the succubus doesn't have her supernatural powers, and she must have the blood of other demon races.

Now he is selling himself a little maid again, what does he want to do?

As he was about to push the boat along the river, he agreed to Blackbeard's request, when his footsteps sounded, Li had already walked in slowly.

Looking at Blackbeard with a cold eye, Li yelled in a deep tone: "Aren't you two people delivering food every time? Why are you alone this time? Well, I haven't seen you these days, are you the jailer of Lei Yabao? What is its name? Who is under the jurisdiction?"

Blackbeard shook his arms and turned around, arbitrarily pushing the disciplinary knight standing beside him out. Blackbeard's effort was so great that the disciplinary knight was caught off guard, hitting his head against the wall and almost fainted. He drew his long sword angrily, and he was about to teach Blackbeard a lesson.

But Blackbeard's strange eyes widened, and he pointed at the disciplinary knight and yelled: "Let you have the courage to poke my heart! If you dare not poke, you are the dog raised by my grandson! Give you the courage, you poke I tell you, my sister is the lover of the chief clerk next to the Minister of Justice of the Empire, would you dare to try a finger on me?"

Lin Qi almost didn't spit out a sip of wine in his mouth. After so many years, he had never seen such a tired and lazy side of Blackbeard. He smiled and cocked Erlang's legs, eating meat and drinking, watching Blackbeard's performance with great ease.

Based on Lin Qi's knowledge of his father, Blackbeard appeared here, proving that he had arranged all the backup methods. If the church is not careful, maybe they will have to suffer a huge loss on Blackbeard! So Lin Qi's heart was very relaxed, wishing that Blackbeard and Li could create a little passionate spark.

The disciplinary knight hesitated and dared not start, but Blackbeard put his heart on the tip of his sword. He yelled and promoted the love affairs of his old sister and the chief secretary of the Imperial Minister of Justice. Spitting saliva, the slobber Xingzi almost drowned the hapless punishment knight.

Li couldn't stand it anymore, he snorted softly and ordered the punishment knight to return the long sword. Then he stopped in front of the unreasonable Blackbeard, and repeated his question again.

Blackbeard put his hands on his chest and looked at Li lazily: "Master, I just came to Reggae Castle today. My brother-in-law arranged for me to come in. Do you have any comments? Today, Reggae Castle is holding a cocktail party. There is not enough staff. I will come. Is it possible that I am still wrong to deliver food to this hapless guy who is being held alone?"

He stretched out his thick finger and stabbed Li in the chest, and the black beard smiled strangely: "Little white face, don't think you are the gods of the church and feel proud! Our Gaul Empire did not treat you Seriously!"

Li's face sank, he stared at Blackbeard sternly, and sternly yelled: "Your mission has been completed, leave here now, otherwise..." The holy cross crest burst out of Li's eyes. The dazzling light, two holy cross crests were clearly visible deep in his pupils, revealing a suffocating killing intent.

Blackbeard's body shivered suddenly, he lowered his head, turned his head and smiled at Lin Qi: "My lord, you really don't want a bed warmer to beat the back?"

Lin Qi is now agreeing, and Li has already seen it: "Lin Qi, don’t forget our agreement, you, can’t divulge anything to the outside...Before the trial, you'd better not contact anyone, otherwise your family will suffer. The church's harshest punishment!"

Lin Qi spread his hands and smiled helplessly at Blackbeard.

Blackbeard's face twitched, he laughed a few times, said a few words in the scene, and then walked down the tower step by step.

Li frowned, glanced at the back of Blackbeard in disgust, then walked out of the tower, stepped on the magic flywheel and flew back to the opposite VIP building. Like this kind of jailer who relies on nepotism for dominance and delinquency, it is the ant among the ants, the most humble existence among mortals, and Li is simply too lazy to look at Blackbeard.

Li didn’t even notice the appearance of Blackbeard just now. Even if he let his eyes touch the face of Blackbeard, Li felt that it was the greatest blasphemy and defilement to him, so Li didn’t even notice the black beard’s generation. What it looks like! Anyway, he had driven Blackbeard out of the tower. As long as Lin Qi didn't come into contact with outsiders, his task would be completed.

The brilliance of the God of Punishment covers everything, and no one can shake the will of God.

Looking at Blackbeard except for the door, Lin Qi grabbed a green peach in his hand.

Under the fine hair of the peaches, some seemingly messy patterns were drawn with smaller handwriting. No one except the core members of the Black Tiger family could understand what these patterns represented. This is the secret language of the Black Tiger family, and it is the secret language with the highest density. The seemingly messy strokes can convey very rich information.

——The empire and the church have reached a new agreement, and the empire’s senior officials will try their best to clean up Lin Qi's crimes in order to maintain a complete victory in this operation against the church.

——An Xin stayed at Lei Yabao, don't act rashly.

——All family power has been mobilized, Dun Erke's family business has been transferred underground, once Lin Qi is determined to be guilty, the Black Tiger family will use all their power to rob Lin Qi.

——Before the sentence is pronounced, the family will not contact Lin Qi again.

——Hu Ying is searching for Arthur's trail with all his strength, and if he finds it, he will do his best to kill!

Lin Qi smoothly stuffed the peach into his mouth and took a big bite.

Then he was so sour that he almost took off his teeth, he cursed angrily, and threw the green peach to the ground, stamping it to pieces.

The disciplinary knight guarding Lin Qi looked in and saw Lin Qi venting peaches, and they retracted their heads again. (To be continued. If you like this work, you are welcome to come to the starting point ( to vote for recommendations and monthly tickets. Your support is my biggest motivation.)

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